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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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The Cromwell

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Don't get me started on the RAIN.....

I live in California... Just because it rained.... dispite what the Government and media says.. does not mean 5+ years if natural and 25 years of regulatory drought.... Is Ended....

Farmers will still not have water available to grow crops.......

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They just need more people in CA that will solve the water problem.


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This is FD up shit , I put nothing past owebamma or the Dems . It was Barry's biggest humiliation handing the White House to Trump . This bullshit is pissing off the Russians also . The dems will do anything to undermine Trump but they are undermining America in the process, and they don't care they would bring us to war to stay in power . This shit has got to be stopped! To have a former president actively trying to undermine the free elected president is treasonous. It's a fucking sad state . We have become a third world country . With people in our government actively working against our nation . This puts us in great danger in the world . The president has to work 3 times as hard to do basic duties he's been in for 40 days and they already are talking about impeachment. With no evidence of any wrongdoing. It's very fucking sad . Lock and load it's gonna get worse .

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CNN's reporting is hilarious. They've been rotating in "experts" and interviewing other reporters all morning saying "No proof, no proof". The President shouldn't say stuff and things like this shouldn't be reported without proof!.

Um, they've been saying stuff and reporting stuff about Trump colluding with with Russia for months,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,without proof. But they require proof when the story is about Obama? The hypocrisy is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut through it.

And BTW, the accusations of Trump colluding with Russia make the possibility that Trump was wiretapped plausible and believable. That accusation would certainly pass the FISA Court for a warrant.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I tend to look at the Crisis Du Jour with the government and begin to look for what they are trying to distract attention from. So Obummer wiretapped Trump's campaign. I would expect that of Obummer and his administration. The media and government is is freaking out over Trump ordering leaks investigated, yet the Obummer administration had the FBI wiretap the fucking MSM and individual reporters to go after sources that leaked confidential/secret documents. Time is right, Hypocrisy so thick you need a chainsaw to cut through it.

What is happening behind the scenes is the deep state fighting back with all it's ability, and it is now coming to light. The deep state actors who get financed by the likes of Soros et all are simply part of the globalist agenda to make the state all powerful over the individual. The useful idiots fighting for it will get kicked to the curb once the Global Government takes power.

If you look at other countries, France for Example - Marie Le Pen is gaining support on the financial and anti-immigrant platforms. The EU is now going after her for finance related charges because she stands a real chance of winning the first and second round elections. She would put the referendum up for France to leave the EU and that just scares the willies out of Germany and the rest of the countries with socialist sheeple. The invasion of economic migrants continues unabated and will crush previous numbers this spring and summer. The EU by their own hand and by the Globalists intervention have destroyed what remained of independent society cultures.


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Member For 4 Years
CNN's reporting is hilarious. They've been rotating in "experts" and interviewing other reporters all morning saying "No proof, no proof". The President shouldn't say stuff and things like this shouldn't be reported without proof!.

Um, they've been saying stuff and reporting stuff about Trump colluding with with Russia for months,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,without proof. But they require proof when the story is about Obama? The hypocrisy is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut through it.

And BTW, the accusations of Trump colluding with Russia make the possibility that Trump was wiretapped plausible and believable. That accusation would certainly pass the FISA Court for a warrant.

It's unreal CNN is in overtime on this .

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I tend to look at the Crisis Du Jour with the government and begin to look for what they are trying to distract attention from. So Obummer wiretapped Trump's campaign. I would expect that of Obummer and his administration. The media and government is is freaking out over Trump ordering leaks investigated, yet the Obummer administration had the FBI wiretap the fucking MSM and individual reporters to go after sources that leaked confidential/secret documents. Time is right, Hypocrisy so thick you need a chainsaw to cut through it.

What is happening behind the scenes is the deep state fighting back with all it's ability, and it is now coming to light. The deep state actors who get financed by the likes of Soros et all are simply part of the globalist agenda to make the state all powerful over the individual. The useful idiots fighting for it will get kicked to the curb once the Global Government takes power.

If you look at other countries, France for Example - Marie Le Pen is gaining support on the financial and anti-immigrant platforms. The EU is now going after her for finance related charges because she stands a real chance of winning the first and second round elections. She would put the referendum up for France to leave the EU and that just scares the willies out of Germany and the rest of the countries with socialist sheeple. The invasion of economic migrants continues unabated and will crush previous numbers this spring and summer. The EU by their own hand and by the Globalists intervention have destroyed what remained of independent society cultures.
yep,yep,yep...did you see Junkers having a meltdown.....the EU's persecution of Le Pen could have just been the straw that tips the scale for her.and if she wins ....LOL...Le Pen would make Trump look like a ripple in the pond.The European media is even faker news than ours and colludes with the globalist to keep the massive problems the riff raff of the third world has caused in europe,but they can't totally control information.....


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I tend to look at the Crisis Du Jour with the government and begin to look for what they are trying to distract attention from. So Obummer wiretapped Trump's campaign. I would expect that of Obummer and his administration. The media and government is is freaking out over Trump ordering leaks investigated, yet the Obummer administration had the FBI wiretap the fucking MSM and individual reporters to go after sources that leaked confidential/secret documents. Time is right, Hypocrisy so thick you need a chainsaw to cut through it.

What is happening behind the scenes is the deep state fighting back with all it's ability, and it is now coming to light. The deep state actors who get financed by the likes of Soros et all are simply part of the globalist agenda to make the state all powerful over the individual. The useful idiots fighting for it will get kicked to the curb once the Global Government takes power.

If you look at other countries, France for Example - Marie Le Pen is gaining support on the financial and anti-immigrant platforms. The EU is now going after her for finance related charges because she stands a real chance of winning the first and second round elections. She would put the referendum up for France to leave the EU and that just scares the willies out of Germany and the rest of the countries with socialist sheeple. The invasion of economic migrants continues unabated and will crush previous numbers this spring and summer. The EU by their own hand and by the Globalists intervention have destroyed what remained of independent society cultures.

Yep. The deep state/elite/globalists/new world order or whatever one wants to call it is dying. The loss of power or the failure of finishing the agenda(globalization) has them in desperation mode. What use to be subtle manipulation of opinion(on the population) has become an obvious and absurd manipulation. Good hell, they went full on 'The President of the United States is a Russian spy'. You can't get any more desperate or absurd than that.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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What is really amazing is that the MSM is going full bore with propaganda, yet is simply losing ground because they went full bore and it became obvious to people with a few brain cells to rub together. Violence, Screaming SJW's, and paid political agitators are just creating the situation they don't want, a populace that dismisses them as zealots and Rabid Parrots.

The MSM and the Democrats/Far left have created a toxic environment where ideas and free speech are verboten if they don't follow the far left narrative. The entire Democrat party is going rabid hostile against anything perceived as not conforming to their agenda. They believe that their base is screaming for the censorship, but in reality it's a small percentage, a well monied fringe group that is calling the shots.

Trump would not be in office had a fair amount of democrats not voted for him. That's what scares the snot out of the Democrats, they are playing a razor's edge game, stay totally negative and toxic and risk losing more senate, and house seats in the Federal and State elections, or go completely batshit insane and try to gain their voters back by backing violence against anyone deemed a conservative. At this point, America has shown that the majority of the populace is sick of politics as usual and wants real change and for positive advancement of America. If Trump can deliver on his campaign promises, he will be in for 8 years.

What I laugh at is that the Democrats think that emulating the Tea Party and taking it to the extreme will work with their base. It won't because they didn't have years and years of pent up resentment of being belittled and subjected to scorn because of their fundamental belief in the republic and America as a great place to live and work. If anything became apparent, Democrats took for granted the section of the USA between the coasts, ignoring or despising middle America as Deplorables or uneducated Hicks and Rubes. It cost them the election, it cost them state elections. They got bit in the ass by their own arrogance and self righteousness, yet incredibly they can't see the forest through the trees yet. They are still stuck in the same groove that lost them quite a few elections. Einstein postulated that doing the same equation over and over again with the same variable is tantamount to insanity if the person working the equation expected different results.

There is a shift world wide toward populism in Political figures, it's because the populace has grown sick and tired of the Politician's supporting views and actions that are either diametrically opposed to what the populace wants, or are flat out dangerous to the populace's prosperity and well being. If you want to get to the root of it all, just follow the money. That shift toward populism is causing panic and angst from the Board Room's to the entry level civil servants because it means change. We Humans naturally resist change, but change on this scale threatens those with real power, and the power to make money from the populace.

A current freakout is occurring due to the expedited H1-B visa process being cancelled. Proponents say the visa program brings in teachers, professors, leaders in STEM, Doctors, and Information Technology leaders. The issue is that only a tiny, tiny percentage of the total cap of 85000 visa's are for the professions listed previously. The vast majority of the H1-B visas are granted to outsourcing Tech Companies in India. They replace mid and low level USA IT workers with cheap labor. No wonder Google, Facebook, and the rest are pissing in their pants. That means they will actually have to hire AMERICAN citizens for their IT labor needs.


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The official Obama press release.

"A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false."

It implies that Trump may have been wiretapped.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Um, wow. So the white house never went to the secret court to get a warrant to tap the phones of Reuter's reporters. They just did it all by themselves. How quickly the MSM forgets.


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Member For 4 Years
Apparently the NSA and Obama were tapping/hacking the election also.......

I'm starting to wonder how Russian this Russian hacking group was.....

I never believed the whole Russia thing... I thought it was more likely Isreal. ... but it looks like the whole thing is a US Intel op.

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CIA has 3 major factions.

One is loyal to the Globalists/Bushs/Clintons/Obama/Sorros/Saudi Arabia. Brennan headed that effort & created and trained ISIS with Saudi funding to destabilize Libya & Syria to install more favorable governments & the Iran Treaty/ISIS infiltration effort. They created the refugee crisis in doing so. Brennan was responsible for the wiretapping of Trump, the False flag Russian Hacking, & #Goldengate Dossier Media Manipulation, Internet Censorchip, Intel Leaks and Trump Russian ties narrative. Obama is actively involved with efforts to oust Trump with this faction.

Second faction is working deeply in concert with Israel's Mossad & has been blackmailing many in government for years to serve the Israeli agenda in global politics & works against the first faction when it is in their interest. This is group responsible for the hack if it was not the Mossad itself. This was the group that prevented Hillary from stealing the Election from Trump after alerts of Russian hacking of DNC were issued & forced very close scrutiny of the election integrity facilitating Trumps win & thereby creating conditions more favorable to Israel.

The third faction is made up of loyal American patriots there to do their jobs and serve the President's administration & Congress with honor no matter who that may be. They also pressed for closely monitoring the integrity of the election.

The Military Industrial Complex is deeply entrenched with all factions and would like Trump gone because he is holding their profit margins to account in contract negotiations to keep USA from paying twice as much for arms as other world players do.

If the DNC was hacked, it was a Mossad conceived operation done by CIA/NSA assets loyal to the Israeli world view of things or done by Mossad itself. Julian Assage is reported to have close ties to Israel--not Russia & this would suggest Mossad themselves were responsible as Assage is not a friend to the CIA.

You were right the first time in my opinion, but many have accused a NSA operative for the leak.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Where is Trumps Proof?
Ohh wait he is the "Donald" so he needs no proof?

Sad when politics becomes mostly faith based like a religion.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Where is Trumps Proof?
Ohh wait he is the "Donald" so he needs no proof?

Sad when politics becomes mostly faith based like a religion.
You would have seen Trumps proof if you read the article in the post just before yours.

His tweet was in response to reading a Breitbart Article that listed a timeline on the Russian Hacking noting that the Obama Administration was Granted a FISA Warrant against Trump in October. The Breitbard Article had referenced the article in This link: as its source for that assertion.

The article above was the source for that part of the story
By Louise Mensch | 10:18 pm, November 7, 2016 was published in Heat Street & listed two independent confidential Sources as the basis for the article:

"Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia."
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I saw a video of Le Pen fucking killing Merkel to her face . That broad has guts she is no joke

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If that's the same video I watched she did a number on François Hollande also.
He and Merkel looked like they were gonna hug and bust out in tears.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If that's the same video I watched she did a number on François Hollande also.
He and Merkel looked like they were gonna hug and bust out in tears.

Merkel was so uncomfortable she was almost looking for someone to shut her up

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My question is Trump's and for that matter Session's ties to Voldemort.....
But... but... but... YOU said his NAME... Gitmo (Hogwarts annex) for you!

Trump was absolutely brilliant for asking for the investigation into Barry's wiretaps. This opens up the door to go down all sorts of paths into the ZerO administration. I think they need to find out if Loretta Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was tied to the dealings the Clinton Global Initiative operatives had with Russia? They did, after all facilitate Russia getting access to 20% of our Uranium. What did they get in return? Did they pay Hillary to throw the election to Trump in order to use it as a straw man for unleashing Soros' anti-American protests all over the country? Did Barry coordinate with that judge in Washington in order to subvert Trump's ability to protect the nation? Did Barry instruct the judge in Oregon to assist that illegal alien in escaping ICE? Clearly, assisting illegal aliens in their quest to overrun, and eventually take over our country is treason. What did Mexico promise Barry to turn a blind eye to the continuing invasion? The judge in the Trump University case is a member of La Raza, which is the organization set up to assist with the invasion using our legal system against us. Did the Russians advise Barry to do this?

The seriousness of these charges require that serious investigations be launched. Treason is still punishable by death in the US, correct? Forget lethal injection, the electric chair, hanging, etc.. Those are all too time consuming, cruel, and expensive. Ask for 10 volunteers to bring their own rifles and 1 round of ammo each. Have them show up and let one Marine Corpsman (hehe) take the rifles into a tent and replace 9 of the cartridges with blanks. I'll volunteer. Time, travel, rifle, and round donated to the US government free of charge. I'll just chalk it up to not asking what my country can do for me, but what I can do for my country.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sad when politics becomes mostly faith based like a religion.
That's exactly what we have been saying. These loons protesting in the streets with their faces covered have been trying to fight to preserve not one, but two political religions. Globalism, and Progressive-ism. Where were your tears when these disciples were literally destroying our country, and burning our flag? At least not one single window has been smashed, not one thing set on fire, nor a single flag burned by the Trump supporters. Hypocrisy. Gotta love it.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The official Obama press release.
"A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false."

It implies that Trump may have been wiretapped.

It sure does. There's so much wiggle room in that statement, you could pilot the entire 7th Fleet though it...

"no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice,". So... If the DoJ wasn't already in the process of performing or considering performing an independent investigation, they were 100% approved to order surveillance, correct? It also says that if the DoJ was doing the investigation themselves, the administration was free and clear to order surveillance as well. Only the independent ones are covered by that statement.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They certainly ordered a loosening of the rules to allow a citizens personal information captured in a Intelligence investigation to be shared inter-departmentally making leaks of that information virtually guaranteed in Trumps case. Barry is guilty of orchestrating an organized interdepartmental insurrection against his successor which amounts to treason.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They certainly ordered a loosening of the rules to allow a citizens personal information captured in a Intelligence investigation to be shared inter-departmentally making leaks of that information virtually guaranteed in Trumps case. Barry is guilty of orchestrating an organized interdepartmental insurrection against his successor which amounts to treason.
at the very least sedition...I had a prophetic vision months ago of Obama being frog marched in the time I laid it down to wishfull thinking or bad scallops, but maybe miracles do happen Virginia......Obama is meat puppet of the globalists he deserves to be sharing a jail cell with Hilary and Bush.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But... but... but... YOU said his NAME... Gitmo (Hogwarts annex) for you!

Trump was absolutely brilliant for asking for the investigation into Barry's wiretaps. This opens up the door to go down all sorts of paths into the ZerO administration. I think they need to find out if Loretta Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was tied to the dealings the Clinton Global Initiative operatives had with Russia? They did, after all facilitate Russia getting access to 20% of our Uranium. What did they get in return? Did they pay Hillary to throw the election to Trump in order to use it as a straw man for unleashing Soros' anti-American protests all over the country? Did Barry coordinate with that judge in Washington in order to subvert Trump's ability to protect the nation? Did Barry instruct the judge in Oregon to assist that illegal alien in escaping ICE? Clearly, assisting illegal aliens in their quest to overrun, and eventually take over our country is treason. What did Mexico promise Barry to turn a blind eye to the continuing invasion? The judge in the Trump University case is a member of La Raza, which is the organization set up to assist with the invasion using our legal system against us. Did the Russians advise Barry to do this?

The seriousness of these charges require that serious investigations be launched. Treason is still punishable by death in the US, correct? Forget lethal injection, the electric chair, hanging, etc.. Those are all too time consuming, cruel, and expensive. Ask for 10 volunteers to bring their own rifles and 1 round of ammo each. Have them show up and let one Marine Corpsman (hehe) take the rifles into a tent and replace 9 of the cartridges with blanks. I'll volunteer. Time, travel, rifle, and round donated to the US government free of charge. I'll just chalk it up to not asking what my country can do for me, but what I can do for my country.
Why not Nine bullets, 1 blank..... serves same purpose?

Surely there is some treason, at least, going on here, somewhere........

There's no way thus shit would just be breaking loose in the press... NOW. If true. IF TRUE it shows incompetence and corruption of the government....

Somebody better go to jail if not hang.

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It made the press on a real time basis but coverage was glossed over by the CIA controlled MSM as they did not want attention drawn to it. You gotta laugh at the talking heads acting like this was a revelation by Trump without proof when they themselves reported on it in January but shifted the narrative away from it intentionally.


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Surprised obummer didn't put a tap on shillary as well. Just to give her the courtesy of a reach around. That way she'd be getting tapped in one way or another considering even slick willy didn't wanna tap that. lmao


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Member For 4 Years
Surprised obummer didn't put a tap on shillary as well. Just to give her the courtesy of a reach around. That way she'd be getting tapped in one way or another considering even slick willy didn't wanna tap that. lmao
You didn't think Russian Hacking had anything to do with Russians did you?

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's exactly what we have been saying. These loons protesting in the streets with their faces covered have been trying to fight to preserve not one, but two political religions. Globalism, and Progressive-ism. Where were your tears when these disciples were literally destroying our country, and burning our flag? At least not one single window has been smashed, not one thing set on fire, nor a single flag burned by the Trump supporters. Hypocrisy. Gotta love it.
Diversion and derision....
Now being a Trumpeteer take some faith.
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