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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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I almost...almost feel sorry for the DNC......nah, not really I'm laughing at them.

It's pathetic! CNN is on it 24 hours a day . All with not even a hint of evidence something is wrong. Now Barry is gearing up to take down trump he has his Muslim in chief moving in with him Valerie Jarrett. This asshole won't go away

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Russian connection


this russian connection crap is like hunting for bigfoot.

it is going to blow up in their face.

all i know is, Mr T is going to have the last laugh.
bho's expanded surveillance EO and the stooges left in place during the transition are going to get flushed soon.
his business is his business, and he will not tolerate the leaks or poor judgement these folks are using to undermine his work.

quote from a friend:
"In my 60 yrs. I found that the average liberal prefers lies over truth, ignorance over knowledge, and excuses over owning-up"


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I have a feeling over this year we will see a bunch of deep state actors outed and fired for violating their signed confidentiality agreements.

I don't think we've seen the hardball tactics yet. It ain't gonna be nice and the MSM and left are going to go into a complete sputtering meltdown when it does happen.

Which is exactly what Trump's administration wants. To make the opposition party appear to be rabid weasels, biting at anything and everything they can.


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The dem cheat machine couldn't accept they lost their rigged election vs. Bush.
Hence we had chadgate.
bho won, many just questioned 0 votes for any R in key districts that changed outcomes,
dubious voting participation percentages and 'found' ballots (e.g franken race).
Now hrc loses. How could this happen with the machine in place??
Now it is kremlingate.
They've cried wolf too many times and got caught.
We know better.


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Member For 4 Years
this russian connection crap is like hunting for bigfoot.

it is going to blow up in their face.

all i know is, Mr T is going to have the last laugh.
bho's expanded surveillance EO and the stooges left in place during the transition are going to get flushed soon.
his business is his business, and he will not tolerate the leaks or poor judgement these folks are using to undermine his work.

quote from a friend:
"In my 60 yrs. I found that the average liberal prefers lies over truth, ignorance over knowledge, and excuses over owning-up"

I agree.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have a feeling over this year we will see a bunch of deep state actors outed and fired for violating their signed confidentiality agreements.

I don't think we've seen the hardball tactics yet. It ain't gonna be nice and the MSM and left are going to go into a complete sputtering meltdown when it does happen.

Which is exactly what Trump's administration wants. To make the opposition party appear to be rabid weasels, biting at anything and everything they can.
I hope this isn't simply matter of being fired..I hope this is prosecuted in a criminal sedition.


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Member For 4 Years
what do you think they want all the immigrants for.
Thank you for stating that. Certainly explains how all these refugee "children" appear to be men between the ages of 16 and 45. Seems like those would be the ones required to stay behind in a War Zone while the women & little kids would go to safety in other countries.
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Diamond Contributor
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Strange all I can see is a Libtard stupid enough to believe the lies the Hillary Clinton & her Campaign told the American people to distract them from the Factual & Legitimate Wikileaks DNC emails showing blatant criminal conduct in collusion with the media to influence the outcome of the 2016 Election against both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Hillary's & Saudi Arabia's CIA operative John Brennan furthered these same lies to attempt to discredit the Trump administration to set the stage for a Coup attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President of the USA & this jackass is stupid enough to Buy that Insult to his Intelligence Hook Line & Sinker to the point he is the only jackass left on the street with a sign.

The only ones who hacked the election were the DNC, Hillary Clinton & the MSM,
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VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
Strange all I can see is a Libtard stupid enough to believe the lies the Hillary Clinton & her Campaign told the American people to distract them from the Factual & Legitimate Wikileaks DNC emails showing blatant criminal conduct in collusion with the media to influence the outcome of the 2016 Election against both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Hillary's & Saudi Arabia's CIA operative John Brennan furthered these same lies to attempt to discredit the Trump administration to set the stage for a Coup attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President of the USA & this jackass is stupid enough to Buy that Insult to his Intelligence Hook Line & Sinker to the point he is the only jackass left on the street with a sign.

The only ones who hacked the election were the DNC, Hillary Clinton & the MSM,

You sound very similar



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Member For 4 Years
I do not agree with everything this guy says especially some of the 911 stuff, but I think he is a lot more right than wrong on Trumps situation..

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I don't think we've seen the hardball tactics yet. It ain't gonna be nice and the MSM and left are going to go into a complete sputtering meltdown when it does happen.
Seems to me they've been in a meltdown ever since the evening of November 8th when the "blue wall" crumbled.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Strange all I can see is a Libtard stupid enough to believe the lies the Hillary Clinton & her Campaign told the American people to distract them from the Factual & Legitimate Wikileaks DNC emails showing blatant criminal conduct in collusion with the media to influence the outcome of the 2016 Election against both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Hillary's & Saudi Arabia's CIA operative John Brennan furthered these same lies to attempt to discredit the Trump administration to set the stage for a Coup attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President of the USA & this jackass is stupid enough to Buy that Insult to his Intelligence Hook Line & Sinker to the point he is the only jackass left on the street with a sign.

The only ones who hacked the election were the DNC, Hillary Clinton & the MSM,
Apparently the NSA and Obama were tapping/hacking the election also.......

I'm starting to wonder how Russian this Russian hacking group was.....

I never believed the whole Russia thing... I thought it was more likely Isreal. ... but it looks like the whole thing is a US Intel op.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Apparently the NSA and Obama were tapping/hacking the election also.......

I'm starting to wonder how Russian this Russian hacking group was.....

I never believed the whole Russia thing... I thought it was more likely Isreal. ... but it looks like the whole thing is a US Intel op.

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Hell Obama got busted wire tapping the heads of state of half of Europe....our so called allies.....if he would tap the phones of the european leadership what would make Trump immune from his crimes.


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Blame it on the rain


Don't get me started on the RAIN.....

I live in California... Just because it rained.... dispite what the Government and media says.. does not mean 5+ years if natural and 25 years of regulatory drought.... Is Ended....

Farmers will still not have water available to grow crops.......

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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Don't get me started on the RAIN.....

I live in California... Just because it rained.... dispite what the Government and media says.. does not mean 5+ years if natural and 25 years of regulatory drought.... Is Ended....

Farmers will still not have water available to grow crops.......

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Wassup with that drought bullshit... they don't say anything anymore... people back to wasting h20!!



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hell Obama got busted wire tapping the heads of state of half of Europe....our so called allies.....if he would tap the phones of the european leadership what would make Trump immune from his crimes.

This is FD up shit , I put nothing past owebamma or the Dems . It was Barry's biggest humiliation handing the White House to Trump . This bullshit is pissing off the Russians also . The dems will do anything to undermine Trump but they are undermining America in the process, and they don't care they would bring us to war to stay in power . This shit has got to be stopped! To have a former president actively trying to undermine the free elected president is treasonous. It's a fucking sad state . We have become a third world country . With people in our government actively working against our nation . This puts us in great danger in the world . The president has to work 3 times as hard to do basic duties he's been in for 40 days and they already are talking about impeachment. With no evidence of any wrongdoing. It's very fucking sad . Lock and load it's gonna get worse .

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