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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Under Ground Hustler
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I have requested my account removed from this site on account of the vicious Leftist hatred and trolling I've encountered here. I am blocking all future emails from this site. I have experienced this site as far worse than ECF which I left for much the same reasons. Hope you haters are all happy to have driven me away. All you have is your hate.

We don't delete accounts here.
You can very easily delete yourself by not returning.

The part i just can not figure out is when you called out ALL right conservative members as leftists.

Which makes me wonder what planet you are actually on.

Also you did not use different names in other places to protect your identity you stole one persons grainy ass pic and pretended like it was you.

Wanna prove me wrong?
Change your avatar to a different pic of the same woman.

Funny thing is you have actually played directly from the intolerant alt left playbook since you arrived here.

Are we in bizarro world?
Am I trapped in the fucking matrix?



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Dood was Part of the leftists recent ongoing effort to police & disrupt the sites that contain certain posts by InfoWars, & others are showing up on & shared from in other places.

Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice, Milo, Tomi Lahren & others are driving them all fucking nuts! They are convinced that's why Hillary lost & they are striving to shut these voices down. (without ever realizing they ran a known liar & traitorous scumbag for the Presidency).

Trump's speech before Congress has put them all over the edge and they are lashing out the only way they have left at this point. Even the MSM can't refute what he did, He became the Nations President in that speech in no uncertain terms.

No self respecting conservative woman would enter someone's backyard, insult everyone in it, including someone just trying to explain who was in the yard without an agenda as Time attempted to do, much less attack forum moderators. I do not buy her as a conservative as Conservatives have Respect and furthermore project that respect, expecting the same in return. She was pecking for a fight from the moment she posted with no respect for those in the space she was seeking to be welcomed to. Time just tried to explain. He didn't even call her a doode, just explained. I'm not buying lunatic either, that only leaves disruptive leftist disguising identity.

Shame, I would have welcomed a female conservative to the fold...but I will not stand for dealing with the PC bullshit have your cake & eat it too crap from any member. Women by & large are responsible for most of the leftist nonsensical talking points as they are well versed at keeping males in submission no matter how ridiculous the claim they are putting forth. This whole transgender bathroom thing could only have come from a barren woman pissed off at not being able t conceive trying to vent frustration at those that could since no other rational person could consider it a good idea. Absurd.

As stupid & annoying as the EJs & Flaming Fat Birds are, they don't even broach that. Shame, as I was going to demand Rox actually do his job & demand EJ be banned for insulting a lady new to the forum & trying to drive her away with vulgar insults. Shame a true lady ultimately was not to be found.
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Diamond Contributor
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Off topic but I met a dood the other day with pointy ears(real pointy ears, born that way) and while it was not appropriate for me to say anything I did think of you, lol. I swear he had real Vulcan ears.
IMO, the time of that PC bullshit is over as it should be. That is really what this election was all about. Nothing wrong with letting that be known without crossing the line of reasonable behavior.

There are a lot of wacko fans out there who would surgically alter. How do you know he was born that way without asking in a non-insulting way? I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
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Diamond Contributor
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I do regret that Trump did ot usher the Pedophile offenders from the hall under Armed guard right in front of the cameras. Would have made his statement about draining the swamp that much more profound & taken the opposition leaks, liars and insurrection organizations workin against him right out of the equation.

I consider that a failure of my expectations.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy shit, that was some fun reading. Here I thought I was pretty blatant and pro Trump, generally conservative. While I most often don't care for liberal views that was pretty fucking extreme even for me. lmao. Maybe they were stressed from the other forum or something, never been there so can't say. My best guess, walgreens was slacking on their inventory and couldn't make a much needed refill.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy shit, that was some fun reading. Here I thought I was pretty blatant and pro Trump, generally conservative. While I most often don't care for liberal views that was pretty fucking extreme even for me. lmao. Maybe they were stressed from the other forum or something, never been there so can't say. My best guess, walgreens was slacking on their inventory and couldn't make a much needed refill.
my thoughts as well......



Under Ground Hustler
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Even though being a liberal looks so entirely stupid to just about everyone looking on i can kind of understand why it happens.

You grow up in affluent eliteville USA where us normal people are lucky to see one year of your college tuition if we work two years of back breaking over time.

You go off to $60,000 a year brainwash university for a four year major in liberal arts or some other bullshit course that produces useless majors and minors with no job opportunity.

You are surrounded with a bunch of people who belong in a psych ward and your professors are the worst of them all.

I can see how easy it would be to just stay in the echo chamber and let everyone else tell you what to think and how to feel.

But 4 or 5 years after college you no longer have an excuse.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Even though being a liberal looks so entirely stupid to just about everyone looking on i can kind of understand why it happens.

You grow up in affluent eliteville USA where us normal people are lucky to see one year of your college tuition if we work two years of back breaking over time.

You go off to $60,000 a year brainwash university for a four year major in liberal arts or some other bullshit course that produces useless majors and monies with no job opportunity.

You are surrounded with a bunch of people who belong in a psych ward and your professors are the worst of them all.

I can see how easy it would be to just stay in the echo chamber and let everyone else tell you what to think and how to feel.

But 4 or 5 years after college you no longer have a excuse.
yep...and alot of it is the inability to stand alone, the fear of social ostrization for having a heretical thought, going along with the crowd to get along,appearing to be a "nice" person, don't rock the boat,placing the social constructs above the individual"s authentic experince of short the same tools used by all puritanical cults to keep the "social order" humming along.....and it's not simply to be accepted socially in alot of the coastal cities there is a very REAL threat of losing your job for expressing inconvenient truths.


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I agree, I was born and raised on the west coast. Things weren't quite as extreme then but there was still the whole 'the world would be better off as a melding pot' rhetoric, everyone's a winner, participation ribbons and trophies. Summer 'activities' to keep the kids babysat whether it was camp or something else. Then after primary school everyone rushes off to college for another 2-4yrs of babysitting while they 'find themselves'.

Thankfully politics never played a huge part in my family, my mother was a free thinking individual, my dad worked manual labor and my stepdad was from an entirely different era/generation so I avoided a lot of the brainwashing. Not sure my stepdad was overly political, just from an older generation that learned from the school of hard knocks and common sense. Probably just as well he passed decades ago, if he had to put up with the nonsense of today I'm sure he would have lost his mind.

Think someone that was a bit like crocodile dundee mixed with clint eastwood and a bit of red foreman rolled in one. lmao.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They don't give up with the Russian bit.
Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions under fire over Russia meetings
Attorney General Jeff Sessions met Russia's ambassador during the election despite telling his confirmation he had "no communications with the Russians".

The justice department confirmed he met Sergei Kislyak in July and September last year as part of his role on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Mr Sessions said on Thursday he did not meet "with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign".

Claims of Russian interference in the election have dogged President Trump.

The US intelligence community believes the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic organisations was carried out to help Mr Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Mr Trump's National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, was fired last month after he misled the White House about his conversations with Mr Kislyak, allegedly regarding sanctions against Moscow.

The Democrats have reacted with anger at the latest revelations, saying Mr Sessions should resign and at the very least step aside from an FBI probe he is overseeing into the hacking claims.

What is the basis of the latest allegation?
The Washington Post reported that Mr Sessions and Mr Kislyak held a private conversation in Mr Sessions's office in September and had spoken earlier in the summer at a meeting with several other ambassadors.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is a worldwide conspiracy boyz and girlz
Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution over IS images
he European Parliament has lifted French far-right leader Marine Le Pen's immunity from prosecution after she tweeted pictures of so-called Islamic State (IS) violence.

Ms Le Pen is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of IS killings in 2015, including the beheading of US journalist James Foley.

Her position as an MEP has so far meant she could not be prosecuted.
The European Parliament vote - carried by a "big majority", according to acting parliament speaker Dimitrios Papadimoulis - confirmed a preliminary decision taken on Tuesday by the legal affairs committee of the European Union legislature.

Ms Le Pen had dismissed efforts to lift her immunity as "part of the system that wants to stop the French people's candidate that I am".

The allegations date back to December 2015, when she tweeted the pictures in response to a journalist who drew an analogy between her anti-immigration Front National party and IS extremists.

Mr Foley's parents accused Le Pen of using the "shamefully uncensored" image of their son for her own political ends.

Ms Le Pen is currently running to be French president.

Opinion polls suggest she is on course to win the first round in April, but centrist Emmanuel Macron is gaining ground and looks likely to beat her in a second round in May.

A Figaro/LCI poll on Sunday put Mr Macron - who was unveiling his manifesto at the same time as it was revealed Ms Le Pen had lost her immunity - on 58% in the run-off, against 42% for Ms Le Pen.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Shame, I would have welcomed a female conservative to the fold...

I'm a conservative woman. My parents were both Democrats, but back then Democrats were like conservatives are now. They were NOTHING like the current "liberals." And I grew up in Portland, Oregon. I was finally driven out when I was 37 years old. I couldn't handle it anymore. Now I live in rural South Dakota, and I might be armed. ;) Or not. :D And yes, I did vote for Trump.


Platinum Contributor
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Crud... I was thinking of moving there at some point. Can y'all make one more exception?
Only 'cause you have a boat...Be forewarned though, Key West smells like rotten fish.
North Central up around where that Sick dood lives is pretty cool.
But you wouldn't wanna visit S FL even in you're a Miami Vice fan


Diamond Contributor
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I'm a conservative woman. My parents were both Democrats, but back then Democrats were like conservatives are now. They were NOTHING like the current "liberals." And I grew up in Portland, Oregon. I was finally driven out when I was 37 years old. I couldn't handle it anymore. Now I live in rural South Dakota, and I might be armed. ;) Or not. :D And yes, I did vote for Trump.
Good to have you on board. I also, am conservative and female, I am armed and love it. Constitutional Carry state, I live in, open carry or concealed with no license, couldn't get better then that.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good to have you on board. I also, am conservative and female, I am armed and love it. Constitutional Carry state, I live in, open carry or concealed with no license, couldn't get better then that.

There's a bill currently moving through our state legislature to allow Constitutional carry (it amazes me that I have to say this, in of all places, South Dakota), but the RINO governor doesn't like the peasants carrying without knowing who they are, so he plans to veto it. I hope there are enough senators to override it. It's not like everyone isn't already carrying, fer cryin' out loud. :rolleyes:


Diamond Contributor
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There's a bill currently moving through our state legislature to allow Constitutional carry (it amazes me that I have to say this, in of all places, South Dakota), but the RINO governor doesn't like the peasants carrying without knowing who they are, so he plans to veto it. I hope there are enough senators to override it. It's not like everyone isn't already carrying, fer cryin' out loud. :rolleyes:
An armed society is a polite society.

Hopefully people will call, email so forth, so he wont veto the bill. It takes the people to change the mind of those who want to control the populous.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is a worldwide conspiracy boyz and girlz
Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution over IS images
he European Parliament has lifted French far-right leader Marine Le Pen's immunity from prosecution after she tweeted pictures of so-called Islamic State (IS) violence.

Ms Le Pen is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of IS killings in 2015, including the beheading of US journalist James Foley.

Her position as an MEP has so far meant she could not be prosecuted.
The European Parliament vote - carried by a "big majority", according to acting parliament speaker Dimitrios Papadimoulis - confirmed a preliminary decision taken on Tuesday by the legal affairs committee of the European Union legislature.

Ms Le Pen had dismissed efforts to lift her immunity as "part of the system that wants to stop the French people's candidate that I am".

The allegations date back to December 2015, when she tweeted the pictures in response to a journalist who drew an analogy between her anti-immigration Front National party and IS extremists.

Mr Foley's parents accused Le Pen of using the "shamefully uncensored" image of their son for her own political ends.

Ms Le Pen is currently running to be French president.

Opinion polls suggest she is on course to win the first round in April, but centrist Emmanuel Macron is gaining ground and looks likely to beat her in a second round in May.

A Figaro/LCI poll on Sunday put Mr Macron - who was unveiling his manifesto at the same time as it was revealed Ms Le Pen had lost her immunity - on 58% in the run-off, against 42% for Ms Le Pen.
Yeah,the globalist in the EU can't afford another Brexit...if Le Pen wins they ate fucked, they are going to do all they can to rig the election against her..


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah,the globalist in the EU can't afford another Brexit...if Le Pen wins they ate fucked, they are going to do all they can to rig the election against her..
I've said b4 and will say it again. Le Pen is the modern day version of Joan of Arc.
God is on her side and so am I.
Vive Le Pen, Vive La Liberté, Vive La France!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've said b4 and will say it again. Le Pen is the modern day version of Joan of Arc.
God is on her side and so am I.
Vive Le Pen, Vive La Liberté, Vive La France!
Now all we have to do is get the French to see that...Rothschild is going to be launching every media outlet against her as well as perverting the law in an attempt to destroy her.But those cheese eating surrender monkeys coukld just as easily bow to the Caliphate


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Now all we have to do is get the French to see that...Rothschild is going to be launching every media outlet against her as well as perverting the law in an attempt to destroy her.But those cheese eating surrender monkeys coukld just as easily bow to the Caliphate
Both my father and grandfather paid their own way back to France
to fight Le Bosch during WWII, not all the French are pussy footing winos...
Surely some will put down the cheese.

Which reminds me, Vive Le Port Salut Fromage! ;)


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Wait SHES ME...
Get off ur conservative FAKE ASSES and do cardio before you all have a massive STROKE...

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wait SHES ME...
Get off ur conservative FAKE ASSES and do cardio before you all have a massive STROKE...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Worked your way up to four words per sentence! Nice.


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Mods can you please take a look at this photo
I think the OP is implying PEDOPHILIA
You and FALSEVAPE have obsessions with BABIES AND KIDS...
Keep liking ur own shit!

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mods can you please take a look at this photo
I think the OP is implying PEDOPHILIA
You and FALSEVAPE have obsessions with BABIES AND KIDS...
Keep liking ur own shit!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why do you think I'm implying pedophilia, are you feeling like you've been fucked?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Le Pen's France....

yeah this is happening in Italy as well. you have floods of muslim migrants who are making it a point to deface the culture they are invading.....why would this surprise anyone didn't we see Islamist blow up budhhist cliff paintings and statues in Afghanistan. defile the museums of Iraq...
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