Too many people in CA. Well southern CA anyway.Yeah maybe, but also the fact that we are allowing massive immigration into California both legal and illegal.....the legislature of California tells us we can't water our lawns we have to be regulated .we can't have the lightbulbs we want or we will kill the planet,it has to be regulated we can't have the toliet we want because it will destroy the eco-system,it has to be regulated.... but then the same Democrat party that controls the entire state tells us totally unregulated populations on the resources of the state are is not sustainable......when an enviromentalist in Calirfornia asks me to sign a petition or give money the first question I ask them is.."what is your stance on immigration legal and illegal " if they don't ask to stop it I walk away I realize they aren't really enviromentalists they are just pimping for the DNC...meanwhile rich agriculture land is being destroyed to house the growing population, and the demands on water are being diverted for the same reason....if it wasn't for immigration the population of the state would be going down to sustainable levels, but any talk now of sustainability has nothing to do with the enviroment, but just another ploy to steal the wealth of the people and to protect the bussiness interests of the status quo...
Too bad none of the other states want them.
Texas is about the same way.
Sucking their frakin aquifers dry.
If it was not for a New Deal liberal Dam and aqueducts and such that the taxpayers paid for both Socal and Nevada would be pretty barren.