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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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That you agree with most of what peewee misspells is actually irrelevant to the point, hellcat the racist motorbike rider.
I understood your attempt at waxing all comes down to you thinking he's wasting his time.
I agree.
Both those guys are too old to teach new tricks to. If only they could communicate...
But if you've ever tried to communicate with a rabid dog intent on biting your ass
then you know just how vain even thinking you're cool enough to try is.

Like I said earlier, French students and "intellectuals" kept right on committing suicide
even after Camus in his 'Myth of Sillypuss' tried to dissuade them from ending their futile existence.
Camus, like peewee was a vain man..but he could spell.
This from a half baked asswipe who thinks there is a zionist plot headed by giant green lizards from outter space who roam the earth, and tries to pass himself off as James Bond to total strangers on internet forums.
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The Cromwell

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What is a Fake Christian? or are you saying one can't he both an ass and a Christian..

I mean there are good Atheists and asshole atheists in my experience .

being Christian or athiest doesn't make one an asshole.... being an Asshole came first.

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I've met PLENTY of asshole Christians. Come to think of it it's probably the exact same percentage of asshole per religion as any other.


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Trump’s Secret Service Spending Spree Might Be Illegal

The Secret Service is almost broke. Come the end of September, it will be out of money.

His administration has ordered the Secret Service to protect 35% more people than his predecessor’s did. This includes overseeing the security of his sons as they make business trips all over the globe to improve the Trump family’s bottom line. One example is Eric Trump’s trip in January to Uruguay to promote the Punta del Esta Trump property. The taxpayer’s tab was over $100,000. Another example is Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s recent skiing trip.


The Cromwell

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Trump’s Secret Service Spending Spree Might Be Illegal

The Secret Service is almost broke. Come the end of September, it will be out of money.

His administration has ordered the Secret Service to protect 35% more people than his predecessor’s did. This includes overseeing the security of his sons as they make business trips all over the globe to improve the Trump family’s bottom line. One example is Eric Trump’s trip in January to Uruguay to promote the Punta del Esta Trump property. The taxpayer’s tab was over $100,000. Another example is Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s recent skiing trip.


LMAO thinking back about the right wingers whining about the SS costs for Obama..

Just funny as hell that Fox is not raising this as an issue?

The Cromwell

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Groups should be classified based on their actions.
No problem from me with this.
imho anyone who wears masks in protests should be classified as a terrorist.
especially if they hold up a bloody Trump mask!

Fixed that for ya.



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I should not have clicked on the Show Ignored Content.

Libtards got no self control. The next time you use the ignore feature, you might want to read up on the definition of "ignore", lol. :)

Wishy Washy
Someone who can't make up their mind. Says they will do something, then don't...Or gives an opinion about how they feel and changes it later.
He said he wanted to break up with his girlfriend. Then the next day he didn't want to break up with his girlfriend. He is so wishy washy.


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Berkeley Mayor Calls for Antifa to be Classified as Crime Gang After Clashes at Weekend Protest

A BAMN member Mayor calling for classifying ANTIFA a crime gang?
there's alot of rich people in Berkeley, alot of rich white people in Berkeley....they want the revolution to come...they just want it to happen in Oakland or Richmond...they don't want their neighborhood getting burned down.....and besides antifa has started to target democrats who they think are not violent enough.suddenly rich Berkeley liberal Jews and rich liberal Whites are being hasseled for not pulling their wieght for the cause.Suddenly the "radical chic" is not that chic......The rich liberals in the Berkeley hills, and the parents forking out massive dough to send their little darlings to Univesity of Berkeley are putting the squeeze on City Hall....keep that shit in the Black communities. I'm trying to have my artisan prosciutto and my glass of Malbec in peace here.
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The Cromwell

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WASHINGTON — A business associate of President Trump promised in 2015 to engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, that he said would help Mr. Trump win the presidency.

The associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of emails to Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Mr. Putin. He predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would highlight Mr. Trump’s savvy negotiating skills and be a political boon to his candidacy.

“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”


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there's alot of rich people in Berkeley, alot of rich white people in Berkeley....they want the revolution to come...they just want it to happen in Oakland or Richmond...they don't want their neighborhood getting burned down.....and besides antifa has started to target democrats who they think are not violent enough.suddenly rich Berkeley liberal Jews and rich liberal Whites are being hasseled for not pulling their wieght for the cause.Suddenly the "radical chic" is not that chic......The rich liberals in the Berkeley hills, and the parents forking out massive dough to send their little darlings to Univesity of Berkeley are putting the squeeze on City Hall....keep that shit in the Black communities. I'm trying to have my artisan prosciutto and my glass of Malbec in peace here.

That's because they are stupid fucks they think it's ok for everyone else but not for them . They all change their tune when it's in their front yard . Fuckin assholes they support the hatred of everything they are . How stupid is that !

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WASHINGTON — A business associate of President Trump promised in 2015 to engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, that he said would help Mr. Trump win the presidency.

The associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of emails to Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Mr. Putin. He predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would highlight Mr. Trump’s savvy negotiating skills and be a political boon to his candidacy.

“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

Great story ! Too bad he never built a tower in Russia or it could mean something.

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