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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Bronze Contributor
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I don't give a fuck what republicans think..



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And YET Nanci Pelosi, the Berkeley Mayor, and the MSMs are suddenly disowning ANTIFA. That is because the actual polls are showing that all their bullshit is backfiring and TRUMP is more popular than ever.

That poll you link is utter horseshit & you know it, just like the polls before the election.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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And YET Nanci Pelosi, the Berkeley Mayor, and the MSMs are suddenly disowning ANTIFA. That is because the actual polls are showing that all their bullshit is backfiring and TRUMP is more popular than ever.

That poll you link is utter horseshit & you know it, just like the polls before the election.
Polls tend to act like an echo chamber when they are targeted at a specific demographic. Polls in the past election concentrated on the east and west coast and largely ignored the interior of the country. To add to the mess, the polls tended to use questions that were inherently biased and negative, so the polls back fired on the pollsters because they desired to shape the outcome narrative, not just report on it.

I stopped believing in polls long go. Once I took my mandatory Statistics classes in college, I saw how easily it was to game them to get any outcome you wanted.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm gonna be waiting to see how much Obama,and Fienstien, and Bloomberg,Zuckenberg donate.....
Word is They are all donating to the Southern Poverty Law Center instead. (Probably paying for Charlottesville false flag.)
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Polls tend to act like an echo chamber when they are targeted at a specific demographic. Polls in the past election concentrated on the east and west coast and largely ignored the interior of the country. To add to the mess, the polls tended to use questions that were inherently biased and negative, so the polls back fired on the pollsters because they desired to shape the outcome narrative, not just report on it.

I stopped believing in polls long go. Once I took my mandatory Statistics classes in college, I saw how easily it was to game them to get any outcome you wanted.
Best attempt at putting positive spin on Trump polls that I have seen.
Good job.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And YET Nanci Pelosi, the Berkeley Mayor, and the MSMs are suddenly disowning ANTIFA. That is because the actual polls are showing that all their bullshit is backfiring and TRUMP is more popular than ever.

That poll you link is utter horseshit & you know it, just like the polls before the election.

You do realize you're talking to someone who proudly gets his "news" from the Flufferton Post, CNN, and

There is an old saying...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You do realize you're talking to someone who proudly gets his "news" from the Flufferton Post, CNN, and

There is an old saying...

Well to be fair, they are lying through their asses on all MSMs in preparation for the Coup against TRUMP so some "wishful thinkers" may actually be stupid enough to believe it.

Those are the same ones that think Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11, Charlottesville was not a staged psyop by the Deep State, TPP, NAFTA, The Paris Climate Accord and Hillary Clinton as president would have been good for the USA. Sad really that some could be so naive.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well to be fair, they are lying through their asses on all MSMs in preparation for the Coup against TRUMP so some "wishful thinkers" may actually be stupid enough to believe it.

Those are the same ones that think Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11, Charlottesville was not a staged psyop by the Deep State, TPP, NAFTA, The Paris Climate Accord and Hillary Clinton as president would have been good for the USA. Sad really that some could be so naive.

Yeah I think this DACA decision will let us know if the coup has been succsessfull.I gotta say the military is playing a much larger role in goverment than I've ever seen.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I think this DACA decision will let us know if the coup has been succsessfull.I gotta say the military is playing a much larger role in goverment than I've ever seen.
Not necessarily. White hats are ready to thwart the coup by assassination of key individuals involved and this is known. If Trump is assassinated, a whole lot more will follow. A Stroke will make things more uncertain, but may very well have the same result.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Certainly they should. If they broke up Bell Telephone years ago with anti-trust laws why shouldn't Google be subject to the same. At least treat them like a utility bound by preventing censorship to maintain free speech.

Frankly I'm surprised the entire Right wing contributors of Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc hasn't joined Alex Jones in a huge class action lawsuit against them & Media Matters for monopolistic censorship & Rico Conspiracy.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Certainly they should. If they broke up Bell Telephone years ago with anti-trust laws why shouldn't Google be subject to the same. At least treat them like a utility bound by preventing censorship to maintain free speech.

Frankly I'm surprised the entire Right wing contributors of Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc hasn't joined Alex Jones in a huge class action lawsuit against them & Media Matters for monopolistic censorship & Rico Conspiracy.

Yup, I remember when they broke up AT&T and have commented recently about the monopolies being established
by media and communications giants with no interference from government. The laissez faire capitalist / Independent-Libertarian in me
sits fine with little government interference but the consumer me at the mercy of them shark sonsabitches doesn't.

Of course media/communication companies playing censor begs for government interference to assure impartiality.
You have to consider that a lot of those alleged right wing/conservative contributors have drinks and sodomize little boys
with the liberal contributors.
Excuse my cynicism, Pat... I thought they were red M&M's.. ;)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yup, I remember when they broke up AT&T and have commented recently about the monopolies being established
by media and communications giants with no interference from government. The laissez faire capitalist / Independent-Libertarian in me
sits fine with little government interference but the consumer me at the mercy of them shark sonsabitches doesn't.

Of course media/communication companies playing censor begs for government interference to assure impartiality.
You have to consider that a lot of those alleged right wing/conservative contributors have drinks and sodomize little boys
with the liberal contributors.
Excuse my cynicism, Pat... I thought they were red M&M's.. ;)

View attachment 90822
The entire communications and entertainment industry has been nothing but an organized crime syndicate since the late 80s. Look at our parent's generation an the % of per capita income dedicated to TV, movies & communications vs the per capita % we have today for cable tv, internet, telephone & cellular/mobile. Minor increase of only a few thousand per capita % points & today it is necessary whereas back then many of these were luxury expenditures. Back in the day if your employer needed to contact you as part of job they issued a pager or a cell. Now you are expected to use your personal cell for work & your employer pays google to keep tabs on your social media for them & alert them with any PC violations. Sad.

All these utilities should have been properly regulated severely as utilities to make them more affordable, ensure anonymity, privacy rights, equality, and freedom of speech decades ago. Actually, they were, but they have bribed our congressmen to peel & strip the layers one by one until we find ourselves without any privacy, attack for our beliefs, monitored for wrong-think, persecuted for exercising free speech, attacked in the streets for our attire, looks, or the color of our skin & in fear of what the future may bring if they actually murder the President of the USA as we expect them to.

Hell of a state of affairs.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No way to spin that poll in a positive light for Trump.
Sure you can... preop l e see him as kinda an ass...... and are upset at what the Media tells them about the man.... and some of what he says.

But his actions they do see they like......

How much do you hear in the media about... how Trump has been in almost constant contact and consultation with TX and LA govs since Harvey crossed the Yucatan. They were preparing as soon as the storm became a storm.and before it was a FOR Sure threat....

No for the most part what we know most about the Trump involvements with the storm..... is Melania wore the wrong shoes.

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sure you can... preop l e see him as kinda an ass...... and are upset at what the Media tells them about the man.... and some of what he says.

But his actions they do see they like......

How much do you hear in the media about... how Trump has been in almost constant contact and consultation with TX and LA govs since Harvey crossed the Yucatan. They were preparing as soon as the storm became a storm.and before it was a FOR Sure threat....

No for the most part what we know most about the Trump involvements with the storm..... is Melania wore the wrong shoes.

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And this is different from the last presidency in what way?
Still see memes in this thread about Mrs. Obama.
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