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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Best attempt at putting positive spin on Trump polls that I have seen.
Good job.

I can beat it.

The best part of the lying polls is the look on tard's faces that believed them when the only poll that matters comes out, the voting booth polls.

Hitlery projected to win through "polls" 2016


Mittons projected to win through "polls" 2012.


Results of a real poll, 2016.(positive spin)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I can beat it.

The best part of the lying polls is the look on tard's faces that believed them when the only poll that matters comes out, the voting booth polls.

Hitlery projected to win through "polls" 2016


Mittons projected to win through "polls" 2012.

Oh yeah living in an echo chamber can really twist your head.....I live in the SF bay area and the dummies who read these polls around here are just amazing....they may as well be living on the dark side of the moon...they actually think humans living outside a 20 mile radius of their homes are dangerous Nazi with banjos.....I mean that level of ignorance is bulletproof to logic or reason.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Gotta love CNN's fair & balanced coverage


(Since learned this was Photoshopped shitpost based on a comment heard on air that Trump was favoring the white boy).
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
is that a joke? they didn't actually say that did they?
Had to check. Came from the Donald. It was a photoshopped shitpost but supposedly based upon an actual comment heard on one of the networks that he was favoring the white boy then exaggerated on the graphic while photoshopping. Don't know who made the comment.

The fact that we actually have to ask speaks volumes though.
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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
are at it again!!
Are they that stupid to test a nuclear bomb in their own country or WMN thinks we the people are stupider!!



VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
Here we go
I just hope trump wouldn't fall for this shit!!!
They cant even pass a fucking disaster bill for HOUSTON
Now they want WAR!!



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Had to check. Came from the Donald. It was a photoshopped shitpost but supposedly based upon an actual comment heard on one of the networks that he was favoring the white boy then exaggerated on the graphic while photoshopping. Don't know who made the comment.

The fact that we actually have to ask speaks volumes though.
Even if it hadn't been photoshopped;
My take is that in the pic Trump seems to be listening intently to the concerns
of the black boy and girl as they respectfully keep their distance while the white kid shows his lack of manners
and decorum and invades the presidential space... ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
copy of op on pol or transcript available? Sounds right on.
Only saw that an Anon posted that video in a pol thread pm 8/31 about Pelosi disavowing ANTIFA. Victurus Libertas never posted a transcript this time. He read it on video from his own email w/ FBIANON I believe.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey uhhhh Kim J just 'sploded a thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test near the Chinese border!
A H-bomb is "an order of magnitude" more powerful than he's ever tested before. (over 10 times more according to seismic charts)

None of this has been on the news or confirmed officially.
But Suits calls it the moment the first reports of the "earthquake":eek: in NoKo came in during his live broadcast.

This is a must hear.... Mebbe start around the 8:30 mark... recorded tonight, as it was happening.

Dark Secret Place 9/2

(We've got a big ol fire here so you can FF through the fire reports. There are no commercials)
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey uhhhh Kim J just 'sploded a thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test near the Chinese border!
A H-bomb is "an order of magnitude" more powerful than he's ever tested before. (over 10 times more according to seismic charts)

None of this has been on the news or confirmed officially.
But Suits calls it the moment the first reports of the "earthquake":eek: in NoKo came in during his live broadcast.

This is a must hear.... Mebbe start around the 8:30 mark... recorded tonight, as it was happening.

Dark Secret Place 9/2

(We've got a big ol fire here so you can FF through the fire reports. There are no commercials)
I hear God is punishing y'all in Californication Nation by fire...
Testing H Nukes near China is begging to be replaced as a satellite of Bejing.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I hear God is punishing y'all in Californication Nation by fire...
Testing H Nukes near China is begging to be replaced as a satellite of Bejing.
Where do you think he us getting them from? It is China working with our own Deep State forces.

Hey uhhhh Kim J just 'sploded a thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test near the Chinese border!
A H-bomb is "an order of magnitude" more powerful than he's ever tested before. (over 10 times more according to seismic charts)

None of this has been on the news or confirmed officially.
But Suits calls it the moment the first reports of the "earthquake":eek: in NoKo came in during his live broadcast.

This is a must hear.... Mebbe start around the 8:30 mark... recorded tonight, as it was happening.

Dark Secret Place 9/2

(We've got a big ol fire here so you can FF through the fire reports. There are no commercials)
Excellent broadcast - Very informative! 100 Kiloton reportedly but have heard reports of up to 1 Megaton
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think there is any lengths the elite would not go to in order to decieve the people, and create a false reality, a matrix, after all they have created wars out of rumors and lies before.smoke and mirrors. That being said...all the footage I've seen of Trump in Texas reveal a man who seems to be very comfortable and at ease with the common man,he appears to see them as individual humans, with individual worth, as opposed to a collective group of cattle that need to be herded with phony smiles and air kisses, or the haunted suspicion of fear of the rabble, that the average politican displays. This could be due to the fact, that his life in running a bussiness has forced him to become familiar, and engage with all strata of humanity, from CEOs to the dealing with the janitorial staff....or it could simply be an act to make Trump appear a Bush W vainly tried to pose as.
The other thing that strikes me is, that there seems to be a large body of Black Americans that like Trump, and see him as their president....again this could be nothing more than a huge crowd of crisis actors called together by the elite to stage a giant psyops...but it flys in the face of the narritive sold on the MSM...I would say that in my experince on the streets..80% of the people in antifa and BLM tend to be white,young,and from affluent backgrounds, and in a community with a sizeable Black population it appears to me that white liberals once again have co-opted the Black community.In my community I have not detected in the Black community anywhere near the vitriol toward Trump that the affluent white liberals have for the whole Houston thing could be a magnificent staged event to show Trump off in this best possible light.....or it could be the media's and the deep state's worst nightmare.


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CAUGHT ON VIDEO=> High School Teacher Forces Students to Remove Pro-Trump Shirts Because It’s Like a “Swastika”

So because a shirt says Make America Great Again it is a Swastika? Fire this bitch.
that's should see how angry the bitch gets when she sees a white kid drinking milk....I sincerely hope that she is fired and is never allowed within a 100 yards of an institution of learning .be an asshole liberal is bad enough, but to be so historically ignorant is a real crime.


Under Ground Hustler
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CAUGHT ON VIDEO=> High School Teacher Forces Students to Remove Pro-Trump Shirts Because It’s Like a “Swastika”

So because a shirt says Make America Great Again it is a Swastika? Fire this bitch.

Tell Her (and her employer / future employers) how you feel about this at "Rate My Teachers" :

EDIT: They are ripping her a new asshole on the Schools Facebook page:

Labor Day has school closed on Monday, Something tells me this commie bitch is going to be in for a rude awakening come Tuesday.

Especially once the Patriots on Youtube conservative media then Tucker or Hannity catch wind of this.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Tell Her (and her employer / future employers) how you feel about this at "Rate My Teachers" :

EDIT: They are ripping her a new asshole on the Schools Facebook page:

Labor Day has school closed on Monday, Something tells me this commie bitch is going to be in for a rude awakening come Tuesday.

Especially once the Patriots on Youtube conservative media then Tucker or Hannity catch wind of this.
Please let them all know.

I will be leaving a comments on both and I sincerely hope the parents of the affected students sue this liberal snot for first amendment infringement. High time the right starts litigating the left to the fullest extent of the law on every violation as Sessions doesn't have the balls to put his foot down and fix this crap.
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VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
Tell Her (and her employer / future employers) how you feel about this at "Rate My Teachers" :

EDIT: They are ripping her a new asshole on the Schools Facebook page:

Labor Day has school closed on Monday, Something tells me this commie bitch is going to be in for a rude awakening come Tuesday.

Especially once the Patriots on Youtube conservative media then Tucker or Hannity catch wind of this.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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The ducking sad thing is you have to question if it's real or not that's how low our media has sunk .

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
ALL of our media.
Not just the ones that focus on things you do not like.

All sensationalistic and commentary vs just presenting the facts.

I guess that is why they call it programming?
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