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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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That's because they are stupid fucks they think it's ok for everyone else but not for them . They all change their tune when it's in their front yard . Fuckin assholes they support the hatred of everything they are . How stupid is that !

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No, they won't change their tune when the revolution comes they have the money to take a 6 month vacation in fiji, they have the money to go buy a house in Montana.They are carpetbaggers, they will profit off of whatever wind is blowing......or they will try to, but your right in some regards...they will like all greedy people overplay their hand,they will wait to long,they will think they can squeeze it for another 10,000.00 they won't realize till it's too late, and then they will wake up and realize that the bigger fish just through them to the wolves to protect themselves.
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there's alot of rich people in Berkeley, alot of rich white people in Berkeley....they want the revolution to come...they just want it to happen in Oakland or Richmond...they don't want their neighborhood getting burned down.....and besides antifa has started to target democrats who they think are not violent enough.suddenly rich Berkeley liberal Jews and rich liberal Whites are being hasseled for not pulling their wieght for the cause.Suddenly the "radical chic" is not that chic......The rich liberals in the Berkeley hills, and the parents forking out massive dough to send their little darlings to Univesity of Berkeley are putting the squeeze on City Hall....keep that shit in the Black communities. I'm trying to have my artisan prosciutto and my glass of Malbec in peace here.

Somebody sent out new marching orders. Leftist rags have suddenly started putting out anti-antifa stories.


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A new polling low for Trump: blah blah sob sob



Diamond Contributor
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Somebody sent out new marching orders. Leftist rags have suddenly started putting out anti-antifa stories.
The DNC has already lost tons of credibility by stealing the nomination,they lost credibility when Hilary called half the population unredemable deplorables,They lost more credibility when they vainly tried to manufacture the Great Putin myth,and it fizzeled to a niohing burger as the months have gone by they have appeared desperate unhinged violent and foolish, their latest attempt at trying to start a race war was so transparent that even rank and file democrats realized it,A democrat senator calling for assassination ect.....their continued embracing of antifa would have made them unelectable in America...or Trump has capitulated to the globalist and they have called off their attack dogs...this march in SF made Mayor Lee, Pelosi and Fienstien look like lunatics calling a Patriots'Prayer group white nationalists....People may not have been in love with Trump ,but there is no way they are gonna vote for the stark raving mad....after all leftist violence really helped send Trump over the top to the could have done the same thing again in the mid terms and in four years........I guess maybe they finally realized insane and violent is not a winning strategy....
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Somebody sent out new marching orders. Leftist rags have suddenly started putting out anti-antifa stories.
Same reason NorK missile was flying over Japan. As usual the Dems overplayed their Charlottesville hand & normies are catching on. Real polls are showing Dems flocking to support Trump as a result (although they will never tell the public).

News from Houston was showing that while ANTIFA was beating people in street the Right was rescuing people of all creeds & colors after a Dem mayor told people to think twice before evacuating in defiance of Trump. Optics weren't good & getting worse by the minute - so suddenly, surprise, surprise, a Nork missile goes off threatening Japan & ANTIFA was fair game for a hungry press.

They served their purpose anyway, Trump removed the restrictions on military equipment supply support to civilian Police Departments with barely a whimper of outrage. The militarization of civilian Police departments domestically can commence again without restriction. Short Term Goal achieved.
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I've met PLENTY of asshole Christians. Come to think of it it's probably the exact same percentage of asshole per religion as any other.
Like I said being an Asshole is universal. People had them and emulated them long before the concept of religion existed.

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A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent ‘like’ his conduct as president
Trump is shedding supporters like no other president in modern history

Why are so many Trump voters edging away?

Pollsters who have conducted detailed interviews and focus groups say the most important factor may be that many have been disappointed by Trump’s failure to deliver on some of his biggest promises: new manufacturing jobs, a middle-class tax cut and lower healthcare costs.

The Cromwell

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Keep in mind that 20 Texas House republicans voted against Hurricane Sandy Aid.
And they are still in congress.
And the fight against the hurricane Sandy Aid package was led By Ted Cruz...

Ignore the hype and remember the truths.


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The Cromwell

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Why the heck is trump still campaigning?
Doesn't he know that he won?

Or is he that big of a narcissist?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Like I said being an Asshole is universal. People had them and emulated them long before the concept of religion existed.

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religon is not about whether or not your an;s about are you an unconcious asshole without awarness, or a concious asshole.....ethics without conciousness is meaningless.


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Why the heck is trump still campaigning?
Doesn't he know that he won?

Or is he that big of a narcissist?
Because it the only way to communicate to the citizens without media spin.......

And if he wasn't doing it they we old accuse him of hiding from the people..... Campaigner in Chief didn't originate with Trump.

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“I’m very concerned about Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter and some of these other right-wing speakers coming to the Berkeley campus, because it’s just a target for black bloc to come out and commit mayhem on the Berkeley campus and have that potentially spill out on the street,” Arreguin said.
In other words the Mayor is either unable or unwilling to do his fucking job.

The Cromwell

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Because it the only way to communicate to the citizens without media spin.......

And if he wasn't doing it they we old accuse him of hiding from the people..... Campaigner in Chief didn't originate with Trump.

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Media spin or trump spin whatsa diff?

What other president has technically campaigned in his first year as president?


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In other words the Mayor is either unable or unwilling to do his fucking job.
The US Constitution is void in (tax supported) all universities.
They're run by a long entrenched financial cancer known as... unions. the sphincter of government.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In other words the Mayor is either unable or unwilling to do his fucking job.
Yes, using the logic of the Mayor of Bekeley and indeed the entire DNC....Martin Luther KIng should have been muzzeled, because the Klan would cause trouble if King was allowed to speak....Liberals make the gross error in thinking everyone is as stupid as they are....The Mayor of Berkeley really thinks he can sell that line of bullshit, and Americans will swallow it....He is embarassing himself and all of the Bay Area, the world knows the reason he doesn't want Milo, or Coulter to speak is because he is a little totalitarian asswipe who wants to silence dissent and control thought ...Perhaps Jeff Sessions should take over the City Hall of Berkeley and gaurantee Americans constituional rights are protected. Because like Bull Connor the Mayor of Berkeley and Govenor Jerry Brown, and the entire democrat party of the state of California are going to refuse to secure the Constitutional rights of Conservatives and Libertarians ...Indeed the Dixecrats of old have no reason to be ashamed any longer,they have no reason to be maligined in our history,because Today ,now,in present time the Democrat Party is doing the exact same thing the Dixecrats did,they have legitamized political terrorisim........again. Berkley is now a sanctuary city for Antifa......I think that's fair.... it's about time , at least some Americans are being treated by the DNC with the same dignity as the DNC treats illegal mexican rapists.
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The Cromwell

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Because it the only way to communicate to the citizens without media spin.......

And if he wasn't doing it they we old accuse him of hiding from the people..... Campaigner in Chief didn't originate with Trump.

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Media spin or trump spin is spin.

What other president has legally campained during their first year in office?
Trumps rallys are legally campaign events.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The US Constitution is void in (tax supported) all universities.
They're run by a long entrenched financial cancer known as... unions. the sphincter of government.
the sphincter is liberalisim..or what ....let's all be honest and call it what it is Liberalisim is dead, it has devolved into cultural marxisim....the fathers of Liberalisim are spinning in their graves.The present day American liberal has far more in common with Stalin and Mao, than they do with John Locke...hell the average American liberal probally has a piece of clothing with a picture of Che....but they couldn't tell you who John Locke was if you put a gun to their heads.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Media spin or trump spin whatsa diff?

What other president has technically campaigned in his first year as president?

Technically???? Well being politicians they would know it not PC to actively do that. ....

Part of Trumps attraction is his lack of being PC.....

But in reality ALL of them have done it. Or at least all the ones I have watched starting in the early 70s. BUT then that is actually a big part of the job... campaigning for policy even if not for election. That's what the job is.

That's what the calls for empathy are about.

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Media spin or trump spin is spin.

What other president has legally campained during their first year in office?
Trumps rallys are legally campaign events.
Being a legal election campaign event.... is kinda a slimy thing to do... it legally shield him from being bound to promises made...... it allows him to state desires and criticism we it out creating official policy.

Instead of kissing up to other politicians and the media...... he can take his desires direct to the voters..... encouraging them to pressure Pols and media.

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The Cromwell

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Being a legal election campaign event.... is kinda a slimy thing to do... it legally shield him from being bound to promises made...... it allows him to state desires and criticism we it out creating official policy.

Instead of kissing up to other politicians and the media...... he can take his desires direct to the voters..... encouraging them to pressure Pols and media.

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Yep you have it figured out.

It does not appear to be working very well for him so far though.


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Media spin or trump spin is spin.

What other president has legally campained during their first year in office?
Trumps rallys are legally campaign events.

Hold on!
Did you say he was campaigning in Houston?


The Cromwell

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Hold on!
Did you say he was campaigning in Houston?

I am not sure if his recent Houston trip was officially a campaign event or not.
How can one tell? It is not like there is any notification of whether a presidential appearance or a running for president appearance.


Gold Contributor
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Yep you have it figured out.

It does not appear to be working very well for him so far though.
His pole numbers are going up.or holding steady. the numbers for MSM and political type going down.

Seems to be doing better than expected too me...

With the Press coverage. He get he should be poling in the single digits not 40% or better.

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The Cromwell

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His pole numbers are going up.or holding steady. the numbers for MSM and political type going down.

Seems to be doing better than expected too me...

With the Press coverage. He get he should be poling in the single digits not 40% or better.

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16% approval in his actions as president?


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I'm sure if they polled only antifa his approval ratings would only be 3% (some antifa are so stupid they don't even know why they are there).

I bet if they polled a trump rally there would be a 97% approval rating.

So I guess it all depends on exactly how far the media goes outside of their bubble.

If they are just polling inner cities like Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Oakland, and any other liberal mecca I would expect to see a 16% approval rating.

That's about the percentages of votes he got from those places.

The Cromwell

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I'm sure if they polled only antifa his approval ratings would only be 3% (some antifa are so stupid they don't even know why they are there).

I bet if they polled a trump rally there would be a 97% approval rating.

So I guess it all depends on exactly how far the media goes outside of their bubble.

If they are just polling inner cities like Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Oakland, and any other liberal mecca I would expect to see a 16% approval rating.

That's about the percentages of votes he got from those places.
Umm Trumps numbers are running about 25% overall right now. And only a bit over 50% among Republicans.
At least the last time I looked anyway.
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