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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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ALL of our media.
Not just the ones that focus on things you do not like.

All sensationalistic and commentary vs just presenting the facts.

I guess that is why they call it programming?
I have to agree with you, Crumb. I worked production/engineering in the TV broadcasting industry for several years
and can say it's all smoke, mirrors, and bullshit. When you don't have video of a report you edit some old video and make it fit the current news.

Sensationalism sells air time to advertisers and the bottom line is more important than accuracy or truth.

The Cromwell

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I have to wonder if people in the US get more news from the Vidiot Tube or the net...

What is mainstream media now?

The Cromwell

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Ohh and commercials is one big reason why I watch almost no regular TV.
Company's showing stupid people using their stuff as if to say be stupid and buy our stuff like all the other stupid people do.

And it works on most people.
My wife is a sucker for commercials.

The Cromwell

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Yes... it goes...... Only the roaches and rats survive....... Cure for Manmade Climate Change. Result world wide mass extinction........ Game Over.

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Naah not game over just game cut way back on the number of players.

It will take a big rock to pretty much exterminate the human infestation on this planet.


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@k4prez -- over 30 posts on VU now and every last one of them in this thread and all of them disparaging the current "prez".

Would you think less of us if we were to speculate that you're a paid DNC shill and that someone whose name starts with 'k' is the DNC's next anointed candidate?

Could it be...


The Cromwell

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I am amazed that we still have people disparaging Hillary in this thread.
She is NOTHING in govt now.
Trump is president though so I can see picking on him.


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I am amazed that we still have people disparaging Hillary in this thread.
She is NOTHING in govt now.
Trump is president though so I can see picking on him.
Hillary is generic code we ire for All dems..... since they have no other representatives worth talking about. SHE is still the figure head of the left.... she is who they talk about also......

So it just seems logical that those right of Stalin would refer to her as the figure head of the Dems.

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The Cromwell

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Hillary is generic code we ire for All dems..... since they have no other representatives worth talking about. SHE is still the figure head of the left.... she is who they talk about also......

So it just seems logical that those right of Stalin would refer to her as the figure head of the Dems.

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A shot down figurehead it would seem.
I think far more of a figurehead in the view of the right, as their hatred of her is still strong.


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@k4prez -- over 30 posts on VU now and every last one of them in this thread and all of them disparaging the current "prez".

Would you think less of us if we were to speculate that you're a paid DNC shill and that someone whose name starts with 'k' is the DNC's next anointed candidate?

Could it be...

Nah.... @k4prez is a little white beeyotch...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hillary is generic code we ire for All dems..... since they have no other representatives worth talking about. SHE is still the figure head of the left.... she is who they talk about also......

So it just seems logical that those right of Stalin would refer to her as the figure head of the Dems.

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Whether they like it or not Hilary was the soul of the DNC and this election cycle the soul of the DNC was exposed as insanely evil and diseased, the rank and file democrats hate Hilary for getting caught not for what she is....hell, the admire what she is.


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@k4prez -- over 30 posts on VU now and every last one of them in this thread and all of them disparaging the current "prez".

Would you think less of us if we were to speculate that you're a paid DNC shill and that someone whose name starts with 'k' is the DNC's next anointed candidate?

Could it be...


I put him/her on ignore after the third post. Who finds a political thread in a vape forum that doesn't vape unless they're a paid shill?

I think his second post or so was Kaine for Pres, hense the "k". If it was up to me, I'd ban him for spam. But the ignore works well enough.

The Cromwell

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She has two. A granddaughter named Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, born in September 2014 and a grandson named Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky, born June 2016.
I had no idea. Thanks for the update.
Shows how much I care about Hillary.

At least the right Have mostly backed off the Clinton kid.
Can't see picking on the kids except when they are old enough to deserve their own criticism based on their actions.
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I am amazed that we still have people disparaging Hillary in this thread.
She is NOTHING in govt now.
Trump is president though so I can see picking on him.

I see your point about her not currently in government, but....
There is plenty of scorn for politicians and their policies...on many sides. (gigglesnort)
And why should the Pantsuit Messiah escape the same critique afforded to the policies of Bush l, Ronnie Raygun, etc.
She held elective office and served in as Secretary of State. The policies and programs she advocated continue to be debated ad nauseum. As of yet, a new and shiny leftist has yet to be assigned as the recipient of the progressive crown. The Identity Politics of the left will scream for Kamala Harris.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I see your point about her not currently in government, but....
There is plenty of scorn for politicians and their policies...on many sides. (gigglesnort)
And why should the Pantsuit Messiah escape the same critique afforded to the policies of Bush l, Ronnie Raygun, etc.
She held elective office and served in as Secretary of State. The policies and programs she advocated continue to be debated ad nauseum. As of yet, a new and shiny leftist has yet to be assigned as the recipient of the progressive crown. The Identity Politics of the left will scream for Kamala Harris.
Which should be entertaining as Kamal is about as dumb as a box of rocks...I'm seeing her more as window dressing maybe VP...she just isn't smart enough to inherit the crown....they'll go with a Hispanic woman.and try and stuff the ballot boxes with illegal alien votes.


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There is very good reason to continue to disparage Hitlery. Word is, Chelsea is being groomed for Pres. It's good idea to remember what tree that road apple fell from. ;)

The Cromwell

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I see your point about her not currently in government, but....
There is plenty of scorn for politicians and their policies...on many sides. (gigglesnort)
And why should the Pantsuit Messiah escape the same critique afforded to the policies of Bush l, Ronnie Raygun, etc.
She held elective office and served in as Secretary of State. The policies and programs she advocated continue to be debated ad nauseum. As of yet, a new and shiny leftist has yet to be assigned as the recipient of the progressive crown. The Identity Politics of the left will scream for Kamala Harris.
Umm unlike those presidents you named she was never president.
Kamala Harris?


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The greatest reason I can see for dispaging the witch is....she got away with stealing the nomination of a major political party.....and the democrats don't care.....I think that says alot about how much respect the average democrat has for things like voting and laws.The simple fact libtards like crummy want us to forget her, rather than screaming for her blood.. shows they approve of totalitarianisim..


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HRC Not currently in government? She is the defacto head of the f-ing Bush Crime Family for christ sakes.

She is busy smuggling H*roin, other drugs, arms & small children out of Afganistan & other countries, half strength opiods out of China to be swapped for the full strength stuff in the VA & Obamacare systems & sold all over the world. On demand hit squads and to order Organ harvesting in the inner cities, espionage pipelines to several countries and smuggling nukes & other tech to NK & H*roin, Blue Ice M*th & Arms back - all on the US Taxpayers dime. Who are you kidding she isn't part of government? She practically runs the swamp.

Who do you think Mueller & the rest of the Deep state report to? She told Obama what decisions he would make when he was in office. Are you blind?
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@k4prez -- over 30 posts on VU now and every last one of them in this thread and all of them disparaging the current "prez".

Would you think less of us if we were to speculate that you're a paid DNC shill and that someone whose name starts with 'k' is the DNC's next anointed candidate?

The dude is a troublemaker from ECF's "outside", possibly campaigning for Kamala
but generally raising heck for kicks and nothing else productive to do.
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