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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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We still talking about hrc?
Trump already said he will not prosecute!!

And in response, HRC, DNC & Deep State continued to oppose his presidency, sew racial discord, commit treason, perjury, & other crimes while plotting a coup against a duly elected president, civil war in USA, & an overthrow of the Republic itself. She has since been offered a plea deal on all charges with no sentence and no further prosecution in exchange for admission of guilt on improper handling of classified emails and rejected it while doubling down on the same behaviors. She has been offered two very simple resolutions to go quietly into retirement without punishment & refuses to move on.

Now North Korea is threatening the United States with nuclear attack by missiles developed with technology given to them by the Clinton's and the Deep State she runs at her behest to make Trump look bad. I'd say all bets are off and it is time to lock this treasonous bitch up as the criminal she has proven herself to be time and time again.

You seemed pretty upset when NK tested a hydrogen bomb but refuse to look at who benefits by them doing so and constantly shooting missiles off. It is clearly not the North Koreans or even China that benefits. Every time attention is focused on HRC's crimes and those of the DNC or they experience a failure to control the narrative or embarrassment a missile goes off in NK to focus attention elsewhere. Can't you see that?

I'm telling you if they seriously prosecute & lock this bitch Clinton up, all this NK crap will stop within the next month later as all focus will be on protecting her own ass by giving up & turning evidence against every other crooked politician & criminal in DC and everyone else tries to take her out before she does.

That is how you drain a swamp.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fuck the GOP!
TRUMP could easily blame it again to the LEFT...

BLAME and the need to have someone to blame is what has gotten us to the mess we have now....

IMO Trumps goal is to do the right thing... do what he sees as best for America. ....
I don't really think he cares who he works with.... as long as it move us toward the goal of MAGA....he will work with The Fat Boy of NoKo. I'm not surprised he made the deal with dems....

After all his Platform... fits with the Dems better than it does a Republican anyway.... I mean other than taxes and the Wall... What right wing policy has he pushed. I mean even on healthcare he's closer to Bernie than he is to Ryan..... Trump is pro single payer. HE doesn't see Who pays as the solution. It 8s only a contributing factor... the problem with healthcare is the regulatory state.

Fix the regulatory issues payment bacomes less of an issue. As price will be determined by what you are willing to pay rather than based on how much of the bill the controlling entity says it's going to pay.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
BLAME and the need to have someone to blame is what has gotten us to the mess we have now....

IMO Trumps goal is to do the right thing... do what he sees as best for America. ....
I don't really think he cares who he works with.... as long as it move us toward the goal of MAGA....he will work with The Fat Boy of NoKo. I'm not surprised he made the deal with dems....

After all his Platform... fits with the Dems better than it does a Republican anyway.... I mean other than taxes and the Wall... What right wing policy has he pushed. I mean even on healthcare he's closer to Bernie than he is to Ryan..... Trump is pro single payer. HE doesn't see Who pays as the solution. It 8s only a contributing factor... the problem with healthcare is the regulatory state.

Fix the regulatory issues payment bacomes less of an issue. As price will be determined by what you are willing to pay rather than based on how much of the bill the controlling entity says it's going to pay.

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so his betrayl of his promise to deport illegals and build the wall is what is best for America? he's passing the buck off to Congress so he can absolve himself of keeping his word is MAGA....the GOP has sold out, the DNC has sold out, and as the days go by it seems Trump has sold out or been compromised. I see litttle to no hope of the Republic surviving.In it's present state the goverment can not be reformed only destroyed.Obama and Hilary went into office to destroy the constitutional underpinnings of the country, and they were very effective..if Trump is not as savage ,not as brutal in destroying the underpinnings of the structure of the deep state..he is part of the problem..In an honest administration Hilary would be in jail already.

What is the future...nobody in their right mind will ever vote for the RNC again...they stand for nothing, they are nakedly part of the NWO...the DNC is even more vile, and yet their supporters are too stupid to see it,they are the sheep that will offer their throats to the knife.
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Gold Contributor
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so his betrayl of his promise to deport illegals and build the wall is what is best for America? he's passing the buck off to Congress so he can absolve himself of keeping his word is MAGA....the GOP has sold out, the DNC has sold out, and as the days go by it seems Trump has sold out or been compromised. I see litttle to no hope of the Republic surviving.In it's present state the goverment can not be reformed only destroyed.
DEAL = compromise. ..........

But. Read the dictionary..... it is possible to compromise without compromising principles.

The biggest problem we and Trump have.... THE sheep and government have gotten used to operating as a dictatorship....
Hence the calls for Trump to provide legislation. .... when the leader makes the rules and laws. . They call that a dictatorship. Our Constitution specifically prohibits the leader from making law.

TRUMP is wrong because he wants to follow and enforce the laws.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
DEAL = compromise. ..........

But. Read the dictionary..... it is possible to compromise without compromising principles.

The biggest problem we and Trump have.... THE sheep and government have gotten used to operating as a dictatorship....
Hence the calls for Trump to provide legislation. .... when the leader makes the rules and laws. . They call that a dictatorship. Our Constitution specifically prohibits the leader from making law.

TRUMP is wrong because he wants to follow and enforce the laws.

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sounds like a speech a politican would make for their don't bring a knife to a gun fight...Alexander didn't sit on his ass and unravel the Gordian knot ..he sliced through it with a sword....So you suggest Trump restore the Republic to a congress that don't believe in the concept of a Republic., a collection of whores and's that gonna work....besides I thought deporting illegals was the fucking law.If Trump wants to enforce the law...he can start with the illeglas then move onto Hilary then move onto inditing 3/4 of do you expect to find honor among theives. you don' jail thieves. How the hell is it that the only criminals in America today are Cliven Bundy, and Le Voy Finicum.....where is their DACA where is their comprehensive amnesty.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
sounds like a speech a politican would make for their don't bring a knife to a gun fight...Alexander didn't sit on his ass and unravel the Gordian knot ..he sliced through it with a sword....So you suggest Trump restore the Republic to a congress that don't believe in the concept of a Republic., a collection of whores and's that gonna work....besides I thought deporting illegals was the fucking law.If Trump wants to enforce the law...he can start with the illeglas then move onto Hilary then move onto inditing 3/4 of do you expect to find honor among theives. you don' jail thieves. How the hell is it that the only criminals in America today are Cliven Bundy, and Le Voy Finicum.....where is their DACA where is their comprehensive amnesty.
Carrot and Stick....

Did you consider he used disaster relief and debt ceiling as a carrot with the Dems to get DACA and the Wall and taxes..... if you thought Donald was going to deport the DACA kids... you weren't listening to Donalds words..... he is and always was pro amnesty. .. He just wants the wall first.... this time. .. He has to fight ALL of Washington and ALL of the political class to get anything on borders or immigration. Neither party is really for any changes on those issues.

Just as he used it against the REPUBES as a stick regarding their Healthcare lies of the last 8 years.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Carrot and Stick....

Did you consider he used disaster relief and debt ceiling as a carrot with the Dems to get DACA and the Wall and taxes..... if you thought Donald was going to deport the DACA kids... you weren't listening to Donalds words..... he is and always was pro amnesty. .. He just wants the wall first.... this time. .. He has to fight ALL of Washington and ALL of the political class to get anything on borders or immigration. Neither party is really for any changes on those issues.

Just as he used it against the REPUBES as a stick regarding their Healthcare lies of the last 8 years.

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his entire platform was anti-amnesty it was how he got elected...anything other than that is just a damned lie....and if he is pro-amnesty I say throw his sorry ass to antifa and Schumer let them tear him to pieces.I'll hold him for you seriously think Trump won the election by pushing for amnesty...he has betrayed almost every plank in his platform......the hope for any political solutions is over with. The LAW is the wall to chaos...a wall is nothing more than an edifice if the LAW is not enforced.People did not vote for Trump so they could have an architecual monument in the desert of Southern Arizona,and an illegal mexican taking their kids future.
This is bullshit, this old song of "you can;t deport them"..fist off you sure as hell can...secondly you don't have to deport make life so impossiblly difficult for them here, they deport themsleves and DACA is just making life easier for them here.and it will encourage more to come...whether or not you have a wall or not...the people are no longer going to be satisfied with chickenshit gestures.If the law does not apply to mexicans, then the Americans will stop obeying the laws, they will give up on political solutions, we will devolve into a third world shithole like mexico with a underground economy and people having more faith in bullets than ballots.
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Bronze Contributor
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I'm willing to cheat on him for a tender snowflake such as yourself though... ;)




Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Rich white liberals and the Hollywood meat puppet millionaires do not fear America descending into the third world status and chaos, the feel they have the wealth to protect them from the negative aspects and the resources to profit from the desperation it will cause.It is the poor and the middle class who will be eaten alive.for the wealthy it will install a generational oilgarchy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Shame Quinnipiac University & CNN does not realize that a poll can't add up to more than 100% of respondents -- If only they had, they might not have blown the election polls so badly & retained some of their credibility. Now they are just considered Alt-left propaganda by most of America.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
his entire platform was anti-amnesty it was how he got elected...anything other than that is just a damned lie....and if he is pro-amnesty I say throw his sorry ass to antifa and Schumer let them tear him to pieces.I'll hold him for you seriously think Trump won the election by pushing for amnesty...he has betrayed almost every plank in his platform......the hope for any political solutions is over with. The LAW is the wall to chaos...a wall is nothing more than an edifice if the LAW is not enforced.People did not vote for Trump so they could have an architecual monument in the desert of Southern Arizona,and an illegal mexican taking their kids future.
This is bullshit, this old song of "you can;t deport them"..fist off you sure as hell can...secondly you don't have to deport make life so impossiblly difficult for them here, they deport themsleves and DACA is just making life easier for them here.and it will encourage more to come...whether or not you have a wall or not...the people are no longer going to be satisfied with chickenshit gestures.If the law does not apply to mexicans, then the Americans will stop obeying the laws, they will give up on political solutions, we will devolve into a third world shithole like mexico with a underground economy and people having more faith in bullets than ballots.
Yes anti-amnesty for ALL....... he never said or implied all illegals would be removed from the country........ Criminals yes...... build a wall and stop the illegal inflow YES...... he only promisses to control the inflow not reduce it.

In principle he is 100% pro DACA.... Problem is as an EO it is illegal... He is Anti ILLEGAL.

He never said the Door in the wall would be locked or even have a lock.

People really need to pay attention to what the man says..... do not interpret based on what pundits says about it or from a political POV....

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes anti-amnesty for ALL....... he never said or implied all illegals would be removed from the country........ Criminals yes...... build a wall and stop the illegal inflow YES...... he only promisses to control the inflow not reduce it.

In principle he is 100% pro DACA.... Problem is as an EO it is illegal... He is Anti ILLEGAL.

He never said the Door in the wall would be locked or even have a lock.

People really need to pay attention to what the man says..... do not interpret based on what pundits says about it or from a political POV....

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then he is of no use to us, and the libtards can disembowel him with my blessing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
then he is of no use to us, and the libtards can disembowel him with my blessing.
It was genius to drop DACA at Congress' doorstep as he avoids being blamed (yeah right) and sets up congress for a backlash like they have never seen in 2018. ByeBye to GOP dead wood in 2018 & Dems have already committed suicide for 2018 speaking without Jeff Sessions doing his job at all. If he does his job & actually prosecutes these criminals, 2018 will be interesting indeed.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
then he is of no use to us, and the libtards can disembowel him with my blessing.
Maybe for some....

But for me..... meh. He's doing about as well if not better than I expected.....

He's pissing off everyone with a political grudge or demand.... the only way to keep the promisses he made is to go against ALL political points of view.

Look at that election map again... he was not elected by the right or left.....

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Maybe for some....

But for me..... meh. He's doing about as well if not better than I expected.....

He's pissing off everyone with a political grudge or demand.... the only way to keep the promisses he made is to go against ALL political points of view.

Look at that election map again... he was not elected by the right or left.....

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He was elected by Americans supporting the police and seeking a justice system, Laws & rules that applied equally to politicians as it does to every one else. If he can get Sessions to pull his head out of his ass & grow a pair & do his fucking job, he still may be able to do what we elected him to do.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you weren't listening to Donalds words..... he is and always was pro amnesty.

People really need to pay attention to what the man says..... do not interpret based on what pundits says about it or from a political POV....

Look in the mirror.

Before the election, Trump was not pro amnesty. He didn't change his tune until after the election. We do pay attention to what Trump said. The difference is, Pulse is saying what he said to get elected, as far as DACA, isn't what he said after he got elected.

You have youtube and a search engine. Watch what Trump said, and look at the dates.

"We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants," Trump said at a campaign event in August 2016, promising to end DACA as well as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.

That speech echoed the promise Trump made when he launched his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015. "I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration, immediately," he said at that time.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look in the mirror.

Before the election, Trump was not pro amnesty. He didn't change his tune until after the election. We do pay attention to what Trump said. The difference is, Pulse is saying what he said to get elected, as far as DACA, isn't what he said after he got elected.

You have youtube and a search engine. Watch what Trump said, and look at the dates.

"We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants," Trump said at a campaign event in August 2016, promising to end DACA as well as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.

That speech echoed the promise Trump made when he launched his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015. "I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration, immediately," he said at that time.
That say he is against enforcing policies he sees as illegal.... it says he is against unconstitutionally giving some or all people amnesty........ Doesn't say he against CONGRESS passing a law that does the same though......

He is against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION not immigrants. He promised to enforce laws as passed by CONGRESS.

This is the promise I voted for..... yeah he will piss me off by doing so..... I'm pro Pot.... BUT it forces congress to legislate.

He got the debt limit out of the way for a couple months..... so what?

He canceled DACA..... As promised.... he did so in such a way to cause the least amount of harm to Americans....

My bet is there will still be a Government Shutdown in next couple months. Budget and taxes still has to be done this month....Trump wants Obama care and Wall deals though.....

DEBT ceiling is about getting CHINA more on our side re Korea than anything else..... it's a meaningless gesture domestically. That one is Geopolitical.

There's more involved in these issues than our pet peeves.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That say he is against enforcing policies he sees as illegal.... it says he is against unconstitutionally giving some or all people amnesty........ Doesn't say he against CONGRESS passing a law that does the same though......

He is against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION not immigrants. He promised to enforce laws as passed by CONGRESS.

This is the promise I voted for..... yeah he will piss me off by doing so..... I'm pro Pot.... BUT it forces congress to legislate.

He got the debt limit out of the way for a couple months..... so what?

He canceled DACA..... As promised.... he did so in such a way to cause the least amount of harm to Americans....

My bet is there will still be a Government Shutdown in next couple months. Budget and taxes still has to be done this month....Trump wants Obama care and Wall deals though.....

DEBT ceiling is about getting CHINA more on our side re Korea than anything else..... it's a meaningless gesture domestically. That one is Geopolitical.

There's more involved in these issues than our pet peeves.

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displacing the American people for third world rabble whose votes you buy with money you steal from American the only point that matters,,,everything else is mute.....what is the point of saving a country that does not exist any longer, where the people's vote is meaningless. you may as well save Chavez's Venezuela. you are doing a silly ass dance of splitting hairs in order to justify outright lying.What's next Trump is ant-rape until they make rape legal then he is for legal rape?...if you think that is a joke look at europe where raping white women and childeren has been de facto do more jail time for kicking a dog.We now live in a country in which an invasion of criminal aliens are called Dreamers and where the citizens whose family members died to defeat Hitler we call Nazis....and Trump sits wit his head up his ass tossing the ball to a congress owned by the globalists and the chamber of commerce.

Hell at this point I wish Putin would have put himself in the least he represents the interests of his own nation.At this point we have Pelosi and Ryan giving the invaders citizenship,and Trump giving them jobs.
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The Cromwell

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I am pro pot.
I do think that all m*th heads and h*roin users/dealers should be shot or something a bit less drastic.
Narcon should only be used on accidental prescription drug overdoses.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He is against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION not immigrants. He promised to enforce laws as passed by CONGRESS.

I'm not sure how that point is supposed to help your argument.

The "Dreamers" are illegal immigrants. Not immigrants. The only difference between a "dreamer" and the run of the mill illegal immigrant is the age they were when they entered the country illegally. Using your argument, we could say that all illegal immigrants are legal immigrants if Congress passes a law. And that's true. But, if that's the case then there is no such thing as illegal immigrants. Just immigrants that haven't been made legal yet. And I'm not okay with that.

I understand they are in a bad spot. But they should not expect the US to make up for the mistakes of their parents. The US did not put them in the position they are now in, their parents did. They are not legal immigrants.

That said, we are stuck with the past administrations failure to secure the border. Being stuck with the dreamers isn't a huge concern to me in the grand scheme of things. Secure the border and deport as many non dreamer illegals as we can get ahold of will be a Trump victory.

What does concern me is that I watched a "dreamer" on CNN(using sign language while he spoke) say it would be terrible for him to have to be deported because he he needs to stay and take care of his deaf parents. Sounds sad. But, it was a "what the fuck" moment for me. He's a dreamer so his fucking parents are illegals. Just deport him with his parents and he can take care of them because they're deaf and they can take care of him because they know the old country.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
displacing the American people for third world rabble whose votes you buy with money you steal from American the only point that matters,,,everything else is mute.....what is the point of saving a country that does not exist any longer, where the people's vote is meaningless. you may as well save Chavez's Venezuela. you are doing a silly ass dance of splitting hairs in order to justify outright lying.What's next Trump is ant-rape until they make rape legal then he is for legal rape?...if you think that is a joke look at europe where raping white women and childeren has been de facto do more jail time for kicking a dog.We now live in a country in which an invasion of criminal aliens are called Dreamers and where the citizens whose family members died to defeat Hitler we call Nazis....and Trump sits wit his head up his ass tossing the ball to a congress owned by the globalists and the chamber of commerce.

Hell at this point I wish Putin would have put himself in the least he represents the interests of his own nation.At this point we have Pelosi and Ryan giving the invaders citizenship,and Trump giving them jobs.
First as to the deal he supposedly made with the dems... what did they get? An agreement to make a deal.. that's it.... they still have to get something through the Senate and House.

DACA is and was unconstitutionally ENACTED........ he didn't do anything there either except say we are going to start enforcing the laws as writen NOW.... those in the process get a little more of a head start from ICE.... than others. Again no change.
If you thought there was going to be some kind of mass deportation plan....... you want fantasy go to Disneyland.

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The Cromwell

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The republicans in congress were planning to pass a debt extension bill that would last until after the midterm elections. People would have forgotten their spending by then. And they are concerned about losing seats because of trump.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First as to the deal he supposedly made with the dems... what did they get? An agreement to make a deal.. that's it.... they still have to get something through the Senate and House.

DACA is and was unconstitutionally ENACTED........ he didn't do anything there either except say we are going to start enforcing the laws as writen NOW.... those in the process get a little more of a head start from ICE.... than others. Again no change.
If you thought there was going to be some kind of mass deportation plan....... you want fantasy go to Disneyland.

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yeah is that sorta like how we caved in and gave amnesty to 3 million illegals, and told that was it the goverment is going to enforce the law.....and then 10 years latter we had 30 million illegals.....kinda like that...that kind of enforcement....WTF how fucking stupid do you think the people many times you gonna run that same old lying line of horseshit, if you think that is gonna work you are living in and Trump both can expect to see the riots planned in November by the left to this point I say burn the mother to the ground....maybe Trump and Pelosi can get mexicans to fight antifa...unless you put serious hurt on illegals and force them to realize that their life is not going to be a happy one here,because of their violation of our laws...they will just keep coming. if you don't deport every illegal you can catch then they will just keep coming...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not sure how that point is supposed to help your argument.

The "Dreamers" are illegal immigrants. Not immigrants. The only difference between a "dreamer" and the run of the mill illegal immigrant is the age they were when they entered the country illegally. Using your argument, we could say that all illegal immigrants are legal immigrants if Congress passes a law. And that's true. But, if that's the case then there is no such thing as illegal immigrants. Just immigrants that haven't been made legal yet. And I'm not okay with that.

I understand they are in a bad spot. But they should not expect the US to make up for the mistakes of their parents. The US did not put them in the position they are now in, their parents did. They are not legal immigrants.

That said, we are stuck with the past administrations failure to secure the border. Being stuck with the dreamers isn't a huge concern to me in the grand scheme of things. Secure the border and deport as many non dreamer illegals as we can get ahold of will be a Trump victory.

What does concern me is that I watched a "dreamer" on CNN(using sign language while he spoke) say it would be terrible for him to have to be deported because he he needs to stay and take care of his deaf parents. Sounds sad. But, it was a "what the fuck" moment for me. He's a dreamer so his fucking parents are illegals. Just deport him with his parents and he can take care of them because they're deaf and they can take care of him because they know the old country.
Fuck the Dreamers and their "bad spot"...there are tons of inoccent kids in this country being born with father and mothers in jail, fathers and mothers that are drug addicts, fathers and mothers who are poor, fathers and mothers who are homeless..fathers and mothers suffering from the effects of forgien wars they were shipped off to....what about their "dreams"..those are my countrymen, those are the people who my money should go to, and when they are ALL taken care of....I'll take out my charity list, but I'll tell you up front mexicans are gonna be way at the bottom of that list,just underneath feral cats.
There are BILLIONS of people who want to emigrate to the US each and everyone of them would make better citizens than the scum who spit in the face of the American people and tell them that they will ignore the American people's right to goveren their own homeland and write their own immigration policy.something mexicans would never allow a group of forgieners to dictate to them.Tell me why would a mexican ever assimilate into America when his very existence in this country is a manifestation of America's willingness to assimilating to the demands of Mexicans.

As for the meat heads in Hollywood and Berkeley and SF......I'm sure the Foster care services in Chicago,and Detroit,Clevland,LA,NY,New Orleans,and Baltimore can hook them up with thousands of childeren who are poor and find themselves through not fault of their own living in a war zone....I guess Cher and Gerorge Clooney didn't get the memo.
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