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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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WSJ Reporter Investigating Hillary Clinton, Found Dead

34 Year old Pulitzer Prize winning Reporter at the top of his game found dead mere hours before a scheduled meeting at the Russian Consulate as part of his investigation. He was in the midst of investigating Hillary Clinton’s Russian ties when he was found dead in his NY apartment under mysterious circumstances. Colleagues say he was really excited about the story and “couldn’t wait” to reveal his findings to the world.

He was reportedly investigating Hillary’s involvement in the purchase of Russian drug company Veropharm by Abbot Labs at a time in 2014 when sanctions against Russia would have prevented the sale.

Yeah - Nothing to see here Folks! - Move Along!


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Anyone starting to think there is something wrong with this Awan thing? Almost starting to feel like an Israeli misdirect plant to cover their own spy ring's tracks & take the heat off our own Congressmen for their spying. (ie: It wasn't Hillary, Obama, Schumer & McCain, etc but the Awans through Pakistan).

Report: Imran Awan May Have Left Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Laptop for Police to Find

I actually believe both were occurring & Israel is feeding evidence on the Awan/DWS side while distracting from their own deeds.
Couldn't just be The DNC crime syndicate......

No its the Jews...

A bigot is a bigot wether is white brown or religion you hate....

Starting to thing alt right and left should join forces. They do appear to agree on more than they disagree. The place they diverge us the Blame game... but even here they have commonality in that the both blame others.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Couldn't just be The DNC crime syndicate......

No its the Jews...

A bigot is a bigot wether is white brown or religion you hate....

Starting to thing alt right and left should join forces. They do appear to agree on more than they disagree. The place they diverge us the Blame game... but even here they have commonality in that the both blame others.

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there is a differnce between the jewish people and the Zionists...just as there is a differnce between the average Texan and George Bush. don't you think it is odd that Nazisim is vilified in the west, but to even question zionisim is an invitation to be cudgeled with the charge of is verboteen. Why do we dismiss on the one hand the idea that the holocaust was a hoax...but then on the other hand say that an investigation into the influence of Isreal on our goverment is anti-semetic...why are we not free to inquire about theses things without being labeled a bigot...
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Bill Maher: 'Unfair' for states like Texas to request federal aid after Harvey

“Suddenly, socialism is not such a bad idea when you’re standing in toxic floodwater.”

Wrong - Bill Maher, divisive Liberals like him, and Socialism itself is the true toxic floodwater.
But Bill doesn't think Texans should be able to enforce legally sanctioned immigratin law.....he thinks they should pay an Unconstitutional income tax,
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
WSJ Reporter Investigating Hillary Clinton, Found Dead

34 Year old Pulitzer Prize winning Reporter at the top of his game found dead mere hours before a scheduled meeting at the Russian Consulate as part of his investigation. He was in the midst of investigating Hillary Clinton’s Russian ties when he was found dead in his NY apartment under mysterious circumstances. Colleagues say he was really excited about the story and “couldn’t wait” to reveal his findings to the world.

He was reportedly investigating Hillary’s involvement in the purchase of Russian drug company Veropharm by Abbot Labs at a time in 2014 when sanctions against Russia would have prevented the sale.

Yeah - Nothing to see here Folks! - Move Along!
how many bodies have to be piled many assassinations are the Clintons allowed to committ before they are jailed and exposed...can they just kill all of us.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
WSJ Reporter Investigating Hillary Clinton, Found Dead

34 Year old Pulitzer Prize winning Reporter at the top of his game found dead mere hours before a scheduled meeting at the Russian Consulate as part of his investigation. He was in the midst of investigating Hillary Clinton’s Russian ties when he was found dead in his NY apartment under mysterious circumstances. Colleagues say he was really excited about the story and “couldn’t wait” to reveal his findings to the world.

He was reportedly investigating Hillary’s involvement in the purchase of Russian drug company Veropharm by Abbot Labs at a time in 2014 when sanctions against Russia would have prevented the sale.

Yeah - Nothing to see here Folks! - Move Along!

Suicide no doubt probably shot himself in the back of the head

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The Cromwell

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Any criticism of Israel just winds up being antisemitic hatred?
The Jews sure have a self righteous teflon shield in place.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Couldn't just be The DNC crime syndicate......

No its the Jews...

A bigot is a bigot wether is white brown or religion you hate....

Starting to thing alt right and left should join forces. They do appear to agree on more than they disagree. The place they diverge us the Blame game... but even here they have commonality in that the both blame others.

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As Pulse said, it is not about the Jewish Faith. Most of the girls I've dated were Jews.

It is about Deep State Control of our government, Blackmail of our government officials and Politicians, Manipulation of our media, and the determination to stage false flags like Charlottesville, Manchester, and pretty much every terrorist attack to manipulate the USA into fighting its wars for them at our expense both in dollars and lives. There is a reason Robert David Steele specifically wants our Congress Members to renounce the AIPAC Pledge. There is a very good reason for this.

Whether you believe it or not Mossad is usually directly responsible for orchestrating most of these things in the world on behalf of the Zionists, the Elite, the Illuminati, the Bankers, the Deep State, the Rothchilds, etc. They are all terms for different segments of the same criminal Cabal.

no appears it was an attempted robbery gone which nothing was stolen.
That old diddy seems to be happening much more frequently these days...
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As spoken by the true progressive....

As i said.
Far/ALT right equals Far/ALT left. Only way to tell difference. The colors of their flags.

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Diamond Contributor
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As spoken by the true progressive....

As i said.
Far/ALT right equals Far/ALT left. Only way to tell difference. The colors of their flags.

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I admire people like Thomas Merton, and Mathew Fox, and St. Francis......but it does not excuse the fact that there exists in the Vatican a cabal of people who have for centuries waged war,committed mass murder,overthrown goverments,installed goverments, and squashed human feedom and knowledge in the belief they were the chosen people of God. How come I can say that about the Catholic Church and it's acceptable for me to investigate, but the reality and crimes of Zionists are not acceptable to investigate., and I am tarred as anti-semetic......that double standard is crumbeling in the world today.
How come we can talk about the supposed collusion between the Nazis and the Catholic Church, but the supposed collusion between Hitler and the Zionists is buried knowledge.
How come I can say that there is a ring of pedophiles who have been protected by the Catholic Church with the influence in the political world by the Vatican.
But if I say there is growing evidence to suggest the holocaust was a hoax ...I can go to jail in like 17 countries in this world....shouldn't we be able to investigate either of these claims in freedom. How much power and influence must you be able to wield that you can actually force 17 countries to jail scholars. for just the crime of thinking...or to destroy the lives and end the carrerrs .and even have the lives of people threatened or have good men labeled monsters for studying facts.
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The Cromwell

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Diamond Contributor
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Trump said he could shoot somebody and not lose a vote.....The Clinton ACTUALLY HAVE killed like 50 people....and they are walking free and stuffing their coffers on the human trafficking trade.they are untouchables....hell they'll run that horse faced brat of their pretty soon for president. the little creep could wear a string of human ears around her neck and the average democrat would vote for her then go into New Hampshire and vote for her a second time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump said he could shoot somebody and not lose a vote.....The Clinton ACTUALLY HAVE killed like 50 people....and they are walking free and stuffing their coffers on the human trafficking trade.they are untouchables....hell they'll run that horse faced brat of their pretty soon for president. the little creep could wear a string of human ears around her neck and the average democrat would vote for her then go into New Hampshire and vote for her a second time.
Webster Hubbell's daughter will never be President!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Webster Hubbell's daughter will never be President!

says and dad still have alot of bullets keep talking like this and we might find you alone in a locked room with your hand tied behind your back and a suicide note written in the same shade of lipstick that Hilary uses


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
says and dad still have alot of bullets keep talking like this and we might find you alone in a locked room with your hand tied behind your back and a suicide note written in the same shade of lipstick that Hilary uses
Figure it is too late to avoid that for all us Deplorables since Sessions won't grow a pair and indict this Mafia Queen mass murderer.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Figure it is too late to avoid that for all us Deplorables since Sessions won't grow a pair and indict this Mafia Queen mass murderer.

which leads me to believe whoever owns (rothschild) the Clintons still has a use for them, or we would have already found Bill with an underage Hatian hooker dead from Viagra overdose, and Huma and Hilary in a murder/suicide pact in a cabin deep in the woods.....with the Hatian hookers younger sister,


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The only way 911 could be a Government plot is for it to be pure deep state.... no way for any elected or appointed officials to be involved or even have knowledge in advance without the secret getting out.. prior to the installation of the required explosive. ... no it had to be black.. so black only the operators even new of the OP...... just don't see that kind of secret staying secret.....


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