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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree Hillary. We all have to live with the consequences of our decisions.

Mr. Sessions: Lets convene a grand Jury and get started on Hillary's consequences for ALL HER decisions Now!!!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree Hillary. We all have to live with the consequences of our decisions.

Mr. Sessions: Lets convene a grand Jury and get started on Hillary's consequences for ALL HER decisions Now!!!

Thanks to her Seth Rich died because of the consquences of his decision.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People like her should go live somewhere where there is no law and order. They want anarchy, let them go live in the Pashtun lands of Afghanistan and Pakistan and see how no government really works. There's no white privilege there, she'd be at home. What an idiot she is.
or she could go to nieghborhoods in Mexico City or India...where when the people catch a thief they don't bother with calling white cops, or even brown cops..the neighborhood just pick up rocks and clubs and beat the thief half to death and throw his body in the garbage heaps. I had a Paki friend who always used to tell me that he and I should go up into the hills of Pakistan and afghanistan where there were walled towns and the Pakistan goverment put up signs saying.."Beyond this point the goverment of Pakistan will not be responsible for your saftey.......... or recovering your body" He somehow thought I'd find that intriguing......apparently you could buy gems cheap,if you lived to sell them.
Or better yet send her into Soweto for a night, let her see what social justice really looks like.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at Cal State Fullerton, with many opponents trying to block the event

As if this isn't good enough, KFI radio is saying it is gonna be scheduled on Halloween. (But I have been unable to confirm this)

I can tell you that Fullerton PD have a well deserved rep for... well... violence.
If this speech happens and these antifuks wanna get skippy, Fullerton cops
will not be hanging back holding their collective vag like the Berkely cops did.

I have GOT to see this...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at Cal State Fullerton, with many opponents trying to block the event

As if this isn't good enough, KFI radio is saying it is gonna be scheduled on Halloween. (But I have been unable to confirm this)

I can tell you that Fullerton PD have a well deserved rep for... well... violence.
If this speech happens and these antifuks wanna get skippy, Fullerton cops
will not be hanging back holding their collective vag like the Berkely cops did.

I have GOT to see this...
is that up by sacramento

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The only time that Republicans are bi-partisan is when they are in the minority.
Trump is apparently bi-partisan.
Apparently Republicans did not understand what Deal Making was all about.
Poor pissed off Republicans....

How soon will the 'Trump is not really a Republican' start from the right?
Already starting?
Took a lot longer with Bush II.

btw check back in this thread or the other one.
I predicted this.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well,well, appears Hilary won the election after all. There were several things that sort of pointed to the fact Trump sold out...first was Dianne Fienstien saying that Trump was an OK guy...the other was the fact that the DNC put a choke collar on Maxine Waters impeahment rants.....they were the red flags that were pointing the way.
Jeb Bush couldn't have done it better.

Donald Trump: ‘The Wall Will Come Later’ After DACA Amnesty Deal


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The only time that Republicans are bi-partisan is when they are in the minority.
Trump is apparently bi-partisan.
Apparently Republicans did not understand what Deal Making was all about.
Poor pissed off Republicans....

How soon will the 'Trump is not really a Republican' start from the right?
Already starting?
Took a lot longer with Bush II.

btw check back in this thread or the other one.
I predicted this.
He's not a dem either.... that's the point.
He's a businessman. .. more specifically a SALESMAN. So far all the dems got a an agreement to make deal... there is no specifics as to what a DEAL includes....

Where the sign bill making it law? There is no deal till that happens. ....

Problem we have is the Politicians have a different definition of a deal..... to them nit giving a flat out on the spot Rejection is the same as agreement. ..... to Donald agreeing on some principles doesn't equal a deal....

It's like climate change...... anyone who notices there are no dinosaurs understands it is real.... the disagreement comes on the Who is to blame..... I say God and there ain't shit we can do but adapt or die... that's where evolution comes in....

If you believe man is to blame or can do anything about it........ Explain the existence of either the Great Lakes and Grand Canyon. And why there are fossils of tropical plants in the Arctic. And why the warming and cooling on earth reflects that of all the other planets in the solar system.

I still think Trump is going to work to keep his promises...... I don't think he cares WHO works with him... As long as the result is MAGA.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He's not a dem either.... that's the point.
He's a businessman. .. more specifically a SALESMAN. So far all the dems got a an agreement to make deal... there is no specifics as to what a DEAL includes....

Where the sign bill making it law? There is no deal till that happens. ....

Problem we have is the Politicians have a different definition of a deal..... to them nit giving a flat out on the spot Rejection is the same as agreement. ..... to Donald agreeing on some principles doesn't equal a deal....

It's like climate change...... anyone who notices there are no dinosaurs understands it is real.... the disagreement comes on the Who is to blame..... I say God and there ain't shit we can do but adapt or die... that's where evolution comes in....

If you believe man is to blame or can do anything about it........ Explain the existence of either the Great Lakes and Grand Canyon. And why there are fossils of tropical plants in the Arctic. And why the warming and cooling on earth reflects that of all the other planets in the solar system.

I still think Trump is going to work to keep his promises...... I don't think he cares WHO works with him... As long as the result is MAGA.

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what fucking promise is there left that he hasn't broken already...He betrayed his promise about DACA and the Wall....there is no dancing around that


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He's not a dem either.... that's the point.
He's a businessman. .. more specifically a SALESMAN. So far all the dems got a an agreement to make deal... there is no specifics as to what a DEAL includes....

Where the sign bill making it law? There is no deal till that happens. ....

Problem we have is the Politicians have a different definition of a deal..... to them nit giving a flat out on the spot Rejection is the same as agreement. ..... to Donald agreeing on some principles doesn't equal a deal....

It's like climate change...... anyone who notices there are no dinosaurs understands it is real.... the disagreement comes on the Who is to blame..... I say God and there ain't shit we can do but adapt or die... that's where evolution comes in....

If you believe man is to blame or can do anything about it........ Explain the existence of either the Great Lakes and Grand Canyon. And why there are fossils of tropical plants in the Arctic. And why the warming and cooling on earth reflects that of all the other planets in the solar system.

I still think Trump is going to work to keep his promises...... I don't think he cares WHO works with him... As long as the result is MAGA.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Gotta say I think you are being too optimistic. Trump appears as if he is either compromised or captive. While I would like to believe he is going to turn the tables on them yet again, it is starting to appear as if the presidency we dreamed of has failed.

Sessions isn't prosecuting the swamp despite ample evidence. Trump is selling out his base wholesale & failing to deliver easily attainable goals. He is allowing unprecedented censorship by all msm, google, twitter, youtube, etc when he could easily eliminate Obama's EOs that are protecting the practice. All departments continue to violate and ignore mandates without repercussion.

He has betrayed many of his staunchest allies and seems unable to staff agencies with loyal allies who will take control of the agencies of government.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Gotta say I think you are being too optimistic. Trump appears as if he is either compromised or captive. While I would like to believe he is going to turn the tables on them yet again, it is starting to appear as if the presidency we dreamed of has failed.
I would say that is an understatment....this could either defeat alot of people or it could set off a shit storm of resolved people.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I would say that is an understatment....this could either defeat alot of people or it could set off a shit storm of resolved people.
Hopefully it is the latter and we can all unite between RDS & CM with #Unrig to send a real message to DC in 2018 that we are mad as hell and absolutely will not take it anymore by voting most of these assholes out of office.

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