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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nightmare: DACA Amnesty DREAM Act Will Cost $115 Billion Thanks to Obamacare
at this point we should close down the entire structure of the federal immigration departments, we should cease to issue Drivers Licenses and passports anything less is racist..if mexicans are not subjected to these laws no human should be. private property should be nullified as well as door locks...there is no illegal human.look at europe..their judges have already legalized raping white women and childern by refugees....why stop there..


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
at this point we should close down the entire structure of the federal immigration departments, we should cease to issue Drivers Licenses and passports anything less is racist..if mexicans are not subjected to these laws no human should be. private property should be nullified as well as door locks...there is no illegal human.look at europe..their judges have already legalized raping white women and childern by refugees....why stop there..
the problem with you sarchasm is that the left cannot understand you are joking and may decide your suggestions deserve to be carried out. (for everyone besides themselves that is).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the problem with you sarchasm is that the left cannot understand you are joking and may decide your suggestions deserve to be carried out. (for everyone besides themselves that is).
I am not being sarcastic...gaming the system or bleeding the working class as become the norm, not the excption..when 30 million forgien nationals invade your homeland, and are called "Dreamers" and you object and are called a Nazi..despite the fact it was people like you your ancestors who fought and DIED to defeat nazism.then there is no country left to save...burn the bitch to the ground,and rebuild something new,I am tired of trying to revive a are not going to talk to these people... they are beating and stabbing people for just talking.... a young woman was just stabbed in the neck in Berkeley for going to listen to hear Ben Shapiro speak...We have college proffesors and the media rationalizing murderous violence by the left, and meanwhile a law just got passed to target "White Nationalists",.. whatever that means...the goverment now has given themselves the right to use their power to supress whoever they deem a white is not inconcievable that soon you could get arrested on thought crimes.why not use the left itself to bring down the goverment.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
at this point we should close down the entire structure of the federal immigration departments, we should cease to issue Drivers Licenses and passports anything less is racist..if mexicans are not subjected to these laws no human should be. private property should be nullified as well as door locks...there is no illegal human.look at europe..their judges have already legalized raping white women and childern by refugees....why stop there..
I'm not gonna get all upset that Trump is selling us out on DACA until he actually does. So far he has killed DACA within 6 months & told Dems if presented with DACA legislation from Congress we would in concept support it in exchange for a wall and tax reform.

I'm ok with allowing a pathway to citizenship if they have a clean record, are not on government dole, are employed and fully vetted in exchange for the wall & tax reform. So long as those conditions are met and they were indeed children when they arrived, give them green cards and a deadline to attain citizenship. If they fail, deport them. If they commit a crime deport them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am not being sarcastic...gaming the system or bleeding the working class as become the norm, not the excption..when 30 million forgien nationals invade your homeland, and are called "Dreamers" and you object and are called a Nazi..despite the fact it was people like you your ancestors who fought and DIED to defeat nazism.then there is no country left to save...burn the bitch to the ground,and rebuild something new,I am tired of trying to revive a are not going to talk to these people... they are beating and stabbing people for just talking.
Personally I think these antifa types being arrested on assault chrges & felony rioting should have their citizenship reviewed and depending on severity of offense, perhaps they should be deported to a Communist country so they can live their dream.

A lot of the DACA people would be preferable.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not gonna get all upset that Trump is selling us out on DACA until he actually does. So far he has killed DACA within 6 months & told Dems if presented with DACA legislation from Congress we would in concept support it in exchange for a wall and tax reform.

I'm ok with allowing a pathway to citizenship if they have a clean record, are not on government dole, are employed and fully vetted in exchange for the wall & tax reform. So long as those conditions are met and they were indeed children when they arrived, give them green cards and a deadline to attain citizenship. If they fail, deport them. If they commit a crime deport them.

We gave amnesty to 3 million...and we got 30 million more illegals..if you give amnesty you reward the breaking of the have to be a drooling cretin to look at a history that is only 30 years old not to be able to see that rewarding crime multiples it by 10 fold...Arizona, Texas, Nevada, will all turn into solid blue states you ensure we have a one party state in America, not by the choice of the citizens but by the choice of forgien mercenaries. tell us when do expect to eradicate sex crimes by legalizing rape. , and you lie about the so called sound like those dipshits in europe who call 20 year old rapeugges with beards "childeren" and then send them into public schools to terrorize childeren...have you been alive in the last 30 years do you bother reading the news of what is happening in europe are you so naivee to think that the inavsion of the US is an organic phenomena you haven't realized that the invasion of the US is being engineered by the elite....or do you still nod of watching the TV....I suppose you think the FDA's war on vaping is for the public health as well.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Personally I think these antifa types being arrested on assault chrges & felony rioting should have their citizenship reviewed and depending on severity of offense, perhaps they should be deported to a Communist country so they can live their dream.

A lot of the DACA people would be preferable.
oh yeah that is prferable a group of people that tell the American people they don't have a right to goveren themselves, they don't have a right to pass laws, they don't have a right to vote, they don't have a right that they demand for their own countries...tell me when is Mexico,Guatemala, and Nicaragua going to erase their borders,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We gave amnesty to 3 million...and we got 30 million more illegals..if you give amnesty you reward the breaking of the have to be a drooling cretin to look at a history that is only 30 years old not to be able to see that rewarding crime multiples it by 10 fold...Arizona, Texas, Nevada, will all turn into solid blue states you ensure we have a one party state in America, not by the choice of the citizens but by the choice of forgien mercenaries. tell us when do expect to eradicate sex crimes by legalizing rape. , and you lie about the so called sound like those dipshits in europe who call 20 year old rapeugges with beards "childeren" and then send them into public schools to terrorize childeren...have you been alive in the last 30 years do you bother reading the news of what is happening in europe are you so naivee to think that the inavsion of the US is an organic phenomena you haven't realized that the invasion of the US is being engineered by the elite....or do you still nod of watching the TV....I suppose you think the FDA's war on vaping is for the public health as well.
No I did not lie. I recognized that they lied when they extended consideration to the DACAs under that premise. I said they needed to be properly vetted and that they should be verified to have been children when through no fault of their own, their parents brought them here, be free of criminal arrests, and gainfully employed (or having served in our armed forces honorably). Their parents should be deported and they should be given the option of staying or accompanying their parents. I most certainly do not intend for this to be a back door amnesty, but a path to citizenship for those the program was actually advertised to protect, not their entire family - in exchange for tax reform & the wall.

Deport the rest.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
oh yeah that is prferable a group of people that tell the American people they don't have a right to goveren themselves, they don't have a right to pass laws, they don't have a right to vote, they don't have a right that they demand for their own countries...tell me when is Mexico,Guatemala, and Nicaragua going to erase their borders,
If we could exchange people who are citizens that hate this country & march to overthrow it for people who love it & want to be here & support it & become citizens, I would think that a good thing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think Congress will pass proper legislation to protect the Dreamers before 2018 midterms & any republican congressman that votes for it deserves to be bounced from congress rather than reelected. Lets get rid of these RINOs any way we can.

That is Trump's real goal. Surely you see that.

In the mean time more get deported than enter and the Dem voter fraud base dwindles.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If we could exchange people who are citizens that hate this country & march to overthrow it for people who love it & want to be here & support it & become citizens, I would think that a good thing.
What leads you to believe they love this country...they despise this country they despise our people...I live in one of the biggest immigrant populations in America I have lots of friend that are immigrants..,from all over the world....but the scum of Latin America who break our laws are marching in the streets under the Mexican flag their own goverment supports and aids them in breaking our laws they slander and abuse our country and her people calling them racist and nazis for simpley wanting to have the right to goveren themselves for wanting what mexico herself notice legal immigrants don't call our people nazis and racist they respect our people and our nation and they recognize the need for immigration laws, they come from countries with immigration laws that are far more Draconian than ours ...hell alot of legal immigrants even from latin america see this shit for what it is and are angry about it.... but illegal scum calls our people racist and KKK.
The other thing which you are doing is mouthing the bullshit lie that we are giving amnesy to these people...this is the false narritive manufactured by the elite again I point out that what you refuse to aknowledge..when Regan administration gave amnesty we were told it was for 2 turned out to be for 3 million in exchange for border security...we did not get border security , but those 3 million were not sent packing back to mexico we were stuck with we got nothing in the deal...except 30 million saw that the American goverment lied and so they came knowing they would get amnesty...if we give amnesty we are not giving amnesty to 1 million we are going to give amnesty to 40 million and what is more we are going to be flooded with 10 times that many, because the world is going to see our goverment does not obey the will of the people it obeys the will of the elite...people supporting this bullshit are not telling the truth they are telling a big fat lie about the entire situation and they tell this lie to themselves as well.
we have never got border security it isn't going to happen even if Trump did it the DNC would repeal funding the minute Trump left office our goverment is conspiring to actively break the laws that they swore to uphold.this is the truth. this is what we won't face up to.
As for the left they have every right to speak their minds, but when they say they have a right to use violence then the Justice department should arrest them on sedition and violating people free speech rights and they should be in prisons not picking trash on the side of the highway.

The real issue is how the goverment is potraying the citizens as monsters for wanting sustainable growth levels....while gnagster sum are potrayed as the Christ child fleeing into eygpt...the goverment has declared actual war on the people.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What leads you to believe they love this country...they despise this country they despise our people...I live in one of the biggest immigrant populations in America I have lots of friend that are immigrants..,from all over the world....but the scum of Latin America who break our laws are marching in the streets under the Mexican flag their own goverment supports and aids them in breaking our laws they slander and abuse our country and her people calling them racist and nazis for simpley wanting to have the right to goveren themselves for wanting what mexico herself notice legal immigrants don't call our people nazis and racist they respect our people and our nation and they recognize the need for immigration laws, they come from countries with immigration laws that are far more Draconian than ours ...hell alot of legal immigrants even from latin america see this shit for what it is and are angry about it.... but illegal scum calls our people racist and KKK.
The other thing which you are doing is mouthing the bullshit lie that we are giving amnesy to these people...this is the false narritive manufactured by the elite again I point out that what you refuse to aknowledge..when Regan administration gave amnesty we were told it was for 2 turned out to be for 3 million in exchange for border security...we did not get border security , but those 3 million were not sent packing back to mexico we were stuck with we got nothing in the deal...except 30 million saw that the American goverment lied and so they came knowing they would get amnesty...if we give amnesty we are not giving amnesty to 1 million we are going to give amnesty to 40 million and what is more we are going to be flooded with 10 times that many, because the world is going to see our goverment does not obey the will of the people it obeys the will of the elite...people supporting this bullshit are not telling the truth they are telling a big fat lie about the entire situation and they tell this lie to themselves as well.
As for the left they have every right to speak their minds, but when they say they have a right to use violence then the Justice department should arrest them on sedition and violating people free speech rights and they should be in prisons not picking trash on the side of the highway.
Pulse, pull the burr out of your ass long enough to realize that because your pissed off at Trump does not mean I was responsible for his actions. I don't need to tolerate your accusations & you are making Cromwell seem reasonable by comparison. I have seen Trump seemingly make a lot of errors only to come around and do the right thing in the end time & again & I see no reason not to think he might be doing it again with both the Dems & Pubs.

He plays a lot of bait & switch / Rope a Dope with the media & I see no actual evidence he has indeed sold out entirely at this point. I can tell you so far he has done a hell of a lot better in the office than his predecessor or the alternative candidate would have while essentially being a captive in the WH while all of government rebels against him, gangs roam the streets calling for his head & the media lies wholesale & promotes his assassination with no basis in fact or justification all with no support from Justice.

There are many battles we wont win in taking back our government and Trump has done a lot more than I expected him to reasonably accomplish in many ways under unprecedented circumstances no president has ever faced since Kennedy, but Sessions is sleeping on the job or was a really bad choice that is really just as dirty as the rest. Trump cannot work effectively in the office without Sessions doing his job & that idiot is more worried about busting people for smoking a d**bie & confiscating their houses & bank accounts rather than arresting the arsonists burning the Constitution and Washington DC to the ground in front of the American people while most of Trump's supporters sit on their asses bitching about Trump. He can't do it alone.

I have been secretly praying that a white hat would put a bullet in Brennan's head and issue a warning that he was judged & executed for his crimes against the American People and the Constitution and that he was just the first of many unless the blatant criminals in DC are immediately indicted for their crimes with the next judgement being carried out in 48 hours unless action is taken. It almost seems that something like this is what this country needs to tip the scales in the right direction & make the elite capitulate to the inevitable since most of the MAGA supporters are sitting with their thumbs up their ass turning their backs on the only person to make a substantial difference in DC in decades.

Alex Jones burned a Trump hat the other day as a warning to Trump to straighten up or lose his entire base rather than rally his listeners to DC En-Masse to a massive protest in the streets warning the elites we aren't gonna allow them amnesty for Hillary & her Cabal or the illegals & the MAGAs are too busy working & living their lives to care to even show up if he did. Bannon leaving the white house & saying the Trump presidency as we knew it was over, Trump going back on his word, fracturing his base, splitting the right against each other rater than showing a united front while the Deep State Censors, the Media Lies, Missiles are launched from North Korea and the Deep State wages weather warfare against us. It is all a play to keep us confused & reeling while we lose everything we hold dear without so much as a whimper.

We deserve to lose what little illusion of freedom we have left because no one gives enough of a shit to try & make a stand for what is right. I guess you are right. Lets all give up & fight each other just like you appear to have decided to do. Great plan!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Boy they got some fuckin brass don't they:

Dems - Always Lying & always playing the victims!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pulse, pull the burr out of your ass long enough to realize that because your pissed off at Trump does not mean I was responsible for his actions. I don't need to tolerate your accusations & you are making Cromwell seem reasonable by comparison. I have seen Trump seemingly make a lot of errors only to come around and do the right thing in the end time & again & I see no reason not to think he might be doing it again with both the Dems & Pubs.

He plays a lot of bait & switch / Rope a Dope with the media & I see no actual evidence he has indeed sold out entirely at this point. I can tell you so far he has done a hell of a lot better in the office than his predecessor or the alternative candidate would have while essentially being a captive in the WH while all of government rebels against him, gangs roam the streets calling for his head & the media lies wholesale & promotes his assassination with no basis in fact or justification all with no support from Justice.

There are many battles we wont win in taking back our government and Trump has done a lot more than I expected him to reasonably accomplish in many ways under unprecedented circumstances no president has ever faced since Kennedy, but Sessions is sleeping on the job or was a really bad choice that is really just as dirty as the rest. Trump cannot work effectively in the office without Sessions doing his job & that idiot is more worried about busting people for smoking a d**bie & confiscating their houses & bank accounts rather than arresting the arsonists burning the Constitution and Washington DC to the ground in front of the American people while most of Trump's supporters sit on their asses bitching about Trump. He can't do it alone.

I have been secretly praying that a white hat would put a bullet in Brennan's head and issue a warning that he was judged & executed for his crimes against the American People and the Constitution and that he was just the first of many unless the blatant criminals in DC are immediately indicted for their crimes with the next judgement being carried out in 48 hours unless action is taken. It almost seems that something like this is what this country needs to tip the scales in the right direction & make the elite capitulate to the inevitable since most of the MAGA supporters are sitting with their thumbs up their ass turning their backs on the only person to make a substantial difference in DC in decades.

Alex Jones burned a Trump hat the other day as a warning to Trump to straighten up or lose his entire base rather than rally his listeners to DC En-Masse to a massive protest in the streets warning the elites we aren't gonna allow them amnesty for Hillary & her Cabal or the illegals & the MAGAs are too busy working & living their lives to care to even show up if he did. Bannon leaving the white house & saying the Trump presidency as we knew it was over, Trump going back on his word, fracturing his base, splitting the right against each other rater than showing a united front while the Deep State Censors, the Media Lies, Missiles are launched from North Korea and the Deep State wages weather warfare against us. It is all a play to keep us confused & reeling while we lose everything we hold dear without so much as a whimper.

We deserve to lose what little illusion of freedom we have left because no one gives enough of a shit to try & make a stand for what is right. I guess you are right. Lets all give up & fight each other just like you appear to have decided to do. Great plan!

I'd rather have a burr up my ass than my head up my ass. This sounds like a Trump apoligist tour.
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