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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Hopefully it is the latter and we can all unite between RDS & CM with #Unrig to send a real message in 2018.

I doubt this point I say lead the sheep to their well longed for slaughter and just try and avoid it yourself....welcome to the new Dark Age....the deep state is to ingrained, to well hidden, to protected. they are in plain sight and still they can control us.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I doubt this point I say lead the sheep to their well longed for slaughter and just try and avoid it yourself....welcome to the new Dark Age.
We are the first ones they are coming for. Anyone who has posted anywhere that they know what is happening will be targeted.

It is us or them. We can't avoid the inevitable. Which would you rather have, us united behind #Unrig & taking our government back peacefully or a Civil War?

If Trump does not nationalize the Fed very soon and refuse to honor the debt to bankers while honoring debts to other countries, he is completely compromised as that is the only way to MAGA.
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tRump's Anti-Leak Strategy Got Leaked



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He ran on the Republican ticket. Republicans elected him.

So what??? This is the problem with the US, so fucking hung up on vacuous ideologies that aren't serving the public. It's nothing but an artifice to keep us at each others throats. He's the fucking president of the country, not the fucking Republican party. His job is to get things done, who gives a shit who he has to please. The knock on Obama was he couldn't make deals to get legislation passed that would help the country. What a fucking cesspool US politics has become and people just want to argue, "he said, she said".


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Member For 4 Years
what fucking promise is there left that he hasn't broken already...He betrayed his promise about DACA and the Wall....there is no dancing around that
When where and how.....

Wall currently under construction..... He promised to enforce immigration laws as passed by congress..... He never said there would be mass deportation.....even if this was possible.... always said something would have to be done for the DACA types......and the rest that are currently here also...

He promised to work to stop the inflow... the only people he promised to deport are those actively committing crime.

Please stop defining what Trump said based on YOUR opinions and what the MSM says they mean.

Which part of Drain the Swamp, did you think meant make people happy politically?

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Gold Contributor
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Gotta say I think you are being too optimistic. Trump appears as if he is either compromised or captive. While I would like to believe he is going to turn the tables on them yet again, it is starting to appear as if the presidency we dreamed of has failed.

Sessions isn't prosecuting the swamp despite ample evidence. Trump is selling out his base wholesale & failing to deliver easily attainable goals. He is allowing unprecedented censorship by all msm, google, twitter, youtube, etc when he could easily eliminate Obama's EOs that are protecting the practice. All departments continue to violate and ignore mandates without repercussion.

He has betrayed many of his staunchest allies and seems unable to staff agencies with loyal allies who will take control of the agencies of government.
If you wanted a DREAM president. .... I'd say it's time to wake up.. never vote while asleep...


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So what??? This is the problem with the US, so fucking hung up on vacuous ideologies that aren't serving the public. It's nothing but an artifice to keep us at each others throats. He's the fucking president of the country, not the fucking Republican party. His job is to get things done, who gives a shit who he has to please. The knock on Obama was he couldn't make deals to get legislation passed that would help the country. What a fucking cesspool US politics has become and people just want to argue, "he said, she said".
giving away the central plank on which you based your candidcay is not making a deal it's betrayl.....the result of Trumps 4 D chess is..lower standards of living for the working class.lower wages, what has Trump accomplished ..well he will get tax breaks for globalist corporations and cheap labor for their bussinesses...he is a dream president for the Chamber of Commerce he is an assassin to the working class.He is legitamizing crime..I can see no reason any citizen should any longer feel compelled to obey or comply to any law that does not directly profit them...or to support in anyway a goverment that is murdering them.


Bronze Contributor
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Gotta say I think you are being too optimistic. Trump appears as if he is either compromised or captive. While I would like to believe he is going to turn the tables on them yet again, it is starting to appear as if the presidency we dreamed of has failed.

Sessions isn't prosecuting the swamp despite ample evidence. Trump is selling out his base wholesale & failing to deliver easily attainable goals. He is allowing unprecedented censorship by all msm, google, twitter, youtube, etc when he could easily eliminate Obama's EOs that are protecting the practice. All departments continue to violate and ignore mandates without repercussion.

He has betrayed many of his staunchest allies and seems unable to staff agencies with loyal allies who will take control of the agencies of government.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When where and how.....

Wall currently under construction..... He promised to enforce immigration laws as passed by congress..... He never said there would be mass deportation.....even if this was possible.... always said something would have to be done for the DACA types......and the rest that are currently here also...

He promised to work to stop the inflow... the only people he promised to deport are those actively committing crime.

Please stop defining what Trump said based on YOUR opinions and what the MSM says they mean.

Which part of Drain the Swamp, did you think meant make people happy politically?

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Why do you insist on lying...why do you insist on trying to bury people in bullshit...time and again Trump said that DACA would be shut down....what is this nonsense you are peddeling....The people who voted for Trump voted for a WALL...the wall they were voting for is the LAW...that the laws would be enforced, that is the wall they voted for...a concrete edifice in the middle of the Arizona desert that illegals push their 20 year old brats through, saying he is 12 is not what people voted for...Look the scum of latin America tried to get in through the backdoor and Americans decided to talk about closing the backdoor, so Obama opened the kitchen window and called it DACA...I don't care if you get in through the back door or the kitchen window you still are a criminal...look at all the so called Syrian refuggee childeren in europe sitting in elementary schools with beards and raping kids....this is real simple Trump fucking lied...and you sit here and blame the people who he lied to for his bullshit.
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giving away the central plank on which you based your candidcay is not making a deal it's betrayl.....the result of Trumps 4 D chess is..lower standards of living for the working class.lower wages, what has Trump accomplished ..well he will get tax breaks for globalist corporations and cheap labor for their bussinesses...he is a dream president for the Chamber of Commerce he is an assassin to the working class.He is legitamizing crime..I can see no reason any citizen should any longer feel compelled to obey or comply to any law that does not directly profit them...or to support in anyway a goverment that is murdering them.

How can anyone be surprised by this? Seriously.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How can anyone be surprised by this? Seriously.
No one on this thread is as naive as to believe politicans don't lie, we voted for a platform not a man...we are not surprised we are angry...Hell most of us assumed that Trump would betray us, as a very real possibility..the GOP has done it a dozen times... we voted in order to maintain the law, instead of chaos... but the elite have made it clear our votes no longer count, and that we are left with no political solutions...Shit isn't gonna change until people get real mad.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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So what??? This is the problem with the US, so fucking hung up on vacuous ideologies that aren't serving the public. It's nothing but an artifice to keep us at each others throats. He's the fucking president of the country, not the fucking Republican party. His job is to get things done, who gives a shit who he has to please. The knock on Obama was he couldn't make deals to get legislation passed that would help the country. What a fucking cesspool US politics has become and people just want to argue, "he said, she said".
The 2 party system has become a diversion used on the US citizens against our best interests.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I wonder how much Trump will get out of the Hurricane on Mar A Lago.
He got 11 million from insurance back in 2005 for another one and only had a small fraction of that costs in damage.


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Member For 4 Years
go fuck yourself..Trump lied he lied litielraly and he lied in intent.
Show me the promises broken.....or the lies.. without quoting CNN or MSNBC or AP.... and without resorting to a diatribe routed in bigotry.

The guy had dinner with the Witch and the Troll...... no laws were passed no deals were made...... YET..... Deals and what is needed for a deal were.. and considering WHO was there... are you surprised the convos would be tilted one direction vs another.... I bet if he had had dinner with Rand and IDK... Lyin Ted.. the reports would be about ICE deportation raids.

Your being played..... give it a few days....

nobody who was illegally here yesterday is legal today..
the wall is being Built NOW..... even if Mexico wrote a check today...... Congress would still have to vote to fund the wall... so that the US government can pay the contactor doing the work.... Never said Mexico would pay in advance for the wall.. just that ultimately Mexico will pay.

Heck you just reduce the flow out of Mexico you cost them dollars big time. But i know that doesn't count as them paying.

But then that's politics....... the whole who pays for the wall is a do I get the money from the right or left pocket argument anyway.

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Gold Contributor
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I wonder how much Trump will get out of the Hurricane on Mar A Lago.
He got 11 million from insurance back in 2005 for another one and only had a small fraction of that costs in damage.
That is why you buy insurance isn't it?

It's not like he caused the hurricane.... but it could be he wanted to remodel. So he had them fire up the old HAARP machine......

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Show me the promises broken.....or the lies.. without quoting CNN or MSNBC or AP.... and without resorting to a diatribe routed in bigotry.

The guy had dinner with the Witch and the Troll...... no laws were passed no deals were made...... YET..... Deals and what is needed for a deal were.. and considering WHO was there... are you surprised the convos would be tilted one direction vs another.... I bet if he had had dinner with Rand and IDK... Lyin Ted.. the reports would be about ICE deportation raids.

Your being played..... give it a few days....

nobody who was illegally here yesterday is legal today..
the wall is being Built NOW..... even if Mexico wrote a check today...... Congress would still have to vote to fund the wall... so that the US government can pay the contactor doing the work.... Never said Mexico would pay in advance for the wall.. just that ultimately Mexico will pay.

Heck you just reduce the flow out of Mexico you cost them dollars big time. But i know that doesn't count as them paying.

But then that's politics....... the whole who pays for the wall is a do I get the money from the right or left pocket argument anyway.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk you work in the whitehouse....The asshole is on the Television talking about how 92% of Americans don't want to deport the DACA that is just a bald faced fucking can't get 92% of America to agree on the color of the sky....No the ink is not dry on any agreements, but when the asshole goes out in public and starts talking about how we aren't gonna deport anyone..what Trump is doing is telling his base he has no intention of keeping his word..on the campaign trails he is promising to end DACA, end Sanctuary cities, build the wall the shit coming out of his mouth is ..."we are remodeling fences"....he is softening his base for the eventual sell end illegal immigration by deportation period. you let thses DACA scum in and there will be another ten for each one of them....We gave amnesty to 3 million and a promise of Border security from Congress,,,,what did we get......30 million illegals and DACA.....and ZERO border security...enforce the law..or face anarchy.

here which part of this confuses his own words. Don the Con starts at minute 2:00 I'm not seeing alot of ambiguity there,

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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That is why you buy insurance isn't it?

It's not like he caused the hurricane.... but it could be he wanted to remodel. So he had them fire up the old HAARP machine......

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Look back on his 11 million? in insurance money in I think it was 2005 and how much damage they actually had...

Insurance payouts are for actual damages otherwise it is insurance fraud and costs everyone higher premiums.


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Amnesty Don...he's turning.
Amnesty Don’ Trends at Number One on Twitter in Washington, D.C.
Following President Trump’s choosing to make a deal that will give amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens currently protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Breitbart News plastered the headline “Amnesty Don” on its front page.

Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the ultimate end to the DACA program, under which hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens were given work permits and temporary protected status, Trump has remained unclear on whether he would stick to his anti-amnesty campaign promises or cave to the political establishment.

At his White House meeting with moderates, as Breitbart News reported, Trump is set to choose a legislative deal that quickly legalizes the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens on DACA, without getting any pro-American immigration reforms in return.
DACA recipients currently hold upwards of 700,000 U.S. jobs. An ultimate end to the program – with DACA recipients not getting amnesty –would result in a 700,000 job stimulus for American workers. This would amount to nearly 30,000 new U.S. job openings for American workers every month once the program is officially phased out.

Although screening for DACA was previously touted as being sufficient in keeping criminals out, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) revealed that more than 2,100 recipients had their status revoked for being criminals or gang members.



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Hey I'm against government money going to rebuilding houses in a flood or hurricane prone area....... That is what insurance is for.......

But if the program is available I will be the first to let the Government rebuild my house. Why spend my own money when I don't have too.

You don't like it.. tell your congressional representative do something about it.... they created FEMA not Trump.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey I'm against government money going to rebuilding houses in a flood or hurricane prone area....... That is what insurance is for.......

But if the program is available I will be the first to let the Government rebuild my house. Why spend my own money when I don't have too.

You don't like it.. tell your congressional representative do something about it.... they created FEMA not Trump.

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They wont let you do that. They check your coverage and offer government subsidized rebuilds to those with inadequate coverage only.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I am against govt money being spent on rebuilding anything in a storm surge prone zone.

You want to build in a stupid spot? No one else's money should support that bad decision.

Same along river flood zones and such.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am against govt money being spent on rebuilding anything in a storm surge prone zone.

You want to build in a stupid spot? No one else's money should support that bad decision.

Same along river flood zones and such.
I'm against the government steering these hurricanes and using lasers/dew weapons to excite them to intensify them in weaponized warfare against its own citizens. When they do, they can damn well pay for the damages.

There is ample evidence that the USA engaged in weather warfare against it's own citizens in Sandy, Katrina, Harvey, Irma & it is expected that Jose may cause issues on the east coast as well. *(they had predicted a week ago Jose would hit NY as Cat 5-6 and it is being held out in Atlantic as a threat)
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