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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The only way 911 could be a Government plot is for it to be pure deep state.... no way for any elected or appointed officials to be involved or even have knowledge in advance without the secret getting out.. prior to the installation of the required explosive. ... no it had to be black.. so black only the operators even new of the OP...... just don't see that kind of secret staying secret.....


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really?...then tell me...who shot Kennedy..,,.they've kept that under wraps for over 50 years....and if you can answer that maybe you can tell us who shot Seth Rich.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The only way 911 could be a Government plot is for it to be pure deep state.... no way for any elected or appointed officials to be involved or even have knowledge in advance without the secret getting out.. prior to the installation of the required explosive. ... no it had to be black.. so black only the operators even new of the OP...... just don't see that kind of secret staying secret.....


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Everybody knows Dick Cheney orchestrated the whole thing with CIA & Mossad. Who are you kidding? No one will say it because they know Cheney will kill them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ah...give me all eight.
Never wrote them down but this should help

Courtesy of BiBi & the Trump Campaign to get Jeb to drop out I suspect.

  • Charles Niccoletti
  • Frank Sturgis - Connolly rib shot
  • Illadio Del'Valle - Connolly wrist shot
  • Charles Lloyd Harrelson - Kennedy Throat shot
  • Whetherford - Connolly Thigh shot
  • Malcolm Wallace - Kennedy Upper Back shot
  • Curtis Laverne Crayford
  • Jack Allen Lawrence - Kennedy Head Kill shot
8 Backup Shooters, 8 Radiomen and 8 Lookouts also participated

14 shots total

George HW Bush led op for Dulles.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look at these people looting down in Florida.....obsefve none of them a re poor people, they are wearing nice stylish clothes, they are all driving new cars.....WTF.

And what are they stealing? Sneakers. Of all the things you could risk getting caught to steal, they choose sneakers.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Maybe your privilege let's you buy sneakers!

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My sneakers cost $16 at Costco.

I would think if you are looting during a Hurricane going for food, water, generators, firearms, ammo, etc would be a lot more likely.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Roger Stone:
  • President Trump's personal Bodyguard Kieth Schiller ousted from White House by Generals when he refused to submit written reports on detailing every conversation and contact the president had to General Kelley after each contact.
  • President Trump is being isolated from all outside contacts and News sources.
  • Ivanka is being denied free access to her own father.
  • Trump is possibly being drugged and is reportedly slurring his words at times despite not being a drinker.
  • Believes that without his personal Bodyguard Schiller in place that Trump is extremely vulnerable to attack or being drugged to put forth narrative of mental incompetency continuity of government removal.
  • Publicly urging President to seek independent doctor to perform blood test for his own health, safety & security and not rely on presidential medical staff.
So this confirms what RDS was saying the other day. Not good.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Roger Stone:
  • President Trump's personal Bodyguard Kieth Schiller ousted from White House by Generals.
  • President Trump is being isolated from all outside contacts and News sources.
  • Ivanka is being denied free access to her own father.
  • Trump is possibly being drugged and is reportedly slurring his words at times despite not being a drinker.
  • Believes that without his personal Bodyguard Schiller in place that Trump is extremely vulnerable to attack or being drugged to put forth narrative of mental incompetency continuity of government removal.
So this confirms what RDS was saying the other day. Not good.
Oh...unfortunate heart attack.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hillary's lawyers face bar council investigation for deleting her emails after judge orders move
  • A Maryland judge said a claim against Clinton lawyers 'appears to have merit'
  • Hillary Clinton relied on a team of three lawyers to delete thousands of emails deemed personal
  • They went through her email after it was revealed she had a home email server and was using a personal account
  • Clinton then handed over thousands of emails deemed official to the State Department
  • A lawyer filed a complaint against lawyers David Kendall, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson
  • A state bar counsel will now investigate the matter
  • the Maryland Bar Counsel had earlier ruled the complaint was frivolous
  • Clinton did all her business while at State using a private email server


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah the elephant in the room is the left is leading a war on Whites in America that nobody wants to talk about it.They are trying to build a political base that revolves around hatred of white people and westeren the glue that holds there political dynasty together, The demonization of western culture and the rhetoric aimed at White people in general is genocidal. Americans have tolerated it because they have always believed it was the ravings of lunatics, or the impotent rage of adolescent minds play acting at radical chic..a passing phase of indulged and cloistered college brats..... Americans believed it couldn't happen here,they need to look at South Africa and see what the Left and their social justice has done to white South Africans.or Zimabawe.
After Bernie Sanders stood up and said "There are no poor white people in America" and no democrat in America condemed him,with the appointment of Kieth Ellison as vice chair of their party., after the genocidal invasion of Europe by Muslims funded by the uber wealthy...I can't see why any White American can continue to vote democrat.....for that matter I don't see why they continue to vote republican..

Here's the part that makes me shake my head. Liberals are the ones who believe the most in taking in refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. They believe the most that there shouldn't be conflict between Western culture and others. If any thing they seem to believe that other cultures are more interesting and valuable. As if living in some poor shit hole of a third world country makes people more "something, insert honest, genuine, whatever the fuck you can think of that denigrates western culture."

But here's the rub when it comes to Islam, (this also applies to the left in Europe, even more so, actually). The very things that the Left holds dear are the antithesis to Islam. Things such as transgender, abortion, legal drugs, dressing any way they want and a lack of religious beliefs. I know for a fact that all of these things baffle the moderate Muslims as to how people want to live this way. The hard-line ones,(not necessarily the extremists) find it reprehensible. The Left of the West would be the first against the wall in an extremist Muslim society. In moderate ones, such as the Gulf, they'd find themselves in a fucking heartbeat. Yet, the American Left is totally fucking clueless as to how they are perceived by the rest of the world. They are seen as the denigration, corruption and the morally vacuous of the west, because it's the behaviours they hold dear that are so repulsive to so many. The religious Right of the US has more in common with them because they share the same values such as religious belief, pro-life and loyalty to family and state.

Some people are clueless that they're clueless. It's the certainty of the ignorant that makes people dangerous.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here's the part that makes me shake my head. Liberals are the ones who believe the most in taking in refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. They believe the most that there shouldn't be conflict between Western culture and others. If any thing they seem to believe that other cultures are more interesting and valuable. As if living in some poor shit hole of a third world country makes people more "something, insert honest, genuine, whatever the fuck you can think of that denigrates western culture."

But here's the rub when it comes to Islam, (this also applies to the left in Europe, even more so, actually). The very things that the Left holds dear are the antithesis to Islam. Things such as transgender, abortion, legal drugs, dressing any way they want and a lack of religious beliefs. I know for a fact that all of these things baffle the moderate Muslims as to how people want to live this way. The hard-line ones,(not necessarily the extremists) find it reprehensible. The Left of the West would be the first against the wall in an extremist Muslim society. In moderate ones, such as the Gulf, they'd find themselves in a fucking heartbeat. Yet, the American Left is totally fucking clueless as to how they are perceived by the rest of the world. They are seen as the denigration, corruption and the morally vacuous of the west, because it's the behaviours they hold dear that are so repulsive to so many. The religious Right of the US has more in common with them because they share the same values such as religious belief, pro-life and loyalty to family and state.

Some people are clueless that they're clueless. It's the certainty of the ignorant that makes people dangerous.
They want them for the battle with the right for control. They think they will eventually be eliminated in the culling battle to come or the genetically engineered epidemic that will follow to drop the population down to the NWO requirement & wipe out the Muslims & blacks. They are arrogant enough to believe they will be the chosen who survive on the welfare of the state.

They don't realize the NWO will have no use for unproductive disobedient whining little drones. As you said - utterly clueless.

They cannot see the NWO is geoengineering the planet to support a different kind of life.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here's the part that makes me shake my head. Liberals are the ones who believe the most in taking in refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. They believe the most that there shouldn't be conflict between Western culture and others. If any thing they seem to believe that other cultures are more interesting and valuable. As if living in some poor shit hole of a third world country makes people more "something, insert honest, genuine, whatever the fuck you can think of that denigrates western culture."

But here's the rub when it comes to Islam, (this also applies to the left in Europe, even more so, actually). The very things that the Left holds dear are the antithesis to Islam. Things such as transgender, abortion, legal drugs, dressing any way they want and a lack of religious beliefs. I know for a fact that all of these things baffle the moderate Muslims as to how people want to live this way. The hard-line ones,(not necessarily the extremists) find it reprehensible. The Left of the West would be the first against the wall in an extremist Muslim society. In moderate ones, such as the Gulf, they'd find themselves in a fucking heartbeat. Yet, the American Left is totally fucking clueless as to how they are perceived by the rest of the world. They are seen as the denigration, corruption and the morally vacuous of the west, because it's the behaviours they hold dear that are so repulsive to so many. The religious Right of the US has more in common with them because they share the same values such as religious belief, pro-life and loyalty to family and state.

Some people are clueless that they're clueless. It's the certainty of the ignorant that makes people dangerous.
after the succes of post moderensism and cultural marxisim in the West in which the left has been able to breed a self hatred among the people's of the West to the point that Western cultures are producing generations of childeren that are totally ignorant of their own people's and their history, and instead have been bred to be dumb downed and so ignorant that they swallow a pack of lies and actually hate their own birthright and ancestors. I believe that the left thinks it can do the same thing to muslim cultures.They can tame their foot soldiers through degeneracy to abandon their history and culture as well, and accept the fact ..."Their is no God but the STATE and the goverment is it's prophet."......
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They want them for the battle with the right for control. They think they will eventually be eliminated in the culling battle to come or the genetically engineered epidemic that will follow to drop the population down to the NWO requirement & wipe out the Muslims & blacks. They are arrogant enough to believe they will be the chosen who survive on the welfare of the state.

They don't realize the NWO will have no use for unproductive disobedient whining little drones. As you said - utterly clueless.

They cannot see the NWO is geoengineering the planet to support a different kind of life.
are we talking lizard people here....are you going all David Icke on us?.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
are we talking lizard people here.
The level of geoengineering is creating an ecosystem that threatens future human life on earth by causing the very global warming it is supposedly there to mitigate. The logical conclusion is that is its actual intended purpose.

Whether that is for lizard people or not remains to be seen.


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
after the succes of post moderensism and cultural marxisim in the West in which the left has been able to breed a self hatred among the people's of the West to the point that Western cultures are producing generations of childeren that are totally ignorant of their own people's and their history, and instead have been bred to be dumb downed and so ignorant that they swallow a pack of lies and actually hate their own birthright and ancestors. I believe that the left thinks it can do the same thing to muslim cultures.They can tame their foot soldiers through degeneracy to abandon their history and culture as well, and accept the fact ..."Their is no God but the STATE and the goverment is it's prophet."......

I think you're right in the assessment that no one is beyond their help. They probably see everyone not like them as lost souls who need to be shown the way...just like most religions do. The problem is that Muslims have not been infected with the self-loathing that is afflicting the west now. If anything, the past 20 years have strengthened their beliefs and all they hold dear vis-a-vis the west. I've seen it firsthand here. Many love the idea of America, they truly do, but not the reality as how it's played out, particularly in the media.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The level of geoengineering is creating an ecosystem that threatens future human life on earth by causing the very global warming it is supposedly there to mitigate. The logical conclusion is that is its actual intended purpose.

Whether that is for lizard people or not remains to be seen.
could it be that things like GMOs and weather manipulation are used just in order to annihilate a massive amount of humanity to the point the elites think the population numbers are sustainable???...but then the question I keep coming back to is...if the elite simply wanted to thin the herd of humans down why wouldn't they just do something simple like release a bio-engineered plauge that was highly contagious and deadly, why go through all the trouble of GMOs and re-engineering the enviroment. which seem to me to be a rather costly and inefective way of just killing people off....But as you say GMOs alone could destroy all human life, and alter life on the planet..
and in all honesty I just can't write this stuff off as uncontrolled greed or simple short sighted bussiness practices..I believe they are consious decesions based on a long term well thought out agenda..
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think you're right in the assessment that no one is beyond their help. They probably see everyone not like them as lost souls who need to be shown the way...just like most religions do. The problem is that Muslims have not been infected with the self-loathing that is afflicting the west now. If anything, the past 20 years have strengthened their beliefs and all they hold dear vis-a-vis the west. I've seen it firsthand here. Many love the idea of America, they truly do, but not the reality as how it's played out, particularly in the media.
Freedom also includes the freedom to be includes the freedom to make mistakes...what muslims see is not freedom,but the purposefull destruction and annhilation of westeren culture engineered by the elite...they see the assault on the West by the neo-marxist. When Google starts censoring thought, and youtube bans thinking when we have state sanctioned Jim Crow laws masquerading as civil rights,, when we have an untouchable goverment.....that is not freedom. that is not the Western culture, I think their is an element in both the muslim world and the west that is on the cusp of exposing who runs this world, and their aims.
The left are just stupid people, that is why they don't want people to be able to have the freedom to speak and think..I don't no how you solve that...nature usually does it through natural selection.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
could it be that things like GMOs and weather manipulation are used just in order to annihilate a massive amount of humanity to the point the elites think the population numbers are sustainable???...but then the question I keep coming back to is...if the elite simply wanted to thin the herd of humans down why wouldn't they just do something simple like release a bio-engineered plauge that was highly contagious and deadly, why go through all the trouble of GMOs and re-engineering the enviroment. which seem to me to be a rather costly and inefective way of just killing people off.
certainly a lot cheaper, faster and more efficient to do it the old fashioned way. Why ruin the environment for yourself as well? Why contemplate a nuclear holocaust or risk poisoning the earth in a way that might not be reversed unless your goal was to transform it into something else?

The luciferians are trying to bring about the end of days as prophecised to see their lord return which may explain the motivations of some, but terraforming for something else makes a lot more sense.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
certainly a lot cheaper, faster and more efficient to do it the old fashioned way. Why ruin the environment for yourself as well? Why contemplate a nuclear holocaust or risk poisoning the earth in a way that might not be reversed unless your goal was to transform it into something else?

The luciferians are trying to bring about the end of days as prophecised to see their lord return which may explain the motivations of some, but terraforming for something else makes a lot more sense.
yeah, perhaps, but never underestimate the power of plan humans lunacy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Either way these leftist dipshits will never see the fruits of their labor and are working to commit suicide one way or the other.
the nature of sheep is to run with the herd.....that's why they are called sheep..perhaps the issue is not to try and stop the inevitable slaughter, but how you can personally avoid it.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the nature of sheep is to run with the herd.....that's why they are called sheep..perhaps the issue is not to try and stop the inevitable slaughter, but how you can personally avoid it.
They will be coming for me pretty quick I'm sure.


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Florida looting crackdown is 'white supremacy,' claims author Sarah Jaffe

Up is Down, War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, But the Left is most definitely NOT Right.

People like her should go live somewhere where there is no law and order. They want anarchy, let them go live in the Pashtun lands of Afghanistan and Pakistan and see how no government really works. There's no white privilege there, she'd be at home. What an idiot she is.
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