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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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I'm just not getting why this deal is bad..

I'd rather they have to deal with debt spending authorization in 3 months vs 18 months the Repubes wamt. Shit I'd like them to have to VOTE on every deficit payment made..... maybe then they will reduce spending... so they can't have fewer votes.

This debt limit should have to be addressed every 1st day of every month till the debt is gone.... just like we do at home.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm just not getting why this deal is bad..

I'd rather they have to deal with debt spending authorization in 3 months vs 18 months the Repubes wamt. Shit I'd like them to have to VOTE on every deficit payment made..... maybe then they will reduce spending... so they can't have fewer votes.

This debt limit should have to be addressed every 1st day of every month till the debt is gone.... just like we do at home.

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I'm sorry ,but from what I understand Trump wants to take the issue out of the hands of congress altogether and give it Unconstitutionally to the's that for a deal


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All of this DACA bullshite is just a political time bomb left by Obama. They expected Trump to just "end it" so Democrats could use the issue as a "he's racist" cudgel against Trump and the Republicans in the midterm elections.
Congress makes laws. Trump just justifiably put it back on Congress where the onus belonged in the first place.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
All of this DACA bullshite is just a political time bomb left by Obama. They expected Trump to just "end it" so Democrats could use the issue as a "he's racist" cudgel against Trump and the Republicans in the midterm elections.
Congress makes laws. Trump just justifiably put it back on Congress where the onus belonged in the first place.
I disagree...I think Trump was elected because he was not a politician he was someone who was interested in the voice of the people and did not care about the political consequences of his actions to the next 30 years he was going to run for in office.
Look the Democrats elected Obama one of the most criminal men to be in office a man who had no intention of operating within the bounds of the Consitution a man who hated the very idea of the republic he violated our constitution daily, he did it in order to normalize the idea of totalitarianisim to get us used to the idea that the law was a political football to kick around by power of a complacent propoganda machine and a rent-a-mob.dialy Obama broke the law..his strategy was to set hundreds of fires at once so. that no one fire could be put out.
Trump has to to normalize people to the idea that the law matters...that breaking the laws has consequences, that showing up with a gaggle of brats for a photo-op from TMZ was not gonna get you a citizenship papers.that you will be deported you will be shipped back to will not run into a border patrol that will escort you to the nearest taco bell for a free lunch and a hotel room provided by churches who've been bought for 30 pieces of silver by Soros. but you will vet a baloney sandwich a pair of pink underwear and a tent in the arizona desert.The President swore to defend the country against all enemies forgien and domestic...who here can doubt that a Congress bought and paid for by the Central Banks and the corporations and oil shieks are not the enemies of the Consitution. the people did not vote for Trump to watch him play chess, they voted for someone to wield a sword.


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Member For 4 Years
I disagree...I think Trump was elected because he was not a politician he was someone who was interested in the voice of the people and did not care about the political consequences of his actions to the next 30 years he was going to run for in office.
Look the Democrats elected Obama one of the most criminal men to be in office a man who had no intention of operating within the bounds of the Consitution a man who hated the very idea of the republic he violated our constitution daily, he did it in order to normalize the idea of totalitarianisim to get us used to the idea that the law was a political football to kick around by power of a complacent propoganda machine and a rent-a-mob.dialy Obama broke the law..his strategy was to set hundreds of fires at once so. that no one fire could be put out.
Trump has to to normalize people to the idea that the law matters...that breaking the laws has consequences, that showing up with a gaggle of brats for a photo-op from TMZ was not gonna get you a citizenship papers.that you will be deported you will be shipped back to will not run into a border patrol that will escort you to the nearest taco bell for a free lunch and a hotel room provided by churches who've been bought for 30 pieces of silver by Soros. but you will vet a baloney sandwich a pair of pink underwear and a tent in the arizona desert.The President swore to defend the country against all enemies forgien and domestic...who here can doubt that a Congress bought and paid for by the Central Banks and the corporations and oil shieks are not the enemies of the Consitution. the people did not vote for Trump to watch him play chess, they voted for someone to wield a sword.

You are correct. I had the timeline wrong.
Obama did this for re-election purposes knowing Republicans would be accused of racism for opposing it.
Obama had yet to realize "The Age of Trump" would be upon us.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am pro pot.
I do think that all m*th heads and h*roin users/dealers should be shot or something a bit less drastic.
Narcon should only be used on accidental prescription drug overdoses.
Unfortunately many who are using h*roin got hooked by being prescribed oxy by a Dr many became unwilling addicts .but there you go again Cromwell ! Ones bad they are all bad . Proving your a free thinker once again .

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unfortunately many who are using ****** got hooked by being prescribed oxy by a Dr many became unwilling addicts .but there you go again Cromwell ! Ones bad they are all bad . Proving your a free thinker once again .

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where do you think Crummie gets his oxy......hell Obamacare is paying for it. he uses Obamoxy


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
where do you think Crummie gets his oxy......hell Obamacare is paying for it. he uses Obamoxy
Yeah he is going with the kill them all let God sort it out attitude he claims to hate so much !

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah he is going with the kill them all let God sort it out attitude he claims to hate so much !

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he still hasn't transcended the childhood trauma of fundamentalism , so he is forced to embrace that which he struggles with.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I came across this dude on youtube and thought you'd guys would find him interesting and articulate, I'm sure youtube will find a reason to censor him....listen to him and then think back to the DNC's characterization of you as a "deplorable"

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm just not getting why this deal is bad..

I'd rather they have to deal with debt spending authorization in 3 months vs 18 months the Repubes wamt. Shit I'd like them to have to VOTE on every deficit payment made..... maybe then they will reduce spending... so they can't have fewer votes.

This debt limit should have to be addressed every 1st day of every month till the debt is gone.... just like we do at home.

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Yes to me it is more in line with what the Republicans claim to want.
vs their putting it off until after midterm elections for purely political reasons.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
RDS said in this Video that Roger Stone told him his last few conversations w/ Trump were like he was not himself & possibly drugged or somehow medically controlled in some way. I haven't been listening to Stone lately but haven't heard him say this himself. Anyone hear Stone say this himself?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone starting to think there is something wrong with this Awan thing? Almost starting to feel like an Israeli misdirect plant to cover their own spy ring's tracks & take the heat off our own Congressmen for their spying. (ie: It wasn't Hillary, Obama, Schumer & McCain, etc but the Awans through Pakistan).

Report: Imran Awan May Have Left Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Laptop for Police to Find

I actually believe both were occurring & Israel is feeding evidence on the Awan/DWS side while distracting from their own deeds.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Likens Trump Supporters to Racist Klingons
I think observing what's going on especially after seeing the voter rejection of the favored candidates of both major parties and the election of an outlier of the RNC/DNC stranglehold, That the left have given up on any pretense of engaging the American people in any meaningfull way..they don't even pretend to make any sensible rationale arguments for voting their party was stripped of their mantle of enlightment and liberalisim and exposed as a group of scheming machevelian war mongering oligarchs,They in turn have given up on ...thinking...Instead they are using the propoganda mills of the News programs to bullhorn these shrill fear mongering hate sessions based on the historical ignorance and the pavlovian programming of mass indocternation to stimulate the lizard brained to react to their mindless this article has pointed out ..the elite have really amped up and are funding a massive campaign of indocternating ,and brainwashing of the childeren..the up coming generation are being programmed through entertainment to create a mythos based on a series of archtypes manufactured in the studios of animators to define the world not through reality and the study of history,but to view the world through a series of propoganda films they will be suckeled to on a flickering screen a la clockwork orange from birth to voting will be outlawed soon,diplomas replaced with ticket stubs from the movie theaters, the person who has read a half dozen books on the History of facisim in pre WWII europe will be ridiculed as a lunatic and serious political thought will be distilled down to who saw the latest Captian America is right out of Brave New World ....and the fucking republicans will be downstairs running the candy counters handing out popcorn and oxycon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This guys got the right idea! Can we promote this more to convince more of these liberal cucks to follow him?


(Looks a little like Gavin doesn't he?)
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