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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Trump's whole response in Texas has come off as very fact it comes off as,,,nieghborly, as if he was a fellow citizen offering help to his fellow countryman, and not an untouchable demi-god descending from the clouds.......He is being met by the community with gratitude and not the virtolic mouth foaming hysteria of illegal aliens,antifa,pussyhats,and BLM...........the Libtards are hating's funny really, the only thing they can focus on in Texas is Melania's fucking shoes.LOL....even if it is a reality TV show, he is the first president in a long time to actually work for his money.


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he is the first president in a long time to actually work for his money.

Trump is not a self-made man.

From the moment of his birth, Trump was set up for success. The large inheritance left to him by his father, coupled with the contributions and the protections of society and the US government made his ascension to the Forbes 400 list almost inevitable. Nevertheless, Trump fails to recognize this phenomenon and continues to express his belief that he did it alone.'s_protection_mostly_did_the_trick


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Progression of hatred toward American's who do not adhere to the liberal political philosophy:

  1. Rubes/Red-Neck/Hayseed/Country Bumpkins
  2. White Trash/Crackers
  3. Knuckle Draggers/Retrogressive/Misogynists
  4. White Privileged/Misogynists/Micro-Aggressors/Christians
  5. Basket of Deplorable's/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
  6. Nazi/White Supremacist/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
  7. Trump Supporters/Nazi/White Supremacist/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
I've listed 7 items as a progression of demonization of American's who don't support liberal ideology, or are from Rural areas of America.

What the mainstream media and the left fail to understand is that by ramping up the hatred of citizens who don't follow and accept the dogmatic beliefs of the left, they have created a quiet groundswell of support for center-right and right leaning political views.

By getting personal in attacks against those who hold differing belief sets, the left has set the stage for change not in their favor. There are dozen's of articles on the net from liberals who say that the Democratic party needs to reach out to the people who are in the middle of the country and listen to them. Lip service is paid, but little else is done.

Quite recently the New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair, Ray Buckley called Rural American's "White Supremacists". If that type of overt hostility continues across America, Democrats will be in for an extremely rude awakening in 2018 and beyond.


Diamond Contributor
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Progression of hatred toward American's who do not adhere to the liberal political philosophy:

  1. Rubes/Red-Neck/Hayseed/Country Bumpkins
  2. White Trash/Crackers
  3. Knuckle Draggers/Retrogressive/Misogynists
  4. White Privileged/Misogynists/Micro-Aggressors/Christians
  5. Basket of Deplorable's/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
  6. Nazi/White Supremacist/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
  7. Trump Supporters/Nazi/White Supremacist/Racist/Islamophobic/Misogynists/Uneducated Yokels/Christians
I've listed 7 items as a progression of demonization of American's who don't support liberal ideology, or are from Rural areas of America.

What the mainstream media and the left fail to understand is that by ramping up the hatred of citizens who don't follow and accept the dogmatic beliefs of the left, they have created a quiet groundswell of support for center-right and right leaning political views.

By getting personal in attacks against those who hold differing belief sets, the left has set the stage for change not in their favor. There are dozen's of articles on the net from liberals who say that the Democratic party needs to reach out to the people who are in the middle of the country and listen to them. Lip service is paid, but little else is done.

Quite recently the New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair, Ray Buckley called Rural American's "White Supremacists". If that type of overt hostility continues across America, Democrats will be in for an extremely rude awakening in 2018 and beyond.
Yeah the elephant in the room is the left is leading a war on Whites in America that nobody wants to talk about it.They are trying to build a political base that revolves around hatred of white people and westeren the glue that holds there political dynasty together, The demonization of western culture and the rhetoric aimed at White people in general is genocidal. Americans have tolerated it because they have always believed it was the ravings of lunatics, or the impotent rage of adolescent minds play acting at radical chic..a passing phase of indulged and cloistered college brats..... Americans believed it couldn't happen here,they need to look at South Africa and see what the Left and their social justice has done to white South Africans.or Zimabawe.
After Bernie Sanders stood up and said "There are no poor white people in America" and no democrat in America condemed him,with the appointment of Kieth Ellison as vice chair of their party., after the genocidal invasion of Europe by Muslims funded by the uber wealthy...I can't see why any White American can continue to vote democrat.....for that matter I don't see why they continue to vote republican..
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Yeah the elephant in the room is the left is leading a war on Whites in America that nobody wants to talk about it.They are trying to build a political base that revolves around hatred of white people and westeren the glue that holds there political dynasty together, The demonization of western culture and the rhetoric aimed at White people in general is genocidal. Americans have tolerated it because they have always believed it was the ravings of lunatics, or the impotent rage of adolescent minds play acting at radical chic..a passing phase of indulged and cloistered college brats..... Americans believed it couldn't happen here,they need to look at South Africa and see what the Left and their social justice has done to white South Africans.or Zimabawe.
After Bernie Sanders stood up and said "There are no poor white people in America" and no democrat in America condemed him,with the appointment of Kieth Ellison as vice chair of their party., after the genocidal invasion of Europe by Muslims funded by the uber wealthy...I can't see why any White American can continue to vote democrat.....for that matter I don't see why they continue to vote republican..
It's way more than Caucasians, the extreme hatred is targeted at anyone, regardless of race, color, or creed that believes in principles not espoused by the Democratic party and hardcore left. It took more than just white men and white women to elect Trump, a fact that the Democratic party detests with a vengeance. The MSM's ratings and $$ depend on societal division, so they encourage it at every turn.


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It's way more than Caucasians, the extreme hatred is targeted at anyone, regardless of race, color, or creed that believes in principles not espoused by the Democratic party and hardcore left. It took more than just white men and white women to elect Trump, a fact that the Democratic party detests with a vengeance. The MSM's ratings and $$ depend on societal division, so they encourage it at every turn.
No, but it is Western culture with it's traditions of individual rights that is the greatest threat to totalitarianisim. the reason they hate Robert E Lee has nothing to do with slavery,hell black slavery is alive and growing in the muslim world today and not a single leftist Black or White on the planet speaks out against it..The reason they hate Lee is because the South defied the goverment...for over a thousand years the West has evolved the idea of Individual rights above the collective the West and it's culture must be smeared and destroyed in order for the New World Order to appear.Just as ISIS attempts to erase any trace of any culture that is not muslim, so the left attempts to erase Western culture.


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So, the mental midgets of Hollywood are being paid by the corporation who own them to stage faux outrage over the repeal of DACA..the mummy formerly known as Cher has even suggested the Hollywood elite house young MS-13 members .like they are Anne question of the millionaires of Hollywood come for the last 30 years I've seen the homeless problem explode and none of you wanted to house any of them.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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The congressional Republicans only have one more procedural simple majority mulligan vote allowed this year.
They won't waste it on ACA repeal when they can try to get Wall Street more tax cuts with it.


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Cher has even suggested the Hollywood elite house young MS-13 members .

It's either that, or they have to mow their own fucking yards.....:)

You know Hollywood kids can't bend their legs with their skinny jeans on to get any lawns mowed.


Diamond Contributor
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It's either that, or they have to mow their own fucking yards.....:)

You know Hollywood kids can't bend their legs with their skinny jeans on to get any lawns mowed.
poor little muchachos.....I don't envy them at all......I'd hate to see the state of Cher's lawn much less being forced to mow it.


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The congressional Republicans only have one more procedural simple majority mulligan vote allowed this year.
They won't waste it on ACA repeal when they can try to get Wall Street more tax cuts with it.

America’s wealthiest have already hoarded three decades’ worth of economic growth

Trump tried to sell his massive giveaway to the one percent as a “pro-jobs, pro-worker, and pro-America” tax plan.

Trump Tries to Make Tax Cuts for Rich People Sound Populist

Trump Doesn’t Have Tax Plan, Does Have Plan to Lie About It



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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So, the mental midgets of Hollywood are being paid by the corporation who own them to stage faux outrage over the repeal of DACA..the mummy formerly known as Cher has even suggested the Hollywood elite house young MS-13 members .like they are Anne question of the millionaires of Hollywood come for the last 30 years I've seen the homeless problem explode and none of you wanted to house any of them.
They believe in NIMBY, like most of the population.


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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Hmm just thought...
Irene may rip up Mar a Lago.....
Will Trump get disaster aid if so?

funny that Trump fans still are able to rag on Obama about playing golf.


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Member For 4 Years
Hmm just thought...
Irene may rip up Mar a Lago.....
Will Trump get disaster aid if so?
Damn Right....

GOLF Course was probably due for redesign......
The spiracy nuts are right... presidents do control the weather... well we will see in a few days.

FIRST send big storm to the one state besides Alaska you could cause major natural disaster in. AND come out at the end looking matter how bad it is...

NEXT.... time for remodel and re design. Of southern WH and grounds.

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The Cromwell

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Trump hits new low in public opinion — but he's still beating Hillary Clinton

So take heart Trump supporters.
He probably has higher poll numbers than the Devil too.

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Damn Right....

GOLF Course was probably due for redesign......
The spiracy nuts are right... presidents do control the weather... well we will see in a few days.

FIRST send big storm to the one state besides Alaska you could cause major natural disaster in. AND come out at the end looking matter how bad it is...

NEXT.... time for remodel and re design. Of southern WH and grounds.

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Did they get the Chinese made AC installed in the WH?
I would hate to see him sweat.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Republicans left the Oval Office Wednesday stunned. Trump had quickly sided with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase, even overruling his own Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to concur with "Chuck and Nancy," as he later called them on Air Force One.

But Trump defied more than his top aides. He turned on Republican leaders in Congress when he caved to Democrats’ demands to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months, setting up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff. The move shocked everyone, as top White House officials and GOP leaders had been gearing up to raise the debt ceiling through the 2018 midterm election, looking to pass legislation as soon as Friday.


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Republicans left the Oval Office Wednesday stunned. Trump had quickly sided with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase, even overruling his own Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to concur with "Chuck and Nancy," as he later called them on Air Force One.

But Trump defied more than his top aides. He turned on Republican leaders in Congress when he caved to Democrats’ demands to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months, setting up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff. The move shocked everyone, as top White House officials and GOP leaders had been gearing up to raise the debt ceiling through the 2018 midterm election, looking to pass legislation as soon as Friday.
No... he stuck it to the GOP as payback down payment for the Obama care mess....

He's telling to Repubes to grow some Stones or get out of the way.....

They better get their shit together on budget and taxes..And healthcare...

Or he will call Bernie and Pocohantus in for a meeting. NEXT.

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No... he stuck it to the GOP as payback down payment for the Obama care mess....

He's telling to Repubes to grow some Stones or get out of the way.....

They better get their shit together on budget and taxes..And healthcare...

Or he will call Bernie and Pocohantus in for a meeting. NEXT.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Fuck the GOP!
TRUMP could easily blame it again to the LEFT...

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