I was a history major in college. Far more accountable than journalism & the first thing they teach is that there is NO such thing as an unbiased source. Not only is this taught, but it is inherrently true due to human nature. It is not possible for people to keep their biases out. They will always come through in some way. So to tell me that there is a media source out there that does not tells me that you have not done your research. We can all go to whatever sources we want. I may view one as less bias than what you view as unbiased & or differing opinions will likely be due to our personal experience which makes us biased. Fact is, I have lived all across the country & in many different settings & those experiences do influence me, just as yours do you, which is why we will never see eye to eye. I have personally witnessed Joe Arpio's racism in Arizona first hand, as well as been first hand witness to police racism in Baltimore, St Louis, and Washington DC. These experiences will always remind me to look beyond myself for the truth. I don't believe you are doing that. You don't like what you read so you look for someone that is writing what helps you make your point.
And as far as respect, it was made clear that no one has any for me from the get go since I don't agree with what is being said.
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And you are different how?
These are quotes from every article you posted on the "statistics";
"But while it’s true that there is no adequate federal database of fatal police shootings (F.B.I. director James Comey has described the lack of data as “embarrassing and ridiculous”),"
"But as data scientists and policing experts often note, comparing how many or how often white people are killed by police to how many or how often black people are killed by the police is statistically dubious unless you first adjust for population."
"Any “analysis” of police killings will of course show that in absolute numbers, more white people are killed in police shootings than black people, because (non-Hispanic) whites comprise a roughly five times greater share of the U.S. population (62% vs. 13%). So any “analysis” that is based on nothing more than absolute numbers and does not take demographics into account is inaccurate and misleading"
"The truth is that the raw statistics can't tell us whether the police are treating African Americans differently from white people."
In every one, they admit the official numbers don't show a racial bias, unless they make "adjustments". Another word for adjust is manipulate.
verb: manipulate; 3rd person present: manipulates; past tense: manipulated; past participle: manipulated; gerund or present participle: manipulating
- 1.
handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner.
"he manipulated the dials of the set"
synonyms: operate, work; More
turn, pull
"he manipulated some knobs and levers"- alter, edit, or move (text or data) on a computer.
- examine or treat (a part of the body) by feeling or moving it with the hand.
"a system of healing based on manipulating the ligaments of the spine"
synonyms: massage, rub, knead, feel, palpate
"she manipulated the muscles of his back"
- 2.
control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.
"the masses were deceived and manipulated by a tiny group"
synonyms: control, influence, use/turn to one's advantage, exploit, maneuver, engineer, steer, direct, gerrymander;
twist someone around one's little finger
"the government tried to manipulate the situation"- alter (data) or present (statistics) so as to mislead.
synonyms: falsify, rig, distort, alter, change, doctor, massage, juggle, tamper with, tinker with, interfere with, misrepresent; More
informalcook, fiddle with
"they accused him of manipulating the data"
- alter (data) or present (statistics) so as to mislead.