As we all can, hence some of the responses you saw. May I ask what about my response or post makes you think you wouldn't want to talk to someone at my level. Is it the ingrained stigma that I am a conspiracy theorist nutcase because I believe that Dick Cheney allowed Mossad to plant Demoliton charges in three buildings at the WTC to:
- solve Larry Silverstein's Asbestos problem
- institue the Patriot Act provisions that were written prior to 9-11
- give justification to attack Afghanistan to take over the poppy fields and install a central bank
- give justification to attack Iraq to take over the oil fields and install a central bank
Is it because I believe the Southern Poverty Law Center (a creation of the CIA) orchestrated the entire Charlottesville False Flag event on behalf of the Democratic Party literally bussing in both sides of the demonstrators on the same buses and employed stunt people and crisis actors to stage the Challenger attack?
Is it because I believe Vegas was a staged event orchestrated by rouge elements of the CIA and FBI co-opting a planned National Preparedness Exercise behalf of Mike Chertoff & Associates to sell backscatter scanners (in that video I just posted) that conveniently resulted in one American death for each Tomahawk missile Trump fired into Syria so it can be blamed off on ISIS - a group created by the CIA/Mossad/GIP so we could have an excuse to invade Libya, Syria & Iran (and install central banks in each).
Do you not believe your government capable of the atrocity of killing its own citizens to have an excuse to take away our freedoms and send our sons and daughters off to war for profit of a select few?
As a veteran who put your life on the line and served honorably, do you not believe you deserve better from your country than for it it pursue these hidden agendas by staging these false attacks tainted with the blood of Americans?