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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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You watched the news lately??? It's well underway. Figure were about twenty or so years into a "Mad Max" world. Just without the Nukes.
No we will have the nukes thanks to obama and kerry and killary giving the Iranians the means

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No we will have the nukes thanks to obama and kerry and killary giving the Iranians the means

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Oh, that's right.... The Zombies come first...... Figure we're about 6 months away.. from the Iranians or PRK saving our asses.


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The zombies are here did you catch that convention last night ?

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Gold Contributor
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It seems like every time the dems accuse the republicans of things it always turns out to be them. They're quick to point out that Trump supporters are uneducated white males predominately. Well I'm a white male, never went to college and yet I'm smart enough to tell the difference between a flag and empty space.

Some libtards and their left wing psycho media fueled by shillary's ass sucking media like CNN and the like are trying to say Fox news lied about no flags present during the DNC convention. Had a whole story about how Fox got caught, Snopes proved it, Fox apologized, yada yada. Did anyone else watch Michelle Obummer's speech on night one on the 25th and also notice the lack of flags? I did lol.

Here's a journalist's shot of Michael/Michelle during their speech on night one, no flags.

Then we have a photo from wgn's press box, still no flags.

Here's a photo the next day where a couple of flags appeared on either side of the stage after being shamed into displaying them.

Snopes says that the dailycaller is a right wing fanatical site and how they deliberately mislead everyone about the lack of flags. Yet as it turns out the ones who were misleading and lying were snopes.

The problem is many liberals just swallow the spoonfed lies from the democrats and then go and 'fact check' using other liars like snopes. Speaking of uneducated, that's pretty rich coming from the left. For an 'unedumacated simpleton' it seems common sense trumps college 'educated' reporters when they're as brilliant as the flat earthers. While the rest of us are fighting isis the libtards can go battle it out with their air conditioners lol.

Maybe shillary's next speech should read 'our lies are their lies and their lies are our lies and our lies are your lies'. That or their new slogan should read 'Our Lies Matter'.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It seems like every time the dems accuse the republicans of things it always turns out to be them. They're quick to point out that Trump supporters are uneducated white males predominately. Well I'm a white male, never went to college and yet I'm smart enough to tell the difference between a flag and empty space.

Some libtards and their left wing psycho media fueled by shillary's ass sucking media like CNN and the like are trying to say Fox news lied about no flags present during the DNC convention. Had a whole story about how Fox got caught, Snopes proved it, Fox apologized, yada yada. Did anyone else watch Michelle Obummer's speech on night one on the 25th and also notice the lack of flags? I did lol.

Here's a journalist's shot of Michael/Michelle during their speech on night one, no flags.

Then we have a photo from wgn's press box, still no flags.

Here's a photo the next day where a couple of flags appeared on either side of the stage after being shamed into displaying them.

Snopes says that the dailycaller is a right wing fanatical site and how they deliberately mislead everyone about the lack of flags. Yet as it turns out the ones who were misleading and lying were snopes.

The problem is many liberals just swallow the spoonfed lies from the democrats and then go and 'fact check' using other liars like snopes. Speaking of uneducated, that's pretty rich coming from the left. For an 'unedumacated simpleton' it seems common sense trumps college 'educated' reporters when they're as brilliant as the flat earthers. While the rest of us are fighting isis the libtards can go battle it out with their air conditioners lol.

Maybe shillary's next speech should read 'our lies are their lies and their lies are our lies and our lies are your lies'. That or their new slogan should read 'Our Lies Matter'.
The hardest things for people to give up is their illusions....


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The hardest things for people to give up is their illusions....
LIke this


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Paid shills and pokemon go zombies
Most people are zombies from birth anyway, they just needed a trigger.

Every time I see one of them running into a sign post or glass wall, it brings a smile to my face.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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The liberals are now pissed since their leader sold out to the Democrats, which makes him not extreme left enough for them.
Keep you guns close and you flags even closer :D


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Speaking of illusions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Reuters didn't like their poll once Trump took the lead. So, they changed it. New wording gives Hitlery the lead now. Imagine that.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Speaking of illusions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Reuters didn't like their poll once Trump took the lead. So, they changed it. New wording gives Hitlery the lead now. Imagine that.
lies,damn lies, and statistics.....Mark Twain.


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Don't think it actually gives here the lead...just narrowed the margin a bit but still shows Trump ahead AFAIK


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Plus she has Pravda (i mean the media) falling all over themselves to say how fantastic she is the CintonNewsNetwork was the worst with wine and dancing i mean come on are we supposed to belive these people are reporters ? WTF and we have the traitor Kerry telling us refrigerator s are worse then Issis . Who the fuck are these people and why do people want more ?

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Don't think it actually gives here the lead...just narrowed the margin a bit but still shows Trump ahead AFAIK

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a 6- percentage-point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll with new wording that was released on Friday, the day after she formally accepted her party's nomination for the Nov. 8 election.

Nearly 41 percent of likely voters favor Clinton, 35 percent favor Trump,"

They didn't find fault with the old polls until Trump surged ahead on the last one. Then they had to change it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hell she stole the nomination from the Democrats she'll have no problem stealing the election from the Republicans.


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She will do whatever is necessary to get in power and reward her backers . She looses there goes the family business of selling America for her good .

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This whole thing of Trump and the Russians is insane . Didnt they laugh at Romney for saying Russia was a threat? Didnt Killary reset relations with them ? Now they are the evil of the planet she cant call out Islam radicalism but the Russians she will call out for maybe hacking her (wich im sure many other countries also did ) if it was the Russians they would not leave any traces it was them . Now trump is a Russian plant .... id take a Russian plant over a muslim brotherhood plant any day . The Russians at least need us .

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After all this hag and her husband has done .She could still win . Just shows the power of the media .They have turned trump into a racist that hates everyone .....that answers the question how hitler got the Germans to follow him .

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They'd attack Chelsea to cover their corruption if they needed to.

Bringing Russia into it is a no win game.

If they make people believe that it was definately Russia, they are left with two choices.

1. Attack back, moving us closer to war.

2. Do nothing, making us weak.

Pretty stupid when they can't even put a name to the "government officials" that claim it has signs of being Russia and the CIA Director says there is no proof.

Besides, we got caught bugging NATO Countries Leaders phones, like Merkel. It's not like we are not hacking other countries ourselves. Everybody knows what's up. But it's always on the down low, not openly discussed, so leaders don't have to start a war to save face.

Stupid dimocrats.
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VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
It seems like every time the dems accuse the republicans of things it always turns out to be them. They're quick to point out that Trump supporters are uneducated white males predominately. Well I'm a white male, never went to college and yet I'm smart enough to tell the difference between a flag and empty space.

Some libtards and their left wing psycho media fueled by shillary's ass sucking media like CNN and the like are trying to say Fox news lied about no flags present during the DNC convention. Had a whole story about how Fox got caught, Snopes proved it, Fox apologized, yada yada. Did anyone else watch Michelle Obummer's speech on night one on the 25th and also notice the lack of flags? I did lol.

Here's a journalist's shot of Michael/Michelle during their speech on night one, no flags.

Then we have a photo from wgn's press box, still no flags.

Here's a photo the next day where a couple of flags appeared on either side of the stage after being shamed into displaying them.

Snopes says that the dailycaller is a right wing fanatical site and how they deliberately mislead everyone about the lack of flags. Yet as it turns out the ones who were misleading and lying were snopes.

The problem is many liberals just swallow the spoonfed lies from the democrats and then go and 'fact check' using other liars like snopes. Speaking of uneducated, that's pretty rich coming from the left. For an 'unedumacated simpleton' it seems common sense trumps college 'educated' reporters when they're as brilliant as the flat earthers. While the rest of us are fighting isis the libtards can go battle it out with their air conditioners lol.

Maybe shillary's next speech should read 'our lies are their lies and their lies are our lies and our lies are your lies'. That or their new slogan should read 'Our Lies Matter'.

A soon as snopes is mentioned, I know its a crock of crap. Snopes is nothng more than a liberal couple in California that wings it with google. They have zero investigation skills and always decide on whatever works best for the liberal agenda.


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Member For 4 Years
Trumps gotta shut his mouth over this soldier. There is no winning against a family that has lost a son in war .He fell into the trap he should of said nothing and moved on .

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot, soon he won't have any feet to stand on.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Trumps gotta shut his mouth over this soldier. There is no winning against a family that has lost a son in war .He fell into the trap he should of said nothing and moved on .

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The son served honorably.. the parents are fucking pieces of shit.
From the khan assholes, to the batshit Cindy Sheehan... to my buddy's mother who is a cindy acting moonbat also.
Your fallen service member offspring does not give you carte blanche to be batshit crazy fucking pieces of anti American shit.

Your sons served honorably you did not. Sorry that great men died, but that does not since they gave it their all we need to hear your bullshit views .


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Most of it is the media brainwashing the sheeple. Every little thing they can blow out of proportion with Trump they do and minimize everything about Hitlery. Very little was reported on how the Bernie supporters marched out of the convention when Hitlery was nominated, just about nothing reported on the BLM march against Hitlery during the convention and there was just a very tiny little bleep about bernie leaving the Democrat party and returning to being an independent.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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The media and Trump are not the best of friends, but when you see him making a speech and saying something stupid, it's just him saying something stupid.

Most people have the ability to stop themselves from shouting out the first thing that comes into their minds and Trump needs to work on that.


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ECF Refugee
I really didn't want Hillary when this all began, but, after hearing and seeing what a total moron Trump is, Clinton is looking better and better.


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Killary called the mother of bengazi hero basically a liar . Nobody blinked ....Trump has to learn not to respond they just want to bury him shit sticks to him not killary the media is out to get him at any cost he needs to zip it

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Gold Contributor
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I really didn't want Hillary when this all began, but, after hearing and seeing what a total moron Trump is, Clinton is looking better and better.
This is what i mean by him not responding most people will think this .

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Platinum Contributor
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If you are going to go to a political convention and politicize your son's death while attacking a candidate, you have nothing to cry about when it comes back at you. When did veterans become a PC wall for people to hide behind while they lob political grenades at whomever they like and then whine when the fire is returned? Don't say anything negative about McCain, he's a war hero. My ass. McCain is a piece of shit.

And what the fuck is up with these veterans that go on TV and tell us what veterans think? Who gave them permission to speak for veterans? They don't fucking speak for me.

I disagree that Trump should shut his mouth. That is what those people, the Khans, was used for. To take shots at Trump without him being able to shoot back. The whole idea is to hide behind their son's honorable death. They made it dirty, not Trump. Fuck the sleazy DNC and the Khans for hiding behind a dead soldier.

I, as a veteran, refuse to be used as political fodder. Fuck the media, the DNC, McStain and anybody else that tries to hide behind me while throwing political punches. That's why I've never voted for a Republican before Trump. They are weak. They allow the Dims and the media to write the narrative. They let the media shut their mouths. They are afraid to speak lest they offend. The fucking Dems can attack all they want while they hide behind others. Now they are hiding behind veterans.

Trump doesn't need to shut up. Others need to speak up. Quit letting the dems and the media use politically correct firewalls to to hide behind while they attack. The Khans brought themselves into it. Nobody pulled them out of a fucking hat.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama just told the world trump is unfit in a speach in Singapore. Doesnt matter people see it as an attack on poor muslims with a hero muslim son . He fell into the perfect trap the clinton machine is expert at this !this could not be better for her . The sheeple dont see past it .
Thank you for your service .

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A vote for hillary is a vote to end the great American experiment as it's been referred to.

That might just open the door to actions such as the ones taken many years ago in Athens Tennessee

For those that are unfamiliar...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I really didn't want Hillary when this all began, but, after hearing and seeing what a total moron Trump is, Clinton is looking better and better.
seriuouslly....four men die in Bengahzi along with an American diplomat ...and the best line Hilary can come up with is..."What does it really matter"....and you think Trump is a moron.....LOL.....or the other priceless gem...when asked if she wiped her server...."What you mean with a rag"......yeah she's a real Rhodes Scholar alright....just what America needs a bright sociopath who loves to overthrow legitamate goverments and launch bombing raids on innocent people.....what kind of an idiot do you need to be to think someone like that is ..intelligent.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama just told the world trump is unfit in a speach in Singapore. Doesnt matter people see it as an attack on poor muslims with a hero muslim son . He fell into the perfect trap the clinton machine is expert at this !this could not be better for her . The sheeple dont see past it .
Thank you for your service .

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It doesn't matter. Trump is an outsider. The whole idea for the political elite and media is to make it a no win situation for Trump. The goal is to use PC to either shut him up or make him look bad. He can't win either way. It's been that way from the beginning.

Hitlery has been the choice of the elite for several years now, from both parties. Why the hell else would they run another Bush?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama just told the world trump is unfit in a speach in Singapore. Doesnt matter people see it as an attack on poor muslims with a hero muslim son . He fell into the perfect trap the clinton machine is expert at this !this could not be better for her . The sheeple dont see past it .
Thank you for your service .

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Bullshit...Time is right ....if you go and use your son's corpse as a chip in a game of political blackjack don't whine when your cards are called.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama just told the world trump is unfit in a speach in Singapore. Doesnt matter people see it as an attack on poor muslims with a hero muslim son . He fell into the perfect trap the clinton machine is expert at this !this could not be better for her . The sheeple dont see past it .
Thank you for your service .

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My sister has been living in Singapore for a couple of years now...from what she's told me, the people of Singapore have zero respect for Obama(like most of the world).....they look down on stupidity corruption inefficency, and inability.


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I really don't think either candidate is very intelligent. Other than to get what they want. They don't work for us, we work for them. But, come January who is going to be running the country, the turd sandwich or the giant douche?


VU Donator
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For anyone to actually believe their vote counts a damn bit are very naive. If 2012 has taught us anything, it has shown us America is truly gone.

Look at it, in Ohio entire counties that was pro Romney did not register one single vote for Romney. The odds of that happening is impossible, but it happened. Other places in Ohio people show up to vote and was informed they already voted. Wanna guess who their vote was cast for? Parts of Colorado and Florida had %140 voter turn out and once again, wanna guess what the popular vote in those areas where? Many reports of the Soro's voting machines changing peoples votes in front of their eyes from Romney to Obama. If you take every state that had massive voter fraud out of the election, Obama would not have won re-election. And within a day or two after the election just about every single link to any voter fraud was killed.

And now its is already beginning again. A North Carolina liberal judge just ruled that voter ID isnt allowed. It is fine to require an ID to receive a government entitlement check but to require an ID to vote is racist and mean spirited and just plain wrong in the liberals eyes. Face it folks, even if Trump received %100 of all votes, liberal fraud would ensure he did not win the election. We are screwed no matter what so get use to communism because that is the end game goal of the socialist liberals, where those in charge can live like kings and the rest of us are fiefs slaving for their comfortable lifestyle.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I really don't think either candidate is very intelligent. Other than to get what they want. They don't work for us, we work for them.
I dont underestimate the intelligence of either of them .You cant be a dummy and build an empire in NYC . You cant be a dummy to get away with crimes for 30 years and be in the lead for president either . She knows what to say they are masters of propaganda the world has ever seen .

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
For anyone to actually believe their vote counts a damn bit are very naive. If 2012 has taught us anything, it has shown us America is truly gone.

Look at it, in Ohio entire counties that was pro Romney did not register one single vote for Romney. The odds of that happening is impossible, but it happened. Other places in Ohio people show up to vote and was informed they already voted. Wanna guess who their vote was cast for? Parts of Colorado and Florida had %140 voter turn out and once again, wanna guess what the popular vote in those areas where? Many reports of the Soro's voting machines changing peoples votes in front of their eyes from Romney to Obama. If you take every state that had massive voter fraud out of the election, Obama would not have won re-election. And within a day or two after the election just about every single link to any voter fraud was killed.

And now its is already beginning again. A North Carolina liberal judge just ruled that voter ID isnt allowed. It is fine to require an ID to receive a government entitlement check but to require an ID to vote is racist and mean spirited and just plain wrong in the liberals eyes. Face it folks, even if Trump received %100 of all votes, liberal fraud would ensure he did not win the election. We are screwed no matter what so get use to communism because that is the end game goal of the socialist liberals, where those in charge can live like kings and the rest of us are fiefs slaving for their comfortable lifestyle.
Lock and load its gonna get ugly

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
For anyone to actually believe their vote counts a damn bit are very naive. If 2012 has taught us anything, it has shown us America is truly gone.

Look at it, in Ohio entire counties that was pro Romney did not register one single vote for Romney. The odds of that happening is impossible, but it happened. Other places in Ohio people show up to vote and was informed they already voted. Wanna guess who their vote was cast for? Parts of Colorado and Florida had %140 voter turn out and once again, wanna guess what the popular vote in those areas where? Many reports of the Soro's voting machines changing peoples votes in front of their eyes from Romney to Obama. If you take every state that had massive voter fraud out of the election, Obama would not have won re-election. And within a day or two after the election just about every single link to any voter fraud was killed.

And now its is already beginning again. A North Carolina liberal judge just ruled that voter ID isnt allowed. It is fine to require an ID to receive a government entitlement check but to require an ID to vote is racist and mean spirited and just plain wrong in the liberals eyes. Face it folks, even if Trump received %100 of all votes, liberal fraud would ensure he did not win the election. We are screwed no matter what so get use to communism because that is the end game goal of the socialist liberals, where those in charge can live like kings and the rest of us are fiefs slaving for their comfortable lifestyle.
I fear you may be right...the Democrats erect a wall around their convention,and require ID to enter the convention hall, but they try and sell a false narritive that ID required to vote is racist.they say it targets black when everyone in America including blacks know that is a targets illegal latin Americans.I'm afraid if the Republic is to survive Hilary must be defeated...and both parties utterly destroyed.
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