I have to agree with what some have already said. Being a gold star family doesn't mean being able to be a complete douche because you lost someone in war. What was outrageous was some foreigner wagging his nappy finger at Trump as if it was Trump's fault his son died. While standing on a stage supporting someone who was behind the war his son died in. But then as I've heard Khan has ties to terrorists and is a lawyer specializing in visas so, makes sense.
The media have covered the Khans with 55min of coverage because they're oh woe is me, a gold star family. Guess who else is a gold star family? Smith, and she's only received 70 seconds of coverage. Agenda much? If anything they tarnished Cpt Khan's service by using him as a political pawn to turn around and bash Trump who had not single thing to do with it. If they want to cover news, why not explain to the American public that Khan wasn't a random speaker but worked at the same law firm the Clintons have used to file their taxes for years. Or how Khan's personal law office specializes in buying visas to the U.S. and Trump's plan to keep terrorists out by temp banning refugees and immigrants from known terror filled regions would cut into Khan's bottom line. That's why he attacked Trump.
It wasn't by accident Trump pointed out other tweets regarding Khan's mother not being able to speak, perhaps because of sharia law. It was pointing out the obvious, they don't come here to assimilate and embrace our way of life, they bring their prehistoric ways of life with them. Now I'm no rocket scientist but if their ways were working then why is the middle east a perpetual hell hole filled with never ending violence? Just a thought.
Also interesting since I've seen quite a bit of news coverage all throughout this election. What I don't recall was much of a story on the death of Seth Rich, the dnc's voter expansion data director clear back on the 10th of July. Supposedly out wandering by himself in D.C. at 4:19am on a Sunday morning. Could be after the bars closed but as I understand from folks who live in D.C., bars close at 3am and cabs and ubers are easy to come by. Find it hard to believe he was wandering around for almost an hour and a half walking home from a bar. They say it's a 'mystery' but with all the dnc scandal recently how likely is it that someone who holds a significant position within the dnc just happens to be 'mysteriously' shot. Supposedly a botched robbery but nothing was missing. Makes ya wonder.
What scares me about shillary, dems seem willing to vote her in no matter what. In spite of everything, all the lies, all the corruption. It's like oh, I see - it says here on your resume you've committed assault, several rape charges and a domestic violence charge. Sure, we'd still love it if you'd babysit our children. It's not as if well, republicans want a wall and dems don't. Ok, fine, have a difference of policy. But holy hell the willful blindness and ignorance, willingness to accept someone so heinous as shillary is frightening. If I've learned anything about the nation from this election, it's just how deep that sand really is. I mean DEEP.