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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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These "accidents" and the "random" shooting of a guy going to meet with the FBI that morning over info on the Clinton's are way more than co-incidence.
Yep... I bet it was members of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy too.

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Hitlery supporters cheer as Hitlery says she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Herd mentality at it's finest. They don't even listen to what she says. They just cheer when her voice is shrill like true Nazis. Nobody bats an eye or says, "Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT? Raise my taxes?!!!!!"



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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That is amazing. A sitting president actively subverting Democracy and "unbiased" elections with a news conference attacking the other party's candidate. Clinton outlined her fast tracking of an immigration reform bill, which of course has generous amnesty for just about every illegal immigrant in the USA. The remnants of the middle class will be decimated and erased if this woman gets into power.

Middle class now means Mom and Dad working one or two jobs each due to crappy wages and things like Obamacare sucking $500+ a month for family insurance on top of child care costs since neither parent is at home during the day, plus nickel and dime taxes on everything the family buys for consumption. That on top of federal, state, local taxes.

Jobs are sent overseas at a faster pace and not just blue collar factory jobs, but IT, Product Design, Marketing, Engineering, and Finance jobs which are decent paying positions are now being shipped overseas as companies try to wring every penny out of their operations. If they can't ship the jobs overseas, they bring in L1, H1, H1-B Visa workers to do the job, ensuring that a citizen with equal or better qualifications gets passed over for foreign workers who get paid less. There's a reason most of the Silicon Valley Titans are in favor of a Democrat government, that government will open the floodgates to cheap foreign labor at the expense of the middle class USA citizens.

It used to be that the Democrats screamed and thrashed when the Republican's deregulated industries and allowed competition in, now the Democrats are hell bent on making America "Diverse" and in doing so, they are kicking people to the curb that put them in power. Now the Republican's are screaming and thrashing that the Democrats are destroying America with massive importations of immigrants and refugees, driving down wages, and pushing industry off shore with onerous regulations - the exact thing Democrats used to say in the 70's, 80's and 90's.

The Democrats want a $15/hour wage which is good and bad. The young kid looking for his/her first job at McD's or a grocery store will find that the jobs are takes by Older folks. Youth Unemployment would skyrocket, just like it is in Europe where youth unemployment rates of 60% are the norm. Older people can't leave whatever job they have because it would mean ending up on a crappy state pension in a high tax environment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Hitlery supporters cheer as Hitlery says she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Herd mentality at it's finest. They don't even listen to what she says. They just cheer when her voice is shrill like true Nazis. Nobody bats an eye or says, "Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT? Raise my taxes?!!!!!"

I guess the middle class is the rich people who have to pay their fair share...meanwhile google,facistbook,Warren Buffett and the rest of the Clinton billionaire club get a free pass.
herd? I have too much respect for cattle....more like weasley little rodents...lemmings.....steals a nomination and the idiots don't bat ab eye..bodies start piling up already and the media is burying the bodies for does a media even in a third world shithole not report on these muderers and investigate their ties to a presidential cndidate I feel like I'm living in fucking Venezuela.I've done a lot of shit in life I'm ashamed of ....but voting for a murder, rapist,and war criminal is not going to be one of them.


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It used to be that the Democrats screamed and thrashed when the Republican's deregulated industries and allowed competition in, now the Democrats are hell bent on making America "Diverse" and in doing so, they are kicking people to the curb that put them in power. Now the Republican's are screaming and thrashing that the Democrats are destroying America with massive importations of immigrants and refugees, driving down wages, and pushing industry off shore with onerous regulations - the exact thing Democrats used to say in the 70's, 80's and 90's.


I come from a Union family. All my life growing up I heard the talk of anti-NAFTA, anti-immigration, anti-foreign intervention and how the Repubes were destroying the middle class by letting the illegals in and how the jobs would go overseas.

Now, these same people whose kids can't get good jobs have completely flipflopped. Killing NAFTA would end jobs, illegal immigrants are good for the country and starting wars around the world that has increased terrorism, not lessened it, just makes sense.

The Dims and Repubes have completely switched positions and the sheep that follow either team are so busy following they can't think for themselves.

I can't explain it.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People forget the 444 days 52 hostages were kept in Iran from the embassy pillaging. Large sums of money and weapons were eventually traded for them. Iran will continue to take hostages as long as they get paid and can force the USA to lose face. The deal with Iran over Nuclear weapons is a sham, Iran will still develop them, but deep underground, under a mountain of course. Some in Iran actually know that if they used a Nuclear weapon against Israel, it would result in Iran being turned into a radioactive wasteland the next day.
Hey at least jimmy carter tried to rescue the hostages ( but the mission went bad losing our men ) and hey he actually put a BAN on immigrants from IRAN! Did anyone call him a racist and he was just making things worse ? Nah he was a dem . It would be like frezing money from the Kizer then waiting for hitler to get in power and giving him the money to fight us and our allies .but nobody sees it or really fucking cares they just help cover it up .

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The clintons have a bigger body count then Sammy the Bull Gravano

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Hitlery supporters cheer as Hitlery says she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Herd mentality at it's finest. They don't even listen to what she says. They just cheer when her voice is shrill like true Nazis. Nobody bats an eye or says, "Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT? Raise my taxes?!!!!!"



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Hitlery supporters cheer as Hitlery says she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Herd mentality at it's finest. They don't even listen to what she says. They just cheer when her voice is shrill like true Nazis. Nobody bats an eye or says, "Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT? Raise my taxes?!!!!!"

Ha ha as that asswipe warren buffet smiles behind her if he wants to give so much pay off the debt warren ...or maybe just pay your taxes you hypocritical shithead you and soros dont give her millions for fun

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It really doesnt matter black, white,latin reporters they all have their questions given to them by the DNC . Its more of a pep rally anyway

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My jaw is on the floor, is this real life we are living right now. A presidential candidate bans white journalists from a her first press conference in almost a year????
What is your surprise? The DNC has made it more than plain they support racist views and policies towards whites.over and over and over gain....Obama uses terms like "typical white person"...Bernie Sanders proclaims that there are "No white person in America knows what is like to be poor" Hilary's campagin manager calls all Trump supporters "stupid white rednecks"....
Every single republican politicn in my lifetime has been called a racist by the DNC without exception...the "Great White Devil" is the boogeyman the DNC uses to chase people to the polls when their economic policies leave the country without jobs.....what is the DNC gonna run on after 8 years of Obama...after 8 years of embarassing failures....The DNC has made it abundantly clear, they want to change the demographs of the country and fill america with anyone who is not white,educated or self a time where unemployment is epidemic,where are schools are failing,where are vetrans are dying in hospital waiting rooms,where our childeren are being made slaves to a debt run up by the federal reserve.The single biggest issue the DNC has used their energies and our tax dollars on is importing as many third world non-white uneducated illiterate,poor people into the country illegally or legally.....The DNC cannot exist in a nation of educated,economically secure,Westeren people....they just can't. and that is why both the US and Europe are being flooded at the same moment in history by these rapeugees...The want to destroy the cultures that created and have a cultural tradition of democratic republics, and education....


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I understand the Dems have always pretended to be pro minority, my surprise is purely in the blatant way the cover is coming off of everything this election year. For instance it's one thing to talk about loosening immigration, they have always done this it's part of who they are. It is a whole new thing entirely, in the midst of the black lives matter movement and cops being killled, to make such a biased in your face move as this.


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I hate Fox news, but I have to say this was a good watch for me, I expected no one to be talking about the unorthodox way Obama is trying to engage a presidential candidate into an argument.


Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I honestly have no idea who i'll be voting for because I can't stand any of them. This whole back and forth between trump and hillary is mind-numbing at best and absolutely enraging at worst. Jill Stein seems like a hippie for all the more I know about her and I don't really know much of anything about Gary Johnson to say anything about him.


Bronze Contributor
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I honestly have no idea who i'll be voting for because I can't stand any of them. This whole back and forth between trump and hillary is mind-numbing at best and absolutely enraging at worst. Jill Stein seems like a hippie for all the more I know about her and I don't really know much of anything about Gary Johnson to say anything about him.
I don't much care for Trump but my vote will be going to him for one specific reason...IMMIGRATION, I dont have a rascist bone in my body, but immigration is strangling this country, how can we take on new citizens by the thousands until we fix our economy. 1 in 5 families have no source of income. If anything I believe that because of his business abilities that, our economy will benefit. I cant say a single good thing about Hillary.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I understand the Dems have always pretended to be pro minority, my surprise is purely in the blatant way the cover is coming off of everything this election year. For instance it's one thing to talk about loosening immigration, they have always done this it's part of who they are. It is a whole new thing entirely, in the midst of the black lives matter movement and cops being killled, to make such a biased in your face move as this.
They hide nothing anymore Obama told everyone he would fundamental change America and he did . Dinash de suza went to prison on bullshit charges for pointing this out . They tell us what the are going to do but no one listens no one cares . The lies have been proven the policy failures have been proven the curruption has been proven . Look at Detroit that is the future of all America currupt politicians filling their pockets while the masses suffer and kill eachother over a few dollars .But yet the people want more more lies more for their special intrest . Whatever the man on TV says is right must be right we are on the last exit to the road to hell if we pass it there will be no U turn.If we all laugh as we pass it we deserve what we get . We live in Zombie land .fuck your retirement fuck your social security fuck you 1 and 2 amendment fuck your childrens future. Fuck everything you remember of America it will be gone forever .

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People don't want to hear it but a thorough examination of Ukraine, the things that the media did not report, would open allot of eyes about the goings on within our government. All of the evidence is there, was there in real time, to show that the US was behind the coup in Ukraine. The US State Dept. spent $1 Billion in Ukraine to bring "political change" before the coup, as did Soros. The Nuland "Fuck the EU" leaked tape was never fully played in the media. The full tape goes on and we can listen to Nuland talk about who the US was going to install as the new President, before the coup happened. The Nuland picked person did indeed become President with less than half the country voting. That new President was backed by the Svoboda Party, a neonazi group that the EU declared as an antisemetic nazi group and had a written policy to not support, hence Nuland's "Fuck the EU". The Leader of the nazi Svoboda Party(this is well known, not rumor) is in pictures shaking hands with McCain and Nuland along with the (now) new President of Ukraine. There is much more to the Ukraine story that is known but never reported.

No one wants to believe that their country is the one stirring up the unrest around the world. A close examination of Ukraine should give a nonsheeple a clear picture as the facts are easily found. Ukraine is an open secret.

I don't know if Trump can/will change any of it but I do know that much of what has been going on has been under Hitlery's direct oversight and it will continue. I don't give two shits about Russia. But I do care what MY government does. Conspiracy theories are one thing, but open and blatant overthrowing of other countries is evil. Something has to change. I think the government elite are tag teaming Trump because as an outsider, he may not play these dangerous games and may reveal them. So, while I doubt Trump can do much with immigration and other policies simply because the Senate and Congress will block him, he may be able to stop the overthrowing of countires and allow things to stabilize.

Trump is an outsider that the elite on both sides(R and D) are afraid of. That makes him my vote. He cannot be worse than what we already have.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People don't want to hear it but a thorough examination of Ukraine, the things that the media did not report, would open allot of eyes about the goings on within our government. All of the evidence is there, was there in real time, to show that the US was behind the coup in Ukraine. The US State Dept. spent $1 Billion in Ukraine to bring "political change" before the coup, as did Soros. The Nuland "Fuck the EU" leaked tape was never fully played in the media. The full tape goes on and we can listen to Nuland talk about who the US was going to install as the new President, before the coup happened. The Nuland picked person did indeed become President with less than half the country voting. That new President was backed by the Svoboda Party, a neonazi group that the EU declared as an antisemetic nazi group and had a written policy to not support, hence Nuland's "Fuck the EU". The Leader of the nazi Svoboda Party(this is well known, not rumor) is in pictures shaking hands with McCain and Nuland along with the (now) new President of Ukraine. There is much more to the Ukraine story that is known but never reported.

No one wants to believe that their country is the one stirring up the unrest around the world. A close examination of Ukraine should give a nonsheeple a clear picture as the facts are easily found. Ukraine is an open secret.

I don't know if Trump can/will change any of it but I do know that much of what has been going on has been under Hitlery's direct oversight and it will continue. I don't give two shits about Russia. But I do care what MY government does. Conspiracy theories are one thing, but open and blatant overthrowing of other countries is evil. Something has to change. I think the government elite are tag teaming Trump because as an outsider, he may not play these dangerous games and may reveal them. So, while I doubt Trump can do much with immigration and other policies simply because the Senate and Congress will block him, he may be able to stop the overthrowing of countires and allow things to stabilize.

Trump is an outsider that the elite on both sides(R and D) are afraid of. That makes him my vote. He cannot be worse than what we already have.
This is why so many in his own party outwardly discredit him and the president uses any opportunity to tell the world Trump is dangerous. Im not crazy about Trump but to me this type of activity is a endorsement that hes on to something that so many are afraid that he will fuck up their paydays .There are no politicians that are "patriots" that care about us . They are only in it to get rich . Life long "public servents" becoming multi millionares or their spouses getting goverment contracts . Something is seriously wrong with that thats our money in their pockets .

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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People forget the 444 days 52 hostages were kept in Iran from the embassy pillaging. Large sums of money and weapons were eventually traded for them. Iran will continue to take hostages as long as they get paid and can force the USA to lose face. The deal with Iran over Nuclear weapons is a sham, Iran will still develop them, but deep underground, under a mountain of course. Some in Iran actually know that if they used a Nuclear weapon against Israel, it would result in Iran being turned into a radioactive wasteland the next day.
Iran is not stupid enough to use nuclear weapons against Israel, just like Russia was not stupid enough to use it against USA, but that's not really the big issue.
The issue is the release of all their funds and the weapon embargo, that will lead them into diverting more funds into world terrorism.
Not to mention that USA is now perceived as weak and untrustworthy amongst it's allies.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People don't want to hear it but a thorough examination of Ukraine, the things that the media did not report, would open allot of eyes about the goings on within our government. All of the evidence is there, was there in real time, to show that the US was behind the coup in Ukraine. The US State Dept. spent $1 Billion in Ukraine to bring "political change" before the coup, as did Soros. The Nuland "Fuck the EU" leaked tape was never fully played in the media. The full tape goes on and we can listen to Nuland talk about who the US was going to install as the new President, before the coup happened. The Nuland picked person did indeed become President with less than half the country voting. That new President was backed by the Svoboda Party, a neonazi group that the EU declared as an antisemetic nazi group and had a written policy to not support, hence Nuland's "Fuck the EU". The Leader of the nazi Svoboda Party(this is well known, not rumor) is in pictures shaking hands with McCain and Nuland along with the (now) new President of Ukraine. There is much more to the Ukraine story that is known but never reported.

No one wants to believe that their country is the one stirring up the unrest around the world. A close examination of Ukraine should give a nonsheeple a clear picture as the facts are easily found. Ukraine is an open secret.

I don't know if Trump can/will change any of it but I do know that much of what has been going on has been under Hitlery's direct oversight and it will continue. I don't give two shits about Russia. But I do care what MY government does. Conspiracy theories are one thing, but open and blatant overthrowing of other countries is evil. Something has to change. I think the government elite are tag teaming Trump because as an outsider, he may not play these dangerous games and may reveal them. So, while I doubt Trump can do much with immigration and other policies simply because the Senate and Congress will block him, he may be able to stop the overthrowing of countires and allow things to stabilize.

Trump is an outsider that the elite on both sides(R and D) are afraid of. That makes him my vote. He cannot be worse than what we already have.
yeah it's hard to say ...hell they killed JFK when he balked at their agenda, and started openly talking about secret societies and getting off a fiat currency...Honestly I don't think the people can stop the globalist agneda I think it will have to be implemented and fall of it's own wieght.As for Russia when Romney talked about Russia being dangerous he was laughed off the stage by democrats, now suddenly the democrats are starting a war in the Ukraine and blaming Putin for it..the entire Uktine story is either buried or lied about in the US media.Obama toppeled Libya,Egypt,and tried to topple Syria,and the Ukraine.....I don't want the same parties that did that in office's funny after all the shit Obama and Hitlery pulled in the world. These idiot deomcrats are still running around with their heads up their asses parroting "anybody but Trump" if calling 40 million illegal mexicans criminals is a worse crime than actually bombing the shit out of non combatants and conspiring to create civil wars.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Iran is not stupid enough to use nuclear weapons against Israel, just like Russia was not stupid enough to use it against USA, but that's not really the big issue.
The issue is the release of all their funds and the weapon embargo, that will lead them into diverting more funds into world terrorism.
Not to mention that USA is now perceived as weak and untrustworthy amongst it's allies.
I think Iran is stupid enough to do it or give someone dirty bombs or a EMP.

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As for Russia when Romney talked about Russia being dangerous he was laughed off the stage by democrats, now suddenly the democrats are starting a war in the Ukraine and blaming Putin for it..the entire Uktine story is either buried or lied about in the US media.

And that's proof that the R's and D's are in bed with each other. Romney's adviser was Nuland's husband. He knew what they were doing in Ukraine and how Russia would react. They had to get out in front of it.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think Iran is stupid enough to do it or give someone dirty bombs or a EMP.

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Naw. Iran was demonized by the US for the sake of Israel. We overthrew their government in the 50's through our embassy. This is no longer a conspiracy theory as CIA documents declassified the last few years admits it. Iranians later ousted the US puppet(the Shaw?). They thought we was once again trying to do it again, through our embassy, and that caused the embassy hostage crisis. Which is fairly irrelevant, now.

Look through history to see when the last time Iran(Persia) invaded another country. They may fund terrorists against Israel, and the US by proxy, but I see no sign of them attacking anybody.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Naw. Iran was demonized by the US for the sake of Israel. We overthrew their government in the 50's through our embassy. This is no longer a conspiracy theory as CIA documents declassified the last few years admits it. Iranians later ousted the US puppet(the Shaw?). They thought we was once again trying to do it again, through our embassy, and that caused the embassy hostage crisis. Which is fairly irrelevant, now.

Look through history to see when the last time Iran(Persia) invaded another country. They may fund terrorists against Israel, and the US by proxy, but I see no sign of them attacking anybody.
how about Iraq.and the far as I know the globalist put the nutjob islamists of Iran in power to create the whole jihadist movement.the elite profit from strife and war anywhere in the world...but Iran exports the whole jihadist thought, hell they go to great lengths to force it down their populations throats despite the fact Iranians don't want's the "Great Game" and we only see the shadow play.yep the Rs and Ds are diffrent sides of the same globalist coin...the globalist are pushing for war and civil war across the globe.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And that's proof that the R's and D's are in bed with each other. Romney's adviser was Nuland's husband. He knew what they were doing in Ukraine and how Russia would react. They had to get out in front of it.
any school child knew how the russians would the US would react if Putin invaded Canada.Or imagine Texas declaring Independence from the US and they accpted russian aide.
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
I understand the Dems have always pretended to be pro minority, my surprise is purely in the blatant way the cover is coming off of everything this election year. For instance it's one thing to talk about loosening immigration, they have always done this it's part of who they are. It is a whole new thing entirely, in the midst of the black lives matter movement and cops being killled, to make such a biased in your face move as this.
This is what's in store for America if that cretin Clinton gets elected.


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This is what's in store for America if that cretin Clinton gets elected.
Scary thought this is, I sincerely hope that this non sense is stopped. Possibly why the U.N. has been spotted on American soil and all the FEMA business, they plan to steal the election and fear reprisal from us gun toting Americans.


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That's actually a fairly recent thing. For well over 100 years, the Dems were anything but "pro minority".
Exactly now they just pretend and dangle social services programs to get the minority vote.


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
You know the sad thing about voting democrat is the voters don't even understand what they are voting for they are just voting as there parents did but then it was not as it is now with the party being taken over by the socialists and progressives. The sad thing is they want to take away our freedom and be like the other countries. Why they want this boggles the mind and when you show them total proof of what they are up to they laugh it off as though it would be impossible this could happen even while it is happening right before there very eyes. I'


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is what's in store for America if that cretin Clinton gets elected.
And she is ahead! its hers to loose wich is the incredible thing to me . I hear people talking that Trump is a dem plant and he is shooting his mouth off to get her in .....this is how crazy things are .

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
how about Iraq.and the far as I know the globalist put the nutjob islamists of Iran in power to create the whole jihadist movement.the elite profit from strife and war anywhere in the world...but Iran exports the whole jihadist thought, hell they go to great lengths to force it down their populations throats despite the fact Iranians don't want's the "Great Game" and we only see the shadow play.yep the Rs and Ds are diffrent sides of the same globalist coin...the globalist are pushing for war and civil war across the globe.

Who benefits the most from a Middle East in turmoil? Rhetorical question, of course.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You know the sad thing about voting democrat is the voters don't even understand what they are voting for they are just voting as there parents did but then it was not as it is now with the party being taken over by the socialists and progressives. The sad thing is they want to take away our freedom and be like the other countries. Why they want this boggles the mind and when you show them total proof of what they are up to they laugh it off as though it would be impossible this could happen even while it is happening right before there very eyes. I'
you know I don't think so...after living in the SF bay area for 35 years in the midst of liberal land...I think they are motivated by fashion....I think they are consumers the ultimate consumers, they really identify with their stuff, it's very important to them ...and I think their political views are sold to them by the same people that sell them the rest of their new gucci shit....they want people to like them, and so they go along with the herd, and the herd is shaped by the tube, and so they go along with what the media tells them. they all want to be george clooney....they want his hair his teeth his house in Como,his wife, his money, and they think if they dress like him and cut their hair like him and mouth the same chickenshit inane crap he does their life will be cool and exciting to....they don't have values, they have fads. To them being cool is the only thing that matters being fashionable. you don't want to be caught standing out alone without
an ear ring in your eyebrow,nose,ear,nipple
without a guru or obsure angloized third world spirituality
without a peculiar and revolting diet
without veneral disease
without at least one l ,or g, or b, or t....
without a tattoo
without an electic car with batteries that are enviromentally disasterous
without a third world maid to teach your child how to order goat anus soup with the perfect accent.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
lots of people...what;s your take.

I have two.

Israel benefits. It keeps their neibors busy and spending their money killing each other. Even the "friendly" ones(Jordan, Saudi, etc.)

The petrodollar benefits. We made a deal for all oil to be traded using the dollar. All countries that have tried to trade without the dollar have been bombed or otherwise sanctioned. The loss of the petrodollar would sabatage our economy. All that money would have to come home. Lots of dollars nobody wants becomes lost value. Hyperinflation.

Nobody else really benefits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have two.

Israel benefits. It keeps their neibors busy and spending their money killing each other. Even the "friendly" ones(Jordan, Saudi, etc.)

The petrodollar benefits. We made a deal for all oil to be traded using the dollar. All countries that have tried to trade without the dollar have been bombed or otherwise sanctioned. The loss of the petrodollar would sabatage our economy. All that money would have to come home. Lots of dollars nobody wants becomes lost value. Hyperinflation.

Nobody else really benefits.
I think the Saudis benifiet it allows an outdated monarchy to exist..I thnk the mullah benifit it allows them to keep the people in a barbaric and idiotic theocracy..I think Iran benifits it allows them to justify totalitarianisim. I think it allows alot of muslim leaders to blame the west on the failures and greed and corruption of their societies and have the people divert their attention to the others.after all... those leaders are taking all the petro dollars they can. and I agree with you bout the petro dollar.
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And she is ahead!
She is not confirmed ahead. There was a big deal that Rueters had to admit the surveys they were taking are skewed. They were polling to see popular opinion in vastly Democratic strongholds. I believe the numbers they finally reported were every 7 in 10 people they asked were Democrats which is naturally going to favor a Dem.


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The sad part is most people or many at the least are just devoted enough to spout off and not quite dedicated enough to do their own research into things. Taking what the media says as gospel, having no clue who said what at which convention or rally. I get Trump, I do think he's funny most of the time. No one seems to get his joking. The media was quick to bash him over the whole baby comment, the mother of the baby responded what a horseshit show the media was turning it into. She's voting for Trump, it's not as 'evil' as the media purported it to be.

People say he needs to stay on message. I agree, somewhat. The other part of that is, how sloooowwww are the voters that they need to hear his plans and views on things over and over and over and over. How many different ways can you say the same thing. While substantive the meat of it is only enough to fill what, a couple hours of speech at the most? What the hell else are they going to do with the remaining months. They've been sharing their plans and ideas for the past year already ffs. I mean really, renegotiate trade deals, enforce the border (the way it should be to begin with), fix the broken VA system, be more assertive toward isis, fix obama's crap care (that was unconstitutional and outsourced to Canada speaking of things made in the U.S.), slow the influx of immigrants as a way to keep potential terrorists out.

Hell I just did it in a sentence, do we really need to keep drilling the same points down people's throats? I'm of the thought that if there are people so slow they don't know the issues by now they really shouldn't be voting. Just my opinion fwiw. People want the candidates to stay on message, do people really need a month long seminar on how to successfully make a bowl of cold cereal? I say the message is out there, have fun with it lmao.

I like the fact that Trump puts people in their place, he didn't just immediately kiss ass and endorse Paul Ryan. He gave him the same shit he gave Trump, 'well I'm not quite there yet'. Finally, a presidential candidate with a sack.

Unfortunately I'm not a mathematician, it would be curious to find out the odds of all the recent untimely deaths revolving around the democrats. From Seth Rich to Shawn Lucas to John Ashe. All these 'mysterious' deaths in just the past couple months, the bodies are starting to pile up. Maybe it's the Russian's lmao.


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Hitlery supporters cheer as Hitlery says she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. Herd mentality at it's finest. They don't even listen to what she says. They just cheer when her voice is shrill like true Nazis. Nobody bats an eye or says, "Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT? Raise my taxes?!!!!!"

After I saw that I'm convinced she is paying people to attend her rallies. They are clapping on cue and unless that crowd is full of millionaires they would not have reacted that way.

Trump endorsed John Mcain and Paul Ryan. What little respect I had for trump (which was hardly any to being with) just went out the window.

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