no you imbecile...we know murder has happened throughout history...but we still get outraged when it happens today...and oddly enough moving to Canada won't change that...and regretablly I don't own a time machine to go back and help speak out against century old transgressions...I can only deal with the reality that is here if Bernie had won he would have made sure the rich were forced to pay for my time machine...oh and by the way the Nazis were not conservatives maybe it is you who needs to read a few books,,,they were Socialists...Universal health care, gun grabbers, no school choice...hardly Bill O'rielly the next time you try and associate a so called conservative view with aNazisim you won't look so stupid.
Nazi's were liberal you say? Socialists you say?
"No one is welcome except whites with blonde hair and blue eyes, and they cannot be anything but Christian. Everyone else is inferior and should be weeded out. Let's set up camps to eliminate them all. We'll start with Jews."
Sounds super liberal doesn't it?
What you're doing is calling a man in a dress a woman because it's what it looks like a woman and calls itself a woman.
When you take off the dress it's still a dude.
They were pretty fucking conservative about who was allowed to be a part of said society. Call them socialists all you want they were not.
They governed by force and fear, this is called tyranny, I suggest looking up the term since you have no idea what it means.
Calling yourself or political party "socialist" and being socialist are not one in the same.
Nazism is that of the extreme right. I suggest you read up on political ideology. You obviously don't have too much of a grasp on anything not said on Fox News.
What you also fail to realize is this.
While Hitler spouted on about socialism and claimed to be a socialist he had one goal. Power.
How do you get power? You pander and lie to the largest group of a population to gain their support.
You think if Hitler went to the very few(in comparrision to the large number of poor people) rich people with his nonsense he'd have gotten more than 1 week into his plan before being arrested or killed?
Now if he gains the support of 80% of the population and panders to their plight of how they are being taken advantage of.
It's all propoganda to keep the sheeple in line.
It's the same shit minus the mass executions every 4 years here in America.