But they got 60 votes for the permanent reduction in the corporate tax rates?
Or was it all just Republican Reindeer games?
Bernie was arguing for increased spending. ... while claiming the tax cuts will add debt..... don't the DEMs understand basic math... but they are the ultimate science deniers.... Gender choice.. figures they reject math.Bottom line: Republicans would have been thrilled to make the individual rate cuts permanent, and the only thing that kept this from happening is that no Democrats in the Senate would vote for ANY tax-cuts at all. NONE.
math....is white supremacy dude....Bernie was arguing for increased spending. ... while claiming the tax cuts will add debt..... don't the DEMs understand basic math... but they are the ultimate science deniers.... Gender choice.. figures they reject math.
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And which party set it up to be that way?Bottom line: Republicans would have been thrilled to make the individual rate cuts permanent, and the only thing that kept this from happening is that no Democrats in the Senate would vote for ANY tax-cuts at all. NONE.
No worse than the Rebuttlikens.Bernie was arguing for increased spending. ... while claiming the tax cuts will add debt..... don't the DEMs understand basic math... but they are the ultimate science deniers.... Gender choice.. figures they reject math.
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No worse than the Rebuttlikens.
The Rebuttlikens know that this tax bill will cut Medicaid spending.
Figure it out, it will happen and they set it up.
If i take a pay cut I ONLY go into debit... IF i spend more than paid.My Bad Medicare.
A law passed in 2010 I believe will force cuts in medicaid among other things since the Tax cut will reduce revenue.
Debt is also cause by reducing income.
Take a pay cut and see how that goes.
I see both sides not just one.
But if you have fixed expenses, Like car payment, insurance house, utilities, etc.. As the government does....If i take a pay cut I ONLY go into debit... IF i spend more than paid.
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I see both sides not just one.
But if you have fixed expenses, Like car payment, insurance house, utilities, etc.. As the government does....
And your reduced income does not meet those fixed expenses?
Your right reducing taxes won't solve the jobs problem or bring jobs back.. most didn't leave due to taxation anyway.... labor laws and environmental laws are the biggest culprits.But if you have fixed expenses, Like car payment, insurance house, utilities, etc.. As the government does....
And your reduced income does not meet those fixed expenses?
I am not for increasing spending at all except where needed to meet commitments made in good faith to the citizens of the USA.
As more go on Medicare then expenditures will need to rise for instance.
and if you think that cutting corporate income taxes will bring back any noticable amount of jobe from overseas, you are dreaming.
Some will come back due to political problems overseas and rising costs in some countries will make some overseas industry not feasable for US corporations selling the products to US consumers.
What you WILL see is increased selling off of US based interests to overseas interests.
I like my environmental laws, much better than being like China, India, etc.Your right reducing taxes won't solve the jobs problem or bring jobs back.. most didn't leave due to taxation anyway.... labor laws and environmental laws are the biggest culprits.
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I like my environmental laws, much better than being like China, India, etc.
Water in my state is much safer for swimming and consuming fish from that it was 40 years ago.
Kinda silly to have laws about second hand smoke and no air pollution laws.
several other successful country's have much more stringent environmental laws than we do.
Jobs move off shore for mainly one reason.
To increase profit. Not necessarially that they cannot make a profit staying here but that they can make more profit by moving offshore.
And it will stay that way until other nations catch up closer to our standard of living which has been pretty stagnant for decades now.
India and parts of Africa will become the new China in the near future.
TOO many darned people is what is turning CA back into a desert.Environmental law is turning California BACK into a desert. The drought damage is mostly due to Tree huggers. Environmental law is making the water poisonous what there is left of it. It's turning the greatest agricultural region in the WORLD into a desert.
TOO many darned people is what is turning CA back into a desert.
Heck the CO river is being sucked dry.
But Vegas has to have it's fountains and swimming pools....
it is not environmental laws but a massive lack of common sense.
And the water is not available if it was upgraded.Environmental law + lack of common sense.
Californias water system was built for a population of 1/2 to 1/3 what it is today.... ZERO upgrades have been made to the system in 40 YEARS. and most of the infrastructure so badly maintaned it cannot be used to capacity. The #1 cause Endangered Species Act.
several other successful country's have much more stringent environmental laws than we do.
Great Article but it leaves out the human trafficking that must have been involved even though it is more of a Zionist thing. It is striking when you realize all these are just factions of a global criminal cartel and BHO was really just running protection for all of it.The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
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Great Article but it leaves out the human trafficking that must have been involved even though it is more of a Zionist thing. It is striking when you realize all these are just factions of a global criminal cartel and BHO was really just running protection for all of it.
I like my environmental laws, much better than being like China, India, etc.
Water in my state is much safer for swimming and consuming fish from that it was 40 years ago.
Kinda silly to have laws about second hand smoke and no air pollution laws.
several other successful country's have much more stringent environmental laws than we do.
Jobs move off shore for mainly one reason.
To increase profit. Not necessarially that they cannot make a profit staying here but that they can make more profit by moving offshore.
And it will stay that way until other nations catch up closer to our standard of living which has been pretty stagnant for decades now.
India and parts of Africa will become the new China in the near future.
Reading his posts is a waste of effort. I think he must not only get paid by the word. They must have a 10% bonus for the most idiotic utterly indefensibly stupid statements. No wonder the Zionists want to burn down California.But... but but but Trump said the word pussy 35 years ago!
I want a crommie tat....
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass.I said nothing untrue.
There is not enough water available to keep everyone happy in CA.
Water quality and air quality has improved over the past several decades in the USA due to environmental regulations.
Not enough water in the West? Talk to God about that.
Building a wall will not help bring water and we killed off all the rain dancers.
Don't like the facts?
Tough shit.
Grow up and face reality.
several other successful country's have much more stringent environmental laws than we do.
Ahh Well I will just give up on you for any reason as well as the others like Pusvape and Timmy and Helpuss.You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass.
Let the right wing loves fest continue here.
I am gone from this thread.
People like that just have to convince you that mind control is a real thing. Ya gotta feel sorry for someone who actually believes everything a Democrat tells them much less when they say all this environmental legislation is actually noticeably cleaning up the water. They are obviously not out there taking samples & doing honest testing if they are coming up with that answer.I lost count, how many times have you been "gone" from this thread now? 4 or more?
I am gone from this thread.
Violence against the wealthy... https://splinternews.com/time-to-make-life-hard-for-the-rich-1821384779
Soros funded site?
Let the right wing loves fest continue here.
I am gone from this thread.
Yes it is..... it rains every year.. if you build a few dams on a few rivers and creeks.... and capture rain water instead of flushing it straight to sea. No more droughts...And the water is not available if it was upgraded.
Again too many people wanting more water than is available.
got to youtube and search on Lake Mead....
And water crisis in west usa.
But yes the neglect of the infrastructure is a massive problem in the USA.
Something Trump should be focusing on to help MAGA.
I don't see a pussy in that crowd I'd grab with crummies hand.
there is also the element that the Obama adminstration cut water to the valley for voting against him.Yes it is..... it rains every year.. if you build a few dams on a few rivers and creeks.... and capture rain water instead of flushing it straight to sea. No more droughts...
Fwiw. Moonbeam daddy built the water system Moonbeam has neglected and ignored the issues. And even reduced the capacity we had. As i said Cali is suffering from a rebellious son.
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yeah well it is to be expected and there is more to come....and I'm not so sure it is without merit.Violence against the wealthy... https://splinternews.com/time-to-make-life-hard-for-the-rich-1821384779
Soros funded site?
I'm not so sure ..in the age of globalization the ability of multinational corporations to go from one country and rape their desperately poor and wreak their enviroment like has been done in China, and then once it's been destroyed move onto the next country with desperately poor people like Vietnam....seems to be the problem....the pollution in China is devestating.Your right reducing taxes won't solve the jobs problem or bring jobs back.. most didn't leave due to taxation anyway.... labor laws and environmental laws are the biggest culprits.
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I'm thinking more like 28 years......Crommie the truth is America's corporations just don't wanna pay for your healthcare, your obama-phone or your coloring books.
Democrat leadership has sucked the life blood out of this nation for 8 years...
... to support illegal aliens and entitled welfare queens.
Trump is doing a great job as president. So suck it up buttercup.
I don't see a pussy in that crowd I'd grab with crummies hand.
oh yeah this makes sense...this is starting to make Joe Mc Carthy look like a slacker....the DNC has a sort of like a circular firing squad thing going on....Apparently, the Dims are going after everyone that took votes from Hitlery. Jill Stein is a Russian spy too.
Jill Stein In Senate Crosshairs For "Collusion With The Russians"