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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Appears to be a special false flag unit (there may be more than one) that stages false flag events world wide. It appears to be made up of elements of the CIA, FBI, military special forces, and Homeland Security. Three large Black Tractor Trailer Trucks are often seen in the vicinity of the events - in Vegas they were marked with Go Army logos and parked across street by airport in parking lot, but the logos change at different events. They were in Boston, Charlottesville, Vegas, Barcelona, London, etc....

It is like a movie production company complete with crisis actors, props, stunt rigging, pyro & special effects, 4k hi def photography & video units, and investigators who smooth over all the gaffs in the aftermath investigation by classifying all video and physical evidence or information under national security that may expose the operation. Big $$$$$ behind it. UN involvement quite likely.

Watch Ollie Dammegard for more info as he seems to be the main grass roots expert studying their exploits and trying to expose them. Can't believe they haven't taken him out yet.

Interesting and convolutedly terrifying subject matter. It is like an Illuminati hit team that screws up constantly in blatant errors in scripts, facts, timeline, symbolism & numerology seeding, familiar crisis actors reused in multiple events, etc, yet it all escapes to notice of the MSM. CNN always on the scene in record time feeding video to other news outlets with presence of FBI and Homeland almost instant all prepared with a script that lays out everything in a nice neat package that often is dropped too quickly and cohesively to pass the sniff test. Crisis actors are always reading cue cards off to the side of the cameras and the scripts & scenes are seeded with numerology and background symbolism almost so the events can be easily recognizable as staged and not organic to those in the know.

Really sick stuff. When it is all examined after the fact with all the errors, numerology, & symbols explained, it can be so blatantly obvious that it is staged that it is criminal that CNN did not blow the whistle immediately, making it blatantly obvious they are deeply embedded in it.

Problem, Reaction, Solution.....
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Diamond Contributor
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cool, I hope they do.....if California does that, it legitamizes the Federal Goverment arresting Jerry Brown and the California assembly...The State of California can not say on the one hand it has supreme authority over municipalities, but on the other hand are not subject to the laws of the Federal goverment...I say call their bluff...they're screwed ,,if Orange county does this.... look to alot of other counties to do the same on a variety of issues..


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
cool, I hope they do.....if California does that, it legitamizes the Federal Goverment arresting Jerry Brown and the California assembly...The State of California can not say on the one hand it has supreme authority over municipalities, but on the other hand are not subject to the laws of the Federal goverment...I say call their bluff...they're screwed ,,if Orange county does this.... look to alot of other counties to do the same on a variety of issues..
Agreed, Brown can use some quiet reflective time in the Grey bar hotel, along with a host of others....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agreed, Brown can use some quiet reflective time in the Grey bar hotel, along with a host of others....
I really don't know what to say..I can't really see how this can last...The DNC are the outright warriors for the Globalists they have no intention of obeying any laws or the is apparent that they want to destroy the consitution and the any means neccessary they will break any law that stands in their way....the question is..are there people willing to fight them by any means neccessary,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I really don't know what to say..I can't really see how this can last...The DNC are the outright warriors for the Globalists they have no intention of obeying any laws or the is apparent that they want to destroy the consitution and the any means neccessary they will break any law that stands in their way....the question is..are there people willing to fight them by any means neccessary,
Only need someone willing to enforce the laws that exist. It is almost like they want to demoralize us all into giving up to the futility of it all. They want to flaunt it in our faces that we are helpless to do anything about it. I think we as citizens have to start personally pressing charges against them one by one as Sessions appears to have no interest in doing his job.


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