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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree, but I also believe there is far more hidden than we know,,,,besides it is up to each of us to do the research,but also to share the research we come across..I do believe the goverment has carried on extensive and well funded project on how control the masses how to manipulate them.,,,I know I would if I was stealing everything they had.

Sure there is more hidden. But it isn't a few hundred people faking mass shootings. ;)

The biggest problem I have @Time is ..I feel politics has become the opiate of the masses..a shadow play...everybody in the western world knows their political class is not just corrupt,but corrupt to the point of being rotting corpses...there is no real difference between the Republicans and the Democrats nothing of any substance both parties lie say one thing to the people, and vote the same, both parties have the same agenda the same enemies the same masters...the real question is not a political one so much as the question of who owns them and what their endgame is. why voting nothing more than a self delusional denial of the reality we are slaves already, is voting and discussing political points just a way of us ignoring the fact we have no political solution left to your enemy a liberal or a conservative or is it a zionist banking cartel in Berlin, and Paris, and London...I guess my question is it more important to discuss Hitlery's thoughts on Health care or is it more important to discuss who owns Hitlery and what are their ties to the American political world.and what is their endgame......when the DNC can pull off the most evil and illegal conspiracy to effect an American presidential election in our history and 90% of the so called opposition party the GOPdoes nothing about it, of any real consequence, and our media refuses to investigate it...I'm not sure it's a matter of politics.

Some things are credible, some things are not. I personally do my best to not be fooled by things that are not credible.

For instance, I believe a person should be prepared for large scale disaster. I have much of the stuff any weirdo prepper may have. Stockpiled food and whatnot. But I don't believe in end times prophesies either biblical or Nostradamus or Mayan. I do believe in natural disasters and possibly war. Do you see the difference? Natural disasters are credible. The End of The World As We Know It(TETOWAWKI as it's refered to by Preppers) is not.

Just because I believe that a natural disaster could take out the electricity for a number of days and that I should have stuff on hand so I can feed and take care of my family (a Prepper) does not make it automatically required that I believe the far fetched claims by other Preppers that make being prepared seem wacky. In fact, those wacky nutjob Preppers make it hard to convince other people to have their emergency supplies because they don't want to be considered loony ass wackjobs.

The same is true for politics. I can believe the government is corrupt and fucked and has a globalist agenda without believing the absurd. And it's harder to convince people about the true elements of the government corruption if they think they must also believe the loony ass wackjob conspiracy theories.

Can you not see how the crazy theories are counter productive?
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So you are advocating armed revolt over a peaceful, legal means?

Almost seems like that is what the media and CIA are trying to incite so they can respond with force and exert total control in the manner you suggest.
I don't neccessairly advocate violence, but having read history I don't rule out the possibility of it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sure there is more hidden. But it isn't a few hundred people faking mass shootings. ;)

Some things are credible, some things are not. I personally do my best to not be fooled by things that are not credible.

For instance, I believe a person should be prepared for large scale disaster. I have much of the stuff any weirdo prepper may have. Stockpiled food and whatnot. But I don't believe in end times prophesies either biblical or Nostradamus or Mayan. I do believe in natural disasters and possibly war. Do you see the difference? Natural disasters are credible. The End of The World As We Know It(TETOWAWKI as it's refered to by Preppers) is not.

Just because I believe that a natural disaster could take out the electricity for a number of days and that I should have stuff on hand so I can feed and take care of my family (a Prepper) does not make it automatically required that I believe the far fetched claims by other Preppers that make being prepared seem wacky. In fact, those wacky nutjob Preppers make it hard to convince other people to have their emergency supplies because they don't want to be considered loony ass wackjobs.

The same is true for politics. I can believe the government is corrupt and fucked and has a globalist agenda without believing the absurd. And it's harder to convince people about the true elements of the government corruption if they think they must also believe the loony ass wackjob conspiracy theories.

Can you not see how the crazy theories are counter productive?
yeah I can see your point, but WTF do you call crazy.....I gottta tell you what Bush, Obama, and Hilary pulled is pretty fucking crazy..I mean even 20 years ago if someone would have told you that a Democrat president would pack the FBI with brownshirts to target political enemies,lie to a FISA court, steal the nomination of the party and assassinate a whstleblower to cover it all up.....and not a single institution in America would be outraged by it all....I'm pretty sure you would have said that was fucking crazy talk....I will say this though I understand your point I do not underestimate the insanity,perversion, and evil of the ruling elite of this world.nothing they do would surprise me....for instance I do believe they have an agenda of white genocide..Now I know the Insitutions of power say that is tinfoil hat crazy talk...but everything I see points to it, to be honest my attention has been on 9/11, OKC,and LV...the school shootings I am not as well versed in, but my mind is open to hearing any information concerning them,I do believe the ruling elite are quite capable of any criminal act in order to disarm point has always been...why would the elite bother with false flags..if they wanted to sway people's opinions why don't they use live rounds....

I mean honestly what sounds crazier......a group of rouge deep state operatives staging a shooting at a school........or a group of rouge zealots staging the overturning of a Presidental race......
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have read your facts and concluded they are bullshit. You keep talking about me not looking at so called facts while you ignore what I tell you every time you do it. I did read it. I found it to be bullshit put out by anonymouse fucks and youtubers on the internet.
And you are entitled to your opinion.

Sorry Pat. FOX, Brietbart, Drudge, Zerohedge and other antigovernment news sources do not cover the wackadoodle false flag mass shooting shit. You have to read the comments in those media sources to find the few wackadoodle commenters that believe in that shit.
Each of the media sources you cite are just as Zoinist controlled as CNN. They merely offer a slightly different viewpoint or spin on the same shit so the sheeple might actually believe they are actually ruled by a representative government

Here you go @pulsevape . They have gotten so ridiculous, so fooled, that they are literally asking the globalists(international courts) to rule over the US. This is what happens when you start to believe far fetched bullshit. Pat doesn't need to be coddled, he needs an intervention.

Fuck the international courts. If we can't take care of our own business, inviting the devil into our home on our behalf is a ridiculous notion. I'll pick up arms long before I invite outsiders to rule on my behalf.
I believe it is quite likely that after the civil war the English Rothschild bankers who held the debt of the Union forces forced a corrupt Congress into contracting the English Crown into providing 19 enumerated services to the united States in order to repay that debt and the American Bar association was the vehicle by which that debt was to be repaid by allowing them to institute a system of maritime law to replace the Common Law of the land, effectively nullifying the true Constitution and collateralizing the productivity of the American citizens to repay that debt, thereby making us all servants of the monarchy with no rights of land ownership and instituting a system of property taxation for land use to repay that debt.

I further believe Judge Anna Von Reitz has done a hell of a lot more research in this area than you, and will defer to her opinion over yours until I find another opinion to disprove her assertions in her "Timeline of the Great Fraud" or explain it in a different manner that makes more sense. Washington DC is after all a corporate "Sovereign District" City owned by the City of London (feel free to google it). Her "Declaration Of Law" has more than a reasonable chance of success as it should be obvious the contracted services provider committed multiple acts of fraud against the American people who remain the occupiers of the land in the country itself and therefore are considered in possession. Overnight this country would go from a nation hopelessly mired in debt to a fraudulent banking cartel into the world's largest creditor nation if this was ever enacted. When you think about that is exactly what this nation is and has been since WWII.

I further have no doubt that GHWB led the ground team to assassinate our 35th president on behalf of the banking cartels because he was going to nationalize the FED, reissue a gold backed currency using Yamishita's Gold, pull us out of Vietnam, and restore sovereignty to the people of the United States. I also believe that GHWB turned the CIA into the largest worldwide organized crime syndicate this planet has ever known, running guns, prostitution, drugs, human trafficking, pedophilia, human organs, and espionage networks, etc., infiltrated every branch of government with CIA moles, has personally chosen every victorious presidential candidate since Carter from his own CIA ranks, and continues to lead the USA operations of the criminal cartel today, but has long since delegated the day to day responsibilities to others including DC & HRC. I believe they stage false flags to instill fear in the public, drive public opinion, achieve political long term goals, and act out some freakish masonic rituals IRL.

Where Donald Trump fits into all of this I still have not figured out. I have no doubt he was CIA and was groomed and subliminally seeded for the presidency in the minds of the pubic across many media methods. Which side he is really on, I do not know. Although he was supposed to carry JFK's & Von Reitz's work through to fruition, he may really be there to derail it and start the next great conflict or usher in the enactment of the End of Days for a Satan worshiping cult to cover a world financial collapse....So far, so good, but a lot remains to be seen, and it could go horribly wrong very, very quickly.

I don't expect you to believe any of that though. Enjoy!
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I further believe Judge Anna Von Reitz has done a hell of a lot more research in this area than you, and will defer to her opinion over yours

Of course you do. The followers of Jim Jones were quite sure they found the man with all the knowledge too, despite what normal people told 'em. ;)

Followers are thick headed like that.




Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If people do get organized they could squash the government stooges within hours. The people don't really understand how powerful they are together. There are 70M gun owners in US there is no force even remotely close to that


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Of course you do. The followers of Jim Jones were quite sure they found the man with all the knowledge too, despite what normal people told 'em. ;)

Followers are thick headed like that.


All bluster and insults with no substance at all - as usual.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If people do get organized they could squash the government stooges within hours. The people don't really understand how powerful they are together. There are 70M gun owners in US there is no force even remotely close to that
Big IF. You are right of course, still a Very Big IF.

Frankly I think it is unlikely unless the government attempts to ban the 2A, collect the weapons or attempt the outright overthrow of the administration. If they take out Trump on the other hand, they might just be opening a can of worms they might not be prepared to eat.

By the same token, if the people got organized peacefully in a coordinated manner they could demand the investigation & prosecutions of the guilty from the previous administration begin and initiate voter reform legislation campaigns to reform government without resorting to violence at all.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If people do get organized they could squash the government stooges within hours. The people don't really understand how powerful they are together. There are 70M gun owners in US there is no force even remotely close to that

Before that, I recommend taking the purse away.

If you can get them to organize to arms, surely they can be organized to stop giving the government money. No money = no government.

Then, with the threat of no money, they may be inclined to bring arms against the citizens. That would inspire a larger portion of citizens to fight back.

Let the government draw first blood and the people will win. If some people draw first blood, the government will win.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
All bluster and insults with no substance at all - as usual.

Pat, I can't argue against fairy tales. I'm not about to add substance to a subject like whether or not Snow White's seven dwarves are real.

But, I can tell you what I think of it. :)
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pat, I can't argue against fairy tales. I'm not about to add substance to a subject like whether or not Snow White's seven dwarves are real.

But, I can tell you what I think of it. :)
Which is no more or less than I have done with the official accounts of 9-11, OKC, Boston Bombing, SH, Charlottesville, Vegas, Parkland & many others.

We just disagree on just how corrupt our government really is, how long it has been going on, how much they have stolen and how depraved those in power really are.

Agree to disagree, apologize for your insults to Cat and myself, and move on. I agree with taking the purse away before armed revolt, and believe we are ultimately looking for the same end result.

An honest, representative government without election fraud, racketeering, graft, or corruption.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agree to disagree, apologize for your insults to Cat and myself, and move on.

Fuck Cat. He can eat a bag of dicks.

Maybe you'd be better off hanging out in a beauty shop. The barber shop talk seems to bother you. :)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fuck Cat. He can eat a bag of dicks.

Maybe you'd be better off hanging out in a beauty shop. The barber shop talk seems to bother you. :)

My barber is a made Italian in Jersey with the moniker Bobby Blades aka Bobby the Blade & while the banter exists in his shop, there is also an unwritten rule that respect rules the day. In short, he knows there is a fine line between barbershop banter and him needing a paramedic to pull his clippers out of his ass, so he naturally has enough respect for people not to cross certain lines. I'm sure he would be very happy to explain the finer points of this concept to you if you were ever to mouth off to him or his customers in his shop the way you have to me and others in this thread.

I was gonna let it go, but because you have been such a disrespectful ass - in the future if you are looking to say the government or CIA is not involved in False Flag Events and further discredit them as conspiracy theories, The Jonestown Massacre probably shouldn't be your go to analogy:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the in hose nickname for the 8 CIA Supercomputer Server Farms they use for worldwide bulk data collection and I can assure you they exist. They were previously barred from collecting information domestically, but after the Snowden leak, their policies have been changed to allow a duplication of the NSAs Domestic Bulk data collection program and some are speculating that the Snowden leak was actually orchestrated to usher in this revision to their mandate as a covert backup in case the NSA program was ever jeopardized as a result of FISA abuse.

CIA Reveals New Rules for Collecting Data on Americans – Also Shares Millions of Secret Documents
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Nothing to worry about here, it's just a formality.

Handing over the keys to the new owner is a perfectly normal part of closing a sale.
God, there are still a group of dumbfucks like you left huh?....I figured you'd have realized by now the 4th Riech of Hitlery had gone down the drain like an old drunk woman sliding down a set of stairs....I thought you all had moved your troops to the hills of Trudeau's Canada,knitting pussyhats, and waiting for Hitlery to awaken from outta a Vodka induced coma and return the Riech to it's former glory....Hey maybe you can get Black Jesus (Obama) to raise Seth Rich from the grave....fucking libtards would rather plunge the world into war than face the reality they lost an election they thought they had fairly rigged.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My barber is a made Italian in Jersey with the moniker Bobby Blades aka Bobby the Blade & while the banter exists in his shop, there is also an unwritten rule that respect rules the day. In short, he knows there is a fine line between barbershop banter and him needing a paramedic to pull his clippers out of his ass, so he naturally has enough respect for people not to cross certain lines. I'm sure he would be very happy to explain the finer points of this concept to you if you were ever to mouth off to him or his customers in his shop the way you have to me and others in this thread.

LOL. Awesome. That's the first time anyone has name dropped a "made Italian" to me. I have a feeling that it means more to you than it does to me. I have a lifetime of standing on my own merits, not on others. :)

Besides, if you're concerned about government corruption, especially on the liberal east coast, giving business to "made Italians" is probably as counter productive as being gullible about wacky conspiracy theories.
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I have a lifetime of standing on my own merits, ...

Besides, if you're concerned about government corruption, especially on the liberal east coast, giving business to "made Italians" is probably as counter productive as being gullible about wacky conspiracy theories.

I think you're confused again. Running your mouth non-stop has nothing to do with merit.
It just means you're an asshole.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think you're confused again.

That's an understatement. I'm often confused. For instance, it confuses me how Pat could fall for such blatant bullshit such as thinking the military is going to take over the government, international courts are going to intercede on his behalf and the National Guard is going to stand over the Countries polling places. I'm even more confused as to how he believes these things are good, if true.

Running your mouth non-stop has nothing to do with merit.

I didn't say it did. My merits have nothing to do with what I say, they have to do with what I do. What I say is backed up by my merits, not the other way round. ;)

It just means you're an asshole.

Pffffft. So I'm an asshole. So what? Trump's an asshole. Most people I know will say what they think and it really doesn't matter much if you think they are an asshole for saying it. Get over it cupcake. California has got plenty of safe spaces for you if you feel you need to get away from the assholes of the world. There are a few men left in the world that won't hide behind polite banter.
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