It's also a matter of principle to me. It's about moral values and about supporting real people who put real effort into real innovative product development. Without those people's hard work and creativity, all things vaping will turn to shit. I know that 90 Euros for the blak Goon was pretty steep. But hey, it's an authentic black Goon. I mean, with that Trinity Glass cap on it that I mentioned earlier, believe you me when I say that, on that dark nickel plated Dragon mod by League of Scoundrels (LO$), it looks fucking stunning. So then, you're looking at an irreplaceable proud made in USA real piece of vaping history. ?
I definitively appreciate that point of view as well. Had one grandfather give 40 years of life in the Steel Town USA, Youngstown OH, Wheeling WV. Pittsburgh, PA and the surrounding are know there about as Tri-State. That grandfather worked in steel mills, foundries. He was a teamster.
Another grandfather had run a 40 acres farm, dairy cattle, steers, geldings. He also had a Victory Garden each year. People come give him work too. We ran fence, put out garden, harvested. He was the one that got my permitted to work away from home at age fifteen.
A third grandfather served in a war, came home and worked another fellow's dairy until he bought a home off him. Rightly ought to say grandma bought the home. She asked the fellow what he wanted for a brushed in, bramble over corner lot. He told her give him a dollar to do the paperwork and she did right away. Then, Pap told her to go pick out a trailer.
Wife's grandfather was a combination of the last two of my grandfather's. All four of these cantankerous, stubborn mules showed me what that life is and how to live it, Every one of them come at me with one thought in mind. "Ah, a spry young buck. Let's see if I can work him death, save myself." I still live, sadly as life has it, none of them do and not for lack of me trying to save them.
So, yes I can appreciate and respect supporting those who create, innovate, do the job. I sincerely can. That noted a good number don't want support. No, they seem more interested in some castle in the sky for what they sell products at retail. And I don't mind paying for quality up to a point either. Trouble being, much as you support fine American small businesses, not all Americans get to jet the world over or dine on caviar from Moscow.
Me and wife for example live below what my country designated as the poverty level. Yes, we've recently come to some windfalls. We have a solid plan in place for that though. We are investing in our future, to have shelter. Yes, we can spend a little without "breaking" our "bank". Still we need to remain frugal as money we got surely won't stay around.
Me and her live by the principle of not worrying about money. No point worrying we don't have it. No point worrying if we do. Either way, it comes and goes in most efficient transient form. All of this is why I will buy clones and don't exactly see it as theft.
Hell I use Linux because I will not, nor cannot afford paying $150 plus yearly subscription for Windows. Bullshit I say, especially when it is bloated, insecure and in general a piece of dung. That and you can not legally fix it to do as you need now, all the contractual jargon forbids it. And Microsoft has eyes on your computer, oh yes they do.
So yes, can agree and respect your view. It's a valid point of view to have and most admirable. I may desire having similar view but as of yet cannot afford it. But no, I'm not poor nor a victim. I don't state fact of our finances openly as such here for sympathy, pity. No, not at all. I am merely expressing why my views are as they happen to be. I don't pity myself, in fact at times I need stopped from being hard on myself.
I'm not some seventeen year old boy what can lift three ton tractors six inches up in the air any more. N'ah, lucky to get it up to an inch, or two now, and then drop it right away. *shaking my head* You want to play Superman, have at it, glad for you.
Not all of us can anymore. *chuckles* We got broken doing it.