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Vapemail Stalker
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I got used to seeing VC's ad flashing on the top and bottom of the page all the time but haven't seen it lately....wonder if they stopped advertising on VU after all of this...


Vapemail Stalker
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exactly all we can do and bare witness to is them not keeping up their end of things.

Just like that lying motherfucker jeepercreeper, in a couple short weeks it will be a year since I won something on his show and he lied about his email etc. said it would ship and never did.
I had the same thing happen to me with a couple of wins from him..doesn't answer emails either...for that reason, I have never, and will never order anything from any company he is involved with....ever...and the same goes for any deadbeat sponsor...and there is no shortage of those...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Look at what the dude who owns The Standard did on the last show, 24 complete juice setups. Think he will generate more business from that generosity? Damn right he will. And we still have people getting stiffed who won a single bottle of juice, people who may have not gotten their paid orders yet. Vapecrafters is just screwing themselves in the long run.


Diamond Contributor
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You'll probably get it next week, if at all.
I am willing to give them a fair shake.
I go by the Marcus Lemonis point of view.. people, process, product.
The product has yet to be used.. but supposed to be good.
The people have dropped the ball
The process is fouled.


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I don't remember... but I'm pretty certain I threw out the one I got. It had no flavor and wasn't even something i'd PIF.

I can't find the bottle, so I can only assume I threw it away.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Lucy! You got some splainin to do! (You vapecrafters!)


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Mine was OK. But not worth waiting a month for. And of course I never got my second order


Custard Junkie
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came back to this hilarious thread to see if @VapeCrafter addressed any of the lies that people have been proving.. Looks like that's a no.. why am I not surprised?

must need to think of more excuses as to why things don't get shipped out.. I'm going to guess ISIS


Custard Junkie
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You guys still haven't received your orders? Are they still in business?

I assume they have moved onto other vape forums to peddle their shitty business model.. It won't be long for everyone else to catch on.. but it does make me want to browse ECF just to see if they are active over there.. and then to blow up their spot of course ;)


Diamond Contributor
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Nothing yesterday.
Most likely nothing today either.

If it gets here at least it will be steeped.


Custard Junkie
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Nothing yesterday.
Most likely nothing today either.

If it gets here at least it will be steeped.

I wouldn't even trust vaping that crap.. if he lies about simple things like shipping who knows what ingredients they are actually using lol.


Custard Junkie
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I just checked ECF and nothing posted since last month when they ran a contest


Custard Junkie
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I have vape stooges... they will vape the sweat from a monkey's taint if I hand it to them.

as long as it's a high VG batch of monkey taint I'd be down for that


Diamond Contributor
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SO thursday was a month after win.

I am not a patient man, I thought I would give them a fair shake... fuck the fucking fuckers, lying SObs.


Vapemail Stalker
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I assume they have moved onto other vape forums to peddle their shitty business model.. It won't be long for everyone else to catch on.. but it does make me want to browse ECF just to see if they are active over there.. and then to blow up their spot of course ;)
This is nothing new...just read a few months old thread at reddit where people were bitching about orders taking forever to ship, if at all, bad customer service, no communication...the vendor posted on there with all the same excuses...pretty much the same shit as on here...like you said, they prolly just ditched on this forum and moved on to the next....


VU Donator
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Are they still advertising here? Haven't seen a top banner in a while...


Diamond Contributor
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This is nothing new...just read a few months old thread at reddit where people were bitching about orders taking forever to ship, if at all, bad customer service, no communication...the vendor posted on there with all the same excuses...pretty much the same shit as on here...like you said, they prolly just ditched on this forum and moved on to the next....
if that is the case the need ejected off this board.
God damn it. I ve put on nearly 100$ order and get no response in over a week. Before paying, i exchanged like 10 emails in couple hours. After payment… silence. And thats after i ordered 150$ worth of juice from Mohawk Vapors and the package is lost since Jan 11th (no sign of fixing the situation from their part). I had to refund my friends nearly a 100$. So now i've lost nearly 350$ and have not a single drop of liquid :(


Platinum Contributor
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God damn it. I ve put on nearly 100$ order and get no response in over a week. Before paying, i exchanged like 10 emails in couple hours. After payment… silence. And thats after i ordered 150$ worth of juice from Mohawk Vapors and the package is lost since Jan 11th (no sign of fixing the situation from their part). I had to refund my friends nearly a 100$. So now i've lost nearly 350$ and have not a single drop of liquid :(

Dispute the charges with your credit card company?
Not really an option for me. Everything was paid with regular debit card with funds from my account. Ofcourse if it comes to this i will try everyyhing i can (but there isnt much i can do living in a little country in central east europe).

I wanted to add that i just got a message from Brian from Mohawk and he's sending everything once again. I knew he is a good guy and he wouldnt leave me like that. Service from them is very quick, all the orders usually ship the same or next day.

Now there is a wait game with vape crafter. I just hope it gets to me no matter when :/ There is definetly some bad juice juju aroun me :)


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How come you order juice from the States to Europe? Is it regulated where you are?
Only shitty chinese juice available where i live. Or US made juice sold by european vendors for the same prices as in US but not in dollars but in euros or pounds.


Custard Junkie
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Fucking scumbags man.. I really hope the mods trashed their advertising rights on the forum..


Diamond Contributor
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Fucking scumbags man.. I really hope the mods trashed their advertising rights on the forum..
I hope they just boot these fuckers flat out.
bad enough shafting people who won but they are being flat out thieves and scammers.

Day 37 no contact no signs of life anywhere.
Day 34 provisions low..
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
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5 weeks since win.. no end in sight..
Win desert island not lonely at least...


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God damn it. I ve put on nearly 100$ order and get no response in over a week. Before paying, i exchanged like 10 emails in couple hours. After payment… silence. And thats after i ordered 150$ worth of juice from Mohawk Vapors and the package is lost since Jan 11th (no sign of fixing the situation from their part). I had to refund my friends nearly a 100$. So now i've lost nearly 350$ and have not a single drop of liquid :(
(978) 228-5417

Call them.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Have yet to see any activity from them since January
Kaween, the CEO or owner or whatnot, did tell me in an email at one point that he was taking a hiatus from social media for a little bit. Something about his marketing guy leaving and not having the time to concentrate on it or something. Don't quote me on that, but that I suppose is the reason you don't see any activity from them. Are there people who still never received their orders?

Robert B

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Kaween, the CEO or owner or whatnot, did tell me in an email at one point that he was taking a hiatus from social media for a little bit. Something about his marketing guy leaving and not having the time to concentrate on it or something. Don't quote me on that, but that I suppose is the reason you don't see any activity from them. Are there people who still never received their orders?
He's takin a break from wrestling Alligators


VU Donator
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Kaween, the CEO or owner or whatnot, did tell me in an email at one point that he was taking a hiatus from social media for a little bit. Something about his marketing guy leaving and not having the time to concentrate on it or something. Don't quote me on that, but that I suppose is the reason you don't see any activity from them. Are there people who still never received their orders?
Lots of people who never received orders - both contest winners and paying customers. If Kaween is still answering your messages, you might as well tell him to make his hiatus permanent - don't think there's any way possible to un-carpet bomb the goodwill of the online vaping community...


Bronze Contributor
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Kaween, the CEO or owner or whatnot, did tell me in an email at one point that he was taking a hiatus from social media for a little bit.
Must've been a very little bit since he was plugging vape crafter in the New England Vapers group on FB a couple days ago


Custard Junkie
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Must've been a very little bit since he was plugging vape crafter in the New England Vapers group on FB a couple days ago

I hope someone called them out.. I would post a link to this thread to the entire group!


Vapemail Stalker
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Nope 7 weeks or so and nothing.
@SMOKIE @VaporJoes needs to look into these fuckers and possibly removing their scamming asses from this site.
Well, they're site is still open, they appear to be taking orders, and the VU banner link is still on the bottom of their opening page...


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Nope 7 weeks or so and nothing.
@SMOKIE @VaporJoes needs to look into these fuckers and possibly removing their scamming asses from this site.
I have suspended their sub forum til we find out what is going on with them, just too many vapers waiting much too long for there orders.

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