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9 weeks since win, monday will be 8 weeks since promised shipment and tacking numbers.


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like they forget about everyone!!


Will write reviews for Beer!
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I have suspended their sub forum til we find out what is going on with them, just too many vapers waiting much too long for there orders.

Thank you for your actions, Modfather!

Any chance that you can send a "few of the boys" over to have a very polite "Chat" with them?

Not that it is any of my concern but it does seem that they are in need of some kind of "Attitude Adjustment"?



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Is vape crafters the guys who had a deal with some diy juice calculator site where if a saved recipe was public anyone could select to "buy recipe pre made" and be linked to?

I remember seeing that and thinking it was the most sleazy, underhanded business model I've seen in this industry, so if it is indeed the same company I am not surprised by the 6 page long thread about them being crooks lol


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Is vape crafters the guys who had a deal with some diy juice calculator site where if a saved recipe was public anyone could select to "buy recipe pre made" and be linked to?

I remember seeing that and thinking it was the most sleazy, underhanded business model I've seen in this industry, so if it is indeed the same company I am not surprised by the 6 page long thread about them being crooks lol
Yep they are the ones, also more of this kind of shit floating around outside of here of not honoring wins taking people's money and never sending product or delaying for months on end.


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Yep they are the ones, also more of this kind of shit floating around outside of here of not honoring wins taking people's money and never sending product or delaying for months on end.
Yep they are the ones, also more of this kind of shit floating around outside of here of not honoring wins taking people's money and never sending product or delaying for months on end.
not suprised. That shit with the building juices for profit using people's public recipes showed me they were a shady group to begin with. No integrity.

Joshua Iles

Gold Contributor
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Must be tough mixing juice cuz the girl at the store did mine in like a minute. Glad I never ordered from them.


Gold Contributor
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Is vape crafters the guys who had a deal with some diy juice calculator site where if a saved recipe was public anyone could select to "buy recipe pre made" and be linked to?

I remember seeing that and thinking it was the most sleazy, underhanded business model I've seen in this industry, so if it is indeed the same company I am not surprised by the 6 page long thread about them being crooks lol


Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
Wow. More than two years of complaints.

I got curious and checked their site. One of the first things I saw was this:

"If you don't want to go through the trouble and danger that comes with making your custom e juice"

Danger. Uh huh.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Did you possibly mean Craft Vapery? Hopefully? Or you're pullin' my leg.
nope it was craftvapers I wanted some plum flavored MF so I ordered it there along with about 5 other flavors, but only the 1/4 dram size so about 30.00 worth of stuff...if I order from BCV or excig they usually ship out my order the next day sometimes the same day...these guys haven't shipped and it's been three days...if they get funny I'll just cancel my order fast I have no intrest in hounding people to do what they are paid to do...or listen to stories about how bigfoot broke into their lab and stole all the juice.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wow. More than two years of complaints.

I got curious and checked their site. One of the first things I saw was this:

"If you don't want to go through the trouble and danger that comes with making your custom e juice"

Danger. Uh huh.
Oh yeah you ever stab yourself with a blunt tipped needle?.....me neither......


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good luck the vapecrafter motherfuckers are a year out with nothing.
fuck man I'll give them three or four days to ship and if they don't I'll just try and get my credit card company to get my money back.....I have no patience for bullshit excuses..been down that road to many times with juice vendors....


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I totally forgot - I've still got a contest win coming! :rolleyes:
OMG was that the one I won and didn't want? LOL I entered to see if it was real, and was horrified when I won - so I annoyed them by telling them I didn't want it! (It's the only contest I've ever won, not that I enter many!)


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Also my only "win" - and I don't think I even entered, but the VapeCrafter guy offered to send me some juice to prove he was legit and shipping orders...we see how well that worked out.


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OMG was that the one I won and didn't want? LOL I entered to see if it was real, and was horrified when I won - so I annoyed them by telling them I didn't want it! (It's the only contest I've ever won, not that I enter many!)
I remember that!!! LOL!!!!


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Also my only "win" - and I don't think I even entered, but the VapeCrafter guy offered to send me some juice to prove he was legit and shipping orders...we see how well that worked out.
Yep and he bitched out and got called out on it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well if even half of this was true ...Nasty is right they should be turned in to the state for fraud.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
well I placed an order a couple of weeks ago,before I saw this thread... and zilch...nada...no tracking number,won't respond to e-mails or calls....and yet they still take people's money for orders....so after two years nothing has changed....I would not be the least bit surprised if something more nefarious is happening here...than just sheer incompetence.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
well I placed an order a couple of weeks ago,before I saw this thread... and zilch...nada...no tracking number,won't respond to e-mails or calls....and yet they still take people's money for orders....so after two years nothing has changed....I would not be the least bit surprised if something more nefarious is happening here...than just sheer incompetence.
cc chargeback time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
and I did..called up my bank told them my story told them what I wanted to do...OK ..I go down and change the number on my card because I have no idea what kind of people I'm dealing with here....suddenly after two weeks of total silence...guess what..out of the blue suddenly ( I don't know if the sun spots cleared up, or the mothership disappeared above my house or what)......Vapecrafter is able to find the time to communicate with me...apparently they tried to communicate with me though there is no record in my e-mail of them doing that or on my answering machine either...however I did not check for carrier pigeons....you see it was MY fault....they agreed to return my money which seems redundant since I'd already gone to my bank to have them recover my money....and to inform me my juice was late because.........no not the mysterious vaping robin hood, not an alien abduction,..but because they had no bottles the right size....

Man ecigexpress or BCV I make an order it's in the mail the next day, maybe the day after..... I've had them get my order in the mail the same day......two weeks....and no e-mail no nothing....come on
Ah crap. Didn't see this until after I ordered (going on a week now w/o anything past an order confirmation). It blows Mt. Baker doesn't do byoj any more, because they were reliable and made superb juices. I've emailed both support and kaweem about the status itself on my order because I've been hearing these horror stories. If I don't see my juice within the next week, I'll see to it they won't get any of my money, nor anyone I know's money again.


VU Vendor
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Really bummed their name is so close to ours... Just so everyone knows, we are not them :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Really bummed their name is so close to ours... Just so everyone knows, we are not them :)
Start a thread in your allowed area and make members aware at the closeness in name and let them know you are not in any way affiliated nor are the same vendor, hint....the thread title should say it all.


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Not that I was ever going to order from them, but forums like this I absolutely love. I started to read about cakes and her experience with the company and saw all of their responses. I saw multiple people give them a try and saw people order and say "shit, I didn't see this thread". Went to their website and its still going. I was not surprised to see how shitty the website was..as a rule of thumb, when a website looks like ZERO care was put into it, filled with ads or just looks like a huge advertisement..or screams "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY"..i generally do not spend money their as its probably a money pit. With that being said, I generally feel bad for those who lost out on money and free items..even if it's free, as a company, you should do your best to get the product to the customer. Free products are still customer product and should be treated with the same priority. I think he was probably running this company out of his garage and never expected it to get that big. after he tried to make it right the last time, I seriously scrolled down to find his response and nothing..never heard from again. he tried to blame USPS over and over..The bottom line is, for me at least, he scammed the shit out of people and the giveaways were probably done as a way to get people to spend more money.

what a dickhead.
I wanted to order some Medicine Flower flavors from them. They have everything set on their web site to order except ability to add to cart and actually place an order. I've sent them FIVE inquiries about this over 2 weeks - no response. "Your satisfaction is our priority" -- yeah, right. Then I googled a street view of their facility. Wow. Stupid business model, dumpy facility, non-existent customer service . . how can these guys not be a raving success?

Now that I've read these previous posts, I'm glad they didn't respond to me. I probably would have placed an order and gotten nothing in return.
I wanted to order some Medicine Flower flavors from them. They have everything set on their web site to order except ability to add to cart and actually place an order. I've sent them FIVE inquiries about this over 2 weeks - no response. "Your satisfaction is our priority" -- yeah, right. Then I googled a street view of their facility. Wow. Stupid business model, dumpy facility, non-existent customer service . . how can these guys not be a raving success?

Now that I've read these previous posts, I'm glad they didn't respond to me. I probably would have placed an order and gotten nothing in return.

If you're looking for custom premixed juices, frontiervapor.com is amazing. If you're looking for diy supplies the vape mall is cheap and ships quick. That's been my two go-to sites for juice

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