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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Never worry about me, I put a plow on when there is a State Of Emergency and drive to my customers. Forget about traffic when I have the Blade on because I have been known to move things out of my way.
Well that makes me feel better! I have an AWD SUV, we just got it a couple months ago after our cars engine blew and we got it fixed and traded it right in.

I hope I’m never stuck in front of you though with your plow on! :teehee:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
That’s really good! I wish we had a plow!

No you actually don't because I know plenty of guys who bought a plow thinking they were going to make big bucks and they wrecked their vehicles or it cost them more than they made. For me if I break shit I fix it. I have repaired stuff I broke plowing in the street at the bottom of the driveway because it would take too long to move the cars and clean the snow. Ran the air hoses out to where I dropped the blade to clear enough just to be able to work. The neighbors think I am crazy because they have seen me Arc Welding with snow falling in a blizzard~!

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
No you actually don't because I know plenty of guys who bought a plow thinking they were going to make big bucks and they wrecked their vehicles or it cost them more than they made. For me if I break shit I fix it. I have repaired stuff I broke plowing in the street at the bottom of the driveway because it would take too long to move the cars and clean the snow. Ran the air hoses out to where I dropped the blade to clear enough just to be able to work. The neighbors think I am crazy because they have seen me Arc Welding with snow falling in a blizzard~!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well good for you for being smart to do all that and be prepared! There needs to be more people out there like you!

Never going to happen since Common Sense went extinct in the last Century~! :vino:

One of the things I like most about being out during a major storm before the County Plows have even cleared most of the streets is how the world looks so pristine and tranquil. You have no idea how lovely it is to be the only person out or one of the few.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Never going to happen since Common Sense went extinct in the last Century~! :vino:

One of the things I like most about being out during a major storm before the County Plows have even cleared most of the streets is how the world looks so pristine and tranquil. You have no idea how lovely it is to be the only person out or one of the few.
I can only imagine!


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Never going to happen since Common Sense went extinct in the last Century~! :vino:

One of the things I like most about being out during a major storm before the County Plows have even cleared most of the streets is how the world looks so pristine and tranquil. You have no idea how lovely it is to be the only person out or one of the few.
speaking of common sence...
WHY do da snow plow drivers ALWAYS have to hit my mailbox?
put Out a NEW BIG
black mailbox in last winter cuz mine was CRUSHED 3/4ths in..
same day i put in the new one
and i even set it back as far as it could go...

He creams every mailbox he go's past...
am tempted to put a BIG HUGE boulder near da mailbox
CRACK OFF his blade real good and i bet he could learn....

sorry for going off but em HIT IT AGAIN just da other day...
and YES its on a swivel plow post.. but what good can that do when your mail
go's flying out into da ditch Only to be covered up with the plowed snow...
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
peaking of common sence...
WHY do da snow plow drivers ALWAYS have to hit my mailbox?

Because a good percentage of the County assholes do not know what they are doing and I have reported them for unsafe driving or plowing. They have GPS units in the trucks now so when you report them it's BUSTED.

tempted to put a BIG HUGE boulder near da mailbox

This will just result in that bolder getting tossed so make sure it isn't lined up with anything you like. Solution is to use a Trail Camera to record him taking out the mailbox and charge the county for it. Video proof is a great thing~!


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Because a good percentage of the County assholes do not know what they are doing and I have reported them for unsafe driving or plowing. They have GPS units in the trucks now so when you report them it's BUSTED.

This will just result in that bolder getting tossed so make sure it isn't lined up with anything you like. Solution is to use a Trail Camera to record him taking out the mailbox and charge the county for it. Video proof is a great thing~!
o i like the way you think....
its better den bitching and den waitting for spring to find your Lost mail in da ditch...
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yes, Bunny. Get the shmoe’s ass into trouble. Hmm, I sound very New York saying it like that! :teehee:

When I plow a property none of the neighbors complain or my customers for that matter. I have actually been thanked by people for the way I do my plowing. I make sure I do not make more work for them when the town or county plows come by not leaving a pile of snow to wind up on their property. I also never push to the end of a sidewalk so their is a mound of snow to shovel threw. I will pull forward drop the blade and back up scraping a clean path.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
When I plow a property none of the neighbors complain or my customers for that matter. I have actually been thanked by people for the way I do my plowing. I make sure I do not make more work for them when the town or county plows come by not leaving a pile of snow to wind up on their property. I also never push to the end of a sidewalk so their is a mound of snow to shovel threw. I will pull forward drop the blade and back up scraping a clean path.

That’s because you’re a nice guy and you’re smart!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
This morning I have to take Dad to the Pulmonary Doctor but because of no parking drop off and sit at the park until I get the call to come back. But with this temperature probably not going to shut off my truck~!



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
My truck says it is 17°F outside~! Have it running now for almost 15 minutes and still Ice on the windshield. Have to bang out a shower and leave by 9:30.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
It’s the same temp here too! My toddler keeps begging to go outside but it’s wayyy too cold for him! He was shivering on his potty this morning just having his pants and undies off. (Heats on in the house but it’s always cold in the bathroom)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yeah although it is cold it doesn't feel too bad because it isn't windy. I was outside in my Caterpillar Boots with no socks in my PJ bottoms, a tee shirt and jacket while starting and cleaning snow ice off my vehicle. Light dusting of snow covering the walks but nothing to shovel. Cold but not nasty.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
The real feel here is 4 degrees... so definitely too cold for me to take my little one out. I would, but I can’t find his gloves... go figure lol they’re probably hiding in his toy box somewhere


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Yeah although it is cold it doesn't feel too bad because it isn't windy. I was outside in my Caterpillar Boots with no socks in my PJ bottoms, a tee shirt and jacket while starting and cleaning snow ice off my vehicle. Light dusting of snow covering the walks but nothing to shovel. Cold but not nasty.
wanna MOVE dat rock...
its over 1/2 under ground.... an know da feller with a BIG Crane..
^&%^%$%$% snow plow went and done it AGAIN.. and ders hardly any snow on da road..
little bit of drifting DATS ALL..
so steve would dat GRAB ems attention??? or do i need BIGGER Rock
YES KNOW where one is...
and am gonna have to resort to DIY cuz micrwave, drill, and INSURANCE
sure damaged my budget dis month.
sparkey got some reflectes
but i don't think dat will slow em down at all..
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
What a day after leaving early this morning came home checked messages and then put tools in my truck to go to NST to set up a Bose Surround Sound System and deal with Spectrum because one of the boxes is screwed and not able to watch the stations you get in the living room. New Surround Sound Systems are sick~! Freaking WiFi connections and basically no freaking controls but damn is shakes the floor~!

Trying to connect the Samsung to the WiFI the HDTV refuses to connect and I have the correct SSID and Password so a bit of research is leading me to think I need to update the Firmware. Next time I need to bring up a long Cat 5e Cable and connect to the Internet to check and update the Firmware.

Wine time~! :vino:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
What a day after leaving early this morning came home checked messages and then put tools in my truck to go to NST to set up a Bose Surround Sound System and deal with Spectrum because one of the boxes is screwed and not able to watch the stations you get in the living room. New Surround Sound Systems are sick~! Freaking WiFi connections and basically no freaking controls but damn is shakes the floor~!

Trying to connect the Samsung to the WiFI the HDTV refuses to connect and I have the correct SSID and Password so a bit of research is leading me to think I need to update the Firmware. Next time I need to bring up a long Cat 5e Cable and connect to the Internet to check and update the Firmware.

Wine time~! :vino:

Sounds cool, enjoy it! Right in time for the holidays, too.


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Not mine it was for my Sweeties Cousin at North Shore Towers.
He lives here??

and he wants to have ya put in DIS???
What a day after leaving early this morning came home checked messages and then put tools in my truck to go to NST to set up a Bose Surround Sound System and deal with Spectrum because one of the boxes is screwed and not able to watch the stations you get in the living room. New Surround Sound Systems are sick~! Freaking WiFi connections and basically no freaking controls but damn is shakes the floor~!

Trying to connect the Samsung to the WiFI the HDTV refuses to connect and I have the correct SSID and Password so a bit of research is leading me to think I need to update the Firmware. Next time I need to bring up a long Cat 5e Cable and connect to the Internet to check and update the Firmware.

Wine time~! :vino:

well I pitty da POOR neighbors with all dat kind of LOUD noise....
o what to do what to do.

I KNOW come on over here and install it at MY HOUSE
my closest neighbor is.. across da road 1/2 mile away...down a LONG driveway even..
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