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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
To get ahead on Christmas cooking I started my Sauce for Christmas Eve for the Calamari~! Using Fresh Garden Tomatoes I had in the freezer. Such a big container going to use some for today.s dinner.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So she made you watch Joker? Lol

Yes, I wanted to watch Ad Astra but she wanted to see Joker. Many times she wants to see something and I am not into it so fair is fair. I could be a shithead and forget to bring a movie on the USB Drive but I try to be nice.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies are in the oven right now and will be doing the Christmas Cookies later.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Have a great afternoon, you guys. It’s cold here, but it’s still pretty nice. Hopefully I’ll catch y’all later. :hug::hug:

It isn't that cold out although it is a low temperature. I was outside to the market this morning.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes, I wanted to watch Ad Astra but she wanted to see Joker. Many times she wants to see something and I am not into it so fair is fair. I could be a shithead and forget to bring a movie on the USB Drive but I try to be nice.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies are in the oven right now and will be doing the Christmas Cookies later.

Where do you get the recipes from? Sounds yummy. But, I am getting three Briermere Farm pies for the holiday. They’re on the Island by River Head or somewhere far away. But the pies are amazing! The cream and fruit/berries pies they have weigh a ton, but they’re fresh and yummy. Ttyl.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Where do you get the recipes from? Sounds yummy. But, I am getting three Briermere Farm pies for the holiday. They’re on the Island by River Head or somewhere far away. But the pies are amazing! The cream and fruit/berries pies they have weigh a ton, but they’re fresh and yummy. Ttyl.

The Brownies are a Mix and best part is I get them at Dollar Tree~!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Cooling a little more before I shrink wrap them and put a bow on~!



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I want them all!!

I sent my Sweetie a picture and she was getting Mad at me because I sealed them up for Christmas Eve. It is my Mom's B-Day and that is when I open them. She was asking me..... You didn't let anyone have any? I was like nope~!

Just used some of my sauce for Chick Peas and Macaroni with a Potato and Egg Omelette. Been cooking since like 10AM this morning to save work for Christmas Eve. My Marinara came out awesome and with almost 2 days of sitting will be even better. It will be for the Calamari Marinara and Shrimp Scampi for those who don't eat Calamari. My next major cooking session is the Onion Pies and Focaccia Bread.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Working and depressed family has forgotten i exist. Oh well life goes on.

I’m sure they haven’t forgotten you. You’re the husband and Dad. Essential to the family! When the ball breaking ballet is through being festive, I’m sure things will go back to normal.
They love you, man. Don’t be depressed, please. :hug::hug:

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
I sent my Sweetie a picture and she was getting Mad at me because I sealed them up for Christmas Eve. It is my Mom's B-Day and that is when I open them. She was asking me..... You didn't let anyone have any? I was like nope~!

Just used some of my sauce for Chick Peas and Macaroni with a Potato and Egg Omelette. Been cooking since like 10AM this morning to save work for Christmas Eve. My Marinara came out awesome and with almost 2 days of sitting will be even better. It will be for the Calamari Marinara and Shrimp Scampi for those who don't eat Calamari. My next major cooking session is the Onion Pies and Focaccia Bread.
Your food always sounds so delicious and mouth watering!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Your food always sounds so delicious and mouth watering!

I cook my way but I also cook to the people who are eating my foods tastes. I never hear complaints but I do hear things like...... Oh My God~! Who are you cooking for the Army? I have them eager to come for my cooking which is a really nice compliment. But like I have said for ever........ You bring it and I will cook or BBQ it.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Damn I am tired, it was 8 hours plus of straight work. Just got finished doing the Pots and Pans from dinner and all I have left is to put away my sauce when it cools enough.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Hey, remember this is just the preparation for Christmas Eve and Christmas. I am just doing the work today to save me from doing it all for 2 days a day from now. I also have to make Onion Pies for us and I am making a small one for my Buddy.
Omg go you!! Come to my house and cook!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Geesh! I wish my husband cooked like you do!

Actually you don't because my Sweetie loves my cooking but in her own words I make such a freaking mess when I cook. I have told her many times that a good chef isn't concerned with the mess or spills they make because the kitchen staff are responsible to clean up~! She is a clean freak so heaven forbid I get a piece of garlic in the stove. I don't worry about a mess I am cooking~! When I am cooking don't get in my way~! I have actually chased people out of the kitchen when I cook. If I need help I will ask for it in advance and instruct you on exactly what I need. I always hear can I do anything? My answer yeah, GET OUT and go have a drink~!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I enjoy cooking and the reward is when the people sitting and eating are going bonkers over what I prepared. Be it on an open fire, the smoker in the backyard in in the oven inside the house. My parents who I am lucky to still have with me with me, Dad at 91 and Mom who will be 88 Tuesday like to eat and enjoy my cooking so I will bust my ass for as many years as I have them with me for~!

My Sweeties Mom loved my cooking and for years New Years was Steak and Lobsters on the BBQ with her~! RIP Annie~ Her health prohibited her going out so we spent New years with her. So many years of me cooking on the BBQ in Snow Storms or Freezing Temperatures.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
I enjoy cooking and the reward is when the people sitting and eating are going bonkers over what I prepared. Be it on an open fire, the smoker in the backyard in in the oven inside the house. My parents who I am lucky to still have with me with me, Dad at 91 and Mom who will be 88 Tuesday like to eat and enjoy my cooking so I will bust my ass for as many years as I have them with me for~!

My Sweeties Mom loved my cooking and for years New Years was Steak and Lobsters on the BBQ with her~! RIP Annie~ Her health prohibited her going out so we spent New years with her. So many years of me cooking on the BBQ in Snow Storms or Freezing Temperatures.
I’m sorry to hear of your mil! Your cooking just sounds so fantastic!! I can’t wait for @Rhianne and I to try it one of these days! ;)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Boy it looks like the forum has been quiet or Notifications stopped again? Busy all day and now have to go deliver an Onion Pie to my buddy before I do the floors. Jeez I am going to sleep good tonight~!

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Boy it looks like the forum has been quiet or Notifications stopped again? Busy all day and now have to go deliver an Onion Pie to my buddy before I do the floors. Jeez I am going to sleep good tonight~!
Yeah it’s been quiet all day long!

have a goodnight!

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