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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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Member For 4 Years
Hi all !! Haven't been around. Seems like I may have won a prize_shocker!!! Now I have no idea how to pm/dm or anything to follow it up. Will have to look it up after todays work is done. Going to get a 2nd cup of coffee to get my day moving on this cold,windy,snowy Monday morning.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hi all !! Haven't been around. Seems like I may have won a prize_shocker!!! Now I have no idea how to pm/dm or anything to follow it up. Will have to look it up after todays work is done. Going to get a 2nd cup of coffee to get my day moving on this cold,windy,snowy Monday morning.

Click on the Avatar of the Vendor or the person running the Giveaway and click on "Start a Conversation".


Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Hi all !! Haven't been around. Seems like I may have won a prize_shocker!!! Now I have no idea how to pm/dm or anything to follow it up. Will have to look it up after todays work is done. Going to get a 2nd cup of coffee to get my day moving on this cold,windy,snowy Monday morning.
Congratulations!!! Steve answered your question perfectly!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Afternoon, everybody. Hope you’re all enjoying your day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Hi all !! Haven't been around. Seems like I may have won a prize_shocker!!! Now I have no idea how to pm/dm or anything to follow it up. Will have to look it up after todays work is done. Going to get a 2nd cup of coffee to get my day moving on this cold,windy,snowy Monday morning.

I tried to tag you about it, but I don’t know if you got the message. Glad you’re doing so much better! It’s just so wonderful to hear, CC. Really happy for you, and hope in a year I can say something similar. I tore something in my knee three years ago, and it healed up okay. But the past few weeks, it’s been hurting out of the blue. :cry: That tear was the worst pain I’ve ever been through. I was hobbling with a cane for about four months!
So I’m hoping it will just not hurt ever. Lol


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you-too easy
I tried to tag you about it, but I don’t know if you got the message. Glad you’re doing so much better! It’s just so wonderful to hear, CC. Really happy for you, and hope in a year I can say something similar. I tore something in my knee three years ago, and it healed up okay. But the past few weeks, it’s been hurting out of the blue. :cry: That tear was the worst pain I’ve ever been through. I was hobbling with a cane for about four months!
So I’m hoping it will just not hurt ever. Lol
Hi there-don't know what "tag" is but-- the op said to contact a person by pm. I started a conversation.have to see if I hear back so I know if I did it right
i'm really lame with the computer skills-or lack there of
Hope you're feeling better way before a year! I find the change of seasons-to winter and spring ,and also when the barometric pressure is active,really affects my old injuries. I've been lucky-only breaks,bones and cartilage,dislocations-ankle/shoulder. No tears. I understand they are much worse-extremely painful.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Hi there-don't know what "tag" is but-- the op said to contact a person by pm. I started a conversation.have to see if I hear back so I know if I did it right
i'm really lame with the computer skills-or lack there of
Hope you're feeling better way before a year! I find the change of seasons-to winter and spring ,and also when the barometric pressure is active,really affects my old injuries. I've been lucky-only breaks,bones and cartilage,dislocations-ankle/shoulder. No tears. I understand they are much worse-extremely painful.

Tagging is when someone puts @ in front of your name. If you’re not on Tapatalk, maybe there’s no notification.
I’m sure they’ll get back to you about the contest. I won a mod here and they shipped it from China! And it got here okay. Lol
The weather here in NY has been rainy and cold, which usually doesn’t bother me. But that injury was the worst I ever had. I literally saw stars and my eyes were tearing when it happened. :eek:uch:
I just figured it had healed up since I’d forgotten about it. I hadn’t even done anything strenuous, so I was praying that it would just stop hurting! But I took White Willow bark caps and some Grape Seed extract caps for a few days and it chilled out.

I love that what we’re doing is plant based. It just feels right!

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Tagging is when someone puts @ in front of your name. If you’re not on Tapatalk, maybe there’s no notification.
I’m sure they’ll get back to you about the contest. I won a mod here and they shipped it from China! And it got here okay. Lol
The weather here in NY has been rainy and cold, which usually doesn’t bother me. But that injury was the worst I ever had. I literally saw stars and my eyes were tearing when it happened. :eek:uch:
I just figured it had healed up since I’d forgotten about it. I hadn’t even done anything strenuous, so I was praying that it would just stop hurting! But I took White Willow bark caps and some Grape Seed extract caps for a few days and it chilled out.

I love that what we’re doing is plant based. It just feels right!
So sorry you have to go through so much pain! Here’s a hug love :hug:


Gold Contributor
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VU Patreon
Tagging is when someone puts @ in front of your name. If you’re not on Tapatalk, maybe there’s no notification.
I’m sure they’ll get back to you about the contest. I won a mod here and they shipped it from China! And it got here okay. Lol
The weather here in NY has been rainy and cold, which usually doesn’t bother me. But that injury was the worst I ever had. I literally saw stars and my eyes were tearing when it happened. :eek:uch:
I just figured it had healed up since I’d forgotten about it. I hadn’t even done anything strenuous, so I was praying that it would just stop hurting! But I took White Willow bark caps and some Grape Seed extract caps for a few days and it chilled out.

I love that what we’re doing is plant based. It just feels right!
Work destroyed my back, both knees and rt. shoulder. I an in some sort of pain most of the time, but can deal with it. When it gets cold and damp it is torture. When ya git to be an Ole Phart you pay for your past...take care of yourself...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Work destroyed my back, both knees and rt. shoulder. I an in some sort of pain most of the time, but can deal with it. When it gets cold and damp it is torture. When ya git to be an Ole Phart you pay for your past...take care of yourself...

Thanks, I’m glad it calmed down after acting up. I had been taking pain killers for almost a year, but I’ve been off them for two. That was another fun experience.

Falling off a ladder trying to change a ceiling bulb, not one of the best life experiences I’ve had. I was pretty wild in college and my 20’s, but I’m fairly boring now. :marriage lol:

Edit: Try White Willow bark extract, if you don’t want to take meds. Plus, the flower of CBD works. :hug:

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Only made 1-do more. Part of my get fit again plan. I really would like to be able to hit the slopes again next season. So far so good-lol.
I miss snowboarding! I used to snowboard when I was a teenager. Haven’t done it in years so I’d probably break something! :giggle:


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I miss snowboarding! I used to snowboard when I was a teenager. Haven’t done it in years so I’d probably break something! :giggle:
never snowboarded-it always looked fun but skiing I know and never wanted to chance injury during the learning curve. Haven't gone since my ankle did a 360 about 3 yrs ago. Now that I'm retired I have all the time I need.During my 10yr stint as a worker bee I used to work 2nd and 3rd shift so I could be at the mountain when they opened. I really miss it.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
never snowboarded-it always looked fun but skiing I know and never wanted to chance injury during the learning curve. Haven't gone since my ankle did a 360 about 3 yrs ago. Now that I'm retired I have all the time I need.During my 10yr stint as a worker bee I used to work 2nd and 3rd shift so I could be at the mountain when they opened. I really miss it.
Yeah, I miss it too. I’d love to get back into it but it’s expensive to get all the gear again.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
What isn't these days? I went to the Mall to just window shop and maybe use some of the Christmas Cash I got. Freaking Skeckers Sneakers are crazy expensive.
I used to love sketchers when I was a kid because they looked cool, were really comfy, and my parents could actually afford them. Now I agree with you, they’re very pricey!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I like them because they are usually very comfortable and durable but they are now making them with all this BS Nylon Mesh and I hate when my feet get wet when you are wearing shoes. I may need to shop online. Zappo's here I come~!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Morning all !! Hoping the sun melts the thick ice layer on my windshield-Have to break down and get 2 new ice/snow scrapers.Actually got outdoors as sun came up and got 8 bags of trash up the drive. It was/still is a beautiful morning out.Funny how you win 1 thing and others follow.Think I read @Amber Petti had this experience. Found out I won a 3avape contest this am. A Hellvape Dead Rabbit v2 rda 24mm. Now I know what to use the chrismas contest credit for - maybe. Have to get another coffee-need to make today productive.

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Morning all !! Hoping the sun melts the thick ice layer on my windshield-Have to break down and get 2 new ice/snow scrapers.Actually got outdoors as sun came up and got 8 bags of trash up the drive. It was/still is a beautiful morning out.Funny how you win 1 thing and others follow.Think I read @Amber Petti had this experience. Found out I won a 3avape contest this am. A Hellvape Dead Rabbit v2 rda 24mm. Now I know what to use the chrismas contest credit for - maybe. Have to get another coffee-need to make today productive.
I had a good run with wins. Now I hit a drought too, just like @SteveS45 lol it sucks

Amber Petti

Platinum Contributor
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
@Amber Petti are you feeling any better?
Yes, thank you! My FIL got me medicine yesterday. I couldn’t move. I was in bed all day unable to move. I went to the recovery center I go to to paint and had a good time. Took a long nap when I got back. Been keeping the medicine in my body so I stay feeling good.

Congratulations on your win!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes, thank you! My FIL got me medicine yesterday. I couldn’t move. I was in bed all day unable to move. I went to the recovery center I go to to paint and had a good time. Took a long nap when I got back. Been keeping the medicine in my body so I stay feeling good.

Congratulations on your win!

I’m glad you’re feeling better! I was wondering about you. Glad you got to paint. I’d love to see it, I love your artwork.

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