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Vaping Underground PIF Box ~ LIVE & IN PROGRESS~


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I can't figure out how to post a dam pic from my android gallery on here... Lol
Never mind I found a pic looks like it's about a 2mm juice well each, so wick each 1 as I described and have the wick long enough so it sits outside in the juice, some people say to just cut the wick inside where it sits on top of the deck but the wick releases bubbles as it absorbs the juice and with the wick cut inside rather the hanging out into the juice the bubbles get trapped inside the juice Wells and won't wick much at all


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If u run a single coil wick all the Wells but the 1s opposite from the coil use 2 separate wicks run them over to the coil wick which will tie them to that and will wick better also
Edit, also have ur coil 2mm above the airflow holes


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Alright man ima give that a try tomorrow! Thanks so much for your time I really appreciate your help!

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk


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Alright man ima give that a try tomorrow! Thanks so much for your time I really appreciate your help!

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Don't worry about it that's what we're here for picking it will take practice I'll get pics of my billow deck to give u a clearer idea


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Sounds good thanks again man!

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk


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Sounds good thanks again man!

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Don't know how well u can see it all and I need to clean my coils and rewick s I just discovered loluploadfromtaptalk1441931953451.jpguploadfromtaptalk1441931963980.jpgmy billow I leave enough wick so I can run it around the outside of the deck 1 wick end to another juice well so on so forth(leaves more exposed wic for absorption)uploadfromtaptalk1441932053388.jpg

Tina Ellis

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OK... I can't post pics for some reason... It worked the other day in the convo area with Momabear but I can't do it in this thread...
I took a Kbox, a Pro tank, a bottle of peach tea juice, a small bag of cotton, and a plume veil.

I put in a Zna50 clone that @Sharkvape had graciously sent me with a Subtank Nano, that's why I grabbed the kbox so they'd match. I put in 3 or 4 short ego batteries. 5 bottles of juice from The Vapor Girl here in Durham. Whoever takes them can look the flavor profiles up on All but 1 is self explanatory though.
2 small bottles of juice from Rocket Fuel. A silicone case for an ipv mini (pink).
There is a charger in the box that doesn't have a cord for it. I definitely would have grabbed it if I could have found a cord for it.
Whoever #30 is, if you have a charger to pif, I'd be so grateful :)


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Member For 4 Years
nice job what tank is that?
Thank u it's the billow v2
without the wick hanging out in the juice I can go to 25 Watts on a .15 ohm build using Max vg juice. with it hanging out in the juice I can got 50 Watts no dryhits, if I used the recommended 60vg for a tank I could probably get to 65-70 watts


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ok I just got the smok tfv4 and it rocks . I will have to order the rba for dual coils but the kit came with the single rba. The factory coils kick ass the tri coil is a .2 70 to 80 watts no problems with a max vg juice. the quad coil is a .15 takes alot of power flavor is great at 70 to 80 watts anything higher and it gets warm fast but blows rain storms.


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ok I just got the smok tfv4 and it rocks . I will have to order the rba for dual coils but the kit came with the single rba. The factory coils kick ass the tri coil is a .2 70 to 80 watts no problems with a max vg juice. the quad coil is a .15 takes alot of power flavor is great at 70 to 80 watts anything higher and it gets warm fast but blows rain storms.
Ya I've heard the new subohm tanks blow rta's out of the water I'm wanting 1 of them tfv4's

Tina Ellis

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OK... I can't post pics for some reason... It worked the other day in the convo area with Momabear but I can't do it in this thread...
I took a Kbox, a Pro tank, a bottle of peach tea juice, a small bag of cotton, and a plume veil.

I put in a Zna50 clone that @Sharkvape had graciously sent me with a Subtank Nano, that's why I grabbed the kbox so they'd match. I put in 3 or 4 short ego batteries. 5 bottles of juice from The Vapor Girl here in Durham. Whoever takes them can look the flavor profiles up on All but 1 is self explanatory though.
2 small bottles of juice from Rocket Fuel. A silicone case for an ipv mini (pink).
There is a charger in the box that doesn't have a cord for it. I definitely would have grabbed it if I could have found a cord for it.
Whoever #30 is, if you have a charger to pif, I'd be so grateful :)
For some reason I thought that there was going to be wire in the box. I know its extremely cheap but no money is no money


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Someone said they were posting pics of what they were piffing. What I'll be piffing depends entirely on what I choose... I WANT a dual battery mech (hint hint #s 1-6)... don't have one. If I find one, I'll have to make room in my rack...




A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Ya I've heard the new subohm tanks blow rta's out of the water I'm wanting 1 of them tfv4's
I'm sorry but a RTA will never beat a properly built RDA the mechanics simply don't compute the only thing an RTA will ever beat an rda at is being a tank that carries juice RDAs will fail at that every time... That being said I love rdas more the rta's cause for every RTA out there I have a build that can beat it in clouds, flavor, and enjoyment of vape but not the tank part... Can't beat that so if you want a tank for a tank find one that fits your style while I buy one rda and memic all 20 of your rta's vapor and flavor production

Sent from a Ghost town


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Alright! Ya I'm still pretty New to vaping I haven't quite kept track id say probably 5 months or so but the thing is I haven't explored past my vape shop but the more I learn the more interested I am haha I love it
The Internet has been vape teacher well besides my brother but he's got so much going on I only ask him if iam still unsure after I read about it (being whatever ) although if it weren't for him I would not be vaping ♡

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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Wow you guys are chatty! It's great but hard to keep up. I don't do tapatalk so will have to try and check the thread at work. I am thinking of buying a new tank. I keep hearing the newer sub ohms are great. At work today I won an iwatch!! Pretty stoked about that. Now to figure out how to use it.


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I'm sorry but a RTA will never beat a properly built RDA the mechanics simply don't compute the only thing an RTA will ever beat an rda at is being a tank that carries juice RDAs will fail at that every time... That being said I love rdas more the rta's cause for every RTA out there I have a build that can beat it in clouds, flavor, and enjoyment of vape but not the tank part... Can't beat that so if you want a tank for a tank find one that fits your style while I buy one rda and memic all 20 of your rta's vapor and flavor production

Sent from a Ghost town
I never said that rtas beat rdas lmao I was saying that I heard the new subohm tanks r better then rtas


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I never Sid that rtas beat rdas I was saying that I heard the new subohm tanks r better then rtas
I know what you said and I'm saying they are only "better" in one area... The tank...

The design of a RTA is too small for vapor production of some high end rdas you need room and rta's simply don't have it now flavor they come close but rtas can't be so finely tuned plus they aren't restricted off by wicking channels they will slight out preform by a flavor rda

Its all statistical if the RTA market was indeed getting better then rdas then cloud comps would allow rdas to compete with rta's but its a handicap so they don't

Rta's will always be that convenient Atty people take on the road or traveling around cause they don't want to drip

Now design a RTA that can handle 22g, quads,dragons,twisted parallels, super sub ohms .15,.10,Clapton's,tigers,zippers,or sleepers..... Then we can talk but it would be a monster 30-35mm RTA guaranteed

Sent from a Ghost town


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I know what you said and I'm saying they are only "better" in one area... The tank...

The design of a RTA is too small for vapor production of some high end rdas you need room and rta's simply don't have it now flavor they come close but rtas can't be so finely tuned plus they aren't restricted off by wicking channels they will slight out preform by a flavor rda

Its all statistical if the RTA market was indeed getting better then rdas then cloud comps would allow rdas to compete with rta's but its a handicap so they don't

Rta's will always be that convenient Atty people take on the road or traveling around cause they don't want to drip

Now design a RTA that can handle 22g, quads,dragons,twisted parallels, super sub ohms .15,.10,Clapton's,tigers,zippers,or sleepers..... Then we can talk but it would be a monster 30-35mm RTA guaranteed

Sent from a Ghost town
OK I gothcha now came off like u thought I was saying rta's where better but Ya their not some days I just don't want to deal with rda for the inconvience factor so I tank up


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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OK I gothcha now came off like u thought I was saying rta's where better but Ya their not some days I just don't want to deal with rda for the inconvience factor so I tank up
Exactly rta's have a major roll I think every vapor should have one

But for the ones looking for more clouds or more flavor or to save money rda is the way to go but if they are looking for plug and play not alot of maintenance easy of use I always refer to tanks

Sent from a Ghost town


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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We interrupt your thread for this important announcement:


We now return you to your thread, already in progress.
See I never got into squonkers but yeah I'd say if you want beat of bother world then squonking is a choice too nice call Shawn

Sent from a Ghost town


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Someone said they were posting pics of what they were piffing. What I'll be piffing depends entirely on what I choose... I WANT a dual battery mech (hint hint #s 1-6)... don't have one. If I find one, I'll have to make room in my rack...


omg, are you sure you have Very nice collection there!


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Member For 4 Years
omg, are you sure you have Very nice collection there!
Define "enough"

I started thinking that I would like to have two solid devices - a daily driver and a backup.

Then, I realized I should try a mech, just in case the iStick was not delivering...

Then I found forums, and won a couple...

Of course, the forums have classies...

And we got a local b&m...


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Is it just me, or do you not like certain vapes that you love to eat, and like vapes that you wouldn't eat? Maybe I'm just weird...

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
not just you at all i had a chocolate sweet corn that was awesome. it doesn't even sound good


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Someone said they were posting pics of what they were piffing. What I'll be piffing depends entirely on what I choose... I WANT a dual battery mech (hint hint #s 1-6)... don't have one. If I find one, I'll have to make room in my rack...


Jeez man you plan on opening up a shop lol.


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You amass hear quick ... Back in jan I had an ego and a kamry k1000 epipe 9 months later I have this


Sent from a Ghost town
This blows my mind though. I can see myself getting crazy with the additions. So i promised myself not to buy a new mod until i ht the 3 month no smoking at all stage, and only then if i have researched enough to know its the right one for me.


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OK... I can't post pics for some reason... It worked the other day in the convo area with Momabear but I can't do it in this thread...
I took a Kbox, a Pro tank, a bottle of peach tea juice, a small bag of cotton, and a plume veil.

I put in a Zna50 clone that @Sharkvape had graciously sent me with a Subtank Nano, that's why I grabbed the kbox so they'd match. I put in 3 or 4 short ego batteries. 5 bottles of juice from The Vapor Girl here in Durham. Whoever takes them can look the flavor profiles up on All but 1 is self explanatory though.
2 small bottles of juice from Rocket Fuel. A silicone case for an ipv mini (pink).
There is a charger in the box that doesn't have a cord for it. I definitely would have grabbed it if I could have found a cord for it.
Whoever #30 is, if you have a charger to pif, I'd be so grateful :)
Hey hey! I probably should have put a note in the box, but the purple Efest I left in that Kbox has maybe 30-40 charge cycles on it - it's not a new battery, but should still have plenty of life left in it. Enjoy!


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You amass hear quick ... Back in jan I had an ego and a kamry k1000 epipe 9 months later I have this


Sent from a Ghost town
I had a K1000, a Smok 900 VV eGo with a Kanger EVOD 2, and an iStick 20 with an Anyvape Davide in January of this year...


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Its a mod that has a eliquid bottle inside of it that feeds a special adomizor through the 510 connector has a hole in the mod so u simply push on the bottle and bam all juiced up
I have seen some really nice puzzle box ones. There are definitely some cheaper ones out on the market now though, and I wouldn't mind having one just to have it, but that will definitely have to wait until i have the things I really want first.


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I have seen some really nice puzzle box ones. There are definitely some cheaper ones out on the market now though, and I wouldn't mind having one just to have it, but that will definitely have to wait until i have the things I really want first.
I have a smokeless owl squonker with a velocity rda & 2 other atomizers thats for squonker boxes.. It's one of the things I'm putting in the pif box

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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see moma random didn't do you wrong you just didn't see all the options yet
Lol well I am still happy and will be excited to find out where it's new home will be. That's one reason I love seeing pics and when ppl show excitement about their treasures. It makes the donator feel connected to that person. The relationships made in these kind of boxes are incomparable to anything else.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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Ok i see where I am in the line of things now. I hope that
Lol well I am still happy and will be excited to find out where it's new home will be. That's one reason I love seeing pics and when ppl show excitement about their treasures. It makes the donator feel connected to that person. The relationships made in these kind of boxes are incomparable to anything else.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
I totally agree. I know there will be something in one of the boxes that is really exciting for me no matter what. Even if its just a new juice I love. This experience is already one of my favorite vaping stories. And it isn't anywhere near being my turn.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ok i see where I am in the line of things now. I hope that

I totally agree. I know there will be something in one of the boxes that is really exciting for me no matter what. Even if its just a new juice I love. This experience is already one of my favorite vaping stories. And it isn't anywhere near being my turn.
Yes. Make sure you have some fresh wicked builds ready to sample the juices that interest you. It's like having a traveling personal vape bar.... Lol

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

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