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Vaping Underground PIF Box ~ LIVE & IN PROGRESS~


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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That mod is lot cheaper then I figured me like, thanks brother for the info
Its really nice the battery is sideways where the normal hammer the battery is vertical so It looks like an inhaler be careful with lower builds though the button tends to get hot with lower subohm builds

Sent from a Ghost town


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Member For 4 Years
Its really nice the battery is sideways where the normal hammer the battery is vertical so It looks like an inhaler be careful with lower builds though the button tends to get hot with lower subohm builds

Sent from a Ghost town
Nice Ya I usually build a bit higher then ohns law allows due to power drain and super subohn danger


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Alright update on the billow v2 rta I rewicked left little tiny bit less wick in the Wells filled it up with Max vg eliquid with a .2 ohm build and bam I've taken it up to 83.5 Watts with no dry hits not sure if I'm gonna try any higher to test the limits tho


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Sorry didn't see this.... BTW with diy if the juice is 9mg or higher its probably a higher mix of flavoring you can dilute it with VG makeing it lower nic and vapable to subohmers

Sent from a Ghost town
That is useful info.


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Platteville WI
I've got an old god mod that may just find its way in there

Sent from my N9516 using Tapatalk


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Platteville WI
I've got an old god mod that may just find its way in there

Sent from my N9516 using Tapatalk
I'm sorry our sign ups are full and the boxes are making their rounds, but feel free to hang out!!

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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All good, oh well
The box mod will patiently wait for its opportunity

Sent from my N9516 using Tapatalk

Joshua Iles

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Glad to see the box is doing so well, kinda wished I'd have signed up now but everything I wasn't using got put in there already. Kinda sucks too cuz the one variable mod I have stopped working, I've got a "functional" kbox mini now that has a very unique little glitch that the charge screen is stuck on, it was dirt cheap but batteries drain super fast, and it does work. Yay go team. I'm being whiny today, I sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled program.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Glad to see the box is doing so well, kinda wished I'd have signed up now but everything I wasn't using got put in there already. Kinda sucks too cuz the one variable mod I have stopped working, I've got a "functional" kbox mini now that has a very unique little glitch that the charge screen is stuck on, it was dirt cheap but batteries drain super fast, and it does work. Yay go team. I'm being whiny today, I sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled program.
Let me go through my stash to see what I have this weekend to help you out, I'll contact you K?

Joshua Iles

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Let me go through my stash to see what I have this weekend to help you out, I'll contact you K?
Thanks whiskey, I wasn't really expecting anything as I've been tremendously blessed by this entire community and I gotta start doing things on my own, or just not doing anything at all due to finances. I'm kinda sick today so I guess that adds to my whining, I so need to stop worrying other people with my issues and just deal with everything on my own. This place has been amazing tho and I would probably be still smoking a lot had I not found vu when I did. Thank u all and god bless.


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Congrats on no stinkies!! Time for a party.
Thanks I know a lot of people here have been vaping way longer and all, but damn if i don't feel like i accomplished something, and I posted it on the forum because you guys where with me for half the journey so far. I feel like its still a team win. There were days I thought i could get away with just one and no one will be any the wiser. I didn't though instead i would come on here and talk to people or browse online for new products to read about and all. I feel more confident as each month passes that smoking is totally a thing of my past.


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hi again, everyone. I think I might have my brother in law about ready to try vaping for real. last night when we were hanging out he was asking to try my mod so i let him, and he was like wow that tastes good. Almost like candy. I told him there sky is the limit on flavor and he was impressed. I had an older tobacco flavor i didn't enjoy at all, because it tastes like tobacco, but he said it tasted better than his cigarette. So when he was looking like he wanted to go in the house to grab his smokes i would offer him my mod instead. He ended up not smoking the rest of the time i was there. Anyway, i hope he can quit too as his family has a history of heart disease.


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Today marks two months without even a drag on a stinky for me. Got me feeling good thinking about that. Longest i have gone without one in 10 years at least.
Congrats on the two months Nick!!! That is a hell of an accomplishment, KUDOS to you. It's still too early for me to make a toast, so I'll raise my cup of coffee and nod accordingly... ummm toast though.... I'll be right back.


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It does give me this feeling of having a new lease on life. I used to play tennis, but i tried playing a few years ago and was just too damn winded for it. I think i might pick it back up though now.

Joshua Iles

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Glad to see the box is doing so well, kinda wished I'd have signed up now but everything I wasn't using got put in there already. Kinda sucks too cuz the one variable mod I have stopped working, I've got a "functional" kbox mini now that has a very unique little glitch that the charge screen is stuck on, it was dirt cheap but batteries drain super fast, and it does work. Yay go team. I'm being whiny today, I sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled program.
Okay I fixeded the charging indicator issue on my kbox mini, yes! Turns out all I needed was a pocket knife to break the USB pins off that were shorting out I'm guessing and I'm good to go, don't need the USB charging anyways. Thank u all for letting me vent a little. All is well with the world now, as best as it can be anyways. Love this place and all of u.


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Apparently I missed the progress of the boxes... are they on the way to their second destination already? being number 3 I've got some preparing to do if so...
When I getting tracking on the box to number 2 , I will be contacting number 3 . So yeah, probably by Monday number 3s should be getting a heads up, that way it gives number 3 two days to get back to me before the package arrives at number 2. If something comes up as we are going down the list, we can make arrangements for someone that may not be able to receive the box at that time. It has worked very well like this in other boxes.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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You guys are so on top of this box i have no worries. I am already feeling the love of the group, and have an idea for us when the box ends.


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Depending what i pull from the box, ive got a kanger subtank (mini? The 22mm one) with the rebuildable deck, umm.... i can throw in some diy juice... couple bottles of high nic stuff i wont mess with because i subohm at 1-3mg... if anyone after me wants some twisted 26ga kanthal i can throw that together... and lo and behold, if i happen to find a mod that i REALLY like, i might just toss in my god mod 180w. So... yeah... my fingers are crossed that when the box gets to me its not full of stuff id never use lol

Sent from my mind's rectum.


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Depending what i pull from the box, ive got a kanger subtank (mini? The 22mm one) with the rebuildable deck, umm.... i can throw in some diy juice... couple bottles of high nic stuff i wont mess with because i subohm at 1-3mg... if anyone after me wants some twisted 26ga kanthal i can throw that together... and lo and behold, if i happen to find a mod that i REALLY like, i might just toss in my god mod 180w. So... yeah... my fingers are crossed that when the box gets to me its not full of stuff id never use lol

Sent from my mind's rectum.
My hope for each of you is that you indeed find something that you are excited about. These boxes have a tendency to go up and down, I will be curious to see if the take one put one rule will help that keep it more evenly interesting. I love how these boxes tend to build relationships and for the price of the postage it's a fun venture and can help a lot it vapers!!!

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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My hope for each of you is that you indeed find something that you are excited about. These boxes have a tendency to go up and down, I will be curious to see if the take one put one rule will help that keep it more evenly interesting. I love how these boxes tend to build relationships and for the price of the postage it's a fun venture and can help a lot it vapers!!!

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
My wifes biggest fear is that im gonna get a box that has nothing that would enhance my day to day vaping and that id still have yo send aome of my stuff on top of shipping it out. But... im going to give the benefit of the doubt to this group here because i havent been burned by anyone here on the forums yet. I understand that there could be all kinds of awesome stuff in the box right now but by the time it gets to me its weak in offerings for my vape style... but the opposite could be true too. Hopefully it goes awesome for everyone and even if im not posting too much here im still watching how the boxes unfold and evolve!

Sent from my mind's rectum.


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There is a chance that there won't be something to someones liking in the box not everyone is at the same levels as the other with the same taste in gear the box is a good way for everyone to have a chance to check out different stuff and try new gear to them without breaking the bank and at the sametime being a part of a family type enviroment


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My wifes biggest fear is that im gonna get a box that has nothing that would enhance my day to day vaping and that id still have yo send aome of my stuff on top of shipping it out. But... im going to give the benefit of the doubt to this group here because i havent been burned by anyone here on the forums yet. I understand that there could be all kinds of awesome stuff in the box right now but by the time it gets to me its weak in offerings for my vape style... but the opposite could be true too. Hopefully it goes awesome for everyone and even if im not posting too much here im still watching how the boxes unfold and evolve!

Sent from my mind's rectum.
Well look at it this way, if you get a new juice, put in a juice that you don't care for/ too high nic, you've made use of something that you can't vape. And it would have cost you $15 to buy a bottle or two of juice... Depending on how many bottles you have to trade it could work out well. I'm just saying that's what I always figured for me... But I always found something else that was cool. I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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Well look at it this way, if you get a new juice, put in a juice that you don't care for/ too high nic, you've made use of something that you can't vape. And it would have cost you $15 to buy a bottle or two of juice... Depending on how many bottles you have to trade it could work out well. I'm just saying that's what I always figured for me... But I always found something else that was cool. I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Thats how im looking at it, your exactly right ! Thanks for the fingers crossed :)

Sent from my mind's rectum.


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The main thing I am getting out of the box even before it gets to me is an even stronger sense of community here. I was definitely enjoying myself in the forums until now, but this makes it much more personal. i have a feeling from all the activity that there will be some people surprising you with what is in the box. worse comes to worse i will send you something in the mail after the boxes run if you felt there was nothing at all you liked.


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I look forward to coming online everyday now, unlike with facebook which has turned into the presidential election thread or lets see how we were offended today postings. This is my place of zen.

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