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Any thoughts on how to measure drips? Like a flavoring is 6 drops, how do you convert that into mls? Are drops (drips) reliable? I'm asking to be sure... I was crazy paranoid with my nic levels on the juice I made so that's why I think I used too much flavorings... @Geauxst... @Dawn0810... @MOMABEAR... Thoughts when y'all get a chance. No rush...
Most flavoring bottles measure between 32 and 40 drops per ml, from what I've found...a bit less than your typical finished liquid bottle. But the idea to check out the DIY subforum is a good one, I know there have been a couple threads that address drops/ml by specific flavor suppliers...


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Good morning everybody hope you all have a great day

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I made these two yesterday I think lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
These look pretty cool, sorry I am late to this...What are these for?


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That would be cool to see it being used on video.
I need to get me one of these. :D

I don't have a video but this is the idea if you want a few pm me your address and I will get some to you

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Just figured out why this thread has been so quiet

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Because most of the people are in another box in another forum

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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So this was my first attempt at a 30 gauge twisted SS sleeper build

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I think it's time I go down to 3mg 6 is making me light headed in these type of builds woooooh

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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It's funny how vaping progresses for me I went from a pen type with 24mg ejuice and still smoking to a 20w mod down to 18mg still smoking then subtanks went to 12 smoked mostly in the am with morning coffee got into rda's and rtas stopped smoking altogether went to 6 on the builds now it will be 3 even if I completely get rid of the nicotine I don't see myself stop vaping because I actually love the taste of the flavors and need that hand to mouth thing

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Because most of the people are in another box in another forum

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
No way? I was wondering, cause we used to have such good chats going on. Why not only do one instead and allow other people a chance to do one as well. That seems a bit selfish to me. Or am I taking it wrong?


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No way? I was wondering, cause we used to have such good chats going on. Why not only do one instead and allow other people a chance to do one as well. That seems a bit selfish to me. Or am I taking it wrong?
I am currently in more than one box yet I have more to give than what's offered it's not about getting it's about GIVING to others that may need that's what (pay it forward personally dnt see it selfish and I find away to make it threw the different threads iam apart of be it pif ,contest,or social. ..and tbh all threads have been slow so not really sure what's going on with the vu

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I don't think it has anything to do with the "box" per say I think what MysticRose is referring to as well as myself is this the talking back and forth talking about everything vaping idk for me that's what it's about I personally like to hear what's going on with everyone. It just seemed like everyone disappeared and I was wondering why then I found out why.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I don't think it has anything to do with the "box" per say I think what MysticRose is referring to as well as myself is this the talking back and forth talking about everything vaping idk for me that's what it's about I personally like to hear what's going on with everyone. It just seemed like everyone disappeared and I was wondering why then I found out why.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I agree everywhere is quite for some reason hmm mm not sure why but I can count the post on most threads I go on lately

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I don't think it has anything to do with the "box" per say I think what MysticRose is referring to as well as myself is this the talking back and forth talking about everything vaping idk for me that's what it's about I personally like to hear what's going on with everyone. It just seemed like everyone disappeared and I was wondering why then I found out why.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
It's me... I haven't been chatting too much... But I'll get better lol

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For me I'm kind of in the middle of beginner and builder extraordinaire so I like hearing how people are doing and what they're doing or if someone's having an issue to try to help them. I like the box more for bringing everyone together way more than what materialistic thing I could ever have gotten from the box

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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For me I'm kind of in the middle of beginner and builder extraordinaire so I like hearing how people are doing and what they're doing or if someone's having an issue to try to help them. I like the box more for bringing everyone together way more than what materialistic thing I could ever have gotten from the box

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Have you found the builder's thread

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No that's where I need to be. I mean I love rip tripper but I like to do different things and hear it from different ppl

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Let me see if u an tag you in there so you can find it

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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No way? I was wondering, cause we used to have such good chats going on. Why not only do one instead and allow other people a chance to do one as well. That seems a bit selfish to me. Or am I taking it wrong?
For me its the difference in community's not so much the boxes VU has 2 boxes going around with 30 people yet I enjoy the chats on the one with one box and 24 people more but even there it has its dead moments too

Sent from a Ghost town


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I don't think it has anything to do with the "box" per say I think what MysticRose is referring to as well as myself is this the talking back and forth talking about everything vaping idk for me that's what it's about I personally like to hear what's going on with everyone. It just seemed like everyone disappeared and I was wondering why then I found out why.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


I tend to be more of a lurker than a conversationalist. That and with two jobs I tend to be away for a few days at a time.

How's everyone been?

Concerning the boxes, how's the juice selection in them? I have like 10 bottles ish to donate, if they're not packed full already.


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I tend to be more of a lurker than a conversationalist. That and with two jobs I tend to be away for a few days at a time.

How's everyone been?

Concerning the boxes, how's the juice selection in them? I have like 10 bottles ish to donate, if they're not packed full already.
Art could use juice he's a bit low lol

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This time of year, my world is turned upside down. This is our busiest season for sales, I'm teaching 2 classes - 13 people, total - in two days, managing a two day craft show this Friday and Saturday, putting on a cloud comp Friday, and handing out candy from my business on Saturday. That's all on top of farm chores morning and night... then I might have time to write a review or post to the list. I am reading...

And, honestly, not bitchily or angry - just honest and stating my opinion - there have been some missteps made with this PIF box. As I understood it, each recipient was to photograph and post what arrived, what was taken, what was put in. That's part of the fun of a PIF box... seeing or hearing that your donated gear or e-liquid has found a new home... answering questions about vaping and/or the gear.

I've seen precious little regarding the boxes. They disappear for weeks, it seems, then surface briefly only to disappear again...

Complaining, then, that this list is quiet when those that should be posting (recipients) aren't is a bit misdirected.

Not meaning to spew... just not sure where Bart is since Bondo did a grand job on October 24, and knowing that Art has been through a couple people since I shipped it out, but I had to go back 586 posts since Art got some photo treatment.

Not a complaint... not a whine... just an observation...


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Alright you two... Can't we all just get along....... Cookies for EVERYONE!!!

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