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Folks please help me, My camel died and I lost all my savings on the burial costs, the day after that someone stole my bicycle after I spent my last dollar on a paddy lock for it, on top of that, the bills came due for my rat exterminator guy and now I have no money to get my uncle frank a delux vaping set up for him to use while out driving around on his paddy wagon, I felt all I could do is ask all you wonderful people to help me set him up, and while your at it , I need a vaporizer too, not because I smoked, but because everyone is doin it and I want to look cool like they do. Can you help me please???
We will be happy to assist, our sponsers require a nonmanditory donation to our sister sponser that is required to be processed 134 hrs prior to being authorized for a pif please understand that your donation needs to be no less then 100 times the face value of any and all items processed out to you thank you for for patience through this process


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We will be happy to assist, our sponsers require a nonmanditory donation to our sister sponser that is required to be processed 134 hrs prior to being authorized for a pif please understand that your donation needs to be no less then 100 times the face value of any and all items processed out to you thank you for for patience through this process


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Since I see this is your first post and you just "happened" to stumble in here, may I suggest checking out our other threads... How to deal with the death of your camel, hacks to lock your bicycle while buying a padlock, DIY rat exterminating, why subohming for a 90+ year old family member with a hybrid tank may not be a good idea unless you want to collect their insurance policy, and my favorite, you don't need all the supplies for a vape shop to look "cool" vaping. I think your b/m told you to come to "pay it forward" thread to get free stuff and you stumbled into our pif thread, that's "prove it first". Pics or it didn't happen... Lmbo

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Where was this posted initially I just had to ask lol I love this it goes perfectly with yesterday's rant

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May I get some vape stuff? I just started vaping over 2 years ago and need to build several DNA 200 boxes and I wil need alot of stuff it will be more expensive than my funds permit and I do not want to eat spaghetti Ohh's for the next week..
Please send money first to [email protected]


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I finally tried SS I'm loving it I had a hard time getting the ohms high enough which is an ongoing struggle with me period. I had 28gauge 430 SS so I twisted it did 9 3mm wraps it came out to .47 and I'm liking it which is a good things because I have enough SS to build idk but something big lol. Thank you etsy lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I finally tried SS I'm loving it I had a hard time getting the ohms high enough which is an ongoing struggle with me period. I had 28gauge 430 SS so I twisted it did 9 3mm wraps it came out to .47 and I'm liking it which is a good things because I have enough SS to build idk but something big lol. Thank you etsy lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement[/QUOTE}
What Ohm's are you shooting for typically?


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The ejuice I made that came out pretty good if I do say so myself is:
6% toasted marshmallow TFA
5% graham cracker TFA
5% vanilla custard TFA
4% Bavarian cream TFA
2% cream fresh FA

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Well let's see anything that will fire lol it is too low to fire even in temp control a few where .02-.05 which is why I don't get why on the ohm reader it will be between .5-1.5 but then on the device it reads .04 so now it's kind of a guessing game for me.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Well let's see anything that will fire lol it is too low to fire even in temp control a few where .02-.05 which is why I don't get why on the ohm reader it will be between .5-1.5 but then on the device it reads .04 so now it's kind of a guessing game for me.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Single or double coil.. You making no sense.. which Mod you using?


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Single it's just the rba for the kanger tank it's on the ipv4s it doesn't make sense to me either it will read .47 on the ohm reader and I think it was .02 on the device
I know it doesn't make sense!!!!

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Single it's just the rba for the kanger tank it's on the ipv4s it doesn't make sense to me either it will read .47 on the ohm reader and I think it was .02 on the device

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Immediate thoughts are the coil is loose its not quite tight enough or.. The .510 connection is intermittently breaking contact clean it all with Alcohol re tighten try again..


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Immediate thoughts are the coil is loose its not quite tight enough or.. The .510 connection is intermittently breaking contact clean it all with Alcohol re tighten try again..
Will do

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Single it's just the rba for the kanger tank it's on the ipv4s it doesn't make sense to me either it will read .47 on the ohm reader and I think it was .02 on the device
I know it doesn't make sense!!!!

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
You need a new ohm reader if previous suggestions dnt work ...I build on my eleaf for that same reason and every time she's right ...but that doesn't mean it's any easier to get ohms high enough I struggle with that with coils for tc

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Single it's just the rba for the kanger tank it's on the ipv4s it doesn't make sense to me either it will read .47 on the ohm reader and I think it was .02 on the device
I know it doesn't make sense!!!!

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Ipv4s is popular Today I dnt use mine often maybe 5 times "maybe" just because I love higher joules but she's getting some♡
love♡ today...I know that's one of your favs

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


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The internals of the Kanger Subtank are notorious for causing ohms to jump. If you're sure your screws are tight and haven't backed out, then the clean/reassemble/tighten process will likely solve the issue. Also, double check that the coil is not making contact anywhere with the barrel.


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The internals of the Kanger Subtank are notorious for causing ohms to jump. If you're sure your screws are tight and haven't backed out, then the clean/reassemble/tighten process will likely solve the issue. Also, double check that the coil is not making contact anywhere with the barrel.
Thank you because I was going insane about it because it wouldn't happen with my rda's and I just had to make a few batches of my ejuice in 3mg because most of the ones I had where too high for dripping.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I love it tho because my 250ml of 100mg/ml is sitting in the freezer pretty much still full. Oh one more question I know I can use 316&430 SS is one better than the other to use I have both just wasn't sure if one was better than the other

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I'm in love with this juice called sweet dreams it has marshmallow, custard, Bavarian cream and graham cracker I just tried making it I'll know in a few days how close I came.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Sounds yummy, and right in my flavor profile. Please let me know if you figure out a good recipe ;)


Bronze Contributor
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The ejuice I made that came out pretty good if I do say so myself is:
6% toasted marshmallow TFA
5% graham cracker TFA
5% vanilla custard TFA
4% Bavarian cream TFA
2% cream fresh FA

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Nevermind please ignore my previous post. Been away for a few days and just catching up!


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Hey Moma,,,, Phew, long day, just dropped by to say,
Art the fart is headed your way, shipped today, priority two day,
One state away, they say, should be there on Wednesday. Yay :)

Have a great day, Gotta go hit the hay hay hay..
Last edited:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey Moma,,,, Phew, long day, just dropped by to say,
Art the fart is headed your way, shipped today, priority two day,
One state away, they say, should be there on Wednesday. Yay :)

Have a great day, hey hey hey..
You're a poet
And didn't even know it

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Tina Ellis

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I did it. I have made my first batch of juice... Considering the fact that I've never done it before it turned out pretty good!
@Geauxst, in my tweaking of the flavors to make up for having no pg (which I do have now) the throat hit is a little harsh but the taste is fantabulous!! I want to take this opportunity to let everyone know that I appreciate y'all like whoa! I'm hoping to get through this latent lX hurdle and then be back to my "normal" self again. I'm feeling like a few u of y'all think that I'm just in this for whatever I can get out of the boxes and that couldn't be further from the truth!! I've learned so much from this community and to me that's important. Thanks for the encouragement


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I did it. I have made my first batch of juice... Considering the fact that I've never done it before it turned out pretty good!
@Geauxst, in my tweaking of the flavors to make up for having no pg (which I do have now) the throat hit is a little harsh but the taste is fantabulous!! I want to take this opportunity to let everyone know that I appreciate y'all like whoa! I'm hoping to get through this latent lX hurdle and then be back to my "normal" self again. I'm feeling like a few u of y'all think that I'm just in this for whatever I can get out of the boxes and that couldn't be further from the truth!! I've learned so much from this community and to me that's important. Thanks for the encouragement

That's awesome it all comes with practice and time with a little bit trail and error you will have an ADV real soon

Btw the throat hit is usually the nicotine being high if you don't like it lower your nic I vape 6mg in most vendor juice but with mine i had to lower it to around 4 so I just made 3mg to keep it simple if it has a harsh chemical taste could need steeping longer or could be flavoring to high most flavor fall in around 3-8% but some can be higher or lower just not that often

Sent from a Ghost town


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Is it possible that anyone might have a spare back I could have I spent all day picking up leaves I was going to say blowing them into a pile then sucking them up with what I call my leaf vacuum but I thought that just didn't sound right. Lol I don't know what's worse doing this or snow because at least I have a damn snowblower damn trees keep your leaves

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I just thought I'd mention that I have the steamcrave rta love it but I also have the youde bellus which was 20$ cheaper and I have to say they're pretty damn close the youde has a rubbery type of material with a ceramic piece that you can put on one side to block the airholes for anyone who wants to do a single coil build I kind of got it by accident but I'm glad I did.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I just thought I'd mention that I have the steamcrave rta love it but I also have the youde bellus which was 20$ cheaper and I have to say they're pretty damn close the youde has a rubbery type of material with a ceramic piece that you can put on one side to block the airholes for anyone who wants to do a single coil build I kind of got it by accident but I'm glad I did.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
The bellus is similar but the build deck is smaller and if you don't build it just perfect it will leak a little when you fill it but yeah its a nice alternative I really am liking this Velocity deck option
got my 6ml upgrade tank a blue air band and the Velocity deck instead of the 3post it came with

Sent from a Ghost town


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The bellus is similar but the build deck is smaller and if you don't build it just perfect it will leak a little when you fill it but yeah its a nice alternative I really am liking this Velocity deck option
got my 6ml upgrade tank a blue air band and the Velocity deck instead of the 3post it came with

Sent from a Ghost town
So definitely get the kit with two deck 6ml right? . I've been hearing many subohmers are loving this tank. It seems to be all it claims to be

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The bellus is similar but the build deck is smaller and if you don't build it just perfect it will leak a little when you fill it but yeah its a nice alternative I really am liking this Velocity deck option
got my 6ml upgrade tank a blue air band and the Velocity deck instead of the 3post it came with

Sent from a Ghost town
That's the only downside is the deck I just thought it was worth mentioning for anyone who wanted the steamcrave but didn't want to spend 50$ I have both and for 20$ less it's pretty close. I don't really use thinker gauge wires so I haven't had an issue just some food for thought

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So definitely get the kit with two deck 6ml right? . I've been hearing many subohmers are loving this tank. It seems to be all it claims to be

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Well if you buy the whole tank its 39.99 for the 3post 44.99 for the Velocity and 49.99 for the dual deck kit so its your choice I like options

Sent from a Ghost town


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Yeah i just thought if I'm spending 45 why not 50$ and get everything

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I wish more companies had the velocity deck because I own every color they have because it's easy to build on

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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That's the only downside is the deck I just thought it was worth mentioning for anyone who wanted the steamcrave but didn't want to spend 50$ I have both and for 20$ less it's pretty close. I don't really use thinker gauge wires so I haven't had an issue just some food for thought

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
So you can build horizontal on the Bellus?

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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That and I don't like vertical builds

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I prefer verticals you can use horizontal builds just gotta wick it right
Yeah i just thought if I'm spending 45 why not 50$ and get everything

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Yeah that's what I'd suggest if your gonna pay 44 might as well spring for the while kit its only 5$ more for a whole other deck... The decks are 13$ for the 3 post and 14$ for the Velo so its a 10$ discount

Sent from a Ghost town


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I wish more companies had the velocity deck because I own every color they have because it's easy to build on

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
do you own this one

Sent from a Ghost town


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Touché lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Go to fasttech they have about 4 splatter patters like that green red... Black red... Black blue... White red I think.... If your interested that is

Sent from a Ghost town

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