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Can you or someone else that knows break that down for me real fast? I'm going to do 10ml batches. I've tried the calculator to help but I wasn't sure about flavorings. Is it approximately 20% no matter what size? And then if so, I need to do 70/30? Idk if my Atlantis tank can handle that much vg.. Could I at least try for 65/35? I think my brain is overloaded at the moment. Thanks for the input Joe! Oh, wait a minute! I've got a rda to break in! Ha-ha... That's what I'll do until I can pick some pg up. Thank you Mr Geauxst...:):D
The Alantis can handle 90 /10 in my experience

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I have used both but i generally use .5

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Hello everyone!!! I think I'm back for now anyway... I have a huge favor to ask from any diyer's... I recently won a Master kit from One Stop here in VU and was/am super excited to stick my toes in the water! I received 2 30mls of 36% nic per ml 50/50 ratio with 8 flavors and I chose the 100% vg dilution liquid. I also received different pipettes and syringes and bottles but that's not my problem. I don't have any pg to use to follow any recipe that I've found and I have total of 6 cents in the bank! I'm incredibly disappointed that I can't even take a stab at diying so I don't have to beg for juice from my friends or use the nasty juice from the gas station! Anyone out here have any amount of pg that they could possibly donate or help me figure out how to make what I have work sufficiently?? All of the liquids are pg based and the juice with nic in it is 50/50 but so far I haven't found anything out there that doesn't require some pg. I don't do well with max vg for some reason. I use tanks way more than drippers... Any suggestions please will be greatly appreciated :)
Vg creates cloud PG is what holds the flavor I personally do 50/50 mix because I don't really care about clouds and prefer better flavor which is also the reason I use 100mg per ml nicotine. I think the less nicotine solution you use the less it affects the flavor.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement

Tina Ellis

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Vg creates cloud PG is what holds the flavor I personally do 50/50 mix because I don't really care about clouds and prefer better flavor which is also the reason I use 100mg per ml nicotine. I think the less nicotine solution you use the less it affects the flavor.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I didn't get a choice on the nic percentage and I had to choose pg or vg as the dilutant. I'm not complaining, I sincerely think I've won an awesome kit, I just don't know where or how to get started. I'm still waiting to try that juice you made a while back... Sounded yummy :)

Tina Ellis

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I have used both but i generally use .5

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I had no idea it could handle that much vg... Thanks for letting me know!
BTW, what wattage are you at with the Atlantis? Is it temp control? Mine isn't...


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I didn't get a choice on the nic percentage and I had to choose pg or vg as the dilutant. I'm not complaining, I sincerely think I've won an awesome kit, I just don't know where or how to get started. I'm still waiting to try that juice you made a while back... Sounded yummy :)
I know you didn't get a choice I'm just saying in the future if you decide to keep going to go that route and like someone said, concentrates are pg so in a standard mix you'd be atleast 20/80 depending what you're nic was it could be closer to 25/75

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement

Tina Ellis

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I know you didn't get a choice I'm just saying in the future if you decide to keep going to go that route and like someone said, concentrates are pg so in a standard mix you'd be atleast 20/80 depending what you're nic was it could be closer to 25/75

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I'm thinking that I'd like a thinner blend as well, at least for my tanks... 60/40, something like that... Thanks for the info chickie!


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I had no idea it could handle that much vg... Thanks for letting me know!
BTW, what wattage are you at with the Atlantis? Is it temp control? Mine isn't...
I have both but I used my Alantis v1 not in tc at 35w

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No just mine on temp control after it fires for literally a second it will say temp protection I tried every temp and it still does it

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
My device does that when the coil is burnt. I was using a tank though so may not be the same situation.


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How are you revamping her? Is it a specific finish you're aiming for or just something different? I'm enjoying my new one sooo much :)
It was bare aluminum when i got it a while back then i painted it with high temp ceramic and didnt care for it to much so i took off all my red paint leaving the engravings red

Tina Ellis

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It was bare aluminum when i got it a while back then i painted it with high temp ceramic and didnt care for it to much so i took off all my red paint leaving the engravings red
Sweet... Nice effect :)


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Hello everyone!!! I think I'm back for now anyway... I have a huge favor to ask from any diyer's... I recently won a Master kit from One Stop here in VU and was/am super excited to stick my toes in the water! I received 2 30mls of 36% nic per ml 50/50 ratio with 8 flavors and I chose the 100% vg dilution liquid. I also received different pipettes and syringes and bottles but that's not my problem. I don't have any pg to use to follow any recipe that I've found and I have total of 6 cents in the bank! I'm incredibly disappointed that I can't even take a stab at diying so I don't have to beg for juice from my friends or use the nasty juice from the gas station! Anyone out here have any amount of pg that they could possibly donate or help me figure out how to make what I have work sufficiently?? All of the liquids are pg based and the juice with nic in it is 50/50 but so far I haven't found anything out there that doesn't require some pg. I don't do well with max vg for some reason. I use tanks way more than drippers... Any suggestions please will be greatly appreciated :)
Okay, a few things are jumping out at me...

36% nic would be 360 mg/ml. That's crazy strong - most experienced mixers use 100 mg, I use 60 because it's easier for me math-wise (don't ask why because I don't know, it just is). I'm guessing you've got 3.6%, or 36 mg - still plenty strong to cut down given most of us are vaping in the single digits these days, though back in the first-gen clearo and the times of cartos 36 mg was something some people vaped straight!

Most new-gen clearos can handle some pretty heavy VG ratios - my wife vapes her Subtank around 10/90 all the time, my recipes range from 8/92 to as high as 22/78 when dealing with very flavor-intensive mixes and PG-based flavorings (I'm looking at you, Silkberry Graham), and I spend most of my non-RDA time on an Arctic. I'm not sure what your problem is with VG, if you're personally sensitive to it and one of the folks that gets a heavy lung feeling I understand why you want to avoid it (but not why you chose only VG as your dilutant base if you were given a choice), but if you're worried for your tank's sake, don't be!

That said, even if you have only VG to mix with, you shouldn't be doing too bad...say you want to cut your 36 mg nic down to 6 mg - you're using 16.7% nic in your recipe, 8.3% (or half) of your end mix is PG. Add another 20% flavoring (usually PG-based) and you've got a 28/72 mix - not so far off from the 40/60 you're shooting for, really.

Can you or someone else that knows break that down for me real fast? I'm going to do 10ml batches. I've tried the calculator to help but I wasn't sure about flavorings. Is it approximately 20% no matter what size? And then if so, I need to do 70/30? Idk if my Atlantis tank can handle that much vg.. Could I at least try for 65/35? I think my brain is overloaded at the moment. Thanks for the input Joe! Oh, wait a minute! I've got a rda to break in! Ha-ha... That's what I'll do until I can pick some pg up. Thank you Mr Geauxst...:):D

What kind of flavorings do you have? I have a handful of recipes (mostly my commercial ones) that use as much as 20% flavor, but I also use a lot of Flavour Art personally, which can be good as low as 5% - lots of other experienced DIYers use even less flavor. The brand and type of flavors you have matter a lot - some are used by some folks at as much as 30 percent (yikes!) others at only a fraction of a percent (menthols and mints are coming to mind here)...without having a list of your exact inventory I can't really comment on how much flavor to use.

That said, your Atlantis should be able to handle 15/85 no problem if it's primed properly and you're not chain-vaping it...the question, as I kind of dug into above, is whether your lungs are okay at that kind of ratio.

Hope this helps...


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@Tina Ellis, I just saw you were only allowed to choose either PG or VG when cashing in your win - in that case I believe the VG was a good choice, as 100% PG (or something like 90/10 considering the 50/50 nic) wouldn't have worked well.


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My device does that when the coil is burnt. I was using a tank though so may not be the same situation.
It would do it with everything i only had it for like 4 days so I sent it back hopefully they'll just send me a new one. I was getting so mad at it lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Good morning everyone happy Saturday hope you are all enjoying the day

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IAM NOT SURE IF THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO POST A RANT OVER FORUM ACTIVITY SO IF NOT FEEL FREE TO BUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE (THIS IS MY MAIN THREAD SO IAM POSTING UT HERE ) sorry close your eyes or scroll past if you dnt want to hear my rant......Iam extremely SADDENED at the fact that we have beggars on the forum everytime you turn around they are asking for something when they have already been pifed numerous times by other forum members and not only are they posting trying to make others feel bad for them they strait out pm people and ask for things. What really bothers me about this is If you could afford to smoke you can afford to vape no one needs the top of the line gear to remain cigarette free and I know people fall on hard times but come one everytime they come on the forum its always "I need "" can someone help me out with" so on and so on and then no posts until the next time they are need .....I personally know someone with ZERO $$$income and she finds away to vape with out begging ...sorry rant over. ...again please feel free to move if there is a better place for this .

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Morning everyone, i think this is a good place for that vapingbeauty hell some of us r here to help take the load off
I have no problem helping anyone in need but I just feel that some people take advantage of the good people who are doing the pifing

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I have a question I'm about to try SS in my IPv4s which doesn't have a SS setting so I know I take the temp I usually vape at and make it 80 degrees cooler but do I do it in the nickel or titanium setting?

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I recently won a contest it was dreamyvapor and I can honestly say I think they have a great company going the two juices I got are amazing and I don't like many and they're very reasonable price wise I'd just thought I'd mention it esp for people who don't DIY I highly recommend trying this company. They didn't ask me to advertise or anything I just give kudos where they're do.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Box 2 showed up yesterday!;)
Here's what I took.

That poor poor's seen better days but I have an affinity for 4nines since my first mech was an authentic copper.
I'll clean it up and possibly throw it in the next box.

Here's what's left of what came to me.

I put the juice bottles in individual bags and included some spare bags for additional bottles or incase of leaks. There are also smaller baggies in there for other stuff.

Here's what I added to the box.

3 sizes of baggies,Nizmod Bartholomew Roberts,zuluvape dragon's milk,Vrod vapes three on the tree,cuttwood unicorn milk,a Samsung 25r,fluted DT,white Kanger subtank clone W/ a new 1.2 coil,spare glass and colored rings,reg cotton,organic jap pad,white pony jap pad,reyon and 32/30/28/24 gauge kanthal.

I also threw in some neat little decorative skulls and application instructions.;)

I'm aiming for Monday to ship it onto the next person.:D


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Member For 4 Years
Box 2 showed up yesterday!;)
Here's what I took.

That poor poor's seen better days but I have an affinity for 4nines since my first mech was an authentic copper.
I'll clean it up and possibly throw it in the next box.

Here's what's left of what came to me.

I put the juice bottles in individual bags and included some spare bags for additional bottles or incase of leaks. There are also smaller baggies in there for other stuff.

Here's what I added to the box.

3 sizes of baggies,Nizmod Bartholomew Roberts,zuluvape dragon's milk,Vrod vapes three on the tree,cuttwood unicorn milk,a Samsung 25r,fluted DT,white Kanger subtank clone W/ a new 1.2 coil,spare glass and colored rings,reg cotton,organic jap pad,white pony jap pad,reyon and 32/30/28/24 gauge kanthal.

I also threw in some neat little decorative skulls and application instructions.;)

I'm aiming for Monday to ship it onto the next person.:D
Awesome post on the progress of the box... I'm so glad to see the individual baggies, that way if we get a juice that leaks, we can isolate which one and it doesn't make a mess or pose a risk to anyone that gets it all over them. I know most juices are not high nic, but they still pose a potential risk... Even to postal workers if it happens to leak out of the box... That's why we do not allow concentrated nic(100 mg/ml) in the pif boxes. Please take care in packing these boxes.... Tanks and replacement tanks should be especially secured. I have had tanks shatter in boxes before and it is a big mess to clean, and also why you need to clean tanks and such throughly before using in case there was something on them from the box. I know some of this is common sense but just a reminder

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I have a question I'm about to try SS in my IPv4s which doesn't have a SS setting so I know I take the temp I usually vape at and make it 80 degrees cooler but do I do it in the nickel or titanium setting?

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Ti mode.


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IAM NOT SURE IF THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO POST A RANT OVER FORUM ACTIVITY SO IF NOT FEEL FREE TO BUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE (THIS IS MY MAIN THREAD SO IAM POSTING UT HERE ) sorry close your eyes or scroll past if you dnt want to hear my rant......Iam extremely SADDENED at the fact that we have beggars on the forum everytime you turn around they are asking for something when they have already been pifed numerous times by other forum members and not only are they posting trying to make others feel bad for them they strait out pm people and ask for things. What really bothers me about this is If you could afford to smoke you can afford to vape no one needs the top of the line gear to remain cigarette free and I know people fall on hard times but come one everytime they come on the forum its always "I need "" can someone help me out with" so on and so on and then no posts until the next time they are need .....I personally know someone with ZERO $$$income and she finds away to vape with out begging ...sorry rant over. ...again please feel free to move if there is a better place for this .

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I saw something the other day that put me off... a guy was asking for mods for friends/family to get them started, but went on to list what could be used. In that list was Ni200 wire, Ti#1 wire, etc. Now, I started a while ago (11 months as of 5:30 pm today), and things might have changed a bit, but when I started the first thing I reached for was something simple. I did NOT reach for a jig, TC wire, cotton and make my own coils. Sounds suspect to me...

That's a long way 'round saying I agree.

Me? Got more than I could ever use and now I'm trying to help people I know...


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I believe the rules of the box is for MEMBERS ONLY that is a little suspicious I'm with Shawn.hoefer I joined to give what I could I have pretty much anything I could ever need but it does upset me when people take things out that they themselves aren't going to use and are taking it for friends/family as in life there will always be people who take advantage of others who are willing to help and for the most part I think we do have a group of good people.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I believe the rules of the box is for MEMBERS ONLY that is a little suspicious I'm with Shawn.hoefer I joined to give what I could I have pretty much anything I could ever need but it does upset me when people take things out that they themselves aren't going to use and are taking it for friends/family as in life there will always be people who take advantage of others who are willing to help and for the most part I think we do have a group of good people.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
You are correct under the rules that were settled this box is for "VU members only!" So no other people can take from the box ... According to the rules... But to be honest I have no clue on how to enforce that rule so its basically a go on faith rule

Sent from a Ghost town


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You are correct under the rules that were settled this box is for "VU members only!" So no other people can take from the box ... According to the rules... But to be honest I have no clue on how to enforce that rule so its basically a go on faith rule

Sent from a Ghost town
Very true I just thought it'd be worth mentioning again.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I'm in love with this juice called sweet dreams it has marshmallow, custard, Bavarian cream and graham cracker I just tried making it I'll know in a few days how close I came.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I believe the rules of the box is for MEMBERS ONLY that is a little suspicious I'm with Shawn.hoefer I joined to give what I could I have pretty much anything I could ever need but it does upset me when people take things out that they themselves aren't going to use and are taking it for friends/family as in life there will always be people who take advantage of others who are willing to help and for the most part I think we do have a group of good people.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I believe what shaun was talking about wasnt in this thread i saw 2 threads people asking pif for friends and family


Diamond Contributor
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Folks please help me, My camel died and I lost all my savings on the burial costs, the day after that someone stole my bicycle after I spent my last dollar on a paddy lock for it, on top of that, the bills came due for my rat exterminator guy and now I have no money to get my uncle frank a delux vaping set up for him to use while out driving around on his paddy wagon, I felt all I could do is ask all you wonderful people to help me set him up, and while your at it , I need a vaporizer too, not because I smoked, but because everyone is doin it and I want to look cool like they do. Can you help me please???


Gold Contributor
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Folks please help me, My camel died and I lost all my savings on the burial costs, the day after that someone stole my bicycle after I spent my last dollar on a paddy lock for it, on top of that, the bills came due for my rat exterminator guy and now I have no money to get my uncle frank a delux vaping set up for him to use while out driving around on his paddy wagon, I felt all I could do is ask all you wonderful people to help me set him up, and while your at it , I need a vaporizer too, not because I smoked, but because everyone is doin it and I want to look cool like they do. Can you help me please???
Since I see this is your first post and you just "happened" to stumble in here, may I suggest checking out our other threads... How to deal with the death of your camel, hacks to lock your bicycle while buying a padlock, DIY rat exterminating, why subohming for a 90+ year old family member with a hybrid tank may not be a good idea unless you want to collect their insurance policy, and my favorite, you don't need all the supplies for a vape shop to look "cool" vaping. I think your b/m told you to come to "pay it forward" thread to get free stuff and you stumbled into our pif thread, that's "prove it first". Pics or it didn't happen... Lmbo

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Diamond Contributor
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Ok here is picture....hurry please


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Ok here is picture....hurry please
First off you know nothing of taking "selfies".... Where is the nasty bathroom strewn with DIY supplies... Ugh lol. Now I need pics of camel funeral, person stealing bike, 90+y/o family member, etc lmbo....

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VU Donator
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Since I see this is your first post and you just "happened" to stumble in here,
may I suggest checking out our other threads... How to deal with the death of your camel, hacks to lock your bicycle while buying a padlock, DIY rat exterminating, why subohming for a 90+ year old family member with a hybrid tank may not be a good idea unless you want to collect their insurance policy, and my favorite, you don't need all the supplies for a vape shop to look "cool" vaping. I think your b/m told you to come to "pay it forward" thread to get free stuff and you stumbled into our pif thread, that's "prove it first". Pics or it didn't happen... Lmbo

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I think they are just needy... Or crazy the Internet itself does cause a bit of In
Ok here is picture....hurry please
gimme some

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