Hey there
You’d never knowingly feed your cat sawdust. So why is it one of the most common ingredients found in cat food today?
It turns out, many popular brands (even ones labeled healthy or natural) contain powdered cellulose derived from wood pulp, also known as sawdust.
And according to expert veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein — named “The Miracle Worker” by Forbes Magazine — ingredients like these could be shortening the lives of millions of cats.
“Knowing many big cat food companies take shortcuts like this makes me sick,” Dr Marty says. “In fact, I have a special nickname for these kinds of ingredients at my clinic: Cat Health Destroyers.”
After discovering how devastating filler ingredients can be to your cat’s health and lifespan, he created a
free video report to show cat parents exactly which foods to avoid.
“Many people don’t know this, but problems like weight gain, a greasy coat or dandruff, messy poops, and skittish behavior are not normal cat behaviors. More often than not, they are signs your cat needs your help.”
In his video, Dr. Marty also shares the 4 groundbreaking discoveries he’s made that helped his own cat Geeter live healthy and happy for 24 long years.
Plus, he reveals the critical foods missing from most American cat diets, and shares the easiest way to add them to your cat’s meals.
Surprisingly, even picky eaters love these ingredients. And the results can be astounding.
“My cat is more content, calmer, more loving, her skin is fabulous and her fur is silky smooth with no oily look. She has more energy and is playful like she was years ago. She reminds me of the sweet little kitten she used to be.” *
Now, you can learn Dr. Marty’s method and help your cat experience more youthful energy, a silky coat, and essentially turn back the clock for your feline.
Click the ‘play’ button below and learn how you can help your cat live a healthy, full life they deserve:
*All cats are unique. Results can and will vary.
To your health and wellness,