Exactly! Not hard to do at all- nice that you sent her all that stuff to use and to be able to keep vaping.
Plus I wouldn't buy a sub tank that didn't come with an RBA or an RBA that I could buy for it- what good are these factory coils tanks when you can't get the coils to make them work?
This is one of the things I am most thankful to VU for, teaching me how to be self-sufficient in my vaping habits. When I came here, if Nautilus coils had gone, or pre-mixed juice had been impossible to get, I'd have been shit out of luck. Moreover, I wouldn't have seen it coming.
Over the course of a year I switched everything from regulated mods, factory-made coils, and store-bought juice to a much more sustainable mix of mechs and regulateds, all rebuildables (with one single exception that is still in rotation), and all DIY.
NONE of it has been hard. The hardest part was getting past my own resistance and lack of confidence. One thing you do have to be willing to do, here in front of everybody, is fall in the ditch from time to time. No vaper who is new at mixing or building is going to do everything right all the time. By and large this community is extremely tolerant and helpful as long as a member isn't arrogant about fucking up! It happens, it surely does, to everybody, no matter where along the way we are.
Just don't blow yer face off.