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What song are you playing right now?


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Thanks for the contributions snake;
about time for me to crash, getting up early to gather family!
enjoy your day!

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey there RZ!

Damn Dude! What are you talkin' about?
Oh, hello Mr. Phone.

I'm talkin about aesthetics.

Naw, but vaporwave isn't so much a genre as it is sort of a stylistic approach to music. Sorta like how a noir film can be of any sort of genre, but what makes it "noir" is that gritty, dark look and feel. The vaporwave style is meant to evoke nostalgia for a time that never existed. It's heavily sample-based. Lotsa samples of disposable, consumerist music (you know... ...mall pop, elevator music, disco club music) and iconic sounds from devices of the 80's and 90's are a prominent feature. Genres include house, funk, idm, hip-hop, jazz, new-wave, and pop. Lots of distorting, bit crushing, reverb, delays, pitch-shifting, over-saturating... ...etc. It tends to have a lush and washed-out quality to it. It's a future-in-the-90's sort of thing - an interesting fad in internet music that will probably die in a few more years.

Hard to describe, really. Vaporwave can be a lot of things. Some people think it barely qualifies as music, while others like to bask in the atmosphere, and others still insist that it's the best thing to happen to music ever. Its cult following is notoriously full of hipsters and elitists.

Thought since it had "vapor" in the name, it might appeal to the younger vapester crowd out there. Shoulda figured that the joke was a little too obscure.

Personally, I think vaporwave is largely garbage and possibly the laziest form of music ever created, but people are doing some neat things with it here and there. The internet music scene has birthed some pretty strange things in the past decade or so.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
Oh, hello Mr. Phone.

I'm talkin about aesthetics.

Naw, but vaporwave isn't so much a genre as it is sort of a stylistic approach to music. Sorta like how a noir film can be of any sort of genre, but what makes it "noir" is that gritty, dark look and feel. The vaporwave style is meant to evoke nostalgia for a time that never existed. It's heavily sample-based. Lotsa samples of disposable, consumerist music (you know... ...mall pop, elevator music, disco club music) and iconic sounds from devices of the 80's and 90's are a prominent feature. Genres include house, funk, idm, hip-hop, jazz, new-wave, and pop. Lots of distorting, bit crushing, reverb, delays, pitch-shifting, over-saturating... ...etc. It tends to have a lush and washed-out quality to it. It's a future-in-the-90's sort of thing - an interesting fad in internet music that will probably die in a few more years.

Hard to describe, really. Vaporwave can be a lot of things. Some people think it barely qualifies as music, while others like to bask in the atmosphere, and others still insist that it's the best thing to happen to music ever. Its cult following is notoriously full of hipsters and elitists.

Thought since it had "vapor" in the name, it might appeal to the younger vapester crowd out there. Shoulda figured that the joke was a little too obscure.

Personally, I think vaporwave is largely garbage and possibly the laziest form of music ever created, but people are doing some neat things with it here and there. The internet music scene has birthed some pretty strange things in the past decade or so.

Pretty simple.
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Ya see, either you can really play, or you can fake it.

Is this real, or is it fake?


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude, what the fuck are you trying to say?
Huh? VaporWave? what the fuck? Your description is as vague as whatever you're trying to describe.

I could could give a good goddamn about your descriptions. Mine eyes are glazed-over.

RobotZ, try this:

Does it suck?
Does it NOT suck.

Pretty simple.
Lol, like I said, it's hard to describe. u just don't get it, mannn.

Does it suck? Yes.


Gold Contributor
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Robot Zombie, You are a child that has no experience, no appreciation for REAL music, and present yourself as a child.
so, piss off.

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I guess not.
But there is so much nuance to suckage. More than one way to suck an egg.

Dude, It's really simple. I think you're over-complicating things.
And you're over-simplifying things.

I think what you're not getting is that I like over-complicating things. I nerd out on shit it that I like. It's what I do man! At least I don't force it on people, though. If you're not interested, that's cool, but don't tell me how to enjoy what I like. Doing just fine, over here.

Robot Zombie, You are a child that has no experience, no appreciation for REAL music, and present yourself as a child.
I thought that I could help you. Mentor you. But you seem to know everything, so, piss off.
Woah! You are the one who made this personal. I think you have awesome taste in music, but your attitude sucks. I think it's ironic that you say I seem to know everything when all that you ever do every time you hop in here is try to force your tastes onto other people. You come on a tad strong, man.

I get that you're passionate about music. I am as well and have enjoyed your presence here up until now. I'm honestly not understanding where the animosity is coming from. It's like a flip of the switch with you sometimes.


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RZ, I am a fellow traveler in music. My attitude has been soured by countless shitheads through the many years.

There is NO animosity toward you brutha. Yes, sometimes I may may go off on a rant....
When you get here, you'll understand.
You Kids just don't.........
....oh fuck.
That doesn't mean I'm not still here for you!
Really, some of that stuff just ain't right. Not that it's wrong. well.....
(PM Me)



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
Oh, hello Mr. Phone.

I'm talkin about aesthetics.

Naw, but vaporwave isn't so much a genre as it is sort of a stylistic approach to music. Sorta like how a noir film can be of any sort of genre, but what makes it "noir" is that gritty, dark look and feel. The vaporwave style is meant to evoke nostalgia for a time that never existed. It's heavily sample-based. Lotsa samples of disposable, consumerist music (you know... ...mall pop, elevator music, disco club music) and iconic sounds from devices of the 80's and 90's are a prominent feature. Genres include house, funk, idm, hip-hop, jazz, new-wave, and pop. Lots of distorting, bit crushing, reverb, delays, pitch-shifting, over-saturating... ...etc. It tends to have a lush and washed-out quality to it. It's a future-in-the-90's sort of thing - an interesting fad in internet music that will probably die in a few more years.

Hard to describe, really. Vaporwave can be a lot of things. Some people think it barely qualifies as music, while others like to bask in the atmosphere, and others still insist that it's the best thing to happen to music ever. Its cult following is notoriously full of hipsters and elitists.

Thought since it had "vapor" in the name, it might appeal to the younger vapester crowd out there. Shoulda figured that the joke was a little too obscure.

Personally, I think vaporwave is largely garbage and possibly the laziest form of music ever created, but people are doing some neat things with it here and there. The internet music scene has birthed some pretty strange things in the past decade or so.
Holy Krappe! Sounds like stuff that I may avoid!

Thanx for the description RZ!

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sall good man, just a misunderstanding. You caught me off guard little bit there.

To me if it sounds good and makes me feel things, then it's REAL music. How's that for simple?


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Hair..big hair..
LOL, a cool girl I work with who is into some rock, but more country..(and ~30ish
Her remark about how a dudes hair could look so much better than hers!


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before MTV, computers, cable television, cell phones and such...
we had wide worrd of sports..?

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