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What song are you playing right now?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
cool tiny; put this in the pipe and smoke it!..welcome to VU!!!!
So that's where AHS got the idea for the (Dandy) character.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If I knew how far I could push the limits here... (Cussing and jokes) then I'd be right at home.
There's only a few very simple rules.

This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.


Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)

1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated.

3. Only one user membership per person.

4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine

5. No affiliate or referral links are permitted, and no raffles are to be sold for profit or otherwise. Please contact an Admin about legal Charity raffles.

6. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.

Moderators are monitoring the forum at all times.

Some of those are flexible it seems some aren't.
Basically have a good time and try not to be a complete douchebag/asshat/twatpuddle and most people here will get along with you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There's only a few very simple rules.

This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.


Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)

1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated.

3. Only one user membership per person.

4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine

5. No affiliate or referral links are permitted, and no raffles are to be sold for profit or otherwise. Please contact an Admin about legal Charity raffles.

6. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.

Moderators are monitoring the forum at all times.

Some of those are flexible it seems some aren't.
Basically have a good time and try not to be a complete douchebag/asshat/twatpuddle and most people here will get along with you.
It's pretty much what you can spell. But I ask you don't be a scary person, cause it might scare us or some shit.


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Sorry Tiny.
You should hear the cacophony I have going over here.
Three vids playing in the background as I arrange this musical poem for y'all.
Nice to meet you, Tiny.
Welcome to the gang. :)
I like your style. I like it here at VU. I've only scratched the surface, but having fun already. Thanks :)


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
basically the rules say don't post dicks or female parts but you can be risque,
don't talk about dope
don't put anybody down for race or sexual preferences.
But you can say fuck and be as vulgar as you need be and have phun.:cool:


Member For 4 Years
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There's only a few very simple rules.

This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.


Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)

1. No Drug/Dry Herb related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb references in comments please.

2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated.

3. Only one user membership per person.

4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine

5. No affiliate or referral links are permitted, and no raffles are to be sold for profit or otherwise. Please contact an Admin about legal Charity raffles.

6. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.

Moderators are monitoring the forum at all times.

Some of those are flexible it seems some aren't.
Basically have a good time and try not to be a complete douchebag/asshat/twatpuddle and most people here will get along with you.
Oh well then, hell yeah! Not much scares me or offends me... Just FYI. ;)


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Not sure of bandwidth..wireless router..
A little out of town so not the greatest speeds..not the worst either..
Do a speed test. Google speed test and pick one.
If you have anything over 12mbs you should be ok
of course faster is better. a crappy router could slow things down if it gets confused.
then it depends on how many other players are directly connected to the game.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's pretty much it. But I wouldn't piss Uncle RJ off. He is a guy that eats Chicken right out of the box, Without Looking. He is a man to watch out for. :cool:


Member For 4 Years
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basically the rules say don't post dicks or female parts but you can be risque,
don't talk about dope
don't put anybody down for race or sexual preferences.
But you can say fuck and be as vulgar as you need be and have phun.:cool:
Oh don't worry... I don't post pics of my lady parts. :D ...not for free lol jkjk


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I worked for Charter Communications for all of 3 weeks. Everyone who called for tech support was an ass. So I decided call centers are not my forte.

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