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What song are you playing right now?


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welcome to VU Tiny..hope not to `scare you off`..great forums and great peoples here!


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welcome to VU Tiny..hope not to `scare you off`..great forums and great peoples here!
Thanks for the welcome. No way am I scared off. I found it humorous! If I knew how far I could push the limits here... (Cussing and jokes) then I'd be right at home. ;)


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mega thanks to robot zombie, for all the LIKES, to music I have posted..
Old stuff for sure, but where Rocks, roots are from sort of..some stuff deep also, but I know you can appreciate that..
Thamks again Bro!


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Oh I'm a newbie. I'm more interested in the chemistry aspect of making DIY e-juice. I named myself tinyplumes BC of my tiny lungs. I just cannot handle much as far as clouds go.
Well, I belive there are many here who can help you out with DIY E-Juice..there is a specific topic for just that, and the members here are most helpfull.
You are for sure at the right place VU...
Just asked because there is a place to post for new members..but what the hell, you broke the ice in this thread like no other!!
Oh, don`t be shy to ask any questions, like I said members here are most helpful


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Ok Tiny, now that REM, got me thinking of another song...IIRC, Smashing Pumpkins..


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Dang double post , not meant to be, found Smashing Pumpkins..


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Hey Tiny Plumez..this is mellow..
have to crask now...again welcome to VU...enjoy!


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he performed a couple of times at a venue, just a few blocks from where I lived..years ago ..Sokol Hall
I would have went to listen. I went to Guns-n-Roses at Joe Robbie Stadium back on New Years Eve of 1991. It was the first time I heard Sound Garden. I loved them right then. :)


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I would have went to listen. I went to Guns-n-Roses at Joe Robbie Stadium back on New Years Eve of 1991. It was the first time I heard Sound Garden. I loved them right then. :)
GNR..1991...oh what a year and good times!


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Not Bad. Not bad at all...
I'm gonna check there here guys out.

Thanks, RZ!

The Black Dahlia Between the Buried and Queen Theater.

I usually find it really difficult to get too into operatic stuff, but something about this approach gets me there. There's just something really refreshing about it. I more like it for the jazzy components, though I can actually get down with the theatrics, too.

That lead that comes in after the prelude is so damned hooky. Geez. So many really catchy moments.

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
mega thanks to robot zombie, for all the LIKES, to music I have posted..
Old stuff for sure, but where Rocks, roots are from sort of..some stuff deep also, but I know you can appreciate that..
Thamks again Bro!
It's a simple mentality. I just "like" what I like. Stuff I already know I like gets an auto like. Stuff I don't know but want to revisit gets a like. Something I'm maybe not familiar with or am unsure about gets a like for challenging me to expand my horizons. Essentially, the only things that will not get a like from me in this thread is anything I haven't gotten around to yet or simply overlooked.

In your case it's all stuff I'm familiar with. I grew up with every kind of rock music because my parents were big on it. I had musical inclinations at an early age, so I paid a lot of attention to it and it probably influenced the direction that I would take with music quite a lot. It still informs my tastes quite a lot, even when it doesn't seem like it does.

That being said, I'm more interested in shit that's happening now. Never before have we been able to very conveniently locate and access such a grand and diverse range of music. For a while there, I thought that all the good music had already been made and that very few people made it anymore. But over these past few years, I've come to realize that there's always something significant happening. I was limiting myself by looking in the same places for the same things. I'm big into the stuff just peaking the horizon these days. The fruits of that are what I'm trying to bring to the table here.

Guys like you and Hypnophone help keep me from forgetting the awesome shit that happened then in the wake of all of the awesome shit happening now. For that, you have my thanks. Helps keep my perspective in check while I'm listening to whatever weird shit I happen to be into at the moment. Gotta maintain reverence for where the current music that I appreciate got its start.

I really like these kinds of threads. I'm glad to see its gotten more active than it was when I first joined. Beats online radio services like spotify and pandora in some ways. It's a more interactive way of sharing and discovering music. You can sort of steer the kind of music that pops up with the music you post up, but at the same time, there are more random elements that can put you onto some shit you never imagined yourself listening to and enjoying. Though not as powerful as those services, its at least as rewarding.

Not Bad. Not bad at all...
I'm gonna check there here guys out.

Thanks, RZ!
Haha, I thought you might enjoy that. They're a talented bunch of dudes. Didn't need a description blurb to tell me that they're Berklee students.

This is going to be my sleepytime music for the night.

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