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What song are you playing right now?

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The other day, I was trying to explain to a friend how the music for the show, How It's Made is just one step away from being some super-legit, chilled-out, trippy ambient music. But every time we have this discussion (I bring this up every time we watch it because it is important,) I can never quite get across what it is I'm hearing in my head that makes me think it's almost listenable as its own thing. I think I actually found a living example of what I meant.

Tell me that's not just a mix of How It's Made and The Weather Channel on magic mushrooms! lol


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The other day, I was trying to explain to a friend how the music for the show, How It's Made is just one step away from being some super-legit, chilled-out, trippy ambient music. But every time we have this discussion (I bring this up every time we watch it because it is important,) I can never quite get across what it is I'm hearing in my head that makes me think it's almost listenable as its own thing. I think I actually found a living example of what I meant.

Tell me that's not just a mix of How It's Made and The Weather Channel on magic mushrooms! lol
Yo 'Bot, that's more Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose seeds than anybody with silly sideburns...
I can imagine psychedelic weather chicks in painted on clothes
ambling across the maps swaying to the music.

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yo 'Bot, that's more Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose seeds than anybody with silly sideburns...
I can imagine psychedelic weather chicks in painted on clothes
ambling across the maps swaying to the music.
HBWR? Haha, that's a lil fuckin' obscure, dontcha think? You really surprised me, there, Mr. HazyShades. I wasn't sure how many people here were squares, so I went with something easier to grok. Clearly you aren't so quadrilateral to be making that connection... ...somebody knows the secret handshake. ;)

Weather channel with painted weather chicks and tripped out electronic music sounds like my kinda morning. Seems like something I'd appreciate mixed in with my coffee. Normal weather channel makes me want to take a nap while rain trickles down the windows... ...which I guess can be nice, too, but you know what I mean.

Anywho, woke up at 3pm today. Keepin it mellow and weird for now. Feelin' like listening to some vintage Boards of Canada, but not quite. But then, there's always this guy, who seems to worship them judging by how heavily he leans on them as an influence, for all of one's not-quite-BoC musical needs. It's not BoC, but it's frosty and slushy enough to serve similar uses.

Verry similar styles, no?

Coffee is kicking in, now. Need something with a little DnB and electric guitar in it.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor

Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray white (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Bob harris (boy soprano, trumpet)
Steve vai (guitar)
Tommy mars (keyboards)
Arthur barrow (bass)
Ed mann (percussion)
David ocker (clarinet, bass clarinet)
Motorhead sherwood (tenor saxophone, vocals)
Denny walley (slide guitar, vocals)
David logeman (drums)
Craig steward (harmonica)
Jimmy carl black (vocals)
Ahmet zappa (vocals)
Moon zappa (vocals)

It's a miserable friday night
I'm so lonely
And nobody'll give me a ride
To the grateful dead concert...oh rats!

I got to be free
Free as the wind
Free is the way
I got to be

Maybe I'm lost
Maybe I sinned
I got to be
Totally free

Our parents don't love us
Our teachers they say
Things that are boring
So we're running away
And we will be free
And people will see
That when we are free
That's the way we should be

Nothing left to do but get out the 'ol
(sniff it good now...)

Our parents don't love us
Our teachers they say
Things that are boring
So we're running away

And we will be free
And people will see
That when we are free
That's the way we should be
(we must be free!)
The glue! the glue! I can't find the glue!
(we must be free as the wind)
If I was at the concert now, I'd be ripped!
(we were free when we were born)
I could tighten my headband for an extra rush
During jerry's guitar solo
Then I could go to a midnite show of 200 motels!
(we were born free, but, now we are not free anymore!)
"opal, you hot little bitch!"
"you can take this pin n' hang it in yer ass!"
"you ain't the devil!"
"where's my waitress? "
But we wanna be free
An' were gonna be free

Yes, we want to be free and we're gonna be free
... did you know that
Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Read more: Frank Zappa - Teenage Wind Lyrics | MetroLyrics


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Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am, a cow don't make ham
You ain't what you're not, so see what you got
You are what you is and that's all it is
A foolish young man from a middle class fam'ly
Started singin' the blues, 'cause he thought it was manly
Now he talks like the Kingfish ("Saffiiiee!") from Amos 'n Andy ("Holy mack'l dere, holy mack'l dere")
He tells you that Chitlins (Chitlins), well, they taste just like candy
He thinks that he's got the whole thing down
From the Nivea Lotion to The Royal Crown
Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am, a cow don't make ham
You ain't what you're not, so see what you got
You are what you is and that's all it is
A foolish young man of the Negro Persuasion
(Well, well, well) Devoted his life to become a Caucasian
(Well, well, well) He stopped eating pork, he stopped eating greens
(Well, well, well) He traded his dashiki ("Uhuru!") for some Jordache Jeans
(Well, well, well) He learned to play golf and he got a good score
(Well, well, well) Now he says to himself, "I ain't no ****** no more" (Hey, hey, hey)
(I want everybody together***) I don't understand you
(***) Bwana ma-coo-bah
(***) Would you please speak more clearly
Mercedes Benz
Who is who (I don't know) and what is what (Somethin' I just don't know)
And why is this (Tell me now) appropriot (That's a funny pronunciation if 'n ever I heard one)
If you don't like (Where'd you get that word?), what you has got (Appropriot? The word is not)
Drop it in the dirt (Drop it yeah) and let it rot (I can smell it now)
Someone else (Here they come, here they come) will surely come (I told you he was comin')
And pick it up (That's right) 'cause he wants some (And he wants it for free)
And when one day (There will come a day) you wonder who (I wonder too) you used to was (Who I was anyway)
And what you do (I, I, I used to work at the post office)
You'll scratch your head (But I don't wanna un-do my doo) and look around (To see what's goin' on)
But what you lost (Can't seem to find it) will not be found (A Mercedes Benz)
Do you know what you are? (I know)
You are what you is (I'm the kinda guy)
You is what you am (That ought to be drivin'), a cow don't make a ham (A four-fifty slc)
You ain't what your not (A big ol' red one) so see what you got (With some golf clubs stickin' out de trunk)
You are what you is (I'm gwine down to the links on Saturday mornin') and that's all it is (Gimme a five dollar bill)
You are what you is (And an overcoat too) and that's all it is (Walk my way fast yeah)
You are what you is (Robbie, take me to Creek Town)
And that's all it is (I'm harder than yer husband; harder than yer husband)
You are what you is (I'm goin down to White Street, to the Mudd Club y'all)
And that's all it is (I'm goin' down to work the wall and work the floor)
You are what you is (And work the pipes and work the wall some more)
And that's all it is


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor

Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray white (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Steve vai (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Warren cucurullo (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Denny walley (slide guitar, vocals)
Tommy mars (keyboards, vocals)
Peter wolf (keyboards)
Bob harris (keyboards, trumpet, vocals)
Ed mann (percussion)
Arthur barrow (bass, vocals)
Vinnie colaiuta (drums)

Your ethos
Your pathos
Your porthos
Your aramis
Your brut cologne
You're writing home
You are hopeless
Your hopelessness
Is rising around you, rising around you
You like it
It gives you something to do
In the day time
Hey buddy, you need a hobby
You are tired of moving forward
You think of the future
And secretly you piddle your pants
The puddle of piddle
Which used to be little
Is rising around you, rising around you
You like it
It gives you something to do
In the night time

Oh well, you travel to bars
You also go to winchell's doughnuts
And hang out with the highway patrol
Sometimes you'll go to a pizza place
You go to shakey's to get that
American kind of pizza
That has the ugly, waxey, fake yellow
Kind of cheese on the top...
Maybe you'll go to straw hat pizza,
To get all those artificial ingredients
That never belonged on a pizza in the first place
(but the white people really like it...)
Oh well, you'll go anyplace, you'll do anything
Oh you'll give me your underpants
I hope these aren't yours, buddy...
They're very nice, though
You go to santa monica boulevard,
You go to the blue parrot
No problem, you'll go anyplace
You'll do anything
Just so you can hang out with the others
The others just like you
Afraid of the future
(death valley days straight ahead)
The future is scary
(yes it sure is)
Well, the puddle is rising
It smells like the ocean
A body of water to isolate england
And also reseda
The oil in patches
All over atlantis, atlantis
You remember atlantis
Donovan, the guy with the brocade coat
Used to sing to you about atlantis
You loved it, you were so involved then
That's back in the days when you used to
Smoke a banana
You would scrape the stuff off the middle
You would bake it
You would smoke it
You even thought you was getting ripped from it
No problem
Woop! atlantis, they could really get down there
The plankton, the krill
The giant underwater pyramid, the squid decor
Excuse me, todd
The big ol' giant underwater door
The dome, the bubbles, the blue light
Light, light, light, light
Light, light, light, light
Blue light blue light
The seepage, the sewage, the rubbers, the napkins
Your ethos, your porthos,
Your flag pole, your port hole
Your language
You're frightened
The future
Your lang...
You can't even speak your own fucking language
You can't read it anymore
You can't write it anymore
Your language
The future of your language
Your meat loaf
Don't let your meat loaf
Heh, heh, heh
Your micro-nanette
Your brut

Read more: Frank Zappa - The Blue Light Lyrics | MetroLyrics


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Unlisted Vendor

Hey there, people, I'm Bobby Brown
They say I'm the cutest boy in town
My car is fast, my teeth are shiney
I tell all the girls they can kiss my heinie
Here I am at a famous school
I'm dressin' sharp & I'm actin' cool
I got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paper
Let her do all the work & maybe later I'll rape her

Oh God I am the American dream
I do not think I'm too extreme
& I'm a handsome son of a bitch
I'm gonna get a good job & be real rich

(Get a good
Get a good
Get a good
Get a good job)

Women's Liberation
Came creepin' across the nation
I tell you people I was not ready
When I fucked this dike by the name of Freddie
She made a little speech then,
Aw, she tried to make me say "when"
She had my balls in a vise, but she left the dick
I guess it's still hooked on, but now it shoots too quick

Oh God I am the American dream
But now I smell like Vaseline
& I'm a miserable son of a bitch
Am I a lord or a lady, I don't know which

(I wonder wonder
Wonder wonder)

So I went out & bought me a leisure suit
I jingle my change, but I'm still kinda cute
Got a job doin' radio promo
& none of the jocks can even tell I'm a ****
Eventually me n' a friend
Sorta drifted along into S&M
I can take about an hour on the tower of power
'Long as I gets a little golden shower

Oh God I am the American dream
With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream
& I'll do anything to get ahead
I lay awake nights sayin', "Thank you, Fred!"
Oh God, oh God, I'm so fantastic!
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a sexual spastic
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now, I'm goin down,
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now, I'm goin down

(Laughing) I knew you'd be surprised


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor

City of tiny lites
Don't you wanna go
Hear the tiny auto horns
When they tiny blow
Tiny lightin'
In the storm
Tiny blankets
Keep you warm
Tiny pillows
Tiny sheets
Talkin' bout those tiny cookies
That the peoples eats
City of tiny lites
Maybe you should know
That it's over there
In the tiny dirt somewhere

You can see it any time
When you get the squints
From your downers and your wine
You're so big
It's so tiny
Every cloud is silver line-y
The great escape for all ot you
Tiny is as tiny do
Tiny is as tiny do
Tiny is as tiny do
Tiny is as tiny do

City of tiny lites
Don't you wanna go
Hear the tiny auto horns
When they tiny blow
Tiny lightin'
In the storm
Tiny blankets
Keep you warm
Tiny pillows
Tiny tiny sheets
Talkin' bout them tiny cookies
That the peoples eats
That the peoples eats
That the peoples eats
That the peoples eats
And it's over there
It's over there
It's over there
It's over there


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
This one is a cranker-upper!!!!

Frank zappa (guitar, vocals)
George Duke (keyboards, synthesizer, lead vocals)
Napoleon murphy brock (flute, tenor saxophone, vocals)
Chester Thompson (drums)
Tom fowler (bass)
Ruth Underwood (vibes, marimba, percussion)
Bloodshot rollin' red (harmonica)

Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Just to land in the andes?
Was it round
And did it have
A motor
Or was it

Did a vehicle
Did a vehicle
Did a vehicle
Fly along the mountains
And find a place to park itself

Or did someone
Build a place
To leave a space
For such a vehicle to land

Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Did the indians, first on the bill
Carve up the hill

Did a booger-bear
Come from somewhere out there
Just to land in the andes?
Was she round
And did she have a motor
Or was she something different

Guacamole queen
Guacamole queen
Guacamole queen
Guacamole queen
At the armadillo in austin texas, her aura,
Or did someone build a place
Or leave a space for chester's thing to land
(chester's thing... on ruth)
Did a booger-beer
Come from somewhere out there
Did a booger-bear
Come from somewhere out there
Did the indians, first on the bill
Carve up her hill
On ruth
On ruth
That's ruth

Read more: Frank Zappa - Inca Roads Lyrics | MetroLyrics


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor

Frank zappa (guitar)
Captain beefheart (harmonica, vocals)
Napoleon murphy brock (saxophone)
Bruce fowler (trombone)
Denny walley (slide guitar)
George duke (keyboards)
Tom fowler (bass)
Terry bozzio (drums)

Flies all green and buzzin'
In this dungeon of despair
Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes
And scratch their matted hair
A tiny light from a window-hole
A hundred yards away
Is all they ever get to know
About the regular light in the day

And it stinks so bad the stones been chokin'
Weepin' greenish drops
In the room where the giant fire puffer works
And the torture never stops
The torture never stops

Slime and rot and rats and snot and
Vomit on the floor
Fifty ug-a-ly soldiers there
Holdin' spears by the iron door
Knives and spikes and guns and the likes
Of every tool of pain
And a sinister midget with a bucket and a mop
Where the blood goes down the drain

And it stinks so bad, the stones been chokin'
Weepin' greenish drops
In the room where
The giant fire puffer works
And the torture never stops
The torture never stops,
The torture
The torture
The torture never stops

Flies all green and buzzin'
In this dungeon of despair
An evil prince eats a steamin' pig
In a chamber right near there

He eats the snouts and the trotters first
The loins and the groins are soon dispersed
His carvin' style is well rehearsed
He stands and shouts
All men be cursed (4x)
And disagree, hell no one durst
He's the best of cause of all the worst
Some wrong been done
He done it first

And he stinks so bad his bones been chokin'
Weepin' greenish drops
In the light of the iron sausage
Where the torture never stops
The torture never stops
The torture
The torture
The torture never stops

Flies all green and buzzin'
In the dungeon of despair
Who are all those people
That he's locked away down there
Are they crazy
Are they sainted
Are they zeros someone painted
That had never been explained
Since at first it was created
But a dungeon like a sin
Requires not much lockin' in
Of everything thats ever been
Look at her
Look at him
Thats whats the deal we're dealin in
Thats whats the deal we're dealin in
Thats whats the deal we're dealin in

Read more: Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops Lyrics | MetroLyrics


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
It's Badass Bass/Drums/Keys/Guitar is what it is....
Shhhhhhh..... listen.....


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
UK version:

Grinning demons smiling sideways
Laughing in my face
Here within my troubled sleep
There's such a lonely place

Running fast but never moving
I can't get away
Strange but realistic objects
Making me their prey

Then it's gone as fast as it came
Evil dream
Changing like the sun turns to rain
It would seem

Dining with the gods of beauty
On a distant shore
Tasting fruits of untold sweetness
Never seen before

Dancing stars with crystal voices
Beckon with their eyes
Unicorn of many colors
Rides to paradise

Then it's gone as fast as it came
Peaceful scene
Changing like the sun turns to rain
It would seem

Sleepless nights that last a lifetime
Crucify my head
Dreams of peace and then disaster
Wish that I were dead

Looking for the end of darkness
Seeking out the day
For escape with sweeter thought of
Bearing me away

Then it's gone as fast as it came
Evil dream
Changing like the sun turns to rain
It would seem

Come into my dream

Read more: Uriah Heep - Dreammare Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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