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Ill just leave this here
this girls got talent but I guess when you grow up around greatness

sent from a dumb operated smartphone

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Recently got one of these for shits and gigs. Pretty nice amp for low-impedance headphones (don't have any power-hungry cans to try out atm.) Definitely exerts a lot more control over everything I have than my LG phone's built-in amp could even dream of, haha. Turns my well-worn Yamaha rh-5ma's into a whole new set of cans. It breathes a lot more liveliness and detail into them than I ever thought they could muster. They're really shining with thickly layered, bass-heavy electronic music. They've got all the separation they need for all of the little details to creep out, but they've got enough natural warmth and high-frequency roll-off to keep things from sounding too analytical. Definitely more on the "fun" side of things.

All in all, not bad for a sub-$200 setup. I'm pretty happy with it.

The bass boost on this thing is a blast with them. It's very clean - doesn't alter the mids or highs at all... ...just adds a lot more sub bass. If I flick-on the gain boost and crank the amp, the bass rattles my chest. Never muddy or overdone, always punchy. I was gonna replace the Yamahas with something else for my portable setup, but now I think I'll keep them in roto and invest in a decent pair of open-backs for home listening instead... ...looking real intently at these.

Been on a lot of experimental trap and electronic beats with this setup lately. It's got me hooked on that sub-bass.

Now, I just need something for rock and classical.

Eric Johnson's my shit! I think people don't often enough recognize how much he has contributed to the modern virtuoso approach. All of these modern jazz and blues shredders are taking pages from the book he wrote. Dude's legato chops are legendary. He was hybrid picking before hybrid picking was a thing outside of very closed-in jazz circles.
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With that in mind, I have a question for ya'll to ponder. Which do you think is heavier? Black Sabbath or Slayer? Which is more visceral? Why is that?

Slayer seems less heavy and more..."pissed off"? As for Sabbath, that depends on which incarnation of Sabbath you're talking about. Listen to Headless Cross, for one.

Of course, there's always...



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In high school, a girlfriend bought this album. She was playing it for us
when her mom came home and heard it, saw the album cover and made the chick get rid of it.
She gave it to me. I still have it, vinyl.


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Slayer seems less heavy and more..."pissed off"? As for Sabbath, that depends on which incarnation of Sabbath you're talking about. Listen to Headless Cross, for one.

Of course, there's always...

Indeed. I guess it's easier to just say that "heavy" comes in many colors and flavors and just leave it at that.

Majesty, indeed. If I had tits, this would rock them.

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