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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Hank F. Spankman

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ECF Refugee
Thank you, @always9988 - it is very early in the AM 6 May, but we made it cross-country - leaving NC 30 April, and staying in motels beginning in Cross Lanes, WV; then, we stayed in Lexington, KY (Liz picked up a bug from our realtor; the sale of our place in NC closed 29 April - the realtor turned out to be a turncoat - read: b**** - she cared more about the buyer, though she represented Liz and I)...

Then, we stayed near St. Louis, MO in Caseyville, IL - we ended up staying next door to a 'neighbor' that didn't vape; yet, they did other things... we called the front desk, and complained.

The lady's response was, "Did you call the police?" My response was, "No - that's YOUR job - we don't want our tires slashed, or worse - however, we need an upgrade - since I have full intentions of contacting your corporate office."

We got a king-sized room on the bottom floor, with a flat screen TV upgrade... then, onward we drove, rental truck and car - to Topeka, KS - where we ate some wonderful Chinese food, and the room was nice (the staff, too). Then...

We drove on I-70 W to Colby, KS - near the Colorado state border. Liz checked us in, and the room rate was ridiculously expensive - not to mention the motel owner charging us $5 extra for the 'second dog' (according to corporate guidelines, up to two dogs were allowed... this time, I confronted the owner, Boston-style):

"You charged my wife $5 extra for our 'second dog?' Since you're a franchise owner, you need to follow corporate paradigms! I demand a five dollar refund now, and I will be contacting your corporate offices, cretin! While you're at it, reprogram these key cards, as they don't work!"

He tried to interrupt me, and I said: "No, no, no, no, no! Do NOT interrupt me, as I'm a paying customer - and your people skills are DEPLORABLE.

Just give me the five dollars back, reprogram the key cards, and let us check in! Your greed is bad enough, but treating me and my wife the way that you have, allows me to say this: my rights will not end where yours begin, sir!"

I scared that guy ****less.

We finally made it to Colorado yesterday, got the rental truck unloaded, thanks to my son-in-law, and one of my mother-in-law's neighbors. We're checked in to a nice hotel, and I'm going back to sleep.

The closing on our new home happens on 27 May.

We are blessed. Exhausted, but - we made it! The Rockies are gorgeous in the distance, and we're finally home. Liz and I couldn't be happier. We'll check back in later. Good morning, everyone!:stars:

LW & Liz :):):):)
Good morning LW&Liz:coffee: That is great news and hope you both get some well deserved rest. Take care my friends.
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