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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Dude I would pay for that much sleep, avg night for me is 3-6hrs.

I'm with you on that one

Sleep? People do that? Huh

I can't remember the last time I got more then 6hrs
I usually get like 4-5 hours but my day(s) off I sleep in as long as the gf will let me

Usually I'm up by ~8 on my day(s) off. It's almost 11

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Morning everybody:coffee::wave:

Apparently I needed to rewick both ends of my candle last night. Passed out 9:30ish, and woke up late on the couch this morning at 6:30. I haven't had that much sleep in a long while.:confused:



Apparently my husband's problem of going to sleep while watching TV is highly contagious... he was snoozing thru Gotham last night, though I kept wiggling his leg and hollering "wake up!" Then *I* dropped off to sleep too, and missed the last 10-15 mins! :gaah: Really hate when that happens. Guess we'll have to find it OnDemand, so he can see the whole thing, and I can see the end! :D



a touch oɟɟ
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Apparently my husband's problem of going to sleep while watching TV is highly contagious... he was snoozing thru Gotham last night, though I kept wiggling his leg and hollering "wake up!" Then *I* dropped off to sleep too, and missed the last 10-15 mins! :gaah: Really hate when that happens. Guess we'll have to find it OnDemand, so he can see the whole thing, and I can see the end! :D

Since all the preferred shows finallied last week, the wife turned Monday night in a "Tiny homes" marathon. Very...interesting:confused:


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Hello, everyone - from your absentee Corner Folk, LW & Liz. Please accept our apologies for not keeping up with our favorite thread in VU.

Know that every post written by the usual suspects who bring laughter, and great vaping ideas or sharing their vape mail gets an automatic 'like' from Liz and I.

If any moderator wants to insert likes from Liz and I when we're MIA, feel free to do so. Our 'likes' history is pretty much along these lines: if what is written falls under the 'tasteless,' or 'antagonistic' parlance, we don't click 'like.' Ditto for posts that fall under the 'TMI' category. Hell, many of the posts that I write may fall under that category - yet, there are many kind Corner souls that click 'like' for Liz and I, while knowing that I, LW, writes all of our posts in the 'first person,' while including @Liz Wonder in subjects that have to with both of us.

I just didn't have the stamina to read 1,047 posts. Since we've been getting our medical coverage and banking stuff moved from NC to CO, prescriptions, et cetera - we've been busy little beavers, since everything has been done via smartphone due to our laptop being at the storage unit, and we're using VPN on our 4G data plans with our smartphones 'cause paying $4.99 a day for motel Wi-Fi that is unsafe as hell isn't high on our needs list.

So, cold weather and rain has Liz and I dealing with higher pain levels; yesterday, however, was Liz's daughter's second anniversary of her death from cancer. So, the whole family went out to dinner in Downtown Denver to a restaurant called Racines - and, I got a chance to meet Liz's late daughter's former fiance, J.

He was a very nice young man, and a nice time was had by all. The menu was diverse - anything from typical American fare, to Indian curry dishes, along with some great Mexican food. Excellent.

So, insomnia has yours truly in its grip once again, so I send a Good Morning to @Whiskey, @pete67, @Thejackson5, @Breazy_Com, @always9988, @Kevin H., @Break-19, @boriqua75, @Jimi, @Hank F. Spankman, @kimber, and the usual cast of Cornerites. I'm going to take a three hour nap, and maybe our new neighbors upstairs will take off their ski boots so that we may get a better night's sleep tonight. Liz didn't go to sleep until 3:40 AM Mountain Time.

We love ya's :)

LW & Liz :hug:
Good mornin LW&Liz:coffee: Hope you are feeling better.

Kevin H.

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Hey.....If anyone happens to come across any good deals on Authentic Eleaf iStick 50 watt-ers from a US vendor......Please send me a PM. My brother, and a buddy of mine are in need, and my usual "go-to" places are out of them ATM. Looking for $30-$35 range (iStick only). Thanks!


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Excellence In Service
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Thanks Breazy!!! I'll try and check them out.
Good morning everyone. We get free breakfast at the buffet here at the hotel every morning this week. Better get showered up. Today it's off to the mob museum and the neon graveyard. Should be fun!!
Mob Museum is cool ! I knew some people on the walls there lol
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