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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Music Poet; Prose Addict; Team Supporter; Vapester
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Hee Haw... I had enough of that living in NC.
Literally. :rolleyes:

I'll say this: in Colorado, if people treat you like s*** - they'll do it to your face, just like in New England where I grew up; unlike in the South, where many will be 'nicey-nice' to you - then, say ugly things about you - behind your back... to be fair, not ALL Southerners are like that.

The Southern Gentleman and Hospitality reputation, however, is a bit overblown. o_O

I'd rather know where I stand, in social situations; if you don't like me, just say so. I will not be offended - you will quickly become history in my life's travels, however... it must be the Italian in me, because I am very selective in people I will associate with; I have very few close friends, but many acquaintances. My late father told me many times, as a kid AND adult:

"Associate with people who are better than you are."

My father was amazing, in his way of dealing with people. He didn't try to change, or control them - he'd deal with people, as they were - but, like myself - when he ran into 'bad apples,' he'd deal with them in graceful fashion - then, make a purposeful exit.

Permanently. Even the 'bad apples' didn't have a bad thing to say about him. I had one of my father's 'acquaintances' take me aside at a block party, when I was visiting during a 'campus break,' and say:

"D****, your father is a great fella - but, he's a bit standoffish - you're his son; so, you know him well. Maybe you can give me some insight, because I'd like to get to know him better?"

I responded, "I cannot speak about him with you, as that would be a disrespectful thing for me to do as his first-born son. I can, however, give you scenarios that may help you; you see, some people are 'followers;' like, when I'm playing in an orchestral setting. Yes, I'm the guitarist - yet, there is a band leader, or conductor.

I'm at his, or her command. When I arrive at a blank spot in my sheet music for, say, 16 measures - I know that one of two things will happen. The band leader, as he counts the beats in each measure - before arriving at the beginning of that blank spot, he's either going to point at me with his free hand - meaning I will be performing a 'lead,' or, 'solo;' - or, he's going to point at one of the reed, or horn players - which means, at least one of us cats will solo.

One never knows when they'll get a chance to shine. How one will comport themselves in front of others - AFTER they get the chance to solo - can speak volumes. If you've met my paternal grandfather, you know that he's a man of few words - but, when he speaks - everyone will listen. I hope that explanation helps you, in some way (the guy, though he was my elder, didn't want me to see him scratch his head; so, he squinted - like the sun was too bright). Have a fun day at the party, Mr. K."

Exeunt, stage right (or left, as I fell asleep three times when I posted this missive)

Good Morning, everyone. :wave:

LW & Liz :hug:

Hey, gang - we're in Denver. Tomorrow, we'll be in a casino :giggle:...

We'll have some more beautiful pictures. I did finish my last post :crazy:.

LW & Liz :hug:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What manner of evil has been incubating in your fridge in your absence? :confused::eek::huh::facepalm::devil:


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Member For 4 Years
Blogs still don't work for most people and getting a response from ANYONE in the VU hierarchy is near impossible. I am pretty sure their motto is "fuck it, close enough". Seeing how long it took for even this meager piece of shit attempt at a blog component to appear, I don't know why I expected anything more!

Oh yeah, good morning!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Blogs still don't work for most people and getting a response from ANYONE in the VU hierarchy is near impossible. I am pretty sure their motto is "fuck it, close enough". Seeing how long it took for even this meager piece of shit attempt at a blog component to appear, I don't know why I expected anything more!

Oh yeah, good morning!
All good things come with time, SG....You for one should know that, as I posted in the blog thread , they are working on some issues, and for Admin to offer them I think was a nice idea. Be kind and be patient please.


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Member For 4 Years
I am being kind, just venting. If you release a product riddled with inadequacies and performance issues, you should fully expect criticism. I guess that's just the business part of my brain responding with what I believe to be common business sense.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am being kind, just venting. If you release a product riddled with inadequacies and performance issues, you should fully expect criticism. I guess that's just the business part of my brain responding with what I believe to be common business sense.
The business part of your brain is coming off sounding like a little boy who can't have that toy on the shelf, and mommy needs to slap his hand.



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The business part of your brain is coming off sounding like a little boy who can't have that toy on the shelf, and mommy needs to slap his hand.

Yeah, I expected that. Why would I ever expect something to work? How selfish of me!


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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I do understand that you think blogs were prematurely released, what I don't understand is why are you being such an ass about it.

You can't have everything you want exactly when and how you want it, learn to deal with it like an adult.
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