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Whiskey's Corner#3

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I got a 2600.00 dot fine for moving a pos wagon in fuckin Utah. Fuck you Utah. Be careful what you drag Frog. If it's not right, you tell dispatcher no.
lights work, tires are just barely over dot. But its banged up and rusted to hell.


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Travel agents see a monitor. You are their eyes. You say no. It's no. Period. Fix it& I will take it wherever you want. Oh the Mormon church paid the fine.


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At least from what I can see while it's cramed in the hole. I'll double check it when I drag it out in a few min after my federally mandated poptart break


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Wal mart has sent about 40 emails thanking me. Bought a pistol case. Wish they would stop.
That's actually kinda funny.

You should get one of the higher ups email and blow it up with that k you for letting me buy the pistol case emails


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31 million Boing command vehicle to be hauled. Your the only driver in the area. Want it? I guess so. Pays 22.00 a mile. Cha ching. 1945 miles. I can work with that. :cool::vapemail:


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I must have got lost & missed the scales. :p oh well. Frog if you have half the fun me & Vapin have had. You will have a good life. :bliss:
Yea tons of fun this week alone. I hate sliding tandoms. Not at least I this load should balance unlike the last one that just would not balaance at all. Currently taking another 30 to gain all my 14 so I can just barely make it to Columbus in one shift.


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Yea tons of fun this week alone. I hate sliding tandoms. Not at least I this load should balance unlike the last one that just would not balaance at all. Currently taking another 30 to gain all my 14 so I can just barely make it to Columbus in one shift.
You are in charge. If you don't. Like it, tell them to change it. Managment is your job. I made a real good life from being kind to warf rats idiots & clowns. Pet them & tell them what you want done.


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You are in charge. If you don't. Like it, tell them to change it. Managment is your job. I made a real good life from being kind to warf rats idiots & clowns. Pet them & tell them what you want done.
If it won't balance I'm staying here the night and going back first thing in the am (they close at 8 and I'm over an hour away from them now. Still no clue how this was the closest fuckin scale)


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I pray I resist the overwhelming urge to blow large holes in my TV after being forced to watch a actor trying to shame loosers addicted to Lord knows what with money into their trap. 78 times a day. That's why I build bikes, Pandora don't have that shit. Oh I quit smoking all by myself. Top that.
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Evening everyone ! Kid has 30 days today ! Best he's done in a long time. He moves over to sober living on Sunday. Hope this keeps going in the right direction ! Have a good night. See ya in the AM !
My dear friend, @ sometime I was paid to scare the shit out of a punk that needed it. Put a Mickey in his beer. Had a friend with a big boat. Tied his ass up like a hog. He woke up in the Gulf of Mexico. Your Family is tired of your shit, they hired me to make you go away. Your a prick, in a few more miles your going to be a dead prick. Begging don't work so save it. Tied two concrete blocks to a rope. Then around his ankle. There was a second rope he could not see tied to the Transom. My friend & I threw his ass over the side. He screamed like a child as he went over. We hauled his ass back on board. Next time fucker, there won't be an extra rope. For real/ truth.


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Good morning, @Whiskey - and all Corner Folk. @Whiskey - I was in the middle of a post when you :wave: at me the other day... I had to log out, as I'd been summoned by Liz to take her to the pharmacy. It's been busy around here lately...

Electricians installing our solar? :crazy:. The local permit guy failed them twice, between last Thursday - and Sunday!

The permits and inspections fellow stuck around - until they got it right. :giggle:

Our 6 kW solar setup - supposedly finished weeks ago - is finally done. Now, we have to wait for the power company to install a SECOND meter. :xD:

Estimated time before the meter is installed: three days, to A MONTH. :cuss2:

The power company apparently has a low regard for people that implement solar energy for their homes. :crazy:

We've had to CLEAN up behind the electricians, since they had to come back and COMPLETE the installation. They had told us WEEKS AGO that they were "...done, and waiting for the inspection."

Here we are. Good morning.:D

LW & Liz :hug:

"Ah, yes. It's that infernal LW again, with Liz watching him post while she vapes like chimneys at a steel mill - ignoring posts from everyone, no likes, and he's expecting to GET likes because his posts are like 'mini novellas,' taking up HUGE space in this thread -" :gaah:

Hello, everyone :wave:. It's me again. I'm vaping "Apple Crunch," a 3 mg Platinum nic 80/20 VG/PG that is a gorgeous apple & cinnamon inhale, followed by an exhale of Original Flavor Cap'n Crunch... from my local friends at VS Breakfast Table - it is SO incredibly SUPER-YUMMY.

When I ate Cap'n Crunch as a type-1 diabetic in the mid-late '60s, it took up LARGE AMOUNTS of the insulin supply provided by Pa and Ma - and, yes - I would be admonished by BOTH of them...

Pa: "My God in Heaven. What ahh you doowin'? I love yah, kid, but yah gottah stay out of youah brothah's cereal (insert a long string of Italian curses here)."

LW, age seven: "But Pa! Everybody elses gets to eat it. Why can't I (insert a childhood New England accent through all of my seven-going-on-thirty spoken words)??

Pa: "(more Italian vernacular) ****? Come in heah, please." (Pa heads to the upstairs bathroom, with a Boston Globe or Herald Traveler in his left hand... one of his favorite activities, before dinner)

Ma enters - Gina Lolobrigita-esque, short hair, but beautiful.

"Honey. We love you, so very much - but when your father worries, he doesn't mean to seem angry - he can't help it - yet, he does (wiping tears off of my face with her manicured thumbs... for the record, she taught grade school English and Spelling). You and I will figure this out. Okay (kisses on my cheeks)?

My late parents were THE BEST.

@OneBadWolf - I loved your post about Apple. As a hobby, I went to 'Apple School' - I became Mac-certified in all of the OSs up to 9.3, and worked part-time for awhile as a Mac Tech for computer concerns that sold Apple products. I agree with you: the difference between Woz and Jobs was that Woz made the early Apples VERY open-source. When Mac made its debut in '84 with its Motorola 68000 series MPs, Jobs mandated that Mac would be "...propietary, not open source - look what happened between Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Bill Gates!" (a paraphrased quote from the late Steve Jobs - if you look at NeXT's history, you can understand OS X's use of Unix - created by Bell Labs in the late '60s)...

Great post. Yet, Android is Google's open-source Linux-based architecture - though, it is becoming less 'open,' than it used to be - yet, I still help people who love their freedom - I give them Superuser access to their Android smartphones - so that they can give only basic information to their carrier, remove bloatware, and... hopefully... become developers. I worked with an independent team writing command code to enable Beats Audio to be imported into earlier OSs like Froyo and Gingerbread.

That was fun. After Ice Cream Sandwich, however, it became readily apparent that Google wanted COMPLETE control of the Web. :cuss2:

Fun? Not so much. Google has reined-in a LOT of open-source development. Google's goal?

Trample Microsoft (yay!). Make Apple obsolete (a yay, with feelings of disquiet... coming from a guy who used AppleTalk to make friends' computers shut down when they hit their keyboard's space bar :giggle:)...

Enough of LW. Someone please remind us that with all of the shenanigans going on in the USA, we need to remember one thing:


LW & Liz :hug:
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
"Ah, yes. It's that infernal LW again, with Liz watching him post while she vapes like chimneys at a steel mill - ignoring posts from everyone, no likes, and he's expecting to GET likes because his posts are like 'mini novellas,' taking up HUGE space in this thread -" :gaah:

Hello, everyone :wave:. It's me again. I'm vaping "Apple Crunch," a 3 mg Platinum nic 80/20 VG/PG that is a gorgeous apple & cinnamon inhale, followed by an exhale of Original Flavor Cap'n Crunch... from my local friends at VS Breakfast Table - it is SO incredibly SUPER-YUMMY.

When I ate Cap'n Crunch as a type-1 diabetic in the mid-late '60s, it took up LARGE AMOUNTS of the insulin supply provided by Pa and Ma - and, yes - I would be admonished by BOTH of them...

Pa: "My God in Heaven. What ahh you doowin'? I love yah, kid, but yah gottah stay out of youah brothah's cereal (insert a long string of Italian curses here)."

LW, age seven: "But Pa! Everybody elses gets to eat it. Why can't I (insert a childhood New England accent through all of my seven-going-on-thirty spoken words)??

Pa: "(more Italian vernacular) ****? Come in heah, please." (Pa heads to the upstairs bathroom, with a Boston Globe or Herald Traveler in his left hand... one of his favorite activities, before dinner)

Ma enters - Gina Lolobrigita-esque, short hair, but beautiful.

"Honey. We love you, so very much - but when your father worries, he doesn't mean to seem angry - he can't help it - yet, he does (wiping tears off of my face with her manicured thumbs... for the record, she taught grade school English and Spelling). You and I will figure this out. Okay (kisses on my cheeks)?

My late parents were THE BEST.

@OneBadWolf - I loved your post about Apple. As a hobby, I went to 'Apple School' - I became Mac-certified in all of the OSs up to 9.3, and worked part-time for awhile as a Mac Tech for computer concerns that sold Apple products. I agree with you: the difference between Woz and Jobs was that Woz made the early Apples VERY open-source. When Mac made its debut in '84 with its Motorola 68000 series MPs, Jobs mandated that Mac would be "...propietary, not open source - look what happened between Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Bill Gates!" (a paraphrased quote from the late Steve Jobs - if you look at NeXT's history, you can understand OS X's use of Unix - created by Bell Labs in the late '60s)...

Great post. Yet, Android is Google's open-source Linux-based architecture - though, it is becoming less 'open,' than it used to be - yet, I still help people who love their freedom - I give them Superuser access to their Android smartphones - so that they can give only basic information to their carrier, remove bloatware, and... hopefully... become developers. I worked with an independent team writing command code to enable Beats Audio to be imported into earlier OSs like Froyo and Gingerbread.

That was fun. After Ice Cream Sandwich, however, it became readily apparent that Google wanted COMPLETE control of the Web. :cuss2:

Fun? Not so much. Google has reined-in a LOT of open-source development. Google's goal?

Trample Microsoft (yay!). Make Apple obsolete (a yay, with feelings of disquiet... coming from a guy who used AppleTalk to make friends' computers shut down when they hit their keyboard's space bar :giggle:)...

Enough of LW. Someone please remind us that with all of the shenanigans going on in the USA, we need to remember one thing:


LW & Liz :hug:
You have my phone # but you don't call, Still I wonder....


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Well Metro PCS has slapped my tiny pee pee. I went over my 8 gig allocation I pay $60.00 for. I hate this world. The go fuck yourself banner is always flying at my place. View attachment 63953

Don't forget, @Saddletramp1200 - Metro PCS only gives you blazing data speed for one gB of data... after that, it slows... down... imperceptably at first, as you still 'see' the LTE icon at the top screen until it becomes the Internet equivalent of methylqualone... (remember Robin Williams in the film "Good Morning, Vietnam" when he plays a 45 rpm record at 33 1/3... his speaking voice slows to a crawl).


Good night, all... being in a different time zone screws me up - badly.

With love,

LW & Liz :hug:


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You have my phone # but you don't call, Still I wonder....

Sorry, bro. The geography you and I discussed has me a bit confused... and, I'm not a lady... but my Liz is, definitely - here's a pic from our gambling exploits last weekend to prove it.

Be well, bro. My first street bike was a Honda 350 4 cylinder - I loved the earlier pic you posted - it brought back memories :D.


Liz, of...

LW & Liz :hug:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sorry, bro. The geography you and I discussed has me a bit confused... and, I'm not a lady... but my Liz is, definitely - here's a pic from our gambling exploits last weekend to prove it.

Be well, bro. My first street bike was a Honda 350 4 cylinder - I loved the earlier pic you posted - it brought back memories :D.

View attachment 63961

Liz, of...

LW & Liz :hug:
I'm a musican, a Biker. Must be some dynamite drugs. I play guitars, build Harleys. Love you, but NOT that way.


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The 836 Honda photo I loved... I like ya, but - hell, you know what I mean... :teehee:

The Inimitable LW & Liz :hug:


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Because you aren't. Everything's peachy :cool:.
Good night, Saddle. I'm going to let my dogs out, do some insulin, and have an 11:18 PM MDT snack :cool:.

LW & Liz :hug:(former biker due to being disabled, musician/songwriter, and definitely not 'walking on a pink cloud' - just like you, bro)


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I am Biker. I am Trucker. I extended my arm in friendship. It was slapped down. I dig it. Must be on the Apple label.


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I am Biker. I am Trucker. I extended my arm in friendship. It was slapped down. I dig it. Must be on the Apple label.

I am nice to everyone, too. No problemo, señor. Will check your PM

LW & Liz :hug:


Diamond Contributor
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Because you aren't. Everything's peachy :cool:.
Good night, Saddle. I'm going to let my dogs out, do some insulin, and have an 11:18 PM MDT snack :cool:.

LW & Liz :hug:(former biker due to being disabled, musician/songwriter, and definitely not 'walking on a pink cloud' - just like you, bro)
I stand alone. I care about you. & Liz. That's what Musicians do. Can't hurt me, already been done.
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