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Whiskey's Corner#3

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ECF Refugee
Hi there Mark, Fran, and Whiskey!

Its been so chilly the last couple nights, that I've slept like a rock. All nice and snuggly under my blankets... Just the way I like it! I Love this cool weather. Such a blessed sweet relief from the overbearing hot this past summer.


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I love these bull shit commercials. Huge super pan. Ah Idiots I can judge the size of the pan when you grab it's handle. Rotfl


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Im lost in the middle of philly. Awesome.

I need a more detailed map my road atlas isn't detailed enough.... uggggg fuck this city.


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No matter where you go look north it will put you into a larger road. Be careful of low over passes!
Yea I got it figured out. Had to really ducking drive tho. I like the kid who ran the pallet jack, his boss not so much. I trump his boss tho when my wagons in there dock :devil:


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It was funny tho. Trooper asked me to tune channel 10. Thought I was in trouble lol he just wanted to help me get turned around :giggle:


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God I hate the place I picked to stop for my 30. I'm right out back of the store. Some real shifty mo fos hanging around. At least a cruiser drives past ever moment or 4


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Cool. I just witnessed a drug deal using dead drops. I'll give it to them, there crafty fuckers


Music Poet; Prose Addict; Team Supporter; Vapester
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From what I understand, the iPV 6X - like iPV 5 before it - has a parameter called 'Manual TCR' - you can adjust it by temperature, and an offset gradient from 0.00050 to 0.00700 - it can adjust (with limits for Kanthal) temperature in that manual mode for all current coil wire used. The regular settings are for Ni200, SS316, Ti101, and SX PURE (a tank mod made by pioneer4you). With 'SX PURE' selected when using a SMOK TFV4, or Uwell Crown/Crown II - it only works at a max setting of 40 Watts...

For the box mod's final parameter, you have 'Manual TCR.'

Bedeah-bedeah-bedeah-bedeah-bedeah that's all, folks!

LW & Liz :hug:

Nope. That isn't all, about the pioneer4you iPV 6X. Not by a long shot. Here's the skinny:

On tank mods that are running .18 of an ohm (or lower, God forbid :crazy:) - our original iPV 5s would NOT go above 40 Watts in 'SX PURE' mode. However...

Our .25 of an ohm Uwell Crown/II coil mods - when the iPV 6X is set to 'SX PURE' mode - work flawlessly at 80 - 100 Watts. What's more:

The taste from the Crown/Crown IIs is FANTASTIC in 'SX PURE.' Incredibly excellent, beyond some of the more expensive Sigelei, Yihi, and custom-made-to-order box mods. These Crown tank mods can now hold their own against RDAs by Griffin, or anything made with four-post Claptons.

Liz and I are completely blown away by these box mods. Small in the hand (they're tiny, compared to Wismec and earlier SMOK and pioneer4you box mods), but with more than enough power for most RTA and RDA atomizers. Plus, the battery life is beyond belief. At 80-100 Watts, they'll run from early morning to late afternoon - with eFest 35 amp/3000 milliamp batteries (which, are now really well-made and inexpensive).

Enough written. 20/80 Blueberry Crunch, and Apple Crunch tastes just like the products they're emulating in the cereal/dessert catagory. So, we're vaping (yay!) - and...

We've got our Halloween costumes. Grim Reaper outfits - mine in black, Liz's in red - I'll be without my cowl, with black eye makeup and a completely white makeup application to my shaved head, neck, and face. Lips - painted black, for both of us.

I'll be playing live music, with original scary music produced by yours truly, and we have about $50 in candy for the trick-or-treaters. Blacklights, psychedelic posters, and spinning LED lights; a posable five foot five inch skeleton, skeleton dogs, and a ghost that lights LEDs behind its face, while moans and wind noises emanate from within.

Oh - I forgot... a circa-1920s dial phone. When picked up, a voice will say scary, forboding rhetoric - ending with evil laughs. When you try to dial the phone, it rings... then, the scary fella starts in again...

All Hallow's Eve. :devil:

LW & Liz :hug:
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