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Whiskey's Corner has moved to another forum

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Sorry for the late reply, just wanted to get my walk in while the sun was still out:shades: It's going good so far, also I got those lupine in the ground and crossing my fingers now, I found a rare white one , I hope takes most of all.:bliss:

Good afternoon, Whiskey<3:wave:
It's all good. Glad you got your walk in while the sun was out and you had a good morning :) I'm sure lupine will grow for ya :bliss;


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Are there any beep codes? If not, are there any flash codes?
Allo OneBadWolf :wave:
No, beeps. Don't know about flash codes. The power light quit working 6-7 months ago, but would blink every once. The other light on the front does its thing, lights up /blink.
I took out both RAMs >black-screen, did one at a time >black-screen.
But, I already took to shop.
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